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Securing the Gold Award at the 11th China Youth Entrepreneurship Competition

We are thrilled to announce that Team Leader Kang Hui, representing the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, has secured the gold award at the 11th China Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. This remarkable triumph is a testament to Kang Hui's exceptional leadership and the collaborative efforts of the entire team.   This event was hosted by multiple departments including the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Commerce. This victory highlights the innovative prowess and unwavering dedication of the team. We extend our warmest congratulations to Kang Hui, whose success was made possible by the invaluable support of supervisors Prof. Wong Kwok-yin, Vice President (Education) and Chair Professor of Chemical Technology, and Dr. Lo Tsz-woon, Benedict, Associate Professor.   The team is currently developing a new type of nanomaterial with superior performance characteristics, including high electrical conductivity, high efficiency, and a long lifespan. In terms of potential application areas, the team is focusing on developing a diversified and multi-tiered product layout to meet the diverse needs of customers. In the future, this material is expected to revolutionize and empower various application scenarios, such as energy storage and CO2 recovery and utilization, contributing to the achievement of the dual-carbon goals.   We applaud Team Leader Kang Hui and his team for their exceptional achievements and dedication to innovation. Together, we are shaping a brighter, more sustainable future through our groundbreaking initiatives.

4 Oct, 2024


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PolyU and Huizhou government jointly establish PolyU-Daya Bay Technology and Innovation Research Institute

