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WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services



For more information, please visit the official website of the Conference.


About Us


WHOCC with PolyU and SN logos_20231009

World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services

The WHO has designated the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services since December 2007. Through implementing the WHO's mandate, the School has been playing a proactive role in strengthening evidence-based community health services and improving the health outcomes of local, regional and global populations. The following are the key foci of our activity: 

  1. At the request and under the leadership of WHO, analyse data on ageing and healthy living (inc. key indicators of ageing and health)
  2. To support WHO in the implementation of WHO Guidelines in Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) through evidence gathering and conceptual adaptation

A series of work plans, including collaborative research projects, roundtable sessions, training workshops and so on related to Healthy Ageing, will be developed in conjunction with WHO. This redesignated WHO CC unit on ‘Healthy Ageing’, the first and only WHO collaborating centre on ‘Ageing’ in Asia and the Pacific at this juncture, will assist the Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) to roll out its strategic initiatives on ageing for the region. 

Director: Prof. Angela LEUNG
Deputy Director: Dr Ivy ZHAO
Communications Manager: Miss Helen HSU

The team of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services (WHO CC), School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is composed of a group of prominent health professionals.

Internal Members (School of Nursing, PolyU)
  • Prof. Angela LEUNG, Director of WHO CC, Professor & Associate Head (Research)
  • Dr Jed MONTAYRE, Associate Professor
  • Dr Ivy ZHAO, Research Assistant Professor
International Advisory Committee Members
  • Prof. Somnath CHATTERJI
    Former lead of the Surveys, Measurement and Analysis programme in the Department of Health Statistics and Information Systems at the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Prof. Yun-Hee JEON
    Susan and Isaac Wakil Professor of Healthy Ageing, Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Prof. John KEADY
    Professor of Mental Health Nursing and Older People, School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester/ Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
  • Prof. Alex MOLASIOTIS
    Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC) Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby, United Kingdom
  • Prof. Wenru WANG
    Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Prof. Bei WU
    PhD, FGSA, FAAN (Hon.), Dean's Professor in Global Health, Vice Dean for Research, Rory Meyers College of Nursing; Co-Director, NYU Aging Incubator, New York University, USA
  • Prof. Noriko YAMAMOTO-MITANI
    Professor, Department of Gerontological Homecare & Long-term Care Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Local Advisory Committee Members
  • Dr the Honourable Ching-Choi LAM, SBS, JP
    Member of Executive Council, HKSAR Government; Chief Executive Officer, Haven of Hope Christian Service
  • Mr. Raymond Lei-ming HO
    Assistant Director (Elderly Health), Department of Health, HKSAR Government
  • Dr Edward Man-Fuk LEUNG
    President, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology
  • Dr James LUK
    Division Chief, Geriatrics, University Dept of Medicine, HKU; Hon Clinical Associate Professor, HKU
  • Mr. Kam Wah MA, MH, JP
    Chairman, Specialized Committee on Elderly Service, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS)
  • Mr. Tick-yee TAN
    Former Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Elderly Service), Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government
  • Prof. Doris YU
    Professor, School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong



WHO & COVID-19 Resources


   Theme    English Traditional Chinese    Urdu       Hindi    Indonesian Filipino
What to do if someone if sick in your household?

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How to prepare in case someone gets sick in your household?
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I just found out I have COVID-19.
What do I do to protect my friends and family?

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I just found out I’m a confirmed contact for COVID-19.
What do I do to protect my friends and family?

