The first performance of the PolyU 85th Anniversary Art and Culture Series, entitled “PolyU Cantonese Opera Appreciation - Love of the Seventh Fairy Maiden” (香港理工大學粵劇欣賞《天仙配》), was held on 27 December 2021.


The opera featured our 2020-21 Artist-in-Residence, Dr Liza Wang Ming-chun (汪明荃博士), a highly respected multi-talented performing artist and a PolyU Fellow. It was well received with a full house at the Grand Theatre of Xiqu Centre.


The PolyU 85th Anniversary Art and Culture Series is one of the key celebratory activities which aims to enrich PolyU’s holistic education, and engage renowned and talented artists from Hong Kong and around the world to inspire appreciation for a broad array of art and culture on campus and in the community.