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VP(RI) speaks on PolyU’s R&D for interdisciplinary research and technology innovation in an interview with

RILS supports organisation of International Conference on Urban Renewal and Future Urban Development

The International Conference on Urban Renewal and Future Urban Development under Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals was held successfully during 28–30 July in Anji, Zhejiang province, China. The Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) of PolyU was a supporting organisation. Prof. TENG Jin-Guang, President of PolyU and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a speech and shared his views on future city development. Prof. DING Xiaoli, Director of RILS gave an invited presentation on the development of elevated cities in Hong Kong.      Hosted by Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, China Construction Eighth Engineering Division and Dalian University of Technology, the Conference focused on the development of future cities. It was attended by over 200 participants from universities, research institutions and industry, including a number of academicians.   Online coverage: China Youth On Line - (Chinese only)

31 Jul, 2023


20230728-Dr Lin HMRF News

MHRC member awarded funding from Health and Medical Research Fund to conduct study for early detection of postpartum depression

A project “A Mobile Application for Early Detection and Symptoms Trajectories of Postpartum Depression Using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA): A Prospective Cohort Validation Study” led by Dr Jessie LIN, Member of the Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC), Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was awarded a grant of about HK$500K from the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Health Bureau, HKSAR.   The project aims to evaluate the validity of using a mobile-based ecological momentary assessment (mEMA) for studying the changes in mood symptoms among pregnant women during and after pregnancy, thus enabling the early identification of postpartum depression and the trajectories of depressive symptoms and associated factors. The study will follow a sample of 120 pregnant women for six months, and assess their mood, sleep, exercise, physical wellbeing and environmental context via a mobile application. Findings of this project will facilitate the future development of effective digital interventions for maternal mental health.

31 Jul, 2023

Funding & Donations


Universities should develop students into innovative leaders, says PolyU President at World University Presidents Forum

PolyU President Prof. TENG Jin-Guang, at the World University Presidents Forum held 30–31 July in Yanqi Lake, Huairou district, Beijing, delivered a keynote speech on universities’ responsibilities in an era of change, sharing PolyU’s exploration and practices in fostering student innovation and advancing interdisciplinary research. Prof. Teng said that PolyU is positioned as an innovative world-class research university, and the University aspires to do well in the fields of engineering and technology and be world leading in distinctive disciplines. PolyU has been at the forefront in distinctive disciplines including design, fashion and textiles, hotel and tourism management, rehabilitation sciences, physiotherapy, optometry, geomatics, building environment and energy engineering, etc.  “Innovation is always on the way. Universities should develop students into innovative leaders, so that research can bring innovation that contributes to the society. Teaching, research, social services, as well as management systems and mechanisms are innovating constantly. For everything we do, we should ask whether it can be done better, using better and newer methods.” He also highlighted the importance university research, introducing the University’s establishment of PAIR in recent years, with an aim of providing solutions to significant societal challenges through interdisciplinary research. Online coverage: Sohu - (Chinese only)  

30 Jul, 2023



RCSV Member featured in Xinhua Net, sharing on repeated low-level red-light therapy for controlling myopia progression

Prof. He Mingguang, Member of the Research Centre for SHARP Vision (RCSV) and Chair Professor of Experimental Ophthalmology in the School of Optometry, in an interview with Xinhua Net, shared his insights on the use of repeated low-level red-light therapy for controlling myopia progression in children and young persons. “The emergence of red light has enabled the light therapy as a new type of treatment for myopia control, in addition to the two conventional methods of drug treatment and optical control,” Prof. He said. He further explained the principles underlying the therapy: the light feeder uses red light with a wavelength of 650 nanometres, to stimulate and improve the blood circulation on the ocular fundus using safe power and effective duration, thereby thickening the choroid, improving oxygen supply to the scleral, and thus, inhibiting the increase of axial length in eyes and controlling the progression of myopia. Online coverage: Xinhua Net - (Chinese only) - (Chinese only) Global News - (Chinese only) - (Chinese only)  

28 Jul, 2023

Media Coverage

VP(RI) speaks on PolyU’s R&D for interdisciplinary research and technology innovation in an interview with

RISUD Member conferred as RGC Senior Research Fellow

Prof. NI Meng, Member of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD), Associate Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment and Professor in the Department of Building and Real Estate, has been awarded in the Research Grants Council (RGC)’s Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS).   Prof. Ni was conferred the title “RGC Senior Research Fellow”, and awarded funding for his interdisciplinary project which aims to promote sustainable and clean energy generation. The project “Protonic ceramic fuel cells for clean power generation: From new cathode materials to new stack designs” will integrate engineering, chemistry, physics and material science in developing new cathode materials for enhancing the performance of protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) for clean power generation.   The SRFS aims to provide sustained support to exceptionally outstanding researchers at the UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong. It provides ten places to scholars from all academic disciplines. The supporting university of each awardee will receive a fellowship grant at around HK$7.8 million for a period of 60 months.   Press release:   Online coverage: Sing Tao Daily - (Chinese only; subscription required)

26 Jul, 2023

Awards & Recognitions

RIAM 3D Printed HP

RIAM researchers develop 3D-printed high-performance titanium alloys with universities in Australia