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Ageing & Health

Dr Kitty Huang
FHSS_06 3400 8192 

  1. Bowers, B., Thomspon, R., Noriko, Leung, A. Y. M., Sharew, N. T., Lepore, M. Chu, C.,Wu, B., Brunkert, T., Mateos, J., Mcgilton, K. (2021) What COVID-19 innovations can teach us about improving quality of life in long-term care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), 22(5), 929-932. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2021.03.018. (Impact Factor: 4.367)
  2. Xu, X. Y., Kwan, R., Leung, A. Y. M. (2021). Telephone-based Behavioral Activation for improving sleep quality in family caregivers of people with dementia: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy. (Impact Factor: 4.183)
  3. Molassiotis, A., Kwok, S.W.H., Leung, A.Y.M., Tyrovolas, S. (2021) Associations between sociodemographic factors, health spending, disease burden, and life expectancy of older adults (70+ years old) in 22 countries in the Western Pacific Region, 1995- 2019 : Estimates from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2019. Geroscience (Impact Factor: 7.713)
  4. Tang, J. Y. M., Chui, C. H. K., Lou, V. W. Q., Chiu, R., Kwok, R., Tse, M., Leung, A. Y. M., Chau, P., Lum, T. (2021). The contribution of sense of community to the association between age-friendly built environment and health in a high-density city: a cross-sectional study of older adults in Hong Kong. Journal of Applied Gerontology. doi: 10.1177/0733464821991298. (Impact Factor: 2.144)
  5. Dadaczynski, K., Okan, O., Messer, M., Leung, A. Y. M., Rosário, R., Darlington, E., Rathmann, K. (2021). Digital health literacy and online information seeking in times of COVID-19. A cross-sectional survey among university students in Germany. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 23(1), e24097. (Impact factor: 5.03)
  6. Lin, B., Zhang, Z., Guo, Y., Wang, W., Mei, Y., Wang, S., Tong, Y., Shuaib, N., Cheung, D.S.K. (2021). Perceptions of recurrence risk and behavioral changes among first-ever and recurrent stroke survivors: A qualitative analysis. Health Expectations. (Q1, Impact Factor: 3.377)
  7. Zhao I. Y., Ma Y. X., Yu, M. W. C., Liu, J., Dong, W. N., Pang, Q., Lu, X.Q., Molassiotis, A., Holroyd, E. & Wong, C. W. W. (2021). Ethics, Integrity, and Retributions of Digital Detection Surveillance Systems for Infectious Diseases: Systematic Literature Review. J Med Internet Res, 23(10):e32328. doi: 10.2196/32328 (Impact Factor: 5.43)
  8. Montayre, J., Saravanakumar, P., Zhao, I. Y., Holroyd, E., Adams, J., & Neville, S. (2021). Holding on and letting go: Views about filial piety among adult children living in New Zealand. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 00, 1– 8. (Impact Factor: 3.036)
  9. Zhao, I. Y., Holroyd, E., Garrett, N., Wright-St Clair, V. A., & Neville, S. (2021). Chinese latelife immigrants’ loneliness and social isolation in host countries: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 00, 1– 10. (Impact Factor: 3.036)
  10. William K. Pan, Daniel Fernández, Stefanos Tyrovolas, Giné-Vázquez Iago, Rishav Raj Dasgupta, Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Paul M. Lantos and Christopher W. Woods. Heterogeneity in the Effectiveness of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions During the First SARS-CoV2 Wave in the United States. Front. Public Health, 29 November 2021 (Impact Factor: 3.709)
  11. Tyrovolas, S., Tyrovola, D., Giné-Vázquez, I., Koyanagi, A., Bernabe-Ortiz, A., Rodriguez-Artalejo, F., Haro, J. M., Pan, W. K., Miranda, J. J., & Panagiotakos, D. (2021). Global, regional, and national burden of aortic aneurysm, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, zwab015. Advance online publication. (Impact Factor: 7.804)
  12. Molassiotis, A., Tyrovolas, S., Giné-Vázquez, I., Yeo, W., Aapro, M., & Herrstedt, J. (2021). Organized breast cancer screening not only reduces mortality from breast cancer but also significantly decreases disability-adjusted life years: analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study and screening programme availability in 130 countries. ESMO open, 6(3), 100111. (Impact Factor: 6.540)
  13. Tyrovolas, S., Giné-Vázquez, I., Fernández, D., Morena, M., Koyanagi, A., Janko, M., Haro, J. M., Lin, Y., Lee, P., Pan, W., Panagiotakos, D., & Molassiotis, A. (2021). Estimating the COVID-19 Spread Through Real-time Population Mobility Patterns: Surveillance in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(6), e22999. (Impact Factor: 5.03)
  14. Su, J. J., & Yu. DSF (2021). Effects of a nurse-led eHealth cardiac rehabilitation program on health outcomes of patients with coronary heart disease: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. (Impact Factor: 5.837)
  15. Leung, A. Y. M.,* Molassiotis, A., Carino, D. (2021). A challenge to healthy ageing: limited social participation in old age. Ageing and Disease, 12(5). DOI: 10.14336/AD.2021.02018 (Impact Factor: 5.402)
  16. Molassiotis, A., Leung, A. Y. M., Zhao, I. Y. (2021). Call for urgent actions in societies and health systems in the Western Pacific Region to implement the WHO Regional Action Plan on Healthy Ageing. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1–4. doi. 10.1111/jgs.17196 (Impact Factor: 4.180)
  17. Bowers, B., Thomspon, R., Noriko, Leung, A. Y. M., Sharew, N. T., Lepore, M. Chu, C., Wu, B., Brunkert, T., Mateos, J., Mcgilton, K. (accepted on 24 March 2021) What COVID-19 innovations can teach us about improving quality of life in long-term care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), 22(5), 929-932. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2021.03.018. (Impact Factor: 4.367)
  18. Molassiotis A., Guo C., Abu-Odah H., West C. and Loke A.Y. (2021). Evolution of disaster nursing research in the past 30 years (1990 -2019): A bibliometric and mapping analysis. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 58:102230. (Impact Factor: 4.320)
  19. Guo C.*, Li S.* and Chan S.S.S. (2021). Long-tern effects of disaster exposure on health care workers’ resilience: A comparison of the Wenchuan earthquake-exposed and unexposed groups. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 67: 102658. (Impact Factor: 4.32)
  20. Li, Y., Bressington, D., Wang, S., Leung, S.F., Mak, Y.W. (2021). Relationship between Parental psychological control and optimism among 9244 Hong Kong adolescents: the mediating role of self-mastery. Current Psychology, 1-8. (Q1, Impact Factor: 4.297)


