Reflecting PolyU’s continued commitment to conducting research that benefits the community through impactful public policy studies, the University has been granted funding from the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (SPPRFS) and the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS). The two funding schemes are administered by the Chief Executive’s Policy Unit, which is set up to enhance the Government’s capabilities in research and advocacy on long-term and strategic issues.

PolyU is the only institution receiving the SPPRFS grant this year. Led by Prof. Geoffrey Q.P. Shen, PolyU Associate Vice President (Global Partnerships) and Chair Professor of Construction Management of the Department of Building and Real Estate, the project “Policy Framework for Cross-Regional Cooperation Strategies in the Greater Bay Area’s Construction Industry” focuses on development opportunities for the GBA under the National 14th Five-Year Plan. It aims to provide effective guidance and identify appropriate strategies to enable government departments and industry players to promote high-quality cooperation within the construction industry across the GBA.

PolyU also secured funding for eight other public policy projects through the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme this year. The focus of the most recently funded projects include assessing new energy vehicles in Hong Kong, a project led by Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation); recommending sustainable logistics development under global ESG trends, a project led by Dr Yung Po Tsang, Research Assistant Professor of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering; feasibility analysis of electrifying the bus system in Hong Kong, a project led by Dr Zhuge Chengxiang, Assistant Professor of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics; and a study on the relationship between travel behaviour and built environment factors, led by Dr Esther H.K. Yung, Associate Professor of the Department of Building and Real Estate.