Two PolyU researchers from the Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (RIAM) and the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), in collaboration with RMIT University and the University of Sydney, have successfully produced a new strong, ductile, and sustainable titanium alloy (α–β Ti-O-Fe alloy) using 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing). The research study, titled “Strong and ductile titanium-oxygen-iron alloys by additive manufacturing”, was recently published in Nature. The new titanium alloy exhibits immense potential for diverse applications, ranging from aerospace and marine engineering to consumer electronics and biomedical devices. Dr CHEN Zibin, Assistant Professor in the ISE Department, and Prof. Keith K.C. CHAN, Associate Director of RIAM, Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Chair Professor of Manufacturing Engineering in the ISE Department, are the leading author and the co-author of the study, respectively. The new titanium alloy produced by the research team was made through the use of 3D printing and the incorporation of oxygen and iron. The 3D printing method involved the recycling of off-grade sponge titanium, a waste product in traditional manufacturing, which were converted into powders as raw materials for producing high-performance titanium alloy. Oxygen and iron are inexpensive and abundant elements and can increase the stability and strength of α–β phase titanium alloys. “Our work can facilitate the recycling of more than 10% of the waste generated by the metal alloy production industry. This can significantly lower both material and energy costs for industries, contributing to environmental sustainability and carbon footprint reduction,” said Dr Chen. Read more:   Online coverage: Oriental Daily News - (Chinese only) Hong Kong Economic Times - (Chinese only)  

24 Jul, 2023

Media Coverage

20230724MHRC members awarded HK 59M grantFinal

MHRC members awarded funding from Quality Education Fund to develop digital physical quotient and learning platform

A three-year project “Digital Physical Quotient and Learning Platform” led by Members of the Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC) including Dr Cynthia LAI, Associate Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) and Prof. Shamay NG, Associate Head and Professor of RS Department, was awarded a grant of HK$5.9 million under the e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme of the Quality Education Fund. Dr Lai and Prof. Ng are the project’s Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator, respectively.   The project aims to develop a digital learning platform for promoting children’s physical and cognitive development. The platform will include motor and cognitive skills developmental assessment and training for children, as well as online learning programmes for children, parents and teachers. The platform will apply multi-media, internet of things (IoT) tools and cloud technologies to enhance the learning and teaching experiences.

24 Jul, 2023

Funding & Donations


RIAM Director featured in Master Insight’s exclusive interview: Hong Kong’s I&T needs more focus and complementary development with Mainland

Prof. H. C. MAN, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Director of Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (RIAM), Director of University Research Facility in 3D Printing, Chair Professor of Materials Engineering and Cheng Yick-chi Chair Professor in Manufacturing Engineering, in an exclusive interview with Master Insight, shared his views on the opportunities and challenges of Hong Kong’s innovation and technology (I&T) development. Prof. Man pointed out that a clear positioning in I&T development can attract investment from enterprises, and attracting leading enterprises to station in Hong Kong can lead the region’s I&T development. “Shenzhen’s clear focus in I&T has enabled its I&T to grow faster than Hong Kong. The region will try its best to introduce talents, capital and industry as long as the direction of development is set,” he said. Prof. Man believed that Hong Kong and Shenzhen’s research need to complement one another. He recommended Hong Kong to learn from the Nation’s 14th Five-Year Plan to identify the focus of development. He also recommended schools, business, community and government to form a cross-regional and cross-sectoral think tank to discuss the way forward for Hong Kong’s I&T development.    Online coverage: Master Insight - (Chinese only)  

20 Jul, 2023

VP(RI) speaks on PolyU’s R&D for interdisciplinary research and technology innovation in an interview with

DoRCDSE featured in 21st Century Business Herald’s exclusive interview

Prof. YUNG Kai-leung, Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering, Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations (RCDSE), Chair Professor of Precision Engineering, and Associate Head of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, in an exclusive interview with Chinese business news “21st Century Business Herald”, shared his research journey in deep space explorations, research works at PolyU and RCDSE, as well as his views on the field of space technology and Hong Kong’s competitive edge in research and development. Prof. Yung highlighted that the field of space technology is not a single discipline, but a combination of various disciplines. “Many people think that space mission only involves astronomy. In fact, it includes astronomy, geography, many different engineering disciplines and even disciplines in management and quality assurance,” he said. Prof. Yung also pointed out Hong Kong higher education’s advantage in these fields. He said, “Many regions that are well-developed in technology are supported by many universities. Hong Kong universities hold very important roles in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), and can support GBA developments via fostering more capable talents.” Online coverage: The 21st Century Business Herald - (Chinese only)

19 Jul, 2023

Media Coverage


MHRC member awarded funding from Health and Medical Research Fund to conduct study for early detection of postpartum depression

A project “A Mobile Application for Early Detection and Symptoms Trajectories of Postpartum Depression Using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA): A Prospective Cohort Validation Study” led by Dr Jessie LIN, Member of the Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC), Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was awarded a grant of about HK$500K from the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Health Bureau, HKSAR. The project aims to evaluate the validity of using a mobile-based ecological momentary assessment (mEMA) for studying the changes in mood symptoms among pregnant women during and after pregnancy, thus enabling the early identification of postpartum depression and the trajectories of depressive symptoms and associated factors. The study will follow a sample of 120 pregnant women for six months, and assess their mood, sleep, exercise, physical wellbeing and environmental context via a mobile application. Findings of this project will facilitate the future development of effective digital interventions for maternal mental health.

18 Jul, 2023

Funding & Donations

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