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Prof.  Janet Holmes

Prof. Janet Holmes

Honorary Professor


Janet Holmes is Emeritus Professor in Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand and an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (2016). She is Associate Director of the Wellington Language in the Workplace project, an ongoing study of communication in the workplace which has described small talk, humour, management strategies, directives, and leadership in a wide range of New Zealand workplaces. She was also Director of the project which produced the Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English which is available on CD-ROM. In the early 1990s, with Allan Bell and Mary Boyce, she conducted the first social dialect survey of New Zealand English in the Wellington area. Her publications include a textbook, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, now in its fifth edition, the first book of articles in sociolinguistics, Sociolinguistics, co-edited with John Pride, a book on sociolinguistic methodology co-edited with Kirk Hazen Research Methods in Sociolinguistics, the first book of sociolinguistic and pragmatic articles on New Zealand English, New Zealand Ways of Speaking English, co-edited with Allan Bell, several books on language and gender, including Gendered Talk at Work, Women, Men and Politeness, the Blackwell Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality, co-edited with Susan Ehrlich and Miriam Meyerhoff, and an edited collection of papers Gendered Speech in Social Context. She has also published on a range of sociolinguistic and pragmatics topics, including New Zealand English, New Zealand women's usage, sexist language, pragmatic particles and hedges, compliments, apologies, disagreement, humour and small talk, and many other aspects of workplace discourse.

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • BA (Hons)
    University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
  • MPhill
    University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Personal Chair in Linguistics: 1993


  • Honorary Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2019-2021

  • Honorary Doctorate, Doctor of Letters, Warwick University (2019)

  • Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (2016)

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand/He Ahurei a Te Apārangi (Elected 1994)

  • RSNZ Dame Joan Metge medal (2012)

  • Honorary (life) member of the Linguistics Society of America (Elected 2014)

  • Honorary Professor, University of Warwick (UK) 2011-2020

  • Victoria University Public Contribution Award 2012

  • Honorary Doctorate, Uppsala University 2010

  • Distinguished Professor, Aston University (2010)

  • Victoria University of Wellington Research Excellence Award (2004)

  • PBRF: A grade 2004, 2006, 2012

  • Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship for Residency at the Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Italy. (2004)

  • Honoured by Festchrift 2017. Linguist at Work: Festschrift for Janet Holmes.

  • ISAT Linkages Fund research grant (2001)

  • British Council Academic Link Travel Grant (1996).

  • British Council Higher Education Travel Grant (1988).

  • British Council Academic Link Travel Grant (1982).

  • International Pragmatics Association

  • International Gender and Language Association

  • Association for Language Awareness

  • Linguistics Society of New Zealand

  • Australian Linguistics Society

  • American Association of Applied Linguistics

  • British Association of Applied Linguistics

  • Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ)


  • Associate of the VUW Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research

  • 2012 TESOLANZ grant to investigate carers’ discourse in eldercare facilities ($2500)

  • 2011 URF grant to analyse employer’s attitudes towards migrants in workplace talk ($14,000)

  • 2010 URF grant to analyse intercultural competence in workplace talk ($19,427)

  • 2009 URF grant to analyse migrants’ workplace talk ($19500)

  • 2008 URF grant to investigate migrants’ English in the workplace ($30,000)

  • 2007 Faculty grant for pragmatics research on refusals ($800)

  • 2007 Faculty grant for pragmatics research requests ($500)

  • 2006-8 Marsden grant to investigate the discourse of Maori and Pakeha leadership: $506,000

  • 2004-5 URF grant to investigate cross-cultural leadership discourse patterns: $28,047

  • 2004 PBRF LALS grant to analyse nurse patient interaction: explaining procedures: $2000

  • 2004 URF grant to investigate leadership in Maori business contexts: $26,200

  • 2003 URF grant to investigate Communication styles in a Maori business organization: 34,234

  • 2002 VUW grant: CABeR interdisciplinary pilot project (Leadership) $35000

  • 2001-2003 University Research Fund grant to investigate Pragmatic strategies in Multicultural workplaces (with Dr Jonathan Newton): $50,000

  • 1998-2003 FRST Grant $153,000 per annum to fund research project on New Zealand English in the Workplace

  • 2001 ISAT Linkages Fund Grant $2000 for project Social Identity and Discourse in the Workplace

  • 2001 Faculty Research Grant $3540 for preparing orthography of Aulua

  • 1999 Strategic Development Grant: Communication Challenges Project: $33,000

  • 1999 Strategic Development Grant: Corpus Research Projects: $20,000

  • 1998-99 Faculty Research Grant $1987 to analyse gender and discourse in meetings data.

  • 1997-8 Faculty Research Grant $5000 to fund collection of data on meetings in commercial companies.

  • 1996-8 FORST Grant $150,000 per annum to fund research project on characteristics of New Zealand English in the Workplace.

  • 1995-6 FORST Grant $200,000 to fund research on characteristics of New Zealand English.

  • 1994-5 FORST Grant $190,000 to fund research on characteristics of New Zealand English.

  • 1994 VUW Internal Grants Committee Grant $2398 to fund project on "Discourses on the Global Environment".

  • 1993-4 FORST Grant $71,000 for collection of NZ component of International Corpus of English

  • 1993-4 FORST Grant $115,000 to fund research on characteristics of New Zealand English.

  • 1993 VUW Internal Grants Committee $6866 equipment grant for research on characteristics of New Zealand English.

  • 1992-3 FORST Grant $80,000 to fund collection of Corpus of New Zealand English.

  • 1991 VUW Internal Grants Committee $19,600 grant to fund collection of Corpus of New Zealand English.

  • 1989-90 UGC grant $36,000 to fund research project on spoken Corpus of New Zealand English.

  • 1989-90 Social Science Research Fund Committee Grant $30,000 to fund social dialect research project (with Allan Bell).

  • 1989-90 UGC grant $10,000 to fund research equipment for collection of spoken Corpus of New Zealand English.

  • 1988 VUW Internal Grants Committee $3302 grant to begin collection of written and spoken Corpus of New Zealand English.

Areas of Linguistics taught over last 43 years include:

  • Introductory phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, semantics

  • Sociolinguistics

  • Applied sociolinguistics

  • Linguistic Theory including syntax

  • Language Variation and Change

  • Language Learning Processes

  • Bilingual Education

  • Structure and Use of English

  • New Zealand English

  • Language and Gender

  • Language Policy

  • Discourse Analysis

  • Language in the Workplace

Plus lectures and seminars in courses offered as part of the MA in Applied Linguistics and Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language including: Issues in Minority Group Teaching; Functions of English, Applied Sociolinguistics.

Extra-mural courses: a very wide variety over 30 years including: summer courses offered by the Department for Continuing Education, courses on introductory linguistics, language and gender, sexist language, bilingual education, Teaching English as a Second Language, language acquisition; language and gender; sexist language; gender and workplace communication; courses for teachers and advisers to schools, including foreign language teachers, ESL teachers and advisers, Japanese teachers, and Maori language teachers and advisers.

Evidence of international standing

  • International Pragmatics Association Executive Committee 2018-

  • Editorial Board of Language in Society, the leading international sociolinguistics journal.

  • Editorial Board of Discourse and Society, leading international journal in discourse analysis.

  • Editorial Board of Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.

  • Editorial Board of Journal of Sociolinguistics

  • Editorial Board of Journal of Pragmatics

  • Editorial Board of Journal of Politeness Research

  • Editorial Board of Gender and Language

  • Editorial Board of Australian Journal of Linguistics

  • Editorial Board of Language and Dialogue (new John Benjamins journal)

  • Editorial Board of Western Journal of Communication

  • Editorial Board of Journal of Asian and Pacific Communication

  • Editorial Board of Current Issues in Language Planning

  • Editorial Board of The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice

  • Editorial Board of Language Teaching Research

  • Editorial Board of Applied Linguistics (1995-2000)

  • Editorial Board of Communication Journal of New Zealand

  • Editorial Advisory Board: New Zealand English Journal

  • Editorial Board of New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics

  • Editorial Board of Te Reo, Journal of New Zealand Linguistic Society

  • Editorial Board of Australian Review of Applied Linguistics

  • International Advisory Board of The Journal of Modern Languages (U.Malaya)

  • International Advisory Board of Language and Intercultural Communication

  • Editorial Advisory Board: Oxford Studies in Language and Gender

  • Editorial Board of Trends in Applied Linguistics series: Mouton de Gruyter (New York/Berlin).

  • Advisory Board of book series Studies in Language & Communication (SILC) 2004-

  • Elected Member of International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) Executive Committee

  • Elected Member of International Pragmatics Association (IGALA) Executive Committee

  • Chair of IGALA5 International Conference Organising Committee

  • Member of Advisory Board of The Linguistics of Coaching, Consulting and Supervision Research Project, Institut für

  • Anglistik und Amerikanistik Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt and Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich.

  • Advisory Board, Language and Politeness Conference, Huddersfield 2014.

  • Specialist Board for Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (2017-)


Indicate total number (including before 2003) of refereed:

  • journal articles: 145
  • books: 16
  • book chapters: 119
  • books edited: 14
  • refereed conference proceedings: 23
  • other items (includes 36 book reviews): 90


  1. 2017 Holmes, Janet and Nick Wilson (5th edition) Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Routledge. Pp. xix, 538.

  2. 2017 Angouri, Jo, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes (eds). Negotiating Boundaries at Work: Talking and Transitions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Pp. 240.

  3. 2015 Holmes, Janet Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Albanian edition. 4ed. London: Longman. Pp. 580.

  4. 2015 Holmes, Janet and Maria Stubbe (2nd edition) Power and Politeness in the Workplace. London and New York: Routledge.

  5. 2014 Holmes, Janet Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Greek edition. 4ed. London: Longman. Pp. 530.

  6. 2014 Ehrlich, Susan, Miriam Meyerhoff and Janet Holmes (eds) The Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. Malden, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

  7. 2014 Holmes, Janet and Kirk Hazen (eds). Research Methods in Sociolinguistics: A Practical Guide. Oxford; Malden MA: Wiley Blackwell.

  8. 2013 Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 4th edition. London: Longman. Pp. 488.

  9. 2012 Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Chinese edition. 3rd edition. London: Longman. Pp. 482.

  10. 2011 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Bernadette Vine Leadership, Discourse and Ethnicity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Pp. x, 194.)