Consultancy Area

Project objective
To obtain empirical findings about the needs and support required of carers of elderly persons and persons with disabilities through triangulation of research methods and data sources, and to assist the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB) to formulate an evidence-based carer-centred policy.

Project members
Ageing Team - Dr. Angela LEUNG (Ageing team leader), Dr. Bai XUE, Dr. Daphne CHEUNG, Dr. Doris LEUNG, Dr. Patrick KOR, Dr. Timothy SIM and Prof. Daniel LAI
Disability Team - Prof. Hector TSANG (Disability team leader), Prof. Marco PANG, Dr. Cynthia LAI and Dr. Raymond CHUNG

Funding source
The Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB), Hong Kong SAR Government, China

Project objective
To identify and explore the strategies and programs that have been developed to promote age-friendly communities in rural and remote areas.

Project members
Dr. Jed MONTAYRE (Project leader), Prof. Alex MOLASIOTIS, Dr. Angela LEUNG, Dr. Ivy ZHAO, Prof. Stephen NEVILLE and Dr. Jann FOSTER

Funding source
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Project objectives
To produce a high-quality thematic analysis on aging, based on the data already collected by the Cambodia National Institute of Statistics as part of the Cambodia 2019 Census.

Project members
Prof. Alex MOLASIOTIS (Project leader), Dr. Angela LEUNG, Dr. Grace XIE, Dr. Lin YANG and Dr. Yan ZHEUNG

Funding source
Health System Development of WHO Cambodia Office, World Health Organization


Event Calendar

Date Events
16 Aug 2024

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific:
Technological Innovations and Data-Driven Insights for Managing Health Conditions

Watch the webinar: Dr Ivy Yan ZHAO and Prof. Liwei JIN

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21 Jun 2024

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific:
Innovations in Health and Wellness for the Elderly

Watch the webinar: Dr Andy HO and Dr Wayne CHAN

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19 Apr 2024

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific:
Community-based Solutions and Evidence-based Care Model

Watch the webinar: Dr Vivien WU and Prof. Doris YU


 23 Feb 2024

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific:
Supported Decision Making and Implementation e-PROMs

Watch the webinar: Dr Kasia BAIL and Prof. Janelle YORKE

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Date Events
18 Aug 2023

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific:
Interplay of Emotion and Cognitive Reserves in Ageing

Watch the webinar: Dr Pei-Lee Teh and Dr Rose Lin

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16 June 2023 Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Advocating Emotional Support and Palliative Care

Watch the webinar: Dr Yan Liu and Dr Can Gu


21 Apr 2023 

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
T&CM and Spatial Interventions for Older Adults

Watch the webinar: Dr Cheng Soon Goh and Dr Aria Yang

17 Feb 2023

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Health literacy and dementia knowledge

Watch the webinar: Prof. Angela Y.M Leung and Dr Dan Song



Date Events  
18 Nov 2022

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Promoting mental and cognitive outcomes and successful ageing

Watch the webinar: Dr Nan Zhang and Dr Karen Cheung

16 Sep 2022

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Gerontological Education and Practice

Watch the webinarDr Carol Ma and Dr Nattaya Suwankruhasn

15 July 2022

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Promoting Healthy Ageing for Older Adults and Caregivers

