PolyU Theatre stages classic play 'Our Town'
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Set in a fictional American small town in the early 20th century, Our Town is a timeless masterpiece that captures the little moments in life that most people take for granted until death knocks on the door. The three times Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and novelist Thornton Niven Wilder invites the audience to discover the meaning of love and life through the play’s heroine, who revisits one day of her life after she has died in the last act.

Presented by PolyU Culture Promotion Committee, PolyU Theatre, under the direction of former Artist-in-Residence and veteran dramatist Mr James Mark, staged the play as a cultural event in celebration of the University’s 85th Anniversary. The play was produced with the support of the 2021/22 Artist-in-Residence Mr Dominic Cheung, the Artistic Director of Chung Ying Theatre Company and known as ‘Mr Theatre’. Theatre professionals, including PolyU alumni in the field, joined hands with members of the PolyU Theatre to take part in the performance, bringing to life the play’s meaning for contemplation with students, staff and other audience members.