  11. 2011 Bauer, Laurie, Dianne Bardsley, Janet Holmes and Paul Warren Q and Eh: Questions and Answer on Language with a Kiwi Twist. Auckland: Random House.

  12. 2010 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra (eds) Femininity, Feminism and Gendered Discourse. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. Pp.250.

  13. 2009 de Bres, Julia Janet Holmes, Meredith Marra (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Biennial International Gender and Language Association Conference IGALA 5. DVD. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington. Pp. 492.

  14. 2008 Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 3rd edition. London: Longman. Pp. 406.

  15. 2006 Bauer, Laurie, Janet Holmes and Paul Warren. Language Matters. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp.266.

  16. 2006 Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity through Workplace Discourse. New York, Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. 251.[Shortlisted both for BAAL Book Prize and for IGALA Book Prize]

  17. 2005 Bell, Allan, Janet Holmes and Koenraad Kuiper (eds) Studies in Attitudes to Language in Memory of Donn Bayard 1940-2002. Te Reo 48. Pp. 111.

  18. 2005 Holmes, Janet, Margaret Maclagan, Paul Kerswill and Martin Paviour-Smith (eds) Researching Language Use and Language Users E-book of 2004 Language and Society Conference.

  19. 2004 Women, Men and Politeness. English/ Japanese edition. Ed. Kazuyuki Watanabe. Japan: Eihōsha Ltd. Pp. 99.

  20. 2003 Holmes, Janet and Maria Stubbe Power and Politeness in the Workplace: a Sociolinguistic Analysis of Talk at Work. London: Pearson. Pp: ix, 198.

  21. 2003 Editor. Holmes, Janet and Miriam Meyerhoff (eds) The Handbook of Language and Gender. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. 759.

  22. 2002 Editor. Journal of English Linguistics Special issue on Language and Gender. 30, 2. 115-238.

  23. 2001 Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 2nd Edition. London: Longman. Pp. 406.

  24. 2000 Editor. Gendered Speech in Social Context: Perspectives from Gown and Town. Wellington: Victoria University Press.

  25. 1999 Editor. Language in Society. Special Issue. Communities of Practice in Language and Gender Research. 28,2: 171-320.

  26. 1998 Editor. Proceedings of the Sixth New Zealand Language and Society Conference. Te Reo 41. Pp.211.

  27. 1995 Women, Men and Politeness. London: Longman. Pp. 254.

  28. 1992 Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Longman. Pp. 410.

  29. 1991 Holmes, Janet, Allan Bell and Mary Boyce. Variation and Change in New Zealand English: a Social Dialect Investigation. Project Report to the Social Sciences Committee of the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. Wellington, Victoria University.

  30. 1991 Holmes, Janet and Ray Harlow (eds.) Threads in the New Zealand Tapestry of Language. Te Reo Special Publication. Auckland: Linguistic Society of New Zealand. Pp. 121.

  31. 1990 Alan Bell and Janet Holmes (eds) New Zealand Ways of Speaking English. Clevedon: Avon: Multilingual Matters. Pp 305.

  32. 1984 Bilingual Education. E.L.I. Occasional Publication No 11. Pp. 56.

  33. 1981 H.W. Orsman, B.J. Matthews and Janet Holmes (eds.) Proceedings and Papers of the XVIII Congress of the Australasian Universities Language & Literature Association. Wellington: Victoria University. Pp. 408.

  34. 1982 Language for Learning: Education in the Multicultural School. Wellington: Department of Education. Pp. 55.

  35. 1972 J. B. Pride and Janet Holmes (eds.) Sociolinguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

  • 1990-2004 Editor of numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 8,10,11,16.

  • 2004 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 16. Pp. 95.

  • 2000 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 11. Pp. 90.

  • 1999 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 10. Pp. 127.

  • 1996 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 8. Pp. 113.

  • 1994 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 6.Pp 106.

  • 1992 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 5. Pp 82.

  • 1991 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 3. Pp 67.

  • 1990 Editor. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 1. Pp 46.

  1. 2019 Marra, Meredith, Janet Holmes and Bernadette Vine Explicit or implicit? The role of discourse in mentoring at work. In Laurent Fillietaz (ed) Langage & Societé Special issue “Langage et formation professionnelle : vers une linguistique sociale de la formation? » Langage & Societé 3/68: 69-91.

  2. 2019 White, Cynthia, Janet Holmes & Vijay Bhatia Trading places, creating spaces: Chris Candlin’s contribution to aligning research and practice. Language Teaching 52,4: 476-489. Published on line 13 June 2018.

  3. 2019 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra & Bernadette Vine Telling stories: analysing Māori and Pākehā workplace narratives, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, DOI: 10.1080/03036758.2019.1653329

  4. 2019 Holmes, Janet Researching the impact of ‘the culture order’ in professional workplace contexts. In Ken Hyland and Lillian Wong (eds) Specialised English: New Directions in ESP and EAP Research and Practice. London: Routledge.135-148.

  5. 2019 Holmes, Janet 2019. Serendipity and strategy: the growth of Linguistics at Victoria. Te Reo 61, 2: 63-70.

  6. 2018 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Keely Kidner Managing transitions through discourse at work. 13, 1-3: 122-144. Special Volume on Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Researching and Impacting Professional Practice: In Memory of Chris Candlin.

  7. 2018 Holmes, Janet Sociolinguistics vs pragmatics: where does the boundary lie? In Cornelia Ilie and Neal R. Norrick (eds) Pragmatics and its Interfaces. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 11-32.

  8. 2018 Holmes, Janet Negotiating the culture order in New Zealand workplaces. Language in Society 47: 1: 33–56.

  9. 2017 Holmes, Janet Leadership and change management: examining gender, cultural and ‘hero leader’ stereotypes. In Stephanie Schnurr and Cornelia Ilie (eds) Challenging Leadership Stereotypes: Discourse and Power Management. New York: Springer. 15-43.

  10. 2017 Holmes, Janet Intercultural communication in the workplace. In Bernadette Vine (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Language in the Workplace. London: Routledge. 335-347.

  11. 2017 Holmes, Janet and Stephanie Schnurr Impoliteness in the workplace. In Jonathan Culpeper, Michael Haugh and Dániel Kádár (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)politeness. London: Palgrave. 635-660.

  12. 2017 Angouri, Jo, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes Introduction: Negotiating boundaries at work. In Jo Angouri, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes (eds). Negotiating Boundaries at Work: Talking and Transitions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 1-8.

  13. 2017 Holmes, Janet and Brian King Gender and sociopragmatics. In Anne Barron (ed) Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics, London: Routledge. 121-138.

  14. 2017 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra You’re a proper tradesman mate: Constructing a professional identity in construction. In Dorien Van De Mieroop & Stephanie Schnurr (eds.), Identity Struggles. Evidence from Workplaces around the World. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.127-145.

  15. 2017 Meredith Marra, Janet Holmes and Keely Kidner Transitions and interactional competence: Negotiating boundaries through talk. In Simona Pekarek Doehler, Adrian Bangerter, Genevieve De Weck, Laurent Fillietaz, Esther Gonzalez-Martinez and Cecile Petitjean (eds): Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings: From School to the Workplace. New York: Springer. 227-252.

  16. 2017 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Mariana Lazzaro Salazar 2017. Negotiating the Tall Poppy Syndrome in New Zealand: women leaders managing the challenge. Gender and Language 11:1: 1-29.

  17. 2016 Marra, Meredith and Janet Holmes 2016. Indirect reports and workplace norms. In Indirect Reports and Pragmatics. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology 5, edited by Alessandro Capone, Ferene Kiefer and Franco Lo Piparo (New York, Springer 2016), pp. 151-166.

  18. 2015 Lazarro-Salazar, Mariana Virginia, Meredith Marra, Janet Holmes and Bernadette Vine Doing power and negotiating through disagreement in public meetings. Pragmatics and Society. 6, 3: 444-464.2015 Holmes Janet (2015). Discourse in the workplace. In D. Tannen, H.E. Hamilton and D. Schiffrin (eds.), The Handbook of Discourse Analysis, (pp. 880‑901). John Wiley & Sons.2015 Holmes, Janet Making transitions: the role of interaction in joining a workplace community of practice. ICIP special issue: Interactional competences in institutional practices. (October 2015). Novitas Royal: Research on Youth and Language 9,2: 77-92.

  19. 2015 King, Brian and Janet Holmes Gender and pragmatics. In Carol A. Chapelle (ed) On-line edition. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley: New Jersey. 1-6.

  20. 2015 Riddiford, Nicky and Janet Holmes Assisting the development of sociopragmatic skills: negotiating refusals at work. System 48: 129-140.

  21. 2015 Holmes, Janet Joining a new community of workplace practice: inferring attitudes from discourse. In Elke Stracke (ed) Intersections: Applied Linguistics as a Meeting Place. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2-21.

  22. 2014 Holmes, Janet and Stephanie Schnurr Funny, feminine and flirtatious: Humour and gendered discourse norms at work. In Delia Chiaro and Raffaella Baccolini (eds), Gender and Humor: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives. London: Routledge. 165-181.

  23. 2014 Holmes, Janet Linguistics in New Zealand. Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand.

  24. 2014 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra. The complexities of communication in professional workplaces. In Vijay Bhatia and Stephen Bremner (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Professional Communication. London and New York: Routledge. 112-128.

  25. 2014 Marsden, Sharon and Janet Holmes Talking to the elderly in New Zealand residential care settings. Journal of Pragmatics 64: 17-34.

  26. 2014 Marra, Meredith, Brian W. King and Janet Holmes Trivial, mundane or revealing? Food as a lens on ethnic norms in workplace talk. Language and Communication Volume 34: 46–55.
    Available online 6 October 2013.

  27. 2014 Holmes, Janet Language and gender in the workplace. In Susan Ehrlich, Miriam Meyerhoff and Janet Holmes (eds) The Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. New York, Oxford: Malden, Oxford Wiley-Blackwell. 433-451.

  28. 2014 Holmes, Janet and Kirk Hazen Introduction. In Janet Holmes and Kirk Hazen (eds). Research Methods in Sociolinguistics: A Practical Guide. Oxford; Malden MA: Wiley Blackwell. 1-6.

