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Seminar on "Blockchain-Enabled Social Media Network for Mitigating Misinformation Spread" by Prof. Lorry Rui Luo

17 Nov 2023

Date: 17 November 2023, Friday
Time: 4:30 PM
Venue: YEUNG B5-207, City University of Hong Kong
Zoom Meeting ID: 967 1968 0176
Password: 123456
Speaker: Prof. Lorry Rui Luo, City University of Hong Kong


Blockchain-Enabled Social Media Network for Mitigating Misinformation Spread
Prof. Lorry Rui Luo, City University of Hong Kong


Abstract: In this talk, we present a novel blockchain protocol, known as BE-SMN (Blockchain-Enabled Social Media Network), designed to address the rampant spread of misinformation in online platforms. Our approach leverages the information transmission-time distribution and models the transmission of misinformation as double-spend attacks on a blockchain framework. By integrating the misinformation distribution into the classic SIR (Susceptible, Infectious, or Recovered) model, we introduce a modified SIR model that replaces the traditional single rate parameter. This adaptation allows us to analyze the impact of misinformation propagation within a multi-community network. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed blockchain-enabled social media network in curbing the spread of misinformation. Specifically, we showcase how our network outperforms a baseline network by effectively flattening the curve of the infected population. This talk offers insights into combating the pervasive issue of misinformation in social media platforms. By leveraging blockchain technology, we aim to contribute to the development of robust and reliable mechanisms for safeguarding the integrity of information dissemination in online communities.


Speaker’s Bio: Dr. Rui Luo earned his BEng from Tsinghua University, and his PhD degree from Cornell University. His research interests include statistical signal processing and complex networks. Currently, Dr. Rui Luo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.

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