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The website, CDL Cumulative Reference is a full-text bibliography and indexed knowledge repository on the topic of COGNITIVE DECLINE and LANGUAGE (CDL), with a special attention to research contents oriented to Englsih and Chinese bilingual context. 網頁 “認知退變及語言:參考資料匯編” 為全文文獻參考知識庫,注重中英雙語研究語境。(see also Synopsis 參見"簡介")


bibliography abstract by publication
CDL Bibliography in full-text is selectively and cumulatively prepared for an integrated understanding on the selected CDL literature.  全文文獻選編以求對專題知識的整體理解。Learn more 查看更多 CDL Abstracts are cumulative prepared for browsing the summaries of the selected CDL literature. 摘要匯編以求簡捷理解所選文獻。Learn more 查看更多 CDL Publication Indexes are cumulatively prepared by publication factors for browsing the selected CDL literature. 文獻索引匯編根據所選文獻的出版資訊屬性編輯以求查詢文獻方便。Learn more 查看更多


by author

by subject

CDL Author Indexes are cumulatively prepared by author factors for browsing the selected CDL literature. 作者索引匯編根據作者資訊編輯以求查詢文獻方便。Learn more 查看更多 CDL Subject Indexes (bilingual) are cumulatively prepared for browsing the selected CDL literature. 主題索引匯編 (雙語)以求查詢雙語文獻方便。Learn more 查看更多 CDL Glossary (bilingual) is cumulatively prepared by standard references to assist scholarly communication and understanding on the selected CDL literature.  詞彙解釋匯編(雙語)根據標準參考書目編輯以助學術交流及理解所選文獻。Learn more 查看更多



visualization bibliometric
CDL Database is prepared by citation software (Endnote and Zotero)  based on the same selected CDL literature for assisting to view each individual bibliography entry in details as well as some collective functions. 資料庫根據同一CDL文獻選編通過引文軟體(Endnote and Zotero)編輯, 以求不受時間及空間限制提供所選文獻的查詢。Learn more 查看更多 CDL Visualization is prepared as a brief visual presentation of CDL bibliographical data for dynamic understanding the selected CDL literature. 視化文獻目前為一多媒體展示性CDL文獻資料庫網頁,以求幫助瞭解所選文獻及其數據化能力。Learn more 查看更多 CDL Bibliometrics is introduced through VOSviewer software for understanding how to use statistical methods to analyze research literature data to observe characters and patterns/trends of research on specific topics. 文獻計量分析介紹以VOSviewer軟體為基礎說明通過計算文獻各種屬性,資料視化的優越性。以求有助於大數據時代宏觀的瞭解專題研究文獻的趨勢及特殊性。Learn more 查看更多