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News and Achievements

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HKSAR government officials and LegCo Members gather at PolyU for friendly futsal match; Chief Executive officiates at the match to cheer for the Hong Kong, China delegation to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

The HKSAR Government Football Team and the Legislative Council Football Team organised a friendly indoor futsal match at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Sports Centre on 20 July 2024. The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Mr John LEE, and the President of the Legislative Council, Hon. Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen, officiated at the friendly match and cheered for the Hong Kong, China Delegation to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. PolyU Acting President, Prof. Wing-tak WONG, and Executive Vice President, Dr Miranda LOU, extended a warm welcome to the Chief Executive. Joined by HKSAR government officials and Members of the Legislative Council (LegCo), they chanted the slogan “Stand shoulder to shoulder in support of the Hong Kong team and cheer for Hong Kong athletes” to cheer on the Hong Kong team and wish the Hong Kong athletes every success in the upcoming competitions. PolyU Council Chairman Dr LAM Tai Fai, President Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, and hundreds of PolyU faculty members and students participating in the service-learning programme in Rwanda, Africa, extended their congratulations on the success of the match. Dr Lam Tai-fai stated: “We warmly welcome Members of LegCo and HKSAR government officials to get together at PolyU for a friendly match that not only sharpens their futsal skills but also demonstrates team spirit. We believe that this game will contribute to fostering constructive and interactive relationships between the executive and the legislature. Additionally, I extend my best wishes for the success of the Hong Kong team in this year’s Olympic Games. Following their worthy performance in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, I am sure they will continue to strive for even greater success at the Paris Olympic Games and bring glory to Hong Kong.” Hon. Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen expressed his sincere gratitude to PolyU for providing the match venue and deploying professional staff to offer full assistance. He also commended the University for its warm hospitality and meticulous arrangements, as well as for working closely with the HKSAR government and the LegCo Secretariat, which contributed to the success of the match.

20 Jul, 2024

Event Highlights

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Visit from Ocean University of China

The delegation from the Ocean University of China (OUC), led by Ms Guan Peng, Program Manager of the International Office, and Ms Li Sitong, Director of the Science and Technology Innovation Service Center of the Communist Youth League Committee of OUC, along with 25 young student representatives, visited PolyU on 10 July 2024. They were warmly welcomed by Prof. James Dai, Associate Dean of Students. During the visit, Prof. Dai showcased various aspects of student support and development activities at PolyU, shared insights into PolyU's unique model of academic service learning, and the development of PolyU's Student Life Management and Student Flag Raising Team. Ocean University of China (OUC) is a key comprehensive university with unique strengths in oceanography and fisheries. The university places significant emphasis on fostering exchanges and practical collaboration with higher education institutions in Hong Kong. We eagerly anticipate future collaborations with OUC, valuing the exchange of ideas and insights that will drive our continued engagements.

10 Jul, 2024

Event Highlights

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PolyU Held Flag-Raising Ceremony to Celebrate 27th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held a flag-raising ceremony on campus to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) on 1 July 2024.   The University is honoured to have had Mr DENG Jianwei, Director-General of the Bureau of Liaison, Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR and Mr WANG Jian, Director (Counselor) of the Department of International Organisations and Conferences, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR officiate at the ceremony. They were joined by PolyU President Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, Deputy Council Chairman Dr Lawrence LI Kwok-chang, University Court Chairman Dr Katherine NGAN, together with Council and Court members, University senior management, University Fellows, Outstanding Alumni, members of the PolyU Foundation, and around 600 distinguished guests, staff, students and alumni, wishing the Nation and Hong Kong prosperity and stability. The ceremony was jointly conducted by the Guo Qi Hu Wei Dui and the PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team.   Prof. Jin-Guang TENG remarked, “Over the past 27 years since the establishment of the HKSAR, with staunch support from the Nation and its own distinctive advantages, Hong Kong has grown from strength to strength. It has also actively integrated into the overall national development. As a member of Hong Kong’s higher-education sector, PolyU is dedicated to becoming an innovative world-class university and provides the best holistic education to nurture socially responsible talents who possess a strong sense of national pride and a global perspective. We will also continue to pursue impactful research and innovation to meet societal needs, contributing to Hong Kong’s development into an international innovation and technology hub and advancing national technological self-reliance.”

1 Jul, 2024

Event Highlights


Valuable Experience Sharing between the PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team and the Guangdong National Flag-Raising Team

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held a flag-raising ceremony (the Ceremony) on campus to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) on 1 July 2024. The Ceremony was jointly conducted by the PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team (the Team) and the Guangdong National Flag-Raising Team.   Comprising retired members of the People’s Liberation Army who have conducted national flag-raising ceremonies in Beijing Tiananmen Square, the Guangdong National Flag-Raising Team is dedicated to school national defense education, national flag education, and standardised flag-raising ceremonies.   The PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team comprises both undergraduate and postgraduate students, and performs flag-raising ceremonies on important days, such as HKSAR Establishment Day, PolyU’s Anniversary, and National Day.   The PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team greatly benefited from the sharing of the Guangdong National Flag-Raising Team. Arriving a day prior to the Ceremony, members of the Guangdong National Flag-Raising Team conducted a rehearsal with the PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team, and the flag-raising techniques of the Team members were drastically improved. The PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team, together with the Guangdong National Flag-Raising Team, had a brilliant performance at the Ceremony. Following the event, the Guangdong National Flag-Raising Team members also shared their extensive flag-raising experiences with the PolyU Team, creating a valuable and unforgettable exchange for the Team members.