Watch the webinar: Dr Yurun Cai and Dr Patrick Kor

20 May 2022
Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Promoting healthy ageing during the pandemic 
Watch the webinar: Prof. Patricia Davidson and Dr Wenru Wang
9 Apr 2022
Webinar for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong:
COVID-19 vaccination: should I go for vaccination?
Watch the webinar: Dr Dauda Salihu
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2 Apr 2022
Webinar for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong:
How to reduce stress and maintain healthy life during COVID-19
Watch the webinar: Dr Stephanie Szeto
26 Mar 2022
Webinar for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong:
Rapid Antigen Test (RAT): when and how to conduct the test?
Watch the webinar: Dr Margaret O’Donoghue
23 Mar 2022

Webinar for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong:
COVID-19 quarantine at home: what should be done to protect other family members?
Watch the webinar: Prof. Angela Leung

19 Mar 2022 Webinar for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong:
COVID-19 symptoms and it’s effect on health
Watch the webinar: Prof. Alex Molasiotis
18 Mar 2022

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Promoting Aging-in-Place and Infection Control of Aged Care

Watch the webinar: Dr Minhui Liu and Prof. Angela Leung



Date Events  
Nov 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Fostering connections of older Pacific adults and promoting Advance Care Planning for older Chinese people

Watch the webinar: Dr El-Shadan TAUTOLO and Prof. Renli DENG

Oct 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Examining Resilience and Peer Volunteering in Later Life

Watch the webinar: Dr Erwin William A. LEYVA and Dr Mimi TSE

Sep 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Assessing mental capacity for older people and a transitional care model

Watch the webinar: Dr Victor LUI and Prof. Frances WONG

Aug 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Rehabilitation in dementia care and issues on end-of-life care in long-term care settings

Watch the webinar: Prof. Yun-Hee JEON and Dr. Edward M F LEUNG.

Jul 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Technology-based approaches for enhancing care and supporting therapeutic interventions for older adults

Watch the webinar: Dr Cindy JONES and Dr Daphne CHEUNG.

Jun 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Health and utilization inequalities and palliative care

Watch the webinar: Dr Kathryn Lizbeth L. SIONGCO and Dr Jingjing SU.

May 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Ageing in a foreign land and the role of nutrition in healthy ageing

Watch the webinar: Dr Jed MONTAYRE and Dr Justina LIU.

Apr 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
End-of-life care in Korea and epidemiology of frailty in WPRO countries

Watch the webinar: Prof. Sunghee H TAK and Dr Stefanos TYROVOLAS.

Mar 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Novel research on supporting fallers and preventive Chinese specific-N95 respirator for respiratory infectious outbreak

Watch the webinar: Prof. Maw Pin TAN and Dr Simon LAM.

Feb 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
To support older adults who are facing dementia and loneliness

Watch the webinar: Dr Ayumi IGARASHI and Prof. Angela LEUNG.

Jan 2021

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Situating the Care of Older Adults in the Global Health Context: The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Case in Point

Watch the Webinar: Prof. Noriko YAMAMOTO-MITANI and Dr Claudia KY LAI.



Date Events  
Dec 2020

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
Ageing Trends and Cognitive Frailty.

Watch the webinar: Dr Suparb AREE-UE and Dr Rick KWAN.

Nov 2020

Webinar for Embracing Ageing in the Western Pacific: 
WHO action plan, life expectancy and living in good health

Watch the webinar: Dr Hiromasa OKAYASU and Prof. Alex MOLASIOTIS

Jun 2020 New COPE's Book: COVID-19, The book helps you stay safe and smiling during the Covid-19 pandemic. free download. 202006
May 2020 New COPE's Book: Cyclones, COPE teamed up with James Cook University to teach you how to be ready for Cyclones – Stay Safe! free download. 202005


Date Events  
Dec 2019 Redesigned by the World Health Organization and renamed as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services in Healthy Ageing, effective from 13 December 2019 to 13 December 2023.
Oct 2019 New COPE’s Floods book: The Floods book, a new COPE’s global disaster children book that teaches children simple steps for disaster preparedness is out for free download. 201910


Date Events  
4 Dec 2018 Dr Timothy Sim gave a presentation entitled “University Social Responsibility: Promoting Resilience in Disaster via Art and Culture” in the Parallel Session III: Art and Culture and Social Responsibility of the University Social Responsibility Summit 2018, held in Israel in December 2018. The Summit is a biennial flagship event of the University Social Responsibility Network. 20181208
22-23 Nov 2018 Prof. Alex Molasiotis and Dr Timothy Sim met with Dr Margaret Chan, the Director-General of WHO [2007-2017] at the Third Regional Forum of WHO Collaborating Centres in the Western Pacific. The forum was held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2018112223
Oct 2018 The School’s WHO CC is currently supporting the development of COPE, a series of innovative children’s books, which is intended for global distribution to raise awareness on preparedness for natural disasters. Collaborated with disaster experts around the world and local stakeholders, written by Martha Keswick, illustrated by Mariko Jesse, and edited by Dr Timothy Sim, the COPE book series teach children simple steps for disaster preparedness. 20181000