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held an unveiling ceremony for the PolyU-Daya Bay Technology and Innovation Research Institute (Research Institute) in Huizhou, in collaboration with the Huizhou Municipal People’s Government and the Huizhou Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone. Marking the official launch of the Research Institute in Huizhou, the unveiling ceremony was officiated by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, PolyU President; Mr Arthur LEE Kam-hung, PolyU Council Member; Prof. Wing-tak WONG, PolyU Deputy President and Provost; Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation); Dr Laura LO, PolyU Associate Vice President (Institutional Advancement); Prof. Zijian ZHENG, Director of the PolyU-Daya Bay Technology and Innovation Research Institute; Mr LIU Ji, Secretary of the Huizhou Municipal Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Huizhou Municipal People’s Congress; Mr LI Ming, Member of the Standing Committee of the Huizhou Municipal Committee and Head of the Organisation Department of the Huizhou Municipal Committee; Mr YUAN Guangxia, Director Level Officer (Grade 1) of Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province; Ms ZHONG Yonglan, Executive Deputy Head of the United Front Work Department of the Huizhou Municipal Committee and Director of Bureau of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of Huizhou; Mr GUO Wupiao, Chairman of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone; Mr SAN Jinfeng, Vice Chairman of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone; and Mr CHEN Zhiming, Member of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Building Office of the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone. Dr Lam Tai-fai stated in his opening speech that since the signing of the tripartite agreement among PolyU, the Huizhou Municipal Government, and the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone in May this year, the basic infrastructure of the office and the incubation building had been completed within four months. This demonstrates the efficiency of the collaboration and the strong commitment to promoting technological innovation. The Research Institute will focus on the development of local industries through optimizing resource allocation and promoting the industrialisation of research outcomes, and contribute to the high-quality development of Hong Kong, Huizhou and the Nation as a whole. Prof. Jin-Guang Teng saidthat while PolyU strives for excellence in teaching and research, it also pays great attention to global environmental protection and sustainable development. The Research Institute aims to develop green energy and technologies, taking social responsibility by promoting modernisation, digitalisation and environmental protection. The collaboration with the Huizhou city government and the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone will foster an in-depth integration of government, industry and academia, and the Research Institute will help serve as an important platform for green energy and advanced technological innovation between Hong Kong and Huizhou. Mr Liu Jialso delivered a speech during the ceremony. He stated that Huizhou is implementing closely with the key ideas conveyed at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, as well as the specific arrangements of the “1310” scheme of the Provincial Party Committee through in-depth participation in the development works of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the collaboration in technological innovation between Huizhou and Hong Kong. With the establishment of the Research Institute, Huizhou and PolyU work together to consolidate the resources of the cutting-edge technology and nurture a group of high-quality scientists and talents in innovation and entrepreneurship. The Research Institute strives towards a first-class platform for high-end technology and innovation and a new model for collaboration between school and local industry in both cities. The four key research areas of the Research Institute were highlighted at the Ceremony. Prof. Zijian