- AG411
- +852 2766 7558
- margo.turnbull@polyu.edu.hk
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Technology Sydney
Research Interests
Research Output
Li, B. & Turnbull, M. (2024). The role of family doctors in developing primary care systems in Asia: A systematic review of qualitative research conducted in middle-income countries 2010–2020. BMC Primary Care, 25:346. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-024-02585-0
Hor, S-Y., Wyer, M., Barratt, R., Turnbull, M., Rogers, K., Murphy, M., Gilbert, G. (2024). Risk assessment and the use of personal protective equipment in an emergency department: differing perspectives of emergency and infection control clinicians. A video-vignette survey. American Journal of Infection Control. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2024.06.012
Turnbull, M., Han, A., Sanderson, A. & Watson, B. (2024). Liminal spaces and Hong Kong: Metaphors of crisis and identity. Emotion, Space & Society. 52, 101017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emospa.2024.101017
Turnbull, M., Yu, C., Tay, D. (2024). “We Need to Go Back Home (to) the Philippines Healthy”: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Migrant Domestic Workers’ Experiences of Having Breast Cancer in Hong Kong. Qualitative Health Research. 0(0). doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323241228789
Turnbull, M., Ching, T., & Yu, C. (2023). Perceptions of health and coping strategies among temporary migrant workers in East and Southeast Asia: A systematic review. International Journal of Equity in Health 22, 32. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-023-01840-7
Turnbull, M., Yu, C., & Wu, X. I. (2023). Practitioner accounts of end-of-life communication in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan: A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling. 106, 31-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2022.10.007
Turnbull, M. & Reich, A. (2023). Using Foucault to (re)think localisation in chronic disease care: Insights for nursing practice. Nursing Philosophy. 24(1), e12392. https://doi.org/10.1111/nup.12392
Turnbull, M. (2023). Assembling the Crisis of COVID-19 in Australia: A Foucauldian Analysis of Prime Ministerial Press Conferences in March 2020. Genealogy, 7, 66. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy7030066
Wu, I. X., Turnbull, M., Yung, A. H. W. & Watson, B. (2022). Grief and bereavement in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10(07), 190-205. https://doi.org/10.4236/jss.2022.107017
Turnbull, M., Wu, X., & Watson, B. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on end-of-life workers in Hong Kong and Australia: An initial study of communication and interaction in community-based services. Communication & Medicine, 17(3), 295-306. https://doi.org/10.1558/cam.19406
Turnbull, M. L. (2021). Negotiating identity and power during a crisis: An analysis of ‘small stories’ told by Australian Christian priests during the Covid-19 health crisis. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 34 (1-2), 25-43. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/15700682-12341534
Turnbull, M., Jin, Y., Yau, A., Lai, S., Cheung, Y. & Watson, B. (2021). mHealth in hyper-connected Hong Kong: Examining attitudes and access to mobile devices and health information among older Chinese residents. mHealth, 7 (43). Doi: 10.21037/mhealth-20-123
Turnbull, M., Watson, B., Jin, Y., Lok, B., & Sanderson, A. (2020). Vicarious trauma, social media and recovery in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 102032. Doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102032
Reich, A. & Turnbull, M. (2018) Using Foucault: Genealogy, governmentality and the problem of chronic illness. Genealogy, 2(2):13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy2020013
Hor, S., Wyer, M., Gilbert, G., Urwin, R., Turnbull, M., Murphy, M., & Jorm, C. (2017) Reintroducing practical logic to PPE use: A video-based survey, Infection Disease and Health, 22 (sup.1), s15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idh.2017.09.062
Turnbull, M. & Yau, A. (2024). The digital divides in Hong Kong: A small stories analysis of older women’s use of smartphones and mobile technologies. In Pei, X., Ling, R. & Malhotra, P. (Eds), Mobile Communication and Women’s Agency: Under the Radar. Routledge.
Turnbull, M., & Wu, X. I. (2023). Emotional reflexivity during a global health crisis: Emotion ‘work’ in online health communication research. In Consoli, S. & Ganassin, S. (Eds), Reflexivity in Applied Linguistics Research: Opportunities, Challenges and Suggestions. Routledge.
