On the Metro Radio “Life-Long Learning” programme, Prof. Ben Young, PolyU Vice President (Student and Global Affairs) and Prof. Albert P.C. Chan, Dean of Students, introduced the University’s support to non-local learning experiences. Miss Nicole Mak Lok-yiu, External Vice President of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences Occupational Therapy Student Society also talked about her rewarding experience during a recent trip to the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and Singapore as part of a group of 24 student leaders who participated in this non-local learning journey.


Prof. Young highlighted PolyU’s commitment to nurturing a global and outward-looking mindset among students. To support their non-local learning experiences, the University offers financial support of up to $10,000 to each undergraduate student who takes part in non-local learning activities.


Prof. Chan said the recent trip to the GBA and Singapore had had a profound impact on PolyU’s future leaders, providing them with an opportunity to broaden their global horizons and gain inspiration for their personal and professional growth. Interactions with alumni, industry leaders and institutional partners from both the Mainland and overseas allowed participants gain valuable insights and experiences.


Nicole expressed her gratitude on being able to join the trip, which she found to be an eye-opening experience that broadened her horizons. She said the trip helped her understand the influence of our Nation. Moreover, seeing the determination and creativity of the startups during the trip inspired her to be courageous in exploring diverse opportunities in the future.


Metro Radio programme: https://polyu.me/46kTM3W (3:47 - 53:30)