Date Events  
Dec 2017 Frontiers in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Seminar 20171200
27-30 Jun 2017 Participation in WHO regional meeting "Synergy and Integration for Prevention, Diagnosis and Care" 20170627_30
May 2017 The WHO Adolescent Health Project Group went to Finland to discuss the preliminary study findings among six countries, and gave presentations in the seminar. They also visited the school nurses and the Finland School Nurses Association 20170500
05 Mar 2017 Happy Bear Hospital activity organised by the Playright Children's Play Association 20170305
18 Feb 2017 "2017 Paediatric Dermatology Symposium: Get Ready for the Atopic March" 20170218


Date Events  
30 Dec 2016 Training of Health Ambassadors to promote health in primary schools 20161230_1



28-29 Nov 2016 Dr Regina Lee and Prof. Alex Molasiotis attended the Second Regional Forum of WHO Collaborating Centres in Western Pacific 20161128_29
20 Oct 2016 Dr Regina Lee and Dr Grace Ho attended the ICP21 International Conference on Parenting in the 21 Century 20161020
Sep 2016 Young and vulnerable adolescents' involvement in Global AA-HA! Framework  
9 Sep 2016 Dr Regina Lee, Dr Paul Lee, Dr Cynthia Wu, and our PhD student attended a seminar on "Public Health Issues of Excessive use of Internet, Computers, Smartphone and Similar Electronic Devices" 20160909_1

30 Jul 2016 The General Meeting of the Global Network World Health Organization Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery (GN WHO CCs) 20160730
27-29 Jul 2016 The 11th Biennial WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery Conference Strategic Conversations: The Nursing and Midwifery Contribution towards Global Health 2030  
9 Jul 2016 Health Ambassadors Mentoring Programme 20160709
19-30 Jun 2016 Service learning subject "Mentoring Health Ambassadors for School Communities" (SN2S04)
(In collaboration with the School of Nursing of ZhengZhou University)

20-22 May 2016 International Community Health Conference Cum 3rd Biennial Regional School Health Congress 20160520_22_01

23-24 Apr 2016 Dr Regina Lee was invited as one of the honourable speakers to speak on the topic "Adolescent Health Ambassador in School Setting" at the Multidisciplinary Seminar on Adolescent Health Update 2016. Apr2016-1
6 Mar 2016 Co-organised Happy Bear Hospital with Playright Children's Play Association at Hong Kong Sports Institute. Mar2016-1
27-28 Feb 2016 Attended the "Effect of Economic Growth on Child Health in Chinese Speaking Communities" Conference in Guangzhou, Mainland China Feb2016-3
24 Feb - 16 Mar 2016 Organized 'Ideal BMI Disease Prevention Project' with the Hospital Authority for PolyU staff and student on obesity-related health risks and to empower them with the knowledge and skills for healthy living and weight management. Feb2016-1
4 Feb 2016 Internal and affiliate faculty member's meeting Feb2016-2


Date Events  
Dec 2015 Obtained a funding (total amount HK$ 330,000) from the Education Bureau, HKSAR to provide training for school personnel in caring for children with medical complexity in special schools in Hong Kong. In order to provide support for children with medical complexity (CMC), a one-day seminar was held by WHO CC on 5 December and two 4-hours identical workshops were held in the morning and afternoon sessions on 12 December at PolyU.




13 Dec 2015 Redesignation of World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, effective from 13 December 2015 to 13 December 2019.
19 Sep 2015 Attended the Paediatric Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2015 Sept2015-1
19-21 Aug 2015 The 6th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research Aug2015-1
Jul 2015 Visiting the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and WHO CC Sydney



1-2 Jul 2015 Attend the National HIV/AIDS and STI Programme Managers' Meeting for Selected Asian and Pacific Island Countries in Manila, the Philippines 20150701_02
18-19 Jun 2015 Mental Health First Aid Course 20150618_19
15-23 May 2015 Service learning subject "Mentoring Health Ambassadors for School Communities" (SN2S04)

(In collaboration with the School of Nursing of ZhengZhou University)
7 Feb 2015 Diabetes Symposium: Caring of Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes at School

