
Sept 2024 Entry


4 years


BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering
126 (plus 13 practical training credits)

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Structural and Fire Safety Engineering)
126 (plus 13 practical training credits)

BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development
125 (plus 13 practical training credits)

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Mobility) with a Secondary Major in AIDA
138 (plus 13 practical training credits)

123 (JUPAS and non-JUPAS)
  • Four full-time programmes are offered under the Scheme:
    1. BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering
    2. BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Structural and Fire Safety Engineering)
    3. ​BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development
    4. BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Mobility) with a Secondary Major in AIDA
  • A common curriculum is provided for all first-year students.
  • At the end of the second semester of Year 1, students can choose to study one of programmes 1–3 as their major based on the student’s choice and overall GPA in Year 1.
  • Students who wish to study programme 4 as their major are assessed for eligibility based on their grade point average (GPA) for Year 1. 
  • For the details of programme 4, please see the “Secondary Major Details” section.
  • The credit requirements of these programmes are indicative only and are subject to review.
Application Deadline
Non-JUPAS Year 1
International / Other Qualification
About Programme
Specific Notes
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims, Learning Outcomes and Characteristics

BEng (Hons) Scheme in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development

This BEng (Hons) Scheme in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development provides a well-structured top quality interdisciplinary education that is a balance of state-of-the-art knowledge and the highly in-demand skills that underpin modern civil engineering practice. 

The Year 1 common curriculum offers a broad fundamental education that integrates subjects from both civil and environmental engineering disciplines, enabling students to make a well-informed choice about the major in which to specialise from their second year of study.

Depending on their chosen major - civil engineering, structural and fire safety engineering, or environmental engineering - graduates are eligible to join Scheme A training of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in the Civil, Structural, Geotechnical, Fire, Environmental, and Logistics & Transportation Engineering disciplines.


BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering

This programme aims to nurture well-rounded civil engineering graduates who are conversant in environmental, geotechnical, hydraulic, structural and transportation engineering, in addition to construction management. Graduates will be able to plan, design, construct, and manage interdisciplinary civil engineering projects incorporating complex commercial, environmental, social and legal considerations.


BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Structural and Fire Safety Engineering)

This is a unique programme that combines the essential elements of structural engineering, civil engineering, and fire safety engineering to address the emerging challenges of structural safety and fire safety in high-rise structures and densely populated cities. Graduates are equipped with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills of structural engineering, active and passive fire-protection technologies, and assume critical roles in designing, maintaining, and retrofitting new and existing buildings.


BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development

This is a unique programme that integrates elements of environmental engineering, sustainable development, and occupational safety and health. Graduates are able to devise practical solutions to environmental and safety problems in water and waste management, circular economies, energy sustainability, and urban development, and contribute to the formulation of policies that will lead to sustainable development. 

Attractive Features

  • A 4-year (1 common year + 3 years of your selected major) full-time comprehensive programme.
  • Opportunities to join exchange programmes for 1-2 semesters at top universities worldwide.
  • Practical training modules in the technologically advanced Industrial Centre of the University.
  • Summer placement in Hong Kong, Mainland China or overseas.
  • A global learning experience for each student.
  • Scholarships are available for students demonstrating excellent academic performance.
Recognition & Prospects

Professional Recognition

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering

Full accreditation has been granted to this programme by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). As such, graduates of the programme are qualified for Corporate Membership of HKIE after appropriate training and are eligible to join Scheme A training of HKIE in the following disciplines:

  • Civil Discipline
  • Environmental Discipline
  • Geotechnical Discipline
  • Structural Discipline
  • Logistics & Transportation Discipline (upon completion of specific elective subjects)


BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Structural and Fire Safety Engineering)

Full accreditation for this programme is being sought from by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Once this has been obtained, graduates of the programme will be qualified Corporate Membership of HKIE after appropriate training and are eligible to join for Scheme A training of HKIE in the following disciplines:

  • Civil Discipline
  • Structural Discipline
  • Fire Discipline


BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development

Full accreditation has been granted to this programme by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). As such, graduates of this programme are qualified for Corporate Membership of HKIE after appropriate training and are eligible to join Scheme A training of HKIE in the following disciplines:

  • Environmental Discipline
  • Logistics & Transportation Discipline (upon completion of specific elective subjects)

Upon the completion of three specific safety subjects, students will fulfil the academic requirements of a Safety Supervisor.


Career Prospects

The majority of our graduates embark upon rewarding careers in government departments and authorities, engineering consultants and construction contractors soon after graduation. After a few years of work experience, many graduates further advance their careers by sitting an examination to become professional engineers. Other graduates pursue higher degrees at prestigious overseas institutions. 


BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering

  • The Year 1 common curriculum covers basic knowledge and latest issues in the fields of civil engineering and sustainable development.
  • The Years 2 and 3 curricula cover comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of civil engineering, environmental, geotechnical, hydraulic, structural and transportation engineering, and construction management.
  • The Year 4 curriculum provides in-depth exposure to specific fields of interest through a wide range of advanced elective subjects. Students conduct a Design Project, which requires them to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their first 3 years of study, and an Individual Capstone Project, which gives them research experience and thereby assists their further intellectual development.   


BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Structural and Fire Safety Engineering)

  • The Year 1 common curriculum covers basic knowledge and latest issues in the fields of civil engineering and sustainable development.
  • The Years 2 and 3 curricula cover comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of structural engineering, fire safety engineering and civil engineering.
  • The Year 4 curriculum provides in-depth exposure to specific fields of interest through a wide range of advanced elective subjects. Students conduct a Design Project, which requires them to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their first 3 years of study, and an Individual Capstone Project, which gives them research experience and thereby assists their further intellectual development.  


BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development

  • The Year 1 common curriculum covers basic knowledge and latest issues in the field of civil engineering and sustainable development.
  • The Years 2 and 3 curricula cover comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of environmental engineering, sustainable development, and occupational safety and health.
  • The Year 4 curriculum provides in-depth exposure to specific fields of interest through a wide range of advanced elective subjects. Students conduct a Design Project, which requires them to integrate knowledge and skills they have acquired in their first 3 years of study, and an Individual Capstone Project, which gives them research experience and thereby supports their further intellectual development.  


For subject details, please visit


Secondary Major Details

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Mobility) with a Secondary Major in AIDA

Credits Required for Graduation
138 (plus 13 practical training credits)

Programme Leader
Dr Wei Ma
PhD, BEng, BSc

Programme Aims & Learning Outcomes & Characteristics

Hong Kong is a global financial centre, a fast-growing tourism city, and an international shipping and aviation hub. Thus, Hong Kong has a great need for a smart, seamlessly integrated, and multi-modal mobility system that connects it with the nation and the world. This secondary major aims to equip a new generation of engineers with a mastery of knowledge and skills in civil engineering, transportation engineering, data analytics, and machine learning, such that they will become leaders in smart mobility development. 


Attractive Features

  • Four-year (1 common year + 3 years of your selected major) full-time comprehensive programme.
  • Opportunities to join exchange programme for 1-2 semesters at top universities worldwide.
  • Practical training modules in the technologically advanced Industrial Centre of the University.
  • Summer placements in Hong Kong, Mainland China or overseas.
  • A global learning experience for each student
  • Scholarships are available for students demonstrating excellent academic performance. 


  • A common curriculum is provided for all first-year students.
  • At the end of the second semester of Year 1, students who are interested in taking BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Mobility) with a Secondary Major in AIDA are subject to further assessment based on their grade point average (GPA) in Year 1. 
  • Only students with a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or above may be considered for enrolment into the Secondary Major.
  • BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Mobility) is only offered in conjunction with the Secondary major: AI and Data Analytics.
  • Students who wish to withdraw from the Secondary Major must obtain approval to do so from the Department before the end of the add/drop period of the final semester of study.
  • The major of students who withdraw from the Secondary Major, will be changed to BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering, and their graduation may be delayed.

Professional Recognition

Full accreditation will be sought for the programme from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Once this has been obtained, graduates of the programme will be qualified for Corporate Membership of HKIE after appropriate training and are eligible to join Scheme A training of HKIE in the following disciplines:

  • Civil Discipline
  • Geotechnical Discipline
  • Structural Discipline
  • Logistics & Transportation Discipline

Career Prospects

The majority of our graduates with a BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering embark on rewarding careers in government departments and authorities, engineering consultants and construction contractors soon after graduation. After a few years of relevant working experience, many graduates further advance their careers by sitting an examination to become professional engineers. Other graduates pursue higher degrees at prestigious overseas institutions. In addition, graduates with this secondary major have a competitive edge when seeking positions with transport consultancies, public transport operators, Mobility-as-a-Service companies, and other positions in the field of smart mobility development and applications.


  • Comprehensive civil engineering subjects are taught from the second to the fourth year, covering practical knowledge in the fields of geotechnical, hydraulic, structural and transportation engineering. 
  • The Year 1 common curriculum covers basic knowledge and latest issues in the fields of civil engineering and sustainable development.
  • The Year 2 and 3 curricula cover comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of civil engineering and transportation engineering. They also include elementary aspects of-statistics, data analysis, programming and machine learning.
  • The Year 4 curriculum provides in-depth exposure to specific fields through a wide range of advanced elective subjects in civil engineering, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. Students conduct a Design Project, which requires them to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their first 3 years of study, and an Integrated Capstone Project, which gives them experience in researching specific topics in smart mobility and thereby supports their further intellectual development.
  • There are 12 credits of double-counting subjects of the Major towards the Secondary Major.
Credit Required for Graduation

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering
126 (plus 13 practical training credits)

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Structural and Fire Safety Engineering)
126 (plus 13 practical training credits)

BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development
125 (plus 13 practical training credits)

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Mobility) with a Secondary Major in AIDA
138 (plus 13 practical training credits)

Scheme/Programme Leader(s)

Scheme Leader
Dr Barbara Wing-yee Siu

Programme Leader - BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering & BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Mobility) with a Secondary Major in AIDA
Dr Wei Ma
PhD, BEng, BSc

Programme Leader - BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Structural and Fire Safety Engineering)
Dr S.K. Lai
PhD, BEng

Programme Leader - BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development
Ir Dr Shao-Yuan Leu
PhD, M.S., B.S.

