PolyU organises the Outstanding Students Award Scheme annually to award full-time final-year students who excel in both academic and non-academic pursuits during their studies.


This year, a total of 28 students were recognised as outstanding students at the departmental and faculty/school levels. Top students from nine faculties/schools were presented with the “Outstanding Student Award of Faculty/School”, among which one was selected to receive the honour of “The Most Outstanding PolyU Student of the Year”. The Presentation Ceremony was held on 20 March 2023 in the Chiang Chen Studio Theatre.


Shah Muskan Sunish, a final year student of the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Fashion and Textiles (Retail and Marketing), was presented with both the Outstanding Student of the School of Fashion and Textiles Award and The Most Outstanding PolyU Student of the Year Award.


She recalled that she entered PolyU as a novice, facing various hurdles and did not know much about Hong Kong’s culture. However, with the welcoming and supportive environment at PolyU, she was able to nurture her passions and develop an eagerness to learn continuously with international insights.


She was grateful to be selected as a Fellow of the Millennium Fellowship programme organised by the United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network, where she co-founded an Instagram page called “Rethinking Fashion” to develop her curiosity in sustainable fashion while helping society. She was also selected to participate in the World Retail Congress as a PolyU representative, where she skilfully applied knowledge learnt in the university to the industry. She was glad to have discovered an interest in sustainable fashion and is keen to pursue a career in the area.


Chan Lian, who is studying Tourism and Events Management, was selected to receive the Outstanding Student of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management Award. Amid the pandemic, she broadened her industry network and insights through various opportunities offered by the university, including joining an exchange programme at Yonsei University in Korea, and completing a six-month internship in an event management company. She also participated in many extra-curricular activities to train her leadership skills. “I am thankful for these splendid opportunities that have come my way as they facilitated my growth and understanding of the industry in different dimensions,” she said.


Fang Jiaying, who is studying Electronic and Information Engineering, was selected to receive the Outstanding Student of the Faculty of Engineering Award. “At PolyU, I not only learnt professional knowledge in my field, but also had the opportunity to conduct research related to my interest,” she said. She added that the academic exchange programme in McGill University in Canada gave her the opportunity to explore the world, experience a different culture and teaching style, and inspired her to learn more about unmanned vehicles. She thanked the Outstanding Student Award for recognising the efforts and hard work she put into her university studies, and for encouraging her to continue pursuing her dream related to the study of autonomous vehicles.


To view the full list of the Outstanding Students Award winners, please visit the website.