(In collaboration with Youth Diabetes Action and The Hong Kong School Nurses Association)
24 Jan 2015 Training session for the service learning subject of "Mentoring Health Ambassadors for School Communities (SN2S04)" 20150124
20 Jan 2015 The first meeting with representatives from other WHO CCs in Hong Kong 20150120_2
20 Jan 2015 The third Advisory Committee Meeting of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, PolyU 20150120


Date Events  
4-5 Dec 2014 Mental Health First Aid Course 20141204_05
21-23 Nov 2014 Exhibition in the "PolyU Serves" Showcase 20141121_23
13-14 Nov 2014 Attend the First Regional Forum of WHO Collaborating Centres in the Western Pacific on in Manila, the Philippines. 20141113_14
28 Oct 2014 Pre-conference seminar of 6th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities



27-31 Oct 2014 Short course on advanced child and adolescent health assessment by Prof. Patricia Jackson Allen, Professor of Nursing and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Specialty Coordinator, Division of Primary Care from Yale School of Nursing, the US 20141027_31
24-26 Oct 2014 The 2nd Biennial Regional School Health Congress, Macau

(In collaboration with Nurses Association of Macau, The Hong Kong School Nurses Association, Hong Kong College of Paediatric Nursing, Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association, Hong Kong Paediatric Society)

24 Oct 2014 Visited by Dr Howard Sobel, Regional Coordinator, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, Director, Building Healthy Communities & Populations of the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Dr Erin Maughan, Director of Research, RWJF (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), Executive Nurse Fellow National Association of School Nurses, the US, and Dr Hye-A Yeom, Professor of College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea 20141024_2
24 Oct 2014 Health Ambassador Scheme award ceremony 20141024
4-12 Aug 2014 2014 Summer Programme on HIV/AIDS: Public Health & Infection Control

(In collaboration School of Nursing of Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Policy-Making and Quality Management and Beijing Ditan Hospital (BDH) WHO Collaborating Centre for Comprehensive Management of HIV Treatment and Care)

28-29 Jul 2014 Attended the 17th General Meeting of the Global Network of WHO CCs for Nursing and Midwifery Development in Coimbra, Portugal 20140728_29
28 Jul 2014 Meeting with WHO CCs for Nursing and Midwifery Development of Western Pacific Region in Coimbra, Portugal 20140728
26 Jul 2014 Attended the Global Network of WHO CCs for Nursing and Midwifery Development Executive Committee Meeting in Coimbra, Portugal 20140726
23-25 Jul 2014 Attended the 10th Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres (WHO CCs) for Nursing and Midwifery in Coimbra, Portugal 20140723_25
8-9 Jul 2014 Summer camp for health ambassadors 20140708_09
18 May 2014 Disaster risk reduction first aid training course 20140518
24-25 Apr 2014 Mental Health First Aid Course 20140424_25
20 Feb 2014 Visited Dr Gulin Gedik and Dr Kenichiro Taneda of WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO), Manila, the Philippines 20140220


Date Events  
30 Dec 2013 Mentorship programme for training health ambassadors 20131230 
12-13 Dec 2013 Mental Health First Aid Course 20131212_13 
29 Nov 2013 World AIDS Day Seminar: Fighting Zero
(In collaboration with C.H.O.I.C.E.)
9 Oct 2013 Distinguished Lecture Series #8: Advanced Nursing Practice: the Mistakes and the Opportunities (Online Lecture) 20131009
17-20 Sep 2013 Participated in the APEDNN Core Working Group Meeting and the 7th Meeting of the APEDNN in Bangkok, Thailand 20130917_20
22 Jul – 2 Aug 2013 Mental Health Nursing Summer Programme 2013
(In collaboration with School of Nursing, Capital Medical University, Beijing)
28 May 2013 WHO CC meeting 20130528
17 - 25 May 2013 Mental Health First Aid Course (2 classes) 20130517_25 
16 Apr 2013 Visited by the Delegation of School of Nursing, Shandong University, China 20130416
19 Mar 2013 Visited by the WHO WPRO-supported participants of the "20th Infection Control Course for Health Care Professionals" 20130319
Jan – Feb 2013 Train-the-trainer Course for Management of Violence and Aggression (10 sessions)
(In collaboration with Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies, Hospital Authority)


Date Events  
Nov 2012 - Feb 2013 Disaster Nursing Training Course (14 sessions) 201211_201302
30 Nov 2012 World AIDS Day Seminar: Walk with Love
(In collaboration with C.H.O.I.C.E.)
5 Nov 2012