  29. 2014 Holmes, Janet Doing discourse analysis in sociolinguistics. In Janet Holmes and Kirk Hazen (eds). Research Methods in Sociolinguistics: A Practical Guide. Oxford; Malden MA: Wiley Blackwell. 177-193.

  30. 2013 Holmes, Janet Sociolinguistics in New Zealand society: using research to enhance working lives. In Kristin Buehrig and Bernd Meyer (eds) Transferring Linguistic Know-how into Institutional Practice. Hamburg Studies in Multilingualism 15. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 21-41.

  31. 2013 Holmes, Janet and Jay Woodhams Building interaction: the role of talk in joining a community of practice. Discourse and Communication 7, 3: 276-298.

  32. 2013 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Brian W. King How permeable is the formal-informal boundary at work? An ethnographic account of the role of food in workplace discourse. In Cornelia Gerhardt, Maximiliane Frobenius, Susanne Ley (eds) Culinary Linguistics: The Chef’s Special. Amsterdam and New York: John Benjamins. 191-209.

  33. 2013 Holmes, Janet, Sharon Marsden and Meredith Marra Doing listenership: one aspect of socio-pragmatic competence at work. Pragmatics and Society 4 (1): 26-53.

  34. 2013 Stubbe Maria, Lane Chris, Hilder Jo, Vine Elaine, Vine Bernadette, Marra Meredith, Holmes Janet, Weatherall Anne, Multiple Discourse Analyses, Qualitative Sociology Review (Polish edition), 9, 1 (2013), 112-151.

  35. 2012 Leadership and intercultural competence at work. In Stanca Măda and Răsvan Săftoiu (eds) Professional Communication across Languages and Cultures. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 21-41.

  36. 2012 Marra, Meredith, Janet Holmes and Nicky Riddiford New Zealand’s Language in the Workplace project. Workplace Communication for skilled migrants. In Mark Krzanowski (ed). Current Developments in English for Work and the Workplace: Approaches, Curricula and Materials. Reading: Garnet. 91-104.

  37. 2012 Vine, Bernadette, Janet Holmes and Meredith Marra Mentoring migrants: facilitating the transition to the New Zealand workplace. In Miriam Locher and Holger Limburg (eds) Advice in Discourse. Studies in Discourse Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 145-165.

  38. 2012 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Bernadette Vine Politeness and impoliteness in New Zealand English workplace discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 44: 1063—1076.
    Special edition edited by Michael Haugh and Klaus Schneider. Published on-line.

  39. 2012 Holmes Janet Politeness in intercultural discourse and communication. In Christina Bratt Paulston, Scott F. Kiesling, and Elizabeth S. Rangel (eds) Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication. Oxford: Blackwell. 205 – 228. Paperback edition: 2014.

  40. 2012 Holmes, Janet and Julia de Bres Ethnicity and humour in the workplace. In James Paul Gee and Mike Handford (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge. 494-508.

  41. 2011 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Leadership discourse in a Maori workplace: negotiating gender, ethnicity and leadership at work. Gender and Language 5.2: 317–342.

  42. 2011 Holmes, Janet, Angela Joe, Meredith Marra, Jonathan Newton, Nicky Riddiford and Bernadette Vine Applying linguistic research to real world problems: the case of the Wellington Language in the Workplace Project. In Chris Candlin and Srikant Sarangi (eds) Handbook of Communication in Organisations and Professions. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 533-549.

  43. 2011 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Harnessing storytelling as a sociopragmatic skill: Applying narrative research to workplace English courses. TESOL Quarterly 45, 3: 510-534.

  44. 2011 Holmes, Janet Discourse in the workplace. In Ken Hyland and Brian Paltridge (eds) Continuum Companion to Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum. 185-198.

  45. 2011 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra. Relativity rules: politic talk in ethnicised workplaces. In Bethan L. Davies, Michael Haugh and Andrew John Merrison (eds) Situated Politeness. London: Continuum. 27-52.

  46. 2011 ‘Beyond compare’: supervising postgraduate research. In Koenraad Kuiper (ed) Teaching Linguistics. London: Equinox. 189-202.

  47. 2011 Holmes, Janet and Nicky Riddiford From classroom to workplace: tracking socio-pragmatic development. ELT Journal 65/4: 376-386. Published on line:

  48. 2010 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Current trends in femininity, feminism and gendered discourse. In Janet Holmes and Meredith Marra (eds) Femininity, Feminism and Gendered Discourse. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. Pp. 1-20.

  49. 2010 Holmes, Janet Gender, leadership and discourse in New Zealand workplaces. In Markus Bieswanger, Heiko Motschenbacher and Susanne Muehleisen (eds). Language in its Socio-Cultural Context: New Explorations in Gendered Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 85-109.

  50. 2010 Holmes, Janet and Tina Chiles ‘Is that right?’ questions as control devices in workplace meetings. In Alice F. Freed and Susan Ehrlich (eds) “Why Do You Ask?”: The Function of Questions in Institutional Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 187-210.

  51. 2010 de Bres, Julia, Janet Holmes, Meredith Marra and Bernadette Vine 2010. Kia ora matua: Humour and the Māori language in the workplace. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 20, 1: 46-68.

  52. 2010 Holmes, Janet and Nicky Riddiford Professional and personal identity at work: achieving a synthesis through intercultural workplace talk. Journal of Intercultural Communication 22. Url: Issue 22, January 2010

  53. 2010 Holmes, Janet and Nicky Riddiford. Complaints. In Louise Cummings (ed) Encylopedia of Pragmatics. London: Routledge. 93-95.

  54. 2010 Holmes, Janet and Nicky Riddiford. Refusals. In Louise Cummings (ed) Encylopedia of Pragmatics. London: Routledge. 419-421.

  55. 2010 Holmes, Janet. Sociolinguistics. In Louise Cummings (ed) Encylopedia of Pragmatics. London: Routledge. 477-480.

  56. 2009 Holmes, Janet and Nicky Riddiford 2009. Talk at work: interactional challenges for immigrants. In Vijah K. Bahtia, Winnie Cheng, Bertha Du-Babcock and Jane Lung (eds.), Language for Professional Communication: Research, Practice and Training. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 217-234.

  57. 2009 Holmes, Janet, Bernadette Vine and Meredith Marra Māori men at work: leadership, discourse and ethnic identity. Intercultural Pragmatics 6-3: 345–366.

  58. 2009 Holmes, Janet, Robert Sigley and Agnes Terraschke From chairman to chairwoman to chairperson. Exploring the move from sexist usages to gender neutrality. In Pam Peters, Peter Collins and Adam Smith (eds) Comparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Red Series). 181-202.

  59. 2009 Schnurr, Stephanie and Janet Holmes Using humour to do masculinity at work. In Neal R. Norrick and Delia Chiaro (eds). Humor in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 101-123.

  60. 2009 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Bernadette Vine 2009. Preparing Pākehā for working with people from other cultures. In Stephen May (ed.), Proceedings of the Language Education and Diversity Conference, Waikato University, 21-23 November 2007. 1-15.

  61. 2009 Holmes, Janet, Angela Joe, Meredith Marra, Jonathan Newton, Nicky Riddiford and Bernadette Vine Designing research to track socio-pragmatic skills among professionally qualified workers. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 15,1: 38-46.

  62. 2009 Vine, Bernadette, Susan Kell, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes Boundary marking humour: institutional gender and ethnic demarcation. In Neal R. Norrick and Delia Chiaro (eds) Humor in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 125-141.

  63. 2009 Disagreeing in style: socio-cultural norms and workplace English. In Christopher Ward (ed.) Language Teaching in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Opportunities. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Anthology Series 50. 85-102.

  64. 2009 Men, masculinities and leadership: different discourse styles at work. In Pia Pichler and Eva Eppler (eds) Gender and Spoken Interaction. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 186-210.

    2009 Is sex relevant in the ESL classroom? In Rakesh Bhanot and Eva Illes (eds) Best of Language Issues. London: London South Bank University Press. 272-278. [Reprint of an earlier paper]

  65. 2009 Humour, power and gender in the workplace. In Nikolas Coupland and Adam Jaworski The New Sociolinguistics Reader. London: Macmillan. 631-645.

  66. 2009 Women talk too much. Reprinted in Gary Goshgarian (ed) 12ed. Exploring Language. London, New York: Longman. 262-268.

  67. 2008 Gender and Leadership: some socio-pragmatic considerations. Gender, leadership and politeness. Proceedings of Gender and Beyond Conference. Gender Special Interest Group of Japanese Association of Language Teachers. University of Kansai, Osaka.

  68. 2008 Gender, leadership and discourse in New Zealand workplaces. Studies in Pragmatics 10: 83-101. (Journal of The Pragmatics Society of Japan)

  69. 2008 Gender and leadership. Journal and Proceedings of the Gender Awareness in Language Education Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching 1,1: 4-16.

  70. 2008 Vine, Bernadette, Janet Holmes, Meredith Marra, Dale Pfeifer and Brad Jackson. Exploring co-leadership talk through Interactional Sociolinguistics. Leadership 4, 3: 339-360.

  71. 2008 Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Stephanie Schnurr Impoliteness and ethnicity: Māori and Pākehā discourse in New Zealand workplaces. J Politeness Research 4,2: 193-219.

  72. 2008 Women talk too much. Reprinted in Susan Blum (ed) Making Sense of Language: Readings in Culture and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 306-310.

  73. 2008 Marra, Meredith, Bernadette Vine and Janet Holmes Heroes, fathers and good mates: leadership styles of men at work. Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Communication Association 2008. 1-15. Awarded “Referees’ Choice Award” (Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2008)

  74. 2008 Marra, Meredith and Janet Holmes Constructing ethnicity in New Zealand workplace stories. Text & Talk 28, 3: 397-420.

  75. 2008 Holmes, Janet and George Major How do nurses describe health care procedures? Analysing nurse- patient interaction in a hospital ward. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 25, 4: 58-70.

  76. 2008 Holmes, Janet and Paul Kerswill. Contact is not enough: a response to Trudgill. Language in Society 37,2: 273-277.

  77. 2008 Schnurr, Stephanie, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes. Impoliteness as a means of contesting power relations in the workplace. In Derek Bousfield and Miriam Locher (eds.), Impoliteness in Language: Studies on its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 211-230.

  78. 2008 Holmes, Janet Gendered discourse at work. Language and Linguistics Compass 2, 3: 478–495.