Yau, A., Turnbull, M., Angus, D. & Watson, B. (2020). Visualizing conversations in health care: Using Discursis to compare Cantonese and English data sets in Watson. In B. & Kreiger, J. (Eds), Expanding Horizons in Health Communication, Humanities in Asia, Springer.
Reich, A. & Turnbull, M., (2018). Using Foucault: genealogy, governmentality and the problem of chronic illness. In M. Clifford (Ed.), Beyond Foucault: Excursions in Political Genealogy, (pp. 104-115), Geneva: MDPI.
Olson, R., Burton, A., Byron, P., & Turnbull, M. (2014), Exploratory comparison of providing formative assessment feedback in three different modes: Hardcopy, desktop and tablet. In: 17th International First Year in Higher Education Conference, 6-9 July 2014, Darwin, NT, Australia.
Turnbull, M. (2014), Sitting next to Nellie: Job shadowing as job learning in primary health care. In: Conference Proceedings for ProPEL International Conference, 24-27 June 2014, University of Stirling, Scotland.
2025 – 2026:
- Primary Investigator: A mixed-methods, longitudinal evaluation of multilingual simulation-based communication training for final year nursing and medical students in Hong Kong (Funded by General Research Grant (GRF) from the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong) (HK$741, 700)
- Primary Investigator: Cancer and migration in Hong Kong. (Funded by the Department of English and Communication, PolyU) (HK$300, 000)
- Primary Investigator: Navigating cancer, employment and migration: A translational research project with Filipino migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong. (Funded by the Department of English and Communication, PolyU) (HK$50, 000)
- Primary Investigator: Linguistic and discursive analysis of role-play simulations for communication training with final year medical and nursing students in Hong Kong. (Funded by the Departmental General Research Fund, PolyU) (HK$150, 000)
- Primary Investigator: Primary healthcare and Hong Kong’s ageing population: An exploratory study of barriers and facilitators to uptake of services (Funded by a Start-Up grant, PolyU) (HK$500, 000)
- Primary Investigator: A qualitative study of community-based support groups for migrant workers in Hong Kong (Funded by the Faculty of Humanities, PolyU) (HK$50, 000)
2022 – 2024:
- Primary Investigator: “Normally you sit beside a bed and hold someone’s hand”: Covid-19 and end-of-life care practices in Hong Kong and Australia (Funded by General Research Fund, Hong Kong) (HK$535, 000)
- Primary Investigator: Exploring the interface between global and local health literacy: Health communication and migrant worker groups in Hong Kong (Start-Up Fund, PolyU) (HK$250, 000)
- Primary Investigator: Using cues and heuristics to test responses of older Hong Kong residents to digital health promotion messages (Funded by Departmental General Research Fund, PolyU) (HK$106, 000)
- Primary Investigator: Leveraging ‘uncertainty’ during a health crisis: A comparative analysis of the use of hedges in the speeches of four international political leaders during the first six months of the Covid-19 global health crisis (Funded by the Dean's Reserve, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU) (HK$105, 000)
- Co-Investigator: Analysing Stress, Anxiety and Disruption across Languages and Cultures: A Longitudinal Study (Funded by the Dean's Reserve, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU)
- Co-investigator: Covid-19 and the new ‘frontlines’ of infection control: A mixed methods study of emotional labour, stress and burn out amongst teachers, carers and end-of-life service workers in Hong Kong and Australia (Funded by Departmental General Research Fund, PolyU)
- Co-investigator: Using Wireless Technologies in Health Communication: Using mHealth to Promote Safety in the Home amongst Hong Kong Elders (Funded by VP's Reserve, PolyU)
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Visualising health communication: using Discursis on Cantonese data sets (Funded by the Dean’s Reserve, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU)
- Member, International Communication Association
- Member, Asian Association of Social Psychologists
- Member, International Association of Language and Social Psychology
- Member, The Australian Sociological Association