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Winning the First Prize in Greater Bay Area Sustainability Innovation Challenge 2022: Grand Rise Technology Limited

5 Sep 2022


【Winning the First Prize in Greater Bay Area Sustainability Innovation Challenge 2022: Grand Rise Technology Limited】
The Grand Rise Technology Limited, a PolyU academic-led start-up, was co-founded in 2019 by Prof. Li Pei, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of PolyU, and Dr. Tenny Lam, a PolyU DBA graduate and an industrialist, had won the first prize of Greater Bay Area Sustainability Innovation Challenge (GBASIC) 2022. 
Their invention of core-shell nanospheres using natural biomaterial as an antibacterial and antiviral coating, demonstrated a highly innovative way that can facilitate sustainable development and make an impact on society.

Congratulations to Prof. Li Pei and Dr. Tenny Lam on their remarkable accomplishment!

For details, please visit the website.


【首屆大灣區可持續發展創新挑戰賽團隊組一等獎: 佳昇科技有限公司】
本次的挑戰賽成功共吸引了10余所高校、近40個項目參賽,共有27支隊伍晉級決賽,其中團隊組18個、企業組9個。而李蓓教授的研究團隊 -「佳昇科技有限公司」的天然生物材料核 - 殼納米球聚護芯抗菌抗病毒塗料」在團隊組決賽脫穎而出,獲得了團隊組的一等獎。他們在挑戰賽中充分地展現了新技術可以為各領域可持續發展帶來的機遇。



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