  79. 2007 Kell, Susan, Meredith Marra, Janet Holmes and Bernadette Vine Ethnic differences in the dynamics of women’s work meetings. Multilingua 26, 4: 309-331.

  80. 2007 Monitoring organisational boundaries: diverse discourse strategies used in gatekeeping. Journal of Pragmatics 39,11: 1993-2016.

  81. 2007 Making humour work: Creativity on the job. Applied Linguistics 28, 4: 518-537.

  82. 2007 Politeness, power and provocation: how humour functions in the workplace. Reprinted in Teun von Dijk (ed) Discourse Studies. Vol III. London: Sage. 76-101.

  83. 2007 Schnurr, Stephanie, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes Leadership and communication: discursive evidence of a workplace culture change. Discourse and Communication 1,4: 433-451.

  84. 2007 Did anyone one feel disempowered by that?” Gender, leadership and politeness. Proceedings of IGALA 4, (DVD) (Valencia: University of Valencia 2007).

  85. 2007 Marra, Meredith and Janet Holmes Humour across cultures: Joking in the multicultural workplace. In Helga Kotthoff and Helen Spencer-Oatey (eds.), Handbook of Intercultural Communication (HAL 7) Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 153-172.

  86. 2007 Holmes, Janet “Beyond compare”: supervising postgraduate research. Te Reo 50: 79-92

  87. 2007 Agnes Terraschke and Janet Holmes ‘Und tralala’: Vagueness and general extenders in German and New Zealand English. In Joan Cutting (ed) Vague Language Explored. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 198-220.

  88. 2007 Schnurr, Stephanie, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes Being (im)polite in New Zealand workplaces: Māori and Pākehā leaders. Journal of Pragmatics 39: 712-729. ‘One of the Top-10 most-cited articles published in Journal of Pragmatics during 2007-2011'.

  89. 2007 Holmes, Janet Social constructionism, postmodernism and feminist sociolinguistics. Gender and Language 1,1: 51-65. Reprinted in Jennifer Coates, and Pia Pichler (eds) (2011) Language and Gender: A Reader. Wiley Blackwell. 600-610.

  90. 2007 Holmes, Janet Humour and the construction of Māori leadership at work. Leadership 3, 1, 5- 27.

  91. 2006 Holmes, Janet Managing English in the workplace: some socio-pragmatic considerations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Linguistics. University of Chiayi, Taiwan. 117-146.

  92. 2006 Holmes, Janet Workplace narratives, professional identity and relational practice. In Anna De Fina, Deborah Schiffrin & Michael Bamberg (eds) Discourse and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 166-187.

  93. 2006 Holmes, Janet and Stephanie Schnurr Doing ‘femininity' at work: more than just relational practice. Journal of Sociolinguistics 10, 1: 31-51. Reprinted in Jennifer Coates, and Pia Pichler (eds) (2011) Language and Gender: A Reader. Wiley Blackwell. 315-331.

  94. 2006 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Humor and leadership style. Humor 19-2:119-38.

  95. 2006 Holmes, Janet and George Major Be prepared: explaining medical procedures to patients. Proceedings of the 2nd International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Literary Studies August 2005. School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington. 39-55.

  96. 2006 Meredith Marra, Stephanie Schnurr. and Janet Holmes Effective leadership in New Zealand workplaces: balancing gender and role. In Judith Baxter (ed.) Speaking Out: the Female Voice in Public Contexts.. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. 240-260.

  97. 2006 Politeness strategies as linguistic variables. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Ed. (ed) Keith Brown. Elsevier: Oxford. 684-697.

  98. 2006 English in the workplace - the real story: handling disagreements and refusals at work. In Azirah Hashim and Norizah Hassan (eds) English in Southeast Asia: Prospects, Perspectives and Possibilities Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. 49-78.

  99. 2006 Sharing a laugh: pragmatic aspects of humor and gender in the workplace. Journal of Pragmatics 38: 26-50.

  100. 2005 Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes.Constructing ethnicity and leadership through storytelling at work. In Colleen Mills and Donald Matheson (eds.), Communication at Work: Showcasing Communication Scholarship: Publication of the Annual Meeting of the Australia New Zealand Communication Association 2005.

  101. 2005 Holmes, Janet, Caroline Malthus and George Major Completing the circle: Research-based classroom practice with EAL nursing students. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 11,1: 65-89.

  102. 2005 Story-telling at work: a complex discursive resource for integrating personal, professional and social identities. Discourse Studies 7, 6: 671-700.

  103. 2005 Leadership talk: how do leaders ‘do mentoring’, and is gender relevant? Journal of Pragmatics 37, 1779-1880.

  104. 2005 When small talk is a big deal: sociolinguistic challenges in the workplace. In Michael H. Long (ed.) Second Language Needs Analysis. Cambridge University Press. Applied Linguistics Series. 344-371.

  105. 2005 Relational and transactional functions of workplace discourse: a socio-pragmatic perspective. In Britt-Louise Gunnarson (ed) Communication in the Workplace. Uppsala: Universiteitstrysckeriet Ekonimikum. 7- 27.

  106. 2005 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Narrative and the construction of professional identity in the workplace. In Joanna Thornborrow and Jennifer Coates (eds) The Sociolinguistics of Narrative. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 193-213.

  107. 2005 Socio-pragmatic aspects of workplace talk. In Yuji Kawaguchi, Susumu Zaima, Toshihiro Takagaki, Kohji Shibano, Mayumi Usami (eds) Linguistic Informatics - State of the Art and the Future: The First International Conference on Linguistic Informatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 196-220.

  108. 2005 Using Maori English in New Zealand. International Journal of Sociology of Language 172: 91-115.

  109. 2005 Politeness and postmodernism – an appropriate approach to the analysis of language and gender? Review article. Sara Mills 2003. Gender and Politeness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. viii, 270. ISBN 0-521-00919-7 Pbk. Journal of Sociolinguistics 9, 1: 108-117.

  110. 2005 Holmes, Janet and Stephanie Schnurr Politeness, humour and gender in the workplace: negotiating norms and identifying contestation. Journal of Politeness Research 1, 1:121-149.

  111. 2005 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Communication in a diverse workplace: gender and identity. In Frank Sligo and Ralph Bathurst (eds) Communication in the New Zealand Workplace: Theory and Practice. Wellington: Software Technology New Zealand Ltd. 2005. 71-82.

  112. 2005 Why tell stories? Contrasting themes and identities in the narratives of Maori and Pakeha women and men. In Scott Kiesling and Christina Bratt Paulston (eds) Intercultural Discourse and Communication: The Essential Readings. Oxford: Blackwell. 110-134.

  113. 2005 Power and discourse at work: is gender relevant? In Michelle Lazar (ed) Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Palgrave. 31-60.

  114. 2005 The glass ceiling - does talk contribute? gendered discourse in the New Zealand workplace, Communication at Work: Showcasing Communication Scholarship: publication of the annual meeting of the Australia New Zealand Communication Association 2005, edited by Colleen Mills and Donald Matheson (Christchurch, University of Canterbury, 2005).

  115. 2004 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Leadership and managing conflict in meetings. Pragmatics 14,4: 439-462. (Based on paper presented at 8th NZ Language and Society Conference, Waikato University)

  116. 2004 Talk at work and “fitting in”: a socio-pragmatic perspective on workplace culture. In Gillian Wigglesworth (ed) “Marking our Difference: Languages in Australia and New Zealand Universities”. Proceedings of Conference on Language Education in Australian and New Zealand Universities. 2003. Melbourne: University of Melbourne. 95-115.

  117. 2004 Holmes, Janet and Maria Stubbe. Strategic code-switching in New Zealand workplaces: scaffolding, solidarity and identity construction. In Juliane House and Jochen Rehbein (eds) Multilingual Communication. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 133-154.

  118. 2004 Monitoring, mentoring and managing: the complexities of workplace discourse. In Janet Holmes (ed) Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 16: 44-67.

  119. 2004 Socio-pragmatic aspects of workplace talk. Linguistic Informatics III The First International Conference on Linguistic Informatics- State of the Art and the Future. Tokyo: Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 207-231.

  120. 2004 Power, lady, and linguistic politeness in Language and Woman’s Place. In Language and Woman’s Place: Text and Commentaries. Revised and expanded edition by Robin Tolmach Lakoff. Edited by Mary Bucholtz. Oxford Studies in Language and Gender. Oxford: OUP. 151-157.

  121. 2004 Holmes Janet & Meredith Marra. Relational practice in the workplace: women's talk or gendered discourse? Language in Society 33: 377-398. Translated into Hungarian.

  122. 2004 Daly, Nicola, Janet Holmes, Jonathan Newton, Maria Stubbe Expletives as solidarity signals in FTAs on the factory floor. Journal of Pragmatics 36: 945-964.

  123. 2004 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra. Workplace narratives and business reports: issues of definition. Text 24, 1: 59–78.

  124. 2004 Holmes Janet, Stephanie Schnurr, Angela Chan & Tina Chiles. The discourse of leadership. Te Reo 46: 31-45.

  125. 2003 Holmes, Janet and Maria Stubbe Managing conflict at work Australian Journal of Communication 30,1: 53-78.

  126. 2003 Holmes, Janet and Anthea Morrison Eliciting refusals: a methodological challenge. Te Reo 46: 47-66.

  127. 2003 Socio-pragmatic aspects of workplace talk. In Kawaguchi, Yuji, Susumu Zaima, Toshihiro Takagaki, Kohji Shibano, Mayumi Usami (eds) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Linguistic Informatics. Tokyo: 21st Century Center of Usage-Based Informatics, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 151-170.

  128. 2003 Holmes, Janet and George Major Talking to patients: the complexity of communication on the ward. Vision: A Journal of Nursing. 11,17: 4-9.

  129. 2003 Social constructionism International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2nd edition. Editor in chief William J. Frawley). Vol. 4: New York, Oxford University Press. 88-92.

  130. 2003 Holmes, Janet, Louise Burns, Meredith Marra, Maria Stubbe and Bernadette Vine Women managing discourse in the workplace. Women and Management Review 18, 8: 414-424.

  131. 2003 "I couldn't follow her story....": Ethnic differences in New Zealand narratives. In Juliane House, Gabriele Kasper and Steven Ross (eds) Misunderstanding in Social Life: Discourse Approaches to Problematic Talk. London: Pearson Education.173-198.