1 Jul, 2024

Event Highlights

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PolyU Student Flag Raising Team Certificate Presentation and Appreciation Dinner

The PolyU Student Flag Raising Team Certificate Presentation and Appreciation Dinner was held on 23 May 2024 at U. Green. Nearly 20 participants, including the Dean of Students, other SAO staff, and PolyU Student Flag Raising Team members, witnessed this significant occasion and celebrated the joyful moment together.   Officiating at the ceremony, Prof. Albert Chan, Dean of Students, expressed his warmest congratulations to the 25 students who were recognised and promoted as Advance Members of the PolyU Student Flag Raising Team. He appreciated the team’s tremendous efforts in practising and performing flag-raising ceremonies on key dates, such as National Day and PolyU anniversaries. Prof. Chan hoped that the team would continue to uphold the spirit of diligence, perseverance, and patriotism through their flag-raising activities.   Prof. Albert Chan and Prof. James Dai, Associate Dean of Students, then presented appreciation certificates and souvenirs to the promoted Advance Members.   In his closing remarks, Prof. Dai encouraged the Advance Members to take up more responsibility and actively participate in future flag-raising events.

23 May, 2024

Event Highlights

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Visit from Nanyang Technological University

The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) delegation led by Deputy Associate Provost (Student Life) Prof. Andy Khong, and Deputy Associate Provost (Residential Education) Prof. Low Chuen-Chuen, Valerie, alongside other senior NTU members paid a visit to PolyU today on 23 May 2024. They were warmly welcomed by PolyU Associate Vice President (University Programme) Prof. Daniel Shek, Dean of Students Prof. Albert Chan, Registrar Mr Edward Shen, and other senior management in SAO. The visit is a follow-up of the PolyU Student Leaders’ GBA & Overseas Learning Trip to NTU in August 2023, which sparked significant interest and paved the way for NTU’s visit to PolyU. This exchange aimed to further enrich impactful discussion on student affairs and development. During the visit, Prof. Chan presented various aspects of student support and development activities at PolyU, while Prof. Shek and Mr Shen shared insights into PolyU unique model of academic service learning and the development with regard to the Student Life Management and Analytic Platform (SLMAP) respectively. The delegation also explored the Diversity Resource Centre, gaining insights into how different assistive devices and resources aid PolyU students with special education needs. The day was concluded with a luncheon, fostering valuable exchanges. We eagerly anticipate future collaborations with NTU, cherishing the shared ideas and insights that will pave the way for continued engagements.

23 May, 2024

Event Highlights

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Work-Integrated Education (WIE) Kick-off Ceremony 2024

The WIE Kick-off Ceremony 2024 was initiated by Prof. Albert Chan, Dean of Students, officially commencing the summer WIE 2024 on 10 May. Over 170 students participated in the ceremony and team-building activities, as well as the departure briefing sessions to prepare for their upcoming non-local internships. We wish them to have fruitful adventures and unforgettable internship experiences this summer.

10 May, 2024

Event Highlights

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President’s Luncheon with the Awardees of Outstanding Student Award and Presidential Student Leadership Award 2023

We are thrilled to share that the President’s Luncheon with the Awardees of Outstanding Student Award and Presidential Student Leadership Award 2023 was a resounding success! The luncheon was held today at Bistro 1979, a multi-function restaurant served by the students of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management on 22 April 2024. Our President, Professor Jin-Guang TENG, welcomed the Central Management Team, Deans and Associate Deans from Faculties and Schools, and the Student Affairs Office who joined the luncheon to celebrate with the shining stars of PolyU. 33 outstanding awardees and presidential student leaders joined the luncheon to celebrate their achievements. We are proud of their commitment to personal growth and positive contributions. As they embark on their future endeavours, we hope they will continue to live up to PolyU’s motto, “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind.” Congratulations once again to all the awardees!

22 Apr, 2024

Event Highlights

PolyU Sports Teams Bagged Six-time Grand Slam Champions 1

PolyU Sports Teams Bagged Six-time Grand Slam Champions

PolyU Sports Teams have once again dominated the competition, clinching the Grand Slam title for the sixth consecutive time at the 2023/24 Inter-Collegiate Competition organised by the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK). To honour the efforts of these student-athletes and celebrate their remarkable achievements, an award ceremony was held on 17 April 2024.  Throughout the year, PolyU’s Sports Teams have achieved remarkable success, securing a total of 15 championships, 7 1st runners-up, and 7 2nd runners-up positions across 33 sports events. Our student-athletes showcased their outstanding abilities, taking home the Yearly Men’s and Yearly Women’s Overall Championships for the sixth time in a row. A total of 18 PolyU students have also been recognised as “USFHK Most Valuable Players” or “USFHK Individual Champions”, acknowledging their exceptional performances in their respective events. Media Coverage: Headline Daily Sing Tao Daily Sportsroad Sport Soho  

19 Apr, 2024

Student Achievements

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PolyU Students Awarded For Our Future Scholarship 2023/24

Two outstanding PolyU undergraduate students Kelvin Hui Tsz Kwai (Department of Rehabilitation Sciences) and Deanna Xu Yi Nam (Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics) have been awarded the ‘For Our Future Scholarship’ 2023/24 by The Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation, for their exceptional academic performance, diverse talents and community dedication.  As the two out of 16 awardees, both Kelvin and Deanna will receive a scholarship of HK$50,000 and an exchange opportunity to the Greater Bay Area with a focus on innovation and technology, culture and art, economy, and people’ s livelihood around the GBA. Congratulations again to the awardees!  Media Coverage: Bastille Post China News Service SZ Online East Money Sina Hong Kong Economic Times

17 Apr, 2024

Student Achievements

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