An-Chi Liu
La Rochelle Business School, France

Francesca Chiu
University of Cincinnati, USA

Matthew Chan
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Yeh Jia Keng
Seoul National University, South Korea
Kawaie Chui
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Chan Hui Xin
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Karen Law
Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei

Wan Ka Wing
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
I was very fortunate that I enrolled a subject that I truly enjoyed, that is “Introduction to Data Science”. The class was engaging and I was so concentrated in class because I enjoyed the study environment of this world-renowned university so much. I was able to have a taste of the teaching and learning style in university in Singapore. As a radiography student, due to course design, usually I did not have much options in registering non-major related subjects during semester, yet summer exchange was the perfect time for me to study on areas that I am also interested in, apart from my major.

Madina Janiyeva
Girton College, University of Oxford, UK
Most importantly, I have learned a lot from incredible peers from the US, Singapore, Australia, the Philippines, India and more. Some of them were the first people I have met from particular countries, so it was genuinely unique for me. The best part of it was the opportunity to observe how alike our dreams and ambitions are, and it was even more exciting to be exposed to our complementary differences. Everyday discussions about the political, economic, and socialist situations of our countries at lunches, attempts to learn phrases in each other’s languages, as well as sharing about our university education methods as well as career goals were so common for us. I have never met so many talented, intelligent, and culturally enriched people in my life before.
Moreover, being an Accounting & Finance student, I have also never been so immersed in economics, since most of the students were all Economics majors. The lectures there were wonderfully informative and the seminars were mainly based on the students’ discussions and personal opinions, that pleasantly surprised me. I was amazed by the openness and willingness of students to share their opinions in regard to the lives of Nobel Prize Winners, macroeconomics, as well as the philosophy of political economy. We had few debates in our classes as well due to our different backgrounds, including our countries and universities. Personally, I believe that opportunity to find similarities in our ideas and learn from one another was highly mutually beneficial.
Lastly, all of the historical and mind-blowing destinations, locations, and attractions we visited in Cambridge were just backdrops to the real experience.
It was a great learning and socializing experience for me. I had a wonderful time academically, enjoyed myself culturally and benefited enormously from my immersion in the Cambridge environment.

Tse Ka Yan Theresa
Pembroke-King's Summer Programme (PKP), University of Cambridge, UK

Wang Haoyuan
Exeter College, University of Oxford, UK

Cherry Lau

Altynay Abilgaziyeva
International Competition and Conference Participation Scheme
ICCPS is a scheme to encourage and support PolyU full-time undergraduate students to participate in international competitions and conferences with the aim of widening their international exposure and learning opportunities.

Kharis Daniel Setiasabda
UG Summer Research Abroad Sponsorship
I flew from Hong Kong to Singapore during the summer of 2018 to participate in a 10-week research programme at the NanoBioanalytics Laboratory of the National University of Singapore (NUS). I was involved in one of the key research areas in the field – sensor arrays for biomicrodevices – under the supervision of Dr. Dieter Trau at NUS. Inspired by innovative NanoBioanalytics technology, I was proud to be one of the research buddies on the ’lab-in-a-tip’ project. I treasured the USRA experience, which gave him financial support and the motivation to continue with future research opportunities.

Yagi Makoto
UG Summer Research Abroad Sponsorship
None of this would have been possible without the generosity of PolyU’s Global Engagement Office (GEO), which established USRA to provide passionate undergraduates like me with summer learning opportunities in the finest research laboratories worldwide. I’m equally grateful to the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, which not only nominated me to receive the award but also applied for the funding on my behalf. As it’s difficult enough for graduates to obtain funding for overseas research, let alone undergraduates, imagine my surprise when I learned midway through February that I’d soon be travelling halfway across the world to learn from some of the foremost experts in my field!
The Schepens Eye Research Institute is internationally renowned for research on eye diseases and optic nerve regeneration, and it was easy for me to see why. Our training was organised by Dr Chen Dong-Feng, a specialist in the molecular mechanisms of central nervous system axon regeneration, and Dr Darlene Dartt, a leading expert in dry eye diseases. With the guidance and encouragement of a mentor, who showed me the importance of learning from my mistakes, I carried out two of my own research projects. One was on the use of electrical stimulation to help improve visual function for patients with untreatable blindness, and in the other I helped to design a bioengineered scaffold to promote optic nerve regeneration. In the process, I gained skills that will be invaluable to my future studies and career, from extracting cells from mouse eyeballs to antibody staining and cryosectioning.
Outside the laboratory, I had the chance to get to know the buzzing city of Boston, which seems to be tailor-made for university students! Living there can be summed up in a single word: convenient. Everything I needed – from restaurants to laundry services – was within a 5-10 minute walk or train journey. With help from the Department, I and the other interns found just the right accommodation. The GEO’s funding allowed me to invest all of my energy in the internship, without worrying about the financial side.
It was a privilege for me to contribute – even if just for a summer! – to the pioneering research of this globally renowned institute, which seeks to improve eye care and health for local, national and global communities. I am grateful to both the GEO and my Department for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.