  132. 2003 Holmes, Janet, Maria Stubbe and Meredith Marra. Language, humour and ethnic identity marking in New Zealand English. In Christian Mair (ed) The Politics of English as a World Language: New Horizons in Postcolonial Cultural Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 431-455.

  133. 2003 Maria Stubbe, Chris Lane, Jo Hilder, Elaine Vine, Bernadette Vine, Janet Holmes, Meredith Marra and Ann Weatherall. Multiple discourse analyses of a workplace interaction. Discourse Studies 5, 3:351-388.

  134. 2003 Small talk at work: potential problems for workers with an intellectual disability. Research on Language and Social Interaction 36,1: 65-84.

  135. 2003 Narrative structure: some contrasts between Maori and Pakeha story-telling. In Christina Bratt Paulston and G. Richard Tucker (eds) Sociolinguistics: The Essential Readings. Oxford: Blackwell. 114-138. (Reprinted from Multilingua 1998).

  136. 2003 Women talk too much. In Laurie Bauer and Peter Trudgill (eds) Language Myths. (Japanese edition) Tokyo: Kenkyusha. 64-75.

  137. 2003 Complimenting - a positive politeness strategy. In Christina Bratt Paulston and G. Richard Tucker (eds) Sociolinguistics: The Essential Readings. Oxford: Blackwell. 177-195. [Reprint] Also reprinted in Jennifer Coates and Pia Pichler (eds) (2011) Language and Gender: A Reader. Wiley Blackwell. 71-88.

  138. 2003 Holmes, Janet and Miriam Meyerhoff Different voices, different views: an introduction to current research in language and gender. In Janet Holmes and Miriam Meyerhoff (eds) Handbook of Language and Gender. Oxford: Blackwell. 1-17.

  139. 2003 Holmes, Janet and Maria Stubbe “Feminine” workplaces: stereotype and reality. In Janet Holmes and Miriam Meyerhoff (eds) The Handbook of Language and Gender Oxford: Blackwell. 573-599.

  140. 2002 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Having a laugh at work: how humour contributes to workplace culture. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 1683-1710.

  141. 2002 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Humour as a discursive boundary marker in social interaction. In Anna Duszak (ed). Us and Others: Social Identities across Languages, Discourses and Cultures. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 377-400.

  142. 2002 Holmes, Janet and Robert Sigley What’s a word like girl doing in a place like this? Occupational labels, sexist usages and corpus research. In Pam Peters, Peter Collins, Adam Smith (eds) New Frontiers of Corpus Linguistics. Papers from the 21st International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora. Sydney 2000. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 247-263.

  143. 2002 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Over the edge? Subversive humour between colleagues and friends. Humor 15,1: 65-87.

  144. 2002 Holmes, Janet and Robert Sigley Looking at girls in corpora of English. Journal of English Linguistics 30, 2: 138-157.

  145. 2002 Holmes, Janet and George Major Nurse communication study: Methodology. Wellington: Victoria University, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.

  146. 2001 Sociolinguistics. In N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Pergamon, Oxford. 21: 14567-14569.

  147. 2001 A corpus-based view of gender in New Zealand English. In Marlis Hellinger and Hadumod Bussman (eds) Gender across Languages. The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men. Vol.1 Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 115-136.

  148. 2001 Implications and applications of research on workplace communication: A research report, New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 7: 89-98.

  149. 2001 Holmes, Janet and Nicola Daly. Language and gender research in New Zealand. New Zealand Sociology. Special issue: Sociolinguistics in New Zealand 16,1: 108-127

  150. 2001 Introducing New Zealand sociolinguistics to New Zealand sociologists. New Zealand Sociology. Special issue: Sociolinguistics in New Zealand 16,1: 1-17.

  151. 2001 Holmes, Janet , Mary Roberts, Maria Verivaki and 'Anahina 'Aipolo. Language maintenance and shift in three New Zealand speech communities. In A. Georgakoupoulou & M. Spanaki (eds) A Reader in Greek Sociolinguistics. Bern: Peter Laing. 225-252.

  152. 2001 Holmes, Janet , Meredith Marra and Louis Burns Women’s humour in the workplace: a quantitative analysis. Australian Journal of Communication 28,1: 83-108.

  153. 2000 Holmes, Janet, Rose Fillary, Marianne McLeod and Maria Stubbe. Developing skills for successful social interaction in the workplace. New Zealand Journal of Disability Studies 7: 70-86.

  154. 2000 Women at work: analysing women's talk in New Zealand workplaces. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL) 22, 2: 1-17.

  155. 2000 Maria Stubbe, Chris Lane, Jo Hilder, Elaine Vine, Bernadette Vine, Meredith Marra. Janet Holmes and Ann Weatherall. Multiple Discourse Analyses of a Workplace Interaction. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 11: 39-85.

  156. 2000 Politeness, power and provocation: how humour functions in the workplace. Discourse Studies 2, 2: 159-185.

  157. 2000 Holmes, Janet, Rose Fillary, and Marianne McLeod. Up Close and Interpersonal: Successful social interaction in the workplace. Proceedings of the Conference of the Association for Supported Employment New Zealand (ASENZ) Christchurch. 9-10 March 2000. 1-15.

  158. 2000 Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra Subverting the system: how humour can help. Proceedings of the 11th National Annual Conference of the NZ Communications Association 1999. 53-58.

  159. 2000 Doing collegiality and keeping control at work: Small talk in government departments. In Justine Coupland (ed) Small Talk. London: Longman.32-61.

  160. 2000 Talking English from 9 to 5: challenges for ESL learners at work. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 10,1: 125-140.

  161. 2000 Holmes, Janet and Rose Fillary Handling small talk at work: challenges for workers with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 47, 3: 273-291.

  162. 2000 Social variation in New Zealand English. New Zealand Linguists New Zealand English website.

  163. 2000 Introduction. In Janet Holmes (ed) Gendered Speech in Social Context: Perspectives from Gown and Town. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 7-9.

  164. 2000 Holmes, Janet, Maria Stubbe, Bernadette Vine, and Meredith Marra. Forget Mars and Venus, let’s get back to earth! Challenging gender stereotypes in the workplace. In Janet Holmes (ed.) Gendered Speech in Social Context: Perspectives from Gown and Town. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 231-258.

  165. 2000 Victoria University of Wellington's Language in the Workplace Project: An overview. Language in the Workplace Occasional Papers 1. Pp.20.

  166. 2000 Maria Stubbe and Janet Holmes Talking Maori or Pakeha in English: signalling identity in discourse. In Allan Bell and Koenraad Kuiper (eds) New Zealand English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 249-278.

  167. 2000 Ladies and gentlemen: corpus analysis and linguistic sexism. In Christian Mair and Marianne Hundt (eds) . Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory: Papers from the 20th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 20). Freiburg im Breisgau 1999. Amsterdam: Atlanta/Rodopi. 141-155.

  168. 1999 Women and sound changes. Awareness: Journal of the Association of Women for Action and Research. 6,1: 29-37.

  169. 1999 Holmes, Janet and David Britain. Comments on Matthew Gordon and Jeffrey Heath 'Sex, sound symbolism and sociolinguistics'. Current Anthropology 39, 4: 442-43.

  170. 1999 Preface. Language in Society: Special Issue: Communities of Practice in Language and Gender Research. 28,2: 171-172.

  171. 1999 Holmes, Janet and Miriam Meyerhoff. The community of practice: theories and methodologies in language and gender research Language in Society: Special Issue: Communities of Practice in Language and Gender Research. 28, 2: 173-183. Also published on Portal de Lenguas de Colombia: diversidad y contacto [‘Website of Colombian Languages: Diversity and contact’]

  172. 1999 Setting new standards: sound changes and gender in New Zealand. Reprinted in Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernandez-Campoy (eds) Variation and Linguistic Change in English: Diachronic and Synchronic Studies. Cuadernos de Filologia Inglesa 8. 1999. 147-175.

  173. 1999 Managing in style: flexible discourse at work. ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics document. ED 427 545/FL 025 741

  174. 1999 Holmes, Janet, Maria Stubbe and Bernadette Vine. Constructing professional identity: "doing power" in policy units. In Srikant Sarangi and Celia Roberts (eds) Talk, Work and Institutional Order. Discourse in Medical, Mediation and Management Settings. Berlin, NewYork: Mouton de Gruyter. 351-385.

  175. 1999 Holmes, Janet, Justine Coupland and Nikolas Coupland. Readings of extrapolated contexts: a response to Michael Lloyd. Journal of Pragmatics 31: 1237-1240.

  176. 1998 Women talk too much. In Laurie Bauer and Peter Trudgill (eds) Language Myths. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 41-49. Reprinted in Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark (eds) Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers, 11/e. Boston: Bedford St Martins. 2012.

  177. 1998 A Kiwi cocktail: current changes in New Zealand English. In Hans Lindquist, Staffan Klintborg, Magnus Levin and Maria Estling (eds.) The Major Varieties of English.Papers from MAVEN 97. Växjö: Acta Wexionensia, Humaniora. Växjö: Växjö University. 37-48.

  178. 1998 Managing in style: flexible discourse at work. Communication Voyages. Proceedings of Tenth Annual Conference of the NZ Communication Association: Auckland: Auckland Institute of Technology. 1-15. Also published as an ERIC document. ED 427 545/FL 025 741

  179. 1998 Holmes, Janet, Justine Coupland and Nik Coupland. Negotiating sun use: constructing consistency and managing inconsistency. Journal of Pragmatics 30: 699-721.

  180. 1998 Holmes, Janet, Jane Pilkington and Chris Lane. Gossip: its context and its boundaries. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 10: 11-34.

  181. 1998 Analysing power at work: an analytical framework. Paper presented at Sixth International Conference on Language and Social Psychology. University of Ottawa. Ottawa, Ontario. 16-20 May 1997. Published as an ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics document. ED 414 733, FL 024 823.

  182. 1998 Thinking about gender, power and speech: response to Koenraad Kuiper. Journal of Sociolinguistics 2,1: 104-106.

  183. 1998 Narrative structure: some contrasts between Maori and Pakeha story-telling. Multilingua 17, 1: 25-57.

