Logo Design Competition

Design the Official COMP 50th Anniversary Logo
COMP is proud to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2024. In celebration of this important milestone, we sincerely invite COMP students, staff and alumni to provide a creative design for COMP 50th anniversary logo.
Submission Deadline
30th November 2023
1. Fill out the online submission form.
2. Obtain the link for uploading entries from the Thank You page.
3. Upload your entries.
Submission Form
Click Here
- The logo design must incorporate the name of COMP along with the number "50", and be able to present the concept of the evolution of computer science over the past 50 years.
- The logo should reflect a professional image and complement both the PolyU and department logos, as there may be situations where they are displayed together.
- The PolyU corporate logo cannot be used to re-create/manipulate the new COMP 50th anniversary logo imagery.
- The entry must not infringe any intellectual property rights, including but not limited to using or including images, photographs, persons, trademarks, distinctive features, wording, or other elements, for which the participant does not have the licence and for which s/he cannot provide a licence to use, publish, reproduce, or print.
- The design must be original. If you have used generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to assist in the design, the GenAI output(s) must be provided and you must describe clearly your input and/or contributions.
- Each entry must include a brief description (no more than 300 words, either in Chinese or English), illustrating the design concept.
- Each participant may submit more than one entry.
- No application fee is applied. However, all costs required for submissions will be borne by the participant.
- The participants are advised to retain a duplicate copy of their submissions in case of any unforeseen conditions which may lead to the loss or damage of the entries.
- All entries must not have been submitted for any other competition or provided to any party for any purpose before submitting to us.
- COMP accepts no responsibility for any data submission delay, loss, error, non-recognising etc. situations due to computer, network, and other technical issues. The proof of dispatch cannot be accepted as proof of delivery or successful transmission of the entry. All participants in the Competition are on a voluntary basis. COMP will be exempted from all legal liability, compensation, and responsibility that the competition may cause and/or the prize.
- Submitted entries will not be returned to participants and the personal information will be properly destroyed within six months after all Competition-related activities end.
- By submitting the application form and entry, you agree to transfer the copyright of your design to PolyU and COMP so that your design can be used, edited and/or modified as deemed fit.
- You must declare any conflicts of interest to avoid any dispute. This includes disclosing any relationships you may have with the judges, among other relevant factors.
- The decision of COMP in all matters relating to this Competition, including whether the winning submission will be adopted as the COMP 50th anniversary logo, is final.
- All entries must be presented in JPG format with high resolution.
- Entries of scanned or photographed hand-drawn works will not be accepted.
- Editable digital files in vector format (i.e. ai/eps/svg, etc.) of the awarded entries will be requested at a later date.
The Panel will assess and judge the submissions according to the following criteria:
1. Presentation of Ideas | 30% |
2. Aesthetic Quality and Composition |
30% |
3. Creativity and Originality |
40% |
: | Cash Prize of HK$5,000 and Certificate (1 winner) |
1st Runner-up | : | Cash Prize of HK$2,000 and Certificate (1 winner) |
Merit Award | : | Cash Prize of HK$1,000 and Certificate (up to 6 winners) |
* Certificate of Merits may be given to high-quality submissions.
The winning results has been announced on the website and social media of COMP in Jan 2024.
Champion: | Ms GUO Man |
1st Runner-up: | Mr LEE Chun Yin |
Merit Award: (in alphabetical order of surnames) |
Mr CHEN Chi Wei Mr LI Hillming Mr LIU YIBO Dr LU Xingye Mr MANSOOR Haris Ms SIU Pui Yu Diana |
Intellectual Property Rights
All participants who submit entries to the Competition, agree to assign the intellectual property rights of the winning designs to COMP.
- By the act of entering the submission, each eligible participant is assigned a perpetual, royalty-free, unlimited, unconditional use, and reproduction rights of his/her submission(s) to COMP.
- All submissions must be original and free from infringement of any existing intellectual property rights.
The participants shall bear full legal and related responsibilities arising from any possible breach of intellectual property rights in respect of their entries and shall indemnify COMP and other concerned parties against any claims and liabilities arising from any such breach. - If a participant is found to have disposed of to a third party, such as by assignment, transfer or provision as security, or is making application or registration procedures, etc., for all or any part of the intellectual property rights or any other rights concerning the submitted entry after the submission, the submission will be made invalid.
- The winning designs are subject to investigations regarding originality and eligibility for trademark registration. If they do not comply with the requirement, COMP has the discretion to forfeit the prizes involved without any liability to the selected participants or any other persons, and other entries may be selected as the winning designs.
- COMP shall not be obliged to accept or approve any entry, should they consider that none of the entries submitted is appropriate.
- When the logo is adopted, COMP reserves the right to modify the winning logo professionally and/or develop different versions of the logo with relation to its colours, size, form, resolution, and all other features, with or without the consent of the creator of the winning entry.
- By joining the Competition, the participants agree to accept that COMP has the right to display or publish selected designs from the Competition for the following purposes: (i) printed publication; (ii) online publication; and (iii) promotion of COMP in any other media.
Use of Personal Information
Any information supplied by the participants for the purpose of the Competition will be treated as confidential and will not be released by COMP and any third parties without the participant's permission. The personal information of participants will only be used for communications regarding the submission and selection and otherwise to the extent necessary for administrative matters for the selection. If you have any questions about the use of your personal information in relation to this Competition, please send email to comp50.anniversary@polyu.edu.hk.
Decisions made by the panel of judges shall be final. Any objection of the participants will not be considered. In case of any dispute, COMP reserves the final decision, including the right to suspend, change or terminate the Competition and any of its terms and conditions without prior notice.