Our Community > Objectives

The principal aim of this Community of Practice (CoP) is to widely explore and leverage the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning at PolyU. In particular, we are not just relying on technologies to capture, store and retrieve learning content and materials, in addition to freeing teachers and learners from the location and time constraints. We are also exploring the use of technologies to enact simulations and scenarios, support the use of new pedagogies, for assessment/grading purposes, as well as experiment the incorporation of MOOCs and SPOCs to, among others, broaden the internationalization exposure and experience of teachers and students and by doing so, enrich everyone’s overall learning effectiveness and experience. Technology here may include, software, hardware, e-Learning spaces, augmented /virtual reality, student response systems, e-Assessment tools, and more.

In particular, we expect this CoP to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. To demonstrate technologies can enhance teaching and learning especially in upholding the effectiveness of learning and in the enrichment of learning experience for students and teachers;
  2. To harness, develop and adopt good practices in all aspects of leveraging technologies to enhance teaching and learning;
  3. To exhibit a culture of active learning and sharing among all members and extend this to colleagues campus-wide; and
  4. To become part of a network of learning and sharing communities, local and overseas, so as to expand our learning and sharing boundaries beyond our own institution.

Members of this CoP will share their experiences and findings with various types of educational technology and pedagogies used in their own courses so that other colleagues from various departments at PolyU may incorporate the use of this technology and pedagogy to improve their own teaching. From time to time, we may also invite external experts to share with us, either via in-person activities or online seminars, advancements on topics of prevailing and/or emerging interest. Riding on the success of a previous incarnation of this CoP, we also offer development funds for members to attend relevant external events, come back and share their learnings with community members and others.