  184. 1998 Apologies in New Zealand English. In Jenny Cheshire and Peter Trudgill (eds) The Sociolinguistics Reader. London: Edward Arnold. 201-39. Reprinted from Language in Society 19, 2: 155-199. 1990.

  185. 1998 Women's talk: the question of sociolinguistic universals. In Jennifer Coates (ed.) Readings in Language and Gender. Oxford: Blackwell. 461-83. Reprinted from Australian Journal of Communication 20, 3: 125-149.

  186. 1998 Complimenting - a positive politeness strategy. In Jennifer Coates (ed) Language and Gender: a Reader. Oxford: Blackwell. 100-120.

  187. 1998 Women’s role in language change: A place for quantification. In Natasha Warner, Jocelyn Ahlers, Leela Bilmes, Monica Oliver, Suzanne Wertheim & Melinda Chen (eds.) Gender and Belief Systems: Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Women and Language Conference, April 19-21 1996. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Women and Language Group. 313-330.

  188. 1998 Holmes, Janet, Bernadette Vine and Gary Johnson. Guide to the Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.

  189. 1998 Why tell stories? Contrasting themes and identities in the narratives of Maori and Pakeha women and men. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 8,1: 1-29.

  190. 1998 No joking matter! The functions of humour in the workplace. Proceedings of the Australian Linguistics Society Conference Brisbane University of Queensland July 1998.

  191. 1998 Generic pronouns in the Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English. Kotare 1, 1: 32-40.

  192. 1998 Notes on collecting conversations for the ICE-NZ Corpus. ICE Newsletter 26. 1998. papers

  193. 1998 The linguistic construction of gender identity. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 10: 1-10.

  194. 1998 Signalling gender identity through speech. Moderna Sprak 42: 2: 122-128

  195. 1998 What's sexy in New Zealand sociolinguistics. Te Reo 41: 28-44.

  196. 1998 Victoria University's Language in the Workplace Project: goals, scope and methodology. Te Reo 41: 178-181.

  197. 1997 Maori and Pakeha English: some New Zealand social dialect data. Language in Society 26,1: 65-101.

  198. 1997 Setting new standards: sound changes and gender in New Zealand English. English World Wide 18, 1: 107-142. Reprinted in Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernandez-Campoy (eds) Variation and Linguistic Change in English: Diachronic and Synchronic Studies. Cuadernos de Filologia Inglesa 8. 1999. 147-175.

  199. 1997 T-time in New Zealand English. English Today 13,3: 18-22.

  200. 1997 Keeping tabs on language shift in New Zealand: some methodological considerations. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 18,1: 17-39.

  201. 1997 Holmes, Janet and Helen Ainsworth. Unpacking the research process: investigating syllable-timing in New Zealand English. Language Awareness 6,1: 32-47.1997 Women, language and identity. Journal of Sociolinguistics 2, 1: 195-223.

  202. 1997 Communicating across the sex barrier. In Frank Sligo, Su Olsson and Catherine Wallace (eds) 2nd edition. Perspectives in Business Communication: Theory and Practice Palmerston North: Software Technology New Zealand. 51-65.

  203. 1997 Holmes, Janet and Maria Stubbe. Good listeners: gender differences in New Zealand conversation. Women and Language 20, 2: 7-14.

  204. 1997 Holmes, Janet and Jennifer Hay. Humour as an ethnic boundary marker in New Zealand interaction. Journal of Intercultural Studies 18, 2: 127-151.

  205. 1997 Struggling beyond Labov and Waletzky. Journal of Narrative and Life History 7, 1-4: 91-6.

  206. 1997 Story-telling in New Zealand women's and men's talk. In Ruth Wodak (ed.) Gender, Discourse and Ideology. London: Sage. 263-93.

  207. 1996 Holmes, Janet and Laurie Bauer. Getting into a flap! /t/ in New Zealand English. World Englishes 15,1: 115-124.

  208. 1996 Losing voice: is final /z/ devoicing a feature of Maori English? World Englishes 15, 2: 193-205.

  209. 1996 Holmes, Janet and Chris Lane. Interactional variation in environmental interviews. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics No. 8: 93-107.

  210. 1996 Holmes, Janet and Helen Ainsworth. Syllable-timing and Maori English. Te Reo 39: 75-84.

  211. 1996 Community language research in New Zealand: reflections on methodology. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 2: 1-32.

  212. 1996 Sex and Language. In Hans Goebl, Peter Nelde, Zdenek Stary, and Wolfgang Wölck (eds) Contact Linguistics: An International Handbook of Contemporary Research Volume 1. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter. 720-25.

  213. 1996 Die unterstützende Sprechweise und die interaktionelle Reife von Frauen. In Senta Trömel-Plötz (ed) Frauengespräche: Sprache der Verständigung. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag. 63-86.

  214. 1996 Frauensprache in der Öffentlichkeit. In Senta Trömel-Plötz (ed) Frauengespräche: Sprache der Verständigung. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag. 87-103.

  215. 1996 Holmes, Janet and Allan Bell. Maori English. In Peter Mühlhäusler, Darrell Tryon and Stephen Wurm (eds) Atlas of Languages for Intercultural Communication in the Pacific Hemisphere. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 177-181.

  216. 1996 The role of compliments in female-male interaction. Reprinted in Janet Maybin and Neil Mercer (eds) Using English: from Conversation to Canon. London: Routledge & the Open University. 32-36.

  217. 1995 The New Zealand spoken component of ICE: some methodological challenges. In Sidney Greenbaum (ed) Comparing English World-Wide: The International Corpus of English. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 163-181.

  218. 1995 Sex differences and apologies: one aspect of communicative competence. In H. Douglas Brown and Susan T. Gonzo (eds) Readings on Second Language Acquisition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents. 362-383.

  219. 1995 Obituary for John Pride. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 111: 109-113.

  220. 1995 Three chairs for New Zealand English: the EAR/AIR merger. English Today 11, 3: 14-18.

  221. 1995 Glottal stops in New Zealand English: an analysis of variants of word-final /t/. Linguistics 33,3: 433-463.

  222. 1995 Two for /t/: flapping and glottal stops in New Zealand English. Te Reo 38: 53-72.

  223. 1995 Time for /t/: initial /t/ in New Zealand English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 15: 127-156.

  224. 1995 Maria Stubbe and Janet Holmes You know, eh and other "exasperating expressions": an analysis of social and stylistic variation in the use of pragmatic devices in a sample of New Zealand English. Language and Communication 15, 1: 63-88.

  225. 1994 Improving the lot of female language learners. In Jane Sunderland (ed) Exploring Gender: Questions for English Language Education. London: Prentice Hall. 156-162.

  226. 1994 The role of compliments in female-male interaction. In Jane Sunderland (ed) Exploring Gender: Questions for English Language Education. London: Prentice Hall. 39-43. Reprinted in Janet Maybin and Neil Mercer (eds) 1996. Using English: from Conversation to Canon. London: Routledge & the Open University. 32-36.

  227. 1994 Consonant cluster reduction in New Zealand English. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 6: 56-82.

  228. 1994 Inferring language change from computer corpora: some methodological problems. ICAME Journal 18: 27-40.

  229. 1994 Methodological problems in collecting spoken New Zealand English. ICE Newsletter 19.

  230. 1994 Obituary for John Pride. Te Reo 37: 111-113.

  231. 1994 New Zealand flappers: an analysis of T Voicing in New Zealand English. English World-Wide 15, 2: 195-224.

  232. 1994 Hosing, Hedging and Hornets' Nests: Linguistics and Social Responsibility. Inaugural Address delivered 12 October 1994. Wellington: Victoria University Press.

  233. 1993 Charpersons and goddesses: non-sexist usages in New Zealand English. Te Reo 36: 99-113.

  234. 1993 New Zealand women are good to talk to: an analysis of politeness strategies in interaction. Journal of Pragmatics 20, 2: 91-116.

  235. 1993 The role of women in language maintenance and shift. Working Papers on Language, Gender and Sexism. 3, 1: 5-24.

  236. 1993 He-man beings, poetesses, and tramps: sexist language in New Zealand. In Laurie Bauer and Christine Franzen (eds) Of Pavlova, Poetry and Paradigms: Essays in Honour of Harry Orsman. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 34-49.

  237. 1993 Immigrant women and language maintenance in Australia and New Zealand. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 3,2:159-179.

  238. 1993 Sex-marking suffixes in New Zealand written English. American Speech 68, 4: 357-370.

  239. 1993 Women's talk: the question of sociolinguistic universals. Australian Journal of Communication 20, 3: 125-149. Reprinted in Jennifer Coates (ed) Language and Gender Reader Oxford: Blackwell. 1996. 461-483.

  240. 1993 Holmes, Janet, Mary Roberts, Maria Verivaki and 'Anahina 'Aipolo. Language maintenance and shift in three New Zealand speech communities. Applied Linguistics 14, 1: 1-24.

  241. 1992 Holmes, Janet and Allan Bell. H-droppin': two sociolinguistic variables in New Zealand English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 12: 223-249.

  242. 1992 Women's talk in public contexts. Discourse and Society 3, 2: 131-150.

  243. 1992 Holmes, Janet and Maria Stubbe. Women and men talking: gender-based patterns of interaction. In Suzann Olsson (ed.) The Gender Factor: Women in New Zealand Organizations. Palmerston North: The Dunmore Press. 149-63.

  244. 1992 Bell, Allan and Janet Holmes On shear markets and sharing sheep: the merger of EAR and AIR in New Zealand English. Language Variation and Change 4, 3: 251-273.

  245. 1991 Holmes, Janet and Allan Bell. New Zealand. In Jennifer Cheshire (ed) English around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 153-168.

  246. 1991 The role of the sociolinguist in society. In Graham McGregor and Mark Williams (eds) Dirty Silence: Aspects of Language and Literature in New Zealand. Oxford University Press. 39-52.

  247. 1991 Women's verbal contributions in public settings. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics. No 3: 1-19.

  248. 1991 Threads in the tapestry of languages: introduction. In Janet Holmes and Ray Harlow (eds.) Threads in the New Zealand Tapestry of Language. Te Reo Special Publication. Auckland: Linguistic Society of New Zealand. 1-6.

  249. 1991 Holmes, Janet and 'Anahina 'Aipolo. The Tongan language in Wellington: proficiency, use and attitudes. In Janet Holmes and Ray Harlow (eds.) Threads in the New Zealand Tapestry of Language. Te Reo Special Publication. Auckland: Linguistic Society of New Zealand. 7-29.