ZHENG, Director of the Research Institute, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems and Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices of PolyU, introduced the Research Institute’s overall development plans, as well as his research topic on new materials and new energy; Prof. Ka-fu YUNG, Associate Director of the Research Institute, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Science and Director of the University Research Facility in Chemical and Environmental Analysis of PolyU, spoke on green chemistry and sustainable catalysis; Prof. Minchen WEI, of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering of PolyU, spoke on spatial computing and imaging; and Dr RUAN Haihui of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of PolyU, spoke on green and smart manufacturing. These four core research areas not only address the upgrading needs of existing industries but also focus on future development, laying a solid foundation for sustainability and technological self-reliance. The Research Institute also held a signing ceremony with eight local enterprises for collaborative projects, further advancing technology transfer and application. A first-ever Daya Bay scientific seminar, “Technological Innovation in Fostering the New Productivity” was also held, at which Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU, Dr Sunny CHAI, Chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and Chairman of the PolyU Foundation, and Prof. C.C. CHAN, Distinguished Chair Professor of PolyU and Director of the Research Centre for Electric Vehicles shared their views. The seminar provided forward-looking insights for officials, researchers and business representatives on how technological innovation can enhance productivity, as well as highlighting the trends and challenges of industrial transformation. Looking forward, the Research Institute aims to become a new model of cooperation between Huizhou and Hong Kong. By leveraging the solid foundation and policy support of the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone, it will introduce Hong Kong’s expertise to Huizhou’s industrial landscape, accelerating the establishment of green and low-carbon system, enhancing the development of the manufacturing sector, and building two major industrial clusters in petrochemical energy, new materials and electronic information with higher competitiveness. Online coverage: • Bauhinia -  • Capital Magazine - • Dot Dot News - • East Money - • Guangdong TV - • Hong Kong Commercial Daily - • Huizhou Daily - • Ta Kung Pao - • Wen Wei Po - • Xinhua Net -     香港理工大學大亞灣技術創新研究院成立舉行揭牌儀式 香港理工大學(理大)在惠州市與惠州市人民政府和大亞灣經濟技術開發區共同舉行了「香港理工大學大亞灣技術創新研究院」(研究院)的揭牌儀式。 在理大校董會主席林大輝博士、校長滕錦光教授、校董會成員李錦雄先生、常務及學務副校長黃永德教授、副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒教授、協理副校長(大學發展)羅璇博士、理大大亞灣技術創新研究院院長鄭子劍教授、惠州市委書記、惠州市人大常委會主任劉吉先生、惠州市委常委、組織部部長黎明先生、廣東省科學技術廳一級調研員袁光俠先生、惠州市委統戰部常務副部長、惠州市台港澳事務局局長鍾永蘭女士、大亞灣開發區黨工委書記、區管委會主任郭武飄先生、大亞灣開發區黨工委副書記、區管委會副主任傘金福先生及大亞灣開發區黨工委委員、區黨建工作辦公室(組織人事辦公室)主任陳智明先生一起為研究院進行揭牌儀式,標誌著研究院正式落地惠州。 林大輝博士在致辭中表示,理大、惠州市政府及大亞灣經濟技術開發區三方自今年五月簽署共建協議以來,經過四個月的努力落實研究院及孵化樓基本建設,展現了高效的合作成果及推動科技創新的堅定決心。研究院將以當地產業需求為導向,優化資源配置,促進科技成果的應用和產業化,為香港、惠州乃至國家的高質量發展做出積極貢獻。 滕錦光教授在致辭中表示,理大在追求教學和科研創新時,十分關注全球環境保護和可持續發展的問題。研究院將重點開發綠色能源及技術,致力於推動社會的現代化、數碼化和環保建設,積極承擔社會責任。此次與惠州市政府及大亞灣經濟技術開發區的合作,將促進官產學研的深度融合與協同發展,成為惠港兩地在綠色和先進科技創新領域的重要平台。 劉吉先生在致辭中表示,惠州正深入學習貫徹黨的二十屆三中全會精神,認真落實省委「1310」具體部署,深度參與粵港澳大灣區建設,並深化惠港科技創新合作。惠州與理大攜手合作建設研究院,整合高端科技創新資源,培養一批掌握未來關鍵技術的卓越工程師和高素質技術應用型創新創業人才,成爲國內一流的高端科技創新平台及惠港校地合作新典範。 揭牌儀式重點介紹了研究院的四大聚焦領域,分別由研究院院長、理大智慧可穿戴系統研究院副院長、軟材料及器件講座教授鄭子劍教授介紹研究院整體發展方向及建設規劃,及其研究的新材料與新能源;研究院副院長、理大理學院副院長、化學和環境分析中心實驗室主任容家富教授的綠色化學與可持續催化;理大建築環境及能源工程學系魏敏晨教授的空間計算與影像;及理大機械工程學系阮海輝博士的綠色與智慧製造。這四大核心研究領域不僅應對現有產業的升級需求,還專注於未來科技發展的趨勢,為實現可持續發展及科技自立自強奠定堅實基礎。研究院並與八家當地企業就合作項目舉行簽約儀式,進一步實現技術轉化及應用。 活動還特別舉辦了「以科技創新推動新質生產力發展」為主題的大亞灣首屆科學講壇,由理大校長滕錦光教授、香港科技園董事局主席、理大基金主席查毅超博士及理大傑出講座教授暨電動汽車研究中心主任陳清泉教授主講,探討了科技創新與提升生產力的互惠關係,及未來產業轉型的趨勢和挑戰,為與會官員、科研人員及企業代表提供了前瞻性見解。 未來,研究院將成為惠港兩地合作的新典範,結合大亞灣經濟技術開發區的產業基礎和政策支持,為惠州市的發展注入香港元素,並加快構建綠色低碳產業體系,提升製造業發展能級,打造更具核心競爭力的石化能源新材料、電子資訊兩大產業集群。   傳媒報導: • 紫荊號 -  • 資本雜誌 - • 點新聞 - • 東方財富網 - • 廣東新聞 - • 香港商報 - • 惠州日報 - • 大公報 - • 文匯報 - • 新華網 -  

