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CFSO Message | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
The Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office (CFSO) is a multi-disciplinary unit that coordinates and maintains building and facility related service...
Environmental Excellence | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
Our office supports the University in achieving environmental excellence on various fronts, including carbon footprint reduction, waste reduction, ...
Home | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
We are here to ensure a comfortable, productive and sustainable campus to support various teaching, learning, research and development needs of the University.
Our Teams | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
Professionals here take care of a pool of services, including property management, security, event management and support, pest control, cleaning, ...
Resource Consciousness | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
PolyU is fully aware of the necessity to protect the health of all campus users and the environment from the hazards posed by waste disposal; ...
Testbed for Innovation | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
Turning Campus into Testbed For Innovation. PolyU takes the lead to address various sustainability challenges in the world and to find feasible solutions ...
Campus Landscape | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
Our campus welcomes a good mix of plant species that flourish all year round as well as seasonal flower species to positively enhance the campus environment and ...
Energy Efficiency | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits as it can reduce carbon emissions and lower our costs on a University and economy-wide level. Our Office's ...
General Information | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
We use Cookies to give you a better experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site without changing your privacy settings, you are consenting to ...
Regulations | Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
1. Students must read carefully the General Information on Student Lockers (General Information) available at Campus Facilities and Sustainability Offic...