  250. 1991 Language and gender: a state-of-the-art survey article. Language Teaching 24, 4: 207-220.

  251. 1990 Communicating across the sex barrier. In Frank Sligo (ed) Business Communication: New Zealand Perspectives. Palmerston North: Software Technology. 32-46.

  252. 1990 Holmes, Janet and 'Anahina 'Aipolo. The Wellington Tongan community: prospects for language maintenance. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics. Vol. 1: 1-16.

  253. 1990 Apologies in New Zealand English. Language in Society 19, 2: 155-199.

  254. 1990 Holmes, Janet and Allan Bell. Attitudes, varieties, discourse: an introduction to the sociolinguistics of New Zealand English. In Allan Bell and Janet Holmes (eds) New Zealand Ways of Speaking English. Clevedon: Avon: Multilingual Matters. 1-20.

  255. 1990 Politeness strategies in New Zealand women's speech. In Allan Bell and Janet Holmes (eds) New Zealand Ways of Speaking English. Clevedon: Avon: Multilingual Matters. 252-276. .

  256. 1990 Hedges and boosters in women's and men's speech. Language and Communication 10, 3: 185-205.

  257. 1990 Holmes, Janet and 'Anahina 'Aipolo. The use of Tongan in New Zealand: prospects for language maintenance. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 11, 6: 501-21.

  258. 1988 Doubt and certainty in E.S.L. textbooks. Applied Linguistics 9, 1: 21-44.

  259. 1989 Sex differences and apologies: one aspect of communicative competence. Applied Linguistics Vol. 10, no. 2:194 - 213. Reprinted in H. Douglas Brown and Susan T. Gonzo (eds) 1995. Readings on Second Language Acquisition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents. 362-383.

  260. 1988 Sort of in New Zealand women's and men's speech. Studia Linguistica 42, 2: 85-121.

  261. 1989 Is sex relevant in the ESL classroom. Language Issues. Vol 3, no. 1: 14-18. Journal of NATECLA (National Association for Teaching English and other community Languages to Adults).

  262. 1989 Sex differences and interaction: problems for the language learner. In Paul Meara (ed) Beyond Words. British Studies in Applied Linguistics 4. London: British Association of Applied Linguistics in association with CILT. 38-57.

  263. 1989 Stirring up the dust: the importance of sex as a variable in the ESL classroom. Proceedings of the ATESOL 6th Summer School, Sydney. Vol. 1, 1989: 4-39.

  264. 1988 Holmes, Janet and Allan Bell. Learning by experience: notes for New Zealand social dialectologists. Te Reo 31: 19-49.

  265. 1988 Sex differences and interaction: problems for the language learner. Lancaster Papers in Linguistics: No. 55. Lancaster: University of Lancaster. Pp. 37.

  266. 1988 Sort of: sex differences in the use of a pragmatic particle. Lancaster Papers in Linguistics: No. 57. Lancaster: University of Lancaster. Pp. 33.

  267. 1988 Sex differences in seminar contributions. BAAL Newsletter 31: 33-41.

  268. 1988 Of course: a pragmatic particle in New Zealand women's and men's speech. Australian Journal of Linguistics 8, 1: 49-74.

  269. 1988 Paying compliments: a sex-preferential positive politeness strategy. Journal of Pragmatics. 12, 3: 445-65.

  270. 1987 Providing support for the language learner. In W. Hirsh (ed.) Living Languages: Bilingualism and Community Languages in New Zealand Today. Auckland: Heinemann. 7-15.

  271. 1987 Hedging, fencing and other conversational gambits: an analysis of gender differences in New Zealand speech. In A. Pauwels (ed.) Women and Language in Australian and New Zealand Society. Sydney: Australian Professional Publications. 59-79.

  272. 1987 Sex differences and language use in the ESL classroom. In Bikram K. Das (ed.) Communication and Learning in the Classroom Community. Anthology Series 19. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. 5 - 36.

  273. 1987 Holmes, Janet and Dorothy Brown. Teachers and students learning about compliments. Tesol Quarterly 21, 3: 523-46.

  274. 1986 Missing the point: attitudes affect communication. Future Times. 10-11.

  275. 1986 Functions of you know in women and men's speech. Language in Society. 15, 1: 1-21.

  276. 1986 Classroom interaction and the second language learner. Guidelines 8, 2: 19-30.

  277. 1986 Compliments and compliment responses in New Zealand English. Anthropological Linguistics 28, 4: 485-508.

  278. 1985 Sex differences and miscommunication: some data from New Zealand. In J.B. Pride (ed.) Cross-cultural Encounters: Communication and Miscommunication. Melbourne: River Seine. 24-43.

  279. 1985 Holmes, Janet and Dorothy Brown. Sociolinguistic competence and second language learning. Reprinted in M.H. Long and J.C. Richards (eds.) TEFL/TESL Anthology. Massachusetts: Newbury House.

  280. 1984 Hedging your bets and sitting on the fence: some evidence for hedges as support structures. Te Reo 27: 47-62.

  281. 1984 'Women's language': a functional approach. General Linguistics 24, 3: 149-178.

  282. 1984 Modifying illocutionary force. Journal of Pragmatics 8, 3: 345-365.

  283. 1983 The structure of teacher's directives: a sociolinguistic analysis. In J.C. Richards & R.W. Schmidt (eds.) Language and Communication. London: Longmans. 89-115.

  284. 1983 Speaking English with the appropriate degree of conviction. In C. Brumfit (ed.) Learning and Teaching Languages for Communication: Applied Linguistic Perspectives. London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research. 100-121.

  285. 1983 Hedging: one way of being polite in English. English in New Zealand. 30: 27-40.

  286. 1982 Linguistic reflections of woman's unassertive nature. In H. Haines (ed.) Women's Studies Conference Papers: 1981. University of Auckland. 227-242.

  287. 1982 The functions of tag questions. English Language Research Journal. 3: 40-65.

  288. 1982 Expressing doubt and certainty in English. RELC Journal 13, 2: 9-28.

  289. 1981 Hello-goodbye: an analysis of children's telephone conversations. Semiotica 37, 1/2: 91-107.

  290. 1979 Investigating subjective judgements of New Zealand English. Archivum Linguisticum 9, 2: 123-134.

  291. 1978 Sociolinguistic competence in the classroom. In J.C. Richards (ed.) Understanding Second and Foreign Language Learning. Massachusetts: Newbury House. 134-162.

  292. 1977 Holmes, Janet and Dorothy Brown. Sociolinguistic competence and second language learning. In R.W. Brislin (ed.) Topics in Culture Learning. Vol. 5. Hawaii: East-West Centre. 72-82. Re-printed in M. Hamnett & R.W. Brislin (eds.) 1980. Research in Culture Learning: Language & Conceptual Studies. Hawaii: University Press of Hawaii. 78-88.

  293. 1976 A review of some methods of investigating attitudes to languages, dialects and accents. In Wolfgang Viereck. (ed.) Sprachliches Handeln - Soziales Verhalten. Ein Reader zur Pragmalinguistik und Soziolinguistik. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. 301-330.

  294. 1976 G.D. Kennedy. and Janet Holmes Comments on 'Creative construction in second language learning and teaching'. Language Learning. Special Issue no 4: 81-92.

  295. 1976 Holmes, Janet and Dorothy Brown. Developing sociolinguistic competence in a second language. TESOL Quarterly. Vol. 10, no 4: 423-31. Reprinted in R.L. Light (ed.) 1978. Teaching English as a Second Language: Perspectives and Practices. University of State of New York: State Education Department. 78-91.

  296. 1974 Language attitude studies: potential uses in New Zealand. Kivung 2: 131-146.

  297. 1973 Linguistic humour. Te Reo 16: 1-7.

  298. 1969 Sociolinguistics and the individual. Te Reo 12: 41-47.

  1. 2019 Holmes, Janet Review of Penelope Eckert Meaning and Linguistic Variation: The Third Wave in Sociolinguistics. Cambridge, U.K., New York: Cambridge University Press 2018. Pp. xiv, 209. Te Reo – Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand 62, 2: 25-32.

  2. 2018 Holmes, Janet Review of Hans Ladegaard The discourse of powerlessness and repression: Life stories of domestic migrant workers in Hong Kong. London: Routledge, 2017. Pp. xi, 230. Language in Society 47, 3: 460-463.

  3. 2016 Review of Barbara Plester The Complexity of Workplace Humour: Laughter, Jokers and the Dark Side of Humour. London, New York: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp. 164. The European Journal of Humour Research 4, 4: 122-125.

  4. 2015 Review article of Jautz, Sabine Thanking Formulae in English: Explorations across varieties of English 2013. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 308. In Anne Barron (ed) Special issue of Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication 4, 14: 605-611.

  5. 2014 Review article of Kecskes, Istvan Intercultural Pragmatics 2014. New York/Oxford University Press. Pp. 277. Language and Dialogue 4.3: 478-486

  6. 2014 Review of Michael Meeuwis and Jan-Ola Östman (eds), Pragmaticizing Understanding: Studies for Jef Verschueren, John Benjamins, 2012. Discourse in Society 16, 1: 107-109.

  7. 2012 Review of Ruth Wodak, Barbara Johnstone and Paul Kerswill (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics. London: SAGE, 2011, Discourse Studies 14, 1: 129–132.

  8. 2011 Review of Workplace Discourse by Almut Koester. London: Continuum, 2010, viii, pp.191 Contemporary Sociology. 40, 3: 322-324.

  9. 2010 Review of The Handbook of Business Discourse. Edited by Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini. Edinburgh: University Press, 2009. xix + 500 pp. Discourse Studies 12, 4: 555-557.

  10. 2010 Review of The Language of Female Leadership. By Judith Baxter. Hampshire & New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. xii, 192. Gender in Management: an International Journal . 25,3: 261-264.

  11. 2009 Review of Discourse and Politeness: Ambivalent Face in Japanese. By Naomi Geyer. London: Continuum. 2008. pp. 217 Journal of Sociolinguistics 13, 2: 279-282.

  12. 2004 Review of Language and Gender. By Penelope Eckert and Sally McConnell-Ginet. New York & Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xii, 366. Language 80,4: 846-849.