4 Oct, 2024


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Prof. Zheng Zijian interviewed by the 21st Century Business Herald regarding flexible electronics

Prof. Zheng Zijian, Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems and Associate Director of the University Research Facility in Materials Characterisation and Device Fabrication, was interviewed by 21st Century Business Herald on his research on flexible electronics as well as the pros and cons of university-nurtured startups and the I&T ecosystem in Hong Kong. Prof. Zheng highlighted the vast potential of flexible electronics in smart wearables, healthcare, sports monitoring, and robotics during the interview. This technology, enabling bendable and stretchable devices through advanced fabrication techniques, is reshaping electronic product applications across industries. Reflecting on Hong Kong's evolving innovation and technology landscape, Prof. Zheng noted the significant improvements over the past years, emphasizing enhanced opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions and groundbreaking discoveries in the realm of flexible electronics and technological advancements, as Professor Zheng continues to drive innovation and inspire the next generation of tech enthusiasts in Hong Kong and beyond. Online coverage: 21st Century Business Herald “港”创科25人|专访香港理工大学讲座教授郑子剑:香港科研水平全球领先,柔性电子应用前景广阔 Mobile|Desktop|LinkedIn|Weibo 3 September 2024  

10 Sep, 2024


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Dr Ma Cong Pioneering Research Revolutionizing Antibiotics to Combat Superbugs

