President’s Message
The year 2024 holds special meaning for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) as it marks our 30th anniversary as a university. I joined the then Hong Kong Polytechnic about one month before the institution gained full university status in November 1994. I take pride in having had the privilege of witnessing and participating in the remarkable transformation of this institution. Over the past three decades, we have transformed from a primarily teaching institution into a world-class university that places great emphasis on societal impact.
Today, PolyU is a world-class research powerhouse. The total amount of research funding we received from the Research Grants Council in 2022/23 (1/7/2022 - 30/6/2023) was only slightly behind that of the second ranked sister university and over 20% above that ranked in fourth place. Recently, we ranked first and second among all local institutions respectively in Research Impact Fund and Collaborative Research Fund grants in terms of the total number of projects. These achievements demonstrate our scholars' dedication to pursuing groundbreaking discoveries.
Our excellence extends beyond research. PolyU has been recognised for its innovative approach to education, as evidenced by a PolyU team recently winning a prestigious Silver Award in the Asia region at the QS Reimagine Education Awards 2023 for promoting immersive learning experiences for students.
In the coming year, I look forward to the continued support of the PolyU community to propel us to even greater heights.