Visited by Professor John Daly, Director of the WHO CC for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

31 Oct 2012 Visited by the Delegation of Ministry of Health, Singapore 20121031
3-5 Oct 2012 Participated in the APEDNN 2012 Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 20121003_05
23 Jul - 3 Aug 2012 Summer Programme 2012: Disaster and global health challenges
(In collaboration with School of Nursing, Xinjiang Medical University)

30 Jun - 1 Jul 2012 Attended the 9th International Conference with the Global Network of WHO CCs for Nursing and Midwifery Development in Kobe, Japan 20120630_0701
28-29 Jun 2012 Attended the 16th General Meeting of the Global Network of WHO CCs for Nursing and Midwifery Development in Kobe, Japan 20120628_29
27 Jun 2012 Attended the Global Network of WHO CCs for Nursing and Midwifery Development Executive Committee Meeting in Kobe, Japan 20120627
2 May 2012 Visited by the Official and the delegation of Dongfeng West Road Primary School, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China 20120502
29-30 Mar 2012 The First 'Creating Synergy for School Nurses Across the Region' Symposium and Seminar 20120329_30
Jan – Feb 2012 Train-the-trainer Course for Management of Violence and Aggression (10 sessions)
(In collaboration with Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies, Hospital Authority)
16-17 Jan 2012 Management of Violence Refresher Course
(In collaboration with Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies, Hospital Authority)


Date Events  
1 Dec 2011 World AIDS Day Chinese Opera Concert
(In collaboration with C.H.O.I.C.E.)
30 Nov 2011 "World AIDS Day" Education Talk
(In collaboration with C.H.O.I.C.E.)
29-30 Nov 2011 Participated in the Informal Consultative Meeting on Antimicorbial Resistance (AMR) Prevention and Control in Emergencies / Disasters in Manila, Philippines 20111129_30
16 Nov 2011 Visited by the delegation of the Rotary Club of Peninsula 20111116
24 Oct 2011 Visited by Prof. Lidia Mayner, Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Director of Flinders University Research Programme for Disaster Nursing, Deputy Director of Flinders University Disaster Research Centre, Flinders University, Australia 20111024
21-24 Oct 2011 Participated in the APEDNN 2011 Meeting and the 3rd International Disaster Nursing Conference in Seoul and Daejeon, South Korea 20111021_24
26-29 Jul 2011 The 16th Biennial School Nurses International Conference 2011, Hong Kong
(In collaboration with School Nurses International, The Hong Kong School Nurses Association, & WHO, WPRO)
26 Jul 2011 Regional School Nurses Network Meeting in Hong Kong 20110726
18-28 Jul 2011 Summer Programme 2011: Fundamentals of Chinese Medicinal Nursing
(In collaboration with School of Health Sciences, Macao Polytechnic Institute)
24 May 2011 Visited by delegation of WHO Collaborating Centre for Comprehensive Management of HIV Treatment and Care, Beijing Ditan Hospital 20110524
6 May 2011 Attended the General Meeting of the Global Network of WHO CCs for Nursing and Midwifery Development in Malta 20110506
15 Apr 2011 "Effective Communication Skills and School Health Promotion Skills" Workshop Guest speaker: Dr. Patanjali Dev Nayar, Technical Officer, Child & Adolescent Health & Development, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office 20110415
12-13 Apr 2011 Workshop on Small Group Teaching Methodologies
Guest speaker: Dr. Patanjali Dev Nayar, Technical Officer, Child & Adolescent Health & Development, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office
4-6 Apr 2011 Participated in the Meeting on an Action Framework for the Regional Strategy on Human Resources for Health 20110404_06
2 Apr 2011 "Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine" Workshop
(In collaboration with Hong Kong School Health Enhancement Consortium and Hong Kong School Nurses Association)
23-25 Mar 2011 Attended at the Expert Consultation on Adolescents and Substance Use in the Western Pacific Region in Manila, Philippines 20110323_25
22-24 Feb 2011 Participated in the Regional Meeting on Strengthening Deployment of Public Health Nurses in Support of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Bangkok, Thailand 20110222_24
Dec 2010 - Feb 2011 Train-the-trainer Course for Control and Restraint (10 sessions)
(In collaboration with Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies, Hospital Authority)
26 Jan 2011 Visited by the delegation of Institute on Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University (Mr, Wang Jian Min, Deputy Director; Prof. Long En Shen, Associate Director; Ms. Fan Ling, Director of Admin. Office) 20110126