  13. 2004 Review of Aneta Pavlenko, Adrian Blackledge, Ingrid Piller, Marya Teutsch-Dwyer (Eds.) Multilingualism, Second Language Learning, and Gender Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2001. Pp. xi + 356. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 26,1: 125-126.

  14. 2000 Review of James P.Gee An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. London and New York: Routledge. 1999. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4,3: 475-79.

  15. 1999 Review of Hundt, Marianne 1998. New Zealand English Grammar Fact or Fiction? A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp. 212. English World-Wide English 20/2:328-332.

  16. 1998 Review of Hyland, Ken 1998. Hedging in Scientific Research Articles. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp. 307. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 21,2: 144-47.

  17. 1997 Review of Mary Crawford Talking Difference: On Gender and Language. Thousand Oaks, CA, London: Sage, Pp xiii, 207. 1995. Language in Society 26, 3: 430-33.

  18. 1997 Review of Paul Drew and John Heritage (eds) 1992. Talk at Work Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1992. Pp.580. Australian Journal of Linguistics 17,1: 93-98.

  19. 1996 Review of Diana Eades (ed) 1995. Language in Evidence: Issues in Confronting Aboriginal and Multicultural Australia. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. Pp. 289. Australian Journal of Linguistics 16, 2: 229-233.

  20. 1996 Review of Mary Crawford Talking Difference: On Gender and Language.. Thousand Oaks, CA, London: Sage. Pp xiii, 207. 1995. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 8: 108-110.

  21. 1996 Review of Paul Kerswill Dialects Converging: Rural Speech in Urban Norway. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Pp. xiv + 181. 1994. Language in Society 25, 2: 301-305.

  22. 1991 Review of Blum-Kulka, Shoshana, Juliane House and Gabriele Kasper (eds.) 1989. Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: Requests and Apologies. Volume XXXI in the series Advances in Discourse Processes. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex. Language and Society Vol. 20, no 1: 119-126.

  23. 1989 Review of Bent Preisler Linguistic Sex Roles in Conversation. Language in Society. Vol. 18, no. 2: 293-299.

  24. 1986 Review of S. Romaine The Language of Children and Adolescents. Australian Journal of Linguistics 6, 2: 268 - 274.

  25. 1986 Review of A. Huebler Understatements and Hedges in English. Language in Society 15, 2: 245-50.

  26. 1984 Review of Sandra J. Savignon Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice. Texts and Contexts in Second Language Learning. Language Learning and Communication 3, 2: 30-35.

  27. 1984 Review of B.W. Robinett and J. Schachter (eds.) Second Language Learning. Language Learning and Communication. 3, 3: 30-35

  28. 1984 Review of F. Coulmas (ed.) Festschrift for Native Speakers. Applied Linguistics. 5, 1: 66-67.

  29. 1981 Review of R.B. Kaplan The Language Needs of Migrant Workers. Education 30, 4: 32-3.

  30. 1981 Review of K.N. Tiwari Indians in New Zealand. Education 30, 3: 41.

  31. 1981 Review of M. Stubbs Language and Literacy. Education 30, 6: 39.

  32. 1981 Review of B.M. Horvath The Education of Migrant Children. Education. 30, 4: 32-33.

  33. 1981 Review of E. Craven Multilingualism and Education: an annotated bibliography. Education. Vol. 30, no 4: 33.

  34. 1981 Review of M. Stubbs Language and Literacy. English Language Research Journal 2: 69-74.

  35. 1981 Review of R.B. Kaplan The Language Needs of Migrant Workers. Journal of Intercultural Studies 2, 2: 78-80.

  1. 2017 Interview by Mariana Lazzaro Salazar Janet Holmes and the Language in the Workplace Project: Exploring the foundations of modern views and research paths in sociolinguistics. Universum 32,1: 281-285.

  2. 2014 Gender and culture. In FLTRP New Standard College English Real Communication Culture Reading 4. [English textbooks for Chinese students]. 66.

  3. 2014 Preparing for future jobs. In FLTRP New Standard College English Real Communication Culture Reading 2. [English textbooks for Chinese students.] 130.

  4. 2012 An Interview with Janet Holmes: Psychology Aoteroa 4,2 : 120-122.

  5. 2011 Sex, lies and stereotypes: four myths about language and gender. Women Studies Association of New Zealand Newsletter 31,1: 13-15.

  6. 2010 Minding your language in the workplace: What makes an effective leader? Business Communication in the Global Age Australia: McGraw-Hill.

  7. 2009 De Bres, Julia, Janet Holmes et al. Language in the Workplace Project and Workplace Communication for Skilled Migrants course at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Language Teaching, 42:4, 519–524.

  8. 2009 Holmes, Janet The language of leadership in Māori and Pākehā organizations. Marsden Fund Update Newsletter. No 43. May 2009.

  9. 2009 Holmes. Janet and Julia de Bres Laughing on the job. Tū Mai April 2009, No. 104. pp. 5-6..

  10. 2007 Telling tales at work. New Zealand Management. May 2007: 36-38.

  11. 2004 with Melanie Kan Under the microscope. What makes Synergy International so successful. Management 51, 3: 66-67.

  12. 2004 with Joan Waldvogel In touch: how do people communicate at work? People and Performance: pp. 4-7.

  13. 2003 How top women talk. Paanui. Ministry of Women’s Affairs. June 2003. Pp. 6-7.

  14. 2003 with George Major Talking to patients: the complexity of communication on the ward. Vision: A Journal of Nursing. 11,17: 4-9.

  15. 2003 Women’s talk at the top. Board Room, Institute of Directors magazine May 2003. Pp. 1-2.

  16. 2003 with George Major Nurses communicating on the ward: the human face of hospitals. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand 8, 11: 14-16.

  17. 2002 Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes Laughing on the inside : humour and infernal politics in the workplace. Language in the Workplace Occasional Papers. No.4.

  18. 2002 with George Major “ Just flex your arm eh”. Communication on the Ward. Staff Matters, Staff Newsletter of Capital & Coast District Health Boards. Issue no. 42: July 2002. p.13.

  19. 2002 with George Major “It’s getting a bit desperate isn’t it”. Communication on the Ward. Staff Matters Staff Newsletter of Capital & Coast District Health Boards. Issue no. 41. June 2002. p.8.

  20. 2000 Workplace communication and ESOL teaching. CLANZ. Community Language Association New Zealand Newsletter. Issue no 3: pp. 8-10.

  21. 2000 Managing social talk at work: what does the NESB worker need to know? TESOLANZ Journal 7: 7-19.

  22. 1999 with Maria Stubbe and Bernadette Vine Analysing New Zealand English in the workplace. New Zealand English Journal 13: 8-12.

  23. 1999 Humour makes the work go well. Employment Today July,1999. No. 49, pp10-11.

  24. 1998 Small talk. NZ Business April 1998, p. 52.

  25. 1997 Humour gets things humming. NZ Business October 1998, p. 60.

  26. 1998 The power of talk. Management May 1998, pp. 56-58.

  27. 1998 Oiling the wheels at work. People and Performance 6,1: 28-31. June 1998. p.58.

  28. 1996 Language, gender and TESOL. TESOLANZ Journal 4: 9-12.

  29. 1996 Collecting the Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English: some methodological challenges. New Zealand English Journal 10: 10-15.

  30. 1996 with Gary Johnson. The Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English: transcription and ethical issues. New Zealand English Journal 10: 16-24.

  31. 1995 A quite interesting article about linguistics. Campus Review 5, 49: 13. Reprinted in University of Hong Kong, School of Research Studies Newsletter 4,3: 3-4. 1996.

  32. 1995 The Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English: a progress report. New Zealand English Newsletter 9: 5-8.

  33. 1995 The sounds of New Zealand English. In What Speech Teachers can Learn from Linguistics. Teaching Resource. Wellington: New Zealand Speech Communication Association.

  34. 1995 Gender and TESOL. TESOLANZ Newsletter 4, 1: 4-5.

  35. 1994 Assisting language maintenance of community languages in New Zealand. In Multi-Ethnic Aotearoa New Zealand "Challenge of the Future". Proceedings of the New Zealand Federation of Ethnic Councils Conference Wellington. 1993. NZ Federation of Ethnic Councils Inc. 78-79.

  36. 1994 The Wellington Corpus of New Zealand English. TESOLANZ Newsletter 3, 3: 7.

  37. 1993 Women's role in promoting bilingualism. Many Voices 4: 4-11.

  38. 1990 Community languages: researchers as catalysts? New Settlers and Multicultural Education Issues. Vol. 7, no. 3: 19-26.

  39. 1990 New Zealand women's ways of speaking. New Zealand English Newsletter 4: 5-9. Reprinted in English in Aotearoa Spring, 1990.

  40. 1989 Linguistic capture: breaking out of the language trap. PPTA Journal. Term 2. 1989. 18-22.

  41. 1988 Is sex relevant in the ESL classroom? New Settlers and Multicultural Education Issues. Vol. 5, no.2: 47-51.

  42. 1984 Becoming bilingual in New Zealand. In Biculturalism: The Next Conversation. Wellington: Education Department. 22-24.

  43. 1984 Language for learning. In Noeline Alcorn (ed.) Learning and Teaching in Multicultural Settings. Auckland: Auckland Teachers College Research Committee. 1-6.

  44. 1982 Words that oppress. Education. Vol. 31, no. 2: 24-27.

  45. 1982 Building sociolinguistic competence. New Zealand Language Teacher. 8, 2: 8-18.

  46. 1982 What should we change - speech or attitudes? New Zealand Speech Therapists' Journal 37, 1: 9-19.

  47. 1980 Cautionary notes: some comments on 'Bak to Baesiks'. Education. Vol. 29, no 2: 30-32.

  48. 1979 What is Linguistics? In R.D. Robinson & D. Norton (eds.) Views of English. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 51-60.

  49. 1979 Speaking the same language? Education 28, 9: 2-6.

  50. 1978 When teachers talk too much. Education 27, 6: 16-19.

  51. 1976 Attitudes and motivation in foreign language learning. Education 25, 2: 17-20.

  52. 1977 with Dorothy Brown. Practical exercises for fostering communicative skills in adult learners of English. TEFL/TESL Newsletter 2, 4: 28-37.

  53. 1975 Attitudes to language: some consequences for the child. In Children and Language. Wellington: Association for Study of Childhood. 41-55.

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