Entrance Requirements

Please click here to view the entrance requirements for non-JUPAS applicants.


Other Information

  • Applicants attaining good results in science subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Calculus) are preferred.

For further programme information, please contact:
General Office (tel.: 2766 6068; email:

Student Message

In my third year of study, I was given a chance to be an exchange student at Imperial College London, one of our prestigious counterparts in the UK. It was definitely one of the most fascinating and fruitful experiences of my life.

Life in London differs in many ways from that in Hong Kong, and I started afresh over there with no friends and family around. So, the first two things I learned were to be independent and quick to adapt. I also acquired a global mindset. I was in a class of around 90 students from 22 countries and my interactions with them were striking. When I talked with them, I learned about different cultures and got to know the state of development of the construction industry in different countries, which made me realise that there are so many opportunities worldwide.

I ended my journey there with a week working on a construction project. It was a group project starting with design and engineering drawing before we went on site to actually build the structure ourselves. It enhanced my practical knowledge of civil engineering.

That was my exchange experience. I hope you have such an opportunity during your studies and I am sure it will be an experience you will enjoy.

Albert Chen


這門學科除了一般理論課如力學、數學等理科知識外,還提供實用的工業訓練。 理大的工業中心設備完善,資源充足,為我們提供了良好的訓練環境。 我從沒想過在大學裏可親身參與有關工程專業的不同步驟,例如製作混凝土模板、砌磚牆、扎鐵和燒焊等,都帶給我非一般的學習體驗。 此外,我們還有機會學習使用不同電腦軟件作繪圖和計算之用,這些實用的知識正正能針對我們日後的專業工作所需。



After completing a Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering, I was promoted to the second year of the Bachelor’s degree programme at PolyU. During my period of study, I gained sufficient fundamental knowledge to prepare me for life as a competent professional engineer. PolyU gives students numerous chances to expand their experience and interests. Overseas summer training provided me with a chance to dabble in research under the guidance of a world-renowned research institute. I enjoyed a period of exchange study at a prestigious college in the UK, and am now motivated to think for myself and explore possibilities in all areas; in other words, to ‘think outside the box’. These experiences have taught me independence and given me the realisation that with effort, I can overcome all of the difficulties that I encounter.

Leung Kin Hon

Civil engineering is an exciting and challenging career. The profession is becoming more critical as the need for sustainable development and environmental responsibility increases. As a civil engineering undergraduate at PolyU, I have been given many chances to practice what I have learned in class. The course is designed to provide students with a broad-based and high-quality education in the areas of structural, environmental, transportation, hydraulic and geotechnical engineering, in addition to construction management. Extra components of the course include eight weeks of practical training in the technologically advanced Industrial Centre. Between the second and third years, students undertake an eight-week industry placement, based in companies either in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland or overseas. This training taught me something about the real world of civil engineering. I also had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester through a subsidised exchange programme with Leeds University. This broadened my horizons to the extent that I learned that professional civil engineers need more than local experience and fundamental engineering knowledge to be fully effective in their careers. Confidence, the ability to take the initiative and the capacity to communicate on all levels are necessary for professional success. I am glad that I studied at PolyU because the broad social and academic experience I gained has enhanced my competitive skills and deepened my interest in the wider issues of civil engineering, all of which will be advantages in furthering my career.

Tang Hiu Tung
Additional Documents Required
Programme Leaflet
Interview Arrangement

To assess the suitability of the applicants for admission to the programme.

Date of Interview
Interviews may be arranged after the announcement of HKDSE results

About 15 minutes

Individual / Group interview

Usually only Band A applicants will be invited to an interview.

LocalNon-JUPAS Year 1
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Programme Leaflet
Interview Arrangement

To understand the interest of the applicants and to evaluate their potential in studying the programme.

Date of Interview
Between December and August

About 10-15 minutes

Individual or Group interview, if necessary

Depending on the academic background and qualifications, applicants may be invited to interviews and /or attend a written test.

Non-LocalInternational / Other Qualification
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Programme Leaflet
Interview Arrangement

To understand the interests of the applicants and to evaluate their potential in studying the programme.

Date of Interview
Between November to March

About 10-15 minutes

Individual or Group interview, if necessary