A research team led by Dr. Ma Cong, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and the co-founder of a PolyU startup YnnoMed Limited, is on the verge of a breakthrough in developing new drugs to combat superbugs. The team, which has identified 1,000 bioactive molecules that could potentially develop into new antibiotics to combat drug-resistant bacteria, has won multiple local and international awards for their groundbreaking work.   The team has identified five chemical components proven effective in killing all known superbugs in laboratory and animal experiments. Although much of the work has been done in Hong Kong, clinical trials on humans will commence in mainland China in 2026, with the team aspiring to establish clinical research collaborations in the United States as well.   Currently, before a drug can be utilized in Hong Kong, it must already be registered in at least two of the 36 countries specified by the Department of Health, a list that includes the US and China. As we await the establishment of the Hong Kong Centre for Medical Products Regulation, we wish Dr. Ma and his team success in their endeavors and hope that the new drug can be swiftly introduced and made available in the market.   Online coverage: SCMP - (subscription required)

10 Sep, 2024


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ABCT Postgraduate Student Miss Jin Shang Wins Two Best Poster Awards

Our ABCT postgraduate student Miss Jin Shang under the supervision of Dr. Zhao Qian has garnered significant accolades for her research efforts. Her exceptional work in the field of pharmaceuticals and antiviral therapeutics has been recognized at two esteemed symposiums, where she emerged victorious with the Best Poster Awards. At the 18th Chinese International Peptide Symposium (CPS 2024) held in July 2024, Miss Jin Shang's presentation on "Deconvoluting the Controversial Antiviral Activity of Hydroxychloroquine through Target Identification with Chemical Proteomics" captivated the audience and earned her the distinguished Best Poster Award. Prior to this, Miss Jin Shang also triumphed at the Hong Kong - Jiangsu Symposium on Drug Discovery and Development in May 2024, where her research on the same topic was lauded with the Best Poster Award. Her work delves deep into unraveling the mysteries surrounding the antiviral properties of Hydroxychloroquine using cutting-edge techniques in chemical proteomics. These accolades are a testament to Miss Jin Shang's unwavering commitment to scientific excellence and her invaluable contributions to the field of pharmaceutical research. Her innovative approach and dedication to advancing knowledge in antiviral therapeutics have rightfully earned her these prestigious honors. Congratulations to Miss Jin Shang on this remarkable achievement. Her success not only reflects her individual brilliance but also highlights the outstanding research being conducted at Dr. Zhao Qian's esteemed research group.  

5 Sep, 2024


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Dr. Zhao Qian Recognized as 'Rising Star in Proteomics and Metabolomics 2024' by Journal of Proteome Research

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Zhao Qian, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, has been honored with the recognition of 'Rising Star in Proteomics and Metabolomics 2024' by the Journal of Proteome Research (JPR). This recognition highlights Dr. Zhao's exceptional contributions and dedication to the fields of proteomics and metabolomics. The 'Rising Stars in Proteomics and Metabolomics 2024' Collection is a prestigious acknowledgment of emerging scientists chosen by the Associate Editors of the Journal of Proteome Research and the Editorial Advisory Board members. Dr. Zhao is among the 34 authors included in this esteemed Collection, all of whom are early career researchers showcasing remarkable originality and potential for the advancement of proteomics and metabolomics. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Zhao on this well-deserved recognition. Her commitment to excellence and advancement in proteomics and metabolomics serve as an inspiration to us all. We eagerly anticipate the continued success and impactful research emanating from her esteemed research group.  

5 Sep, 2024


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Prof. Zheng Zijian's interview on RTHK's radio programme “Backchat”: PolyU's success in SVIIF 2024

Prof. Zheng Zijian, Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems and Associate Director of the University Research Facility in Materials Characterisation and Device Fabrication, was interviewed by RTHK’s radio programme “Backchat” on 22 August on PolyU’s success in the Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival 2024 (SVIIF) and his award-winning project “ICU-grade Wireless Breathable Cardiac Electronic Skin”. Online coverage: RTHK Backchat(48:22 - 54:17) 22 August 2024