Date Events  
29 Nov 2010 Visited by delegates of International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (Tobacco control) from China 20101129
27 Nov 2010 "Stop AIDS; Keep the promise" Workshop
(In collaboration with C.H.O.I.C.E.)
15-20 Nov 2010 Bi-regional Infection Control Training Course
(In collaboration with The WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Training and Outbreak Response in Infection Control, Hong Kong Hospital Authority & the Squina International Centre for Infection Control, FHSS, PolyU)
6-8 Nov 2010 Participated in the APEDNN 2010 Meeting and Capacity-building workshops in Auckland, New Zealand 20101106_08
16 Aug 2010 Visited by Prof. Julian Gold, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Capacity Building and Health Care Worker Training in HIV/AIDS Care, Treatment and Support; Director, Senior Staff Specialist and Professor, Albion Street Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney 20100816
9-21 Aug 2010 Summer course : WHO Adolescent Health and Development
(In collaboration with WHO Western Pacific Region office and School of Nursing, Soochow University) Website:
4-7 Aug 2010 Workshop: WHO Adolescent Health and Development TOT Training
(In collaboration with WHO Western Pacific Region office and School of Nursing, Soochow University) Website:
27-28 Jul 2010 Participated in the 15th Global Network of WHO Nursing & Midwifery Collaborating Centres meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil 20100727-28a
5 Apr 2010 Wuhan Nursing Professional Workshops 2010
(In collaboration with Department of Nursing, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Website:
3-4 Apr 2010 Wuhan International Conference 2010 "Community Engagement: Paving the Way to Optimal Health"
(In collaboration with Wuhan Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, Wuhan Public Health Bureau) Website:
12 Mar 2010 Seminar on Removing Stigmatization of HIV/AIDS of Health Care Professionals
(In collaboration with C.H.O.I.C.E.)
8 Jan 2010 Visited by Dr. Shin Young-soo, Regional Director for Western Pacific, WHO and Dr. Linda Milan, Director of Building Healthy Communities & Populations, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, together with Ms. Sheila Purves, Project Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation 20100108
6 Jan 2010 Visited by the WHO "Community Health Nursing" project team members (Prof. Du Xueping, Ms. Wang Yongli, Ms. Ding Lan from the Yue Tan Community Health Service Center of Fu Xing Hospital-Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, P.R.C. and Prof. Hau Shuxiao from the School of Nursing, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.C) 20100106a


Date Events  
24-26 Nov 2009 Participated in the "Consultation on the Strengthening of the WHO Network for HIV and Health in the Western Pacific Region" in Manila, Philippines 20091124_26
21-24 Nov 2009 Adolescent Health & Development Training-Of-Trainers Workshop
Guest speaker: Dr. Patanjali Dev Nayar, Technical Officer, Child & Adolescent Health, Western Pacific region, WHO
18-20 Nov 2009 Participated in the "Meeting of WHO Collaborating Centres on Reproductive Health and Making Pregnancy Safer in the Western Pacific Region" in Shanghai, China 20091118_20r
20 Oct 2009 The first Advisory Committee Meeting of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, PolyU
The Inauguration Ceremony of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, PolyU
A Memorandum of Understanding signing with The Asia Pacific Council of Optometry on collaboration to foster the promotion of visual welfare of the people in the Western Pacific region
For detail, pls. click




28 Sep – 1 Oct 2009 Participated in the "APEDNN 2009 Meeting and Capacity-Building Workshops", and "Emergencies & Health in the Tropics Conference" in Cairns, Australia 20090928
7 Sep 2009 Visited by Prof. David Halton, Vice-Chancellor, University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom and the Delegation 20090907
26 Aug 2009 Visited by Ms. Louise Hicks, Associate Dean and Ms. Cathy O'Sullivan, Chief Operation Officer, School of Community and Health Sciences, City University London, United Kingdom 20090826a
Aug – Dec 2009

Community Health Workshop Series 2009

Adolescent Health & Development Workshop
Guest speaker: Dr. Patanjali Dev Nayar, Technical Officer, Child & Adolescent Health, Western Pacific region, WHO
4-6 Aug 2009 Coordinated the Informal Consultation on Community Health Nursing: China at the Maryknoll House, Stanley, Hong Kong 20090804
27 Jul 2009 Agreement signing with Wuhan Mayor and the Delegation on the collaboration of International Conference at Wuhan, China in April 2010 20090727_2
27 Jul 2009 Visited by Prof. Margaret Grey, Dean & Annie Goodrich Professor, School of Nursing, Yale University, U.S.A 20090