26 Aug, 2024



Two PolyU projects secure support from Taihu Lake Talent Plan

The 2024 Taihu Talent Development Conference, themed "New Era, New Talents, New Ecosystem," commenced in Wuxi, Jiangsu, on 9 August 2024. The Hong Kong government's "Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One plus Scheme" saw its first batch of six project teams receive funding under the "Taihu Lake Talent Plan." These projects will benefit from a range of favourable policies including priority investment and talent incentives in Wuxi, facilitating their rapid implementation and growth.   Among the distinguished projects, the "Laire Tech" project led by Prof. Wang Zuankai, Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation), and the "Composite Current Collectors" project led by Prof. Zheng Zijian, Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems and Associate Director of the University Research Facility in Materials Characterisation and Device Fabrication, secured funding and other support from the Taihu Lake Talent Plan.   The Taihu Lake Talent Plan, initiated in 2016, aims to attract and utilize talents from various sectors. Wuxi authorities revealed that the six Hong Kong project teams receiving special support under this plan are represented by the primary subsidiary of Wuxi Guolian Group in Hong Kong and the operating entity of the Wuxi Hong Kong Science and Innovation Center, Surrich International. These teams collaborated with Hong Kong universities and successfully obtained funding after rigorous evaluation by the Hong Kong government, becoming the inaugural beneficiaries of the Hong Kong "Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One plus Scheme." These projects and their esteemed professorial teams have high expectations placed upon them, with the Hong Kong government committing over HK$200 million in initial support.   Congratulations to our PolyU project teams for their achievements and recognition in this groundbreaking endeavour!   Online coverage: Ta Kung Pao - Wen Wei Po - China Review News -

13 Aug, 2024


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PolyU and ChemPartner collaborate on the development of novel immunotherapy agents

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has announced a formal collaboration with Shanghai ChemPartner Co., Ltd. to jointly develop next-generation cancer immunotherapy agents. This partnership combines expertise from both academia and industry, with the long-term goal of benefiting cancer patients. PolyU's novel targets will be further developed into antibody-based, personalized cancer treatments. The collaboration leverages the university's strengths in basic science research and the industry's commercialization expertise, creating a synergistic relationship. The partnership aims to bridge the gap from foundational research to therapeutic drug development, thereby accelerating the innovation and commercialization of groundbreaking cancer treatments. This synergy not only fosters the exchange of knowledge and resources but also paves the way for significant advancements in oncology.   The signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was held on 9 August 2024 to establish the partnership. The MOU was signed by Prof. Larry Ming Cheung CHOW, Head of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at PolyU, and Mr. Shixin FAN, Board Director of Shanghai ChemPartner Co. Ltd.   Prof. Larry Ming Cheung Chow expressed his excitement about the collaboration, stating, "This partnership exemplifies the need for academia and industry to work closely together to achieve success. To create a win-win situation, we will focus on the early discovery phase of markers, while ChemPartner will work on the later stages of antibody development."   Mr. William Woo, Chairman and CEO of ChemPartner, emphasized the significance of this collaboration, saying, "Our cooperation with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is a major event for ChemPartner. We hope that through this partnership, we can promote exchanges and collaboration between the two sides in the field of medical technology, share resources, complement each other's strengths, and jointly make greater contributions to human health."   理大與睿智醫藥合作開發新一代癌症免疫療法 香港理工大學 (理大) 宣佈與上海睿智醫藥有限公司(睿智醫藥)正式建立合作關係,共同開發新一代癌症免疫療法藥物。此次合作將結合學術界和醫藥業界的專業知識,以造福癌症患者為長期目標。理大發現的新靶點將得到進一步開發成基於抗體的個性化癌症治療藥物。大學基礎科學研究能力與業界商業化專業知識的結合是完美的合作方式。雙方合作將充分利用各自的優勢資源,從基礎研究到治療性藥物開發,實現無縫過渡,加速創新癌症治療方法的研發和市場推廣。這不僅促進了知識和資源的共用,還為癌症治療的創新和突破創造了有利條件。   雙方於2024年8月9日簽署合作諒解備忘錄,建立合作關係。備忘錄由理大應用生物和化學科技學系系主任周銘祥教授和上海睿智醫藥有限公司董事樊世新先生代表簽署。   周銘祥教授表示:"理大與睿智醫藥的合作是一個非常激動人心的時刻。這次合作體現了學術界和業界需要更緊密地合作才能取得成功。為了實現雙贏,我們將專注於標記物的早期發現階段,而睿智醫藥將致力於抗體開發的後期階段。"   睿智醫藥董事長兼首席執行官胡瑞連先生表示:"與香港理工大學的合作是睿智醫藥發展史上的一件大事,我們期待通過這次合作,能夠促進雙方在醫藥科技領域的交流與合作,實現資源分享,優勢互補,共同為人類的健康事業做出更大的貢獻。"   PolyU and ChemPartner signed a MOU on 9 August 2024 to establish a formal collaboration. The MOU was signed by Prof. Larry Ming Cheung Chow (3rd from right) and Mr. Shixin Fan, Board Director of ChemPartner (3rd from left). Other guests joining the ceremony included Mr. William Woo, Chairman and CEO of ChemPartner (2nd from left), Mr. Yinqun Zha, CFO of ChemPartner (1st from left), Prof. Yanxiang Zhao, Associate Head and Professor of Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at PolyU (2nd from right) and Prof. Thomas Leung, Professor at Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at PolyU (1st from right). 理大與睿智醫藥於2024年8月9日簽署合作諒解備忘錄,由理大應用生物和化學科技學系系主任周銘祥教授(右三)和上海睿智醫藥有限公司董事樊世新先生(左三)代表簽署。其他出席嘉賓包括睿智醫藥董事長兼首席執行官胡瑞連先生、睿智醫藥首席財務官查胤群先生、理大應用生物和化學科技學系副系主任趙燕湘教授及理大應用生物及化學科技學系梁潤松教授。   The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) PolyU is committed to the development of biopharmaceuticals in Hong Kong. It has developed the first undergraduate degree in biotechnology (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology) and the first Master degree in Biopharmaceutical Development and Commercialization in Hong Kong. The State Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery and other life sciences departments in PolyU have worked on the development of various anticancer drug and clinical devices. For more information, please visit:   香港理工大學(理大) 理大致力發展香港生物製藥。 它在香港開設了第一個生物技術本科學位(應用生物兼生物科技(榮譽)理學士學位)和生物醫藥研發及產業化理學碩士。 理大化學生物學與藥物發現國家重點實驗室及其他生命科學部門致力於多種抗癌藥物和臨床設備的開發。  

13 Aug, 2024


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PolyU Researchers Win Big at the Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival 2024

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is proud to announce that its research teams and startups have achieved exceptional success at the 2024 Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival (SVIIF), held from July 26-28 in Santa Clara, California.   This global event, the largest of its kind in the United States, drew participation from approximately 30 countries and regions, representing a diverse array of academic institutions, research centers, and enterprises. Supported and attended by leading multinational corporations, investors, and entrepreneurs, the SVIIF serves as a crucial platform for inventors and the business community to explore commercialization opportunities and forge new partnerships.   Led by Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation), the PolyU research teams and startups showcased their innovations on the international stage, connecting with investors and business partners worldwide to raise the University’s global profile.   This year, PolyU research teams garnered nine prestigious awards at the SVIIF, including a semi-grand prize, two special prizes, five gold medals and one silver medal. The award-winning PolyU research projects spanned a diverse range of fields, including healthcare devices, advanced materials, artificial intelligence of things (AIoT), and sensing technology. These innovations exemplify PolyU's commitment to driving progress and addressing global challenges through cutting-edge research and entrepreneurship.   Notably, the project "ICU-grade Wireless Breathable Cardiac Electronic Skin" led by Prof. ZHENG Zijian, Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices, was awarded a Semi-grand Prize and a Gold Medal. This groundbreaking invention provides a seamless, continuous, comfortable, non-invasive, and inflammation-free electrocardiogram monitoring solution with ICU-grade accuracy, without the need for traditional wired and bulky clinical devices.   Additionally, Prof. ZHAO Xin, Professor at the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and Founder of ReNew Biotechnology Limited, won the Silver Medal of the Croatian Union of Innovators for her project "3D Printed Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Bone Scaffolds."   Moreover, a collaborative project titled "MicroFish: A Lab-on-a-chip for On-site Detection of Microbial Contamination and Pollutants," led by Dr. CHUA Song Lin, Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and Co-founder of Microfish Limited, Dr. LIU Yang Sylvia, GBA Startup Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and Co-founder of Microfish Limited, and Dr. KHOO Bee Luan, Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, was awarded a coveted Gold Medal.   We invite you to learn more about these groundbreaking PolyU projects by visiting the Appendix or the website of the PolyU Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office.   PolyU's outstanding performance at the 2024 Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival is a testament to the university's commitment to innovation, entrepreneurship, and global impact. We congratulate our talented researchers and innovators on their remarkable achievements, which have once again positioned PolyU as a leading hub of cutting-edge research and technological breakthroughs.   Project Description Principal Investigator(s) Award(s) ICU-grade Wireless Breathable Cardiac Electronic Skin   This innovation offers a seamless and non-invasive electrocardiogram experience. It ensures continuous, comfortable and inflammation-free heart monitoring with accuracy as high as achieved in intensive care units (ICU), but without traditional wired and bulky clinical devices. It has been adopted for early detection of heart disease in daily life and in outpatient clinics, while also being suitable for monitoring ICU patients both during and after surgery. The wearable cardiac electronic system is ultrathin and ultralightweight with a thickness of only 181 μm and weight of 0.489g. It is highly stretchable and permeable, and of a high-integration-density. It also allows realtime acquisition, analysis and wireless transmission of cardiac data via a smartphone. Prof. ZHENG Zijian Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of PolyU; Associate Director, Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems, and University Research Facility in Materials Characterisation and Device Fabrication   Semi-Grand Prize Gold Medal   3D Printed Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Bone Scaffolds   The 3D-printed triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) bone scaffolds use β-tricalcium phosphate with a hyperboloidal shape that mimics trabecular bone. The scaffolds are highly porous and interconnected, which helps reduce stress and increases their strength. They can support the adhesion and proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells and promote the transformation of these cells into bone cells to support the formation of blood vessels, a process known as “osteogenesis-angiogenesis coupling”. This is achieved by the shape of scaffold which reorganises the cell’s internal structure, with focal adhesion kinase and mitogen activated protein kinase pathway activation. In-vivo evaluation demonstrates that TPMS scaffolds boost new bone formation and blood vessel growth. The scaffolds guide the development of bone and blood vessel cells using only their physical properties and demonstrate substantial improvements in bone regeneration without any additional substances. They pave the way towards a simple, safe, efficient and personalised bone graft solution with very significant potential for clinical use. Prof. ZHAO Xin Professor, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of PolyU; Founder, ReNew Biotechnology Limited (a PolyU academic-led startup) Prize of the Croatian Union of Innovators   Silver Medal MicroFish: A Lab-on-a-chip for On-site Detection of Microbial Contamination and Pollutants MicroFish is a palm-sized lab-on-a-chip device that can detect microbial pathogens and environmental pollutants. It is easy to operate by injecting samples into the lab-on-a-chip, which contains colorimetric chemical sensors, and then analyzing the positive or negative result. It allows for rapid, low-cost on-site monitoring of potential microbial outbreaks in aquacultures and livestock farms with limited access to diagnostic laboratories. The result is early detection of microbial pathogens or pollutants, enabling prompt responses to potential outbreaks of disease or environmental pollution. This innovation will reduce livestock mortality, thereby helping to prevent serious economic losses and will contribute to food security. This project supports UN Sustainable Development Goals, including Life Below Water, and Clean Water and Sanitation. Dr CHUA Song Lin Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of PolyU; Co-founder, Microfish Limited (a PolyU academic-led startup)   Dr LIU Yang Sylvia GBA Startup Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of PolyU; Co-founder, Microfish Limited (a PolyU academic-led startup)   Dr KHOO Bee Luan Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong Gold Medal  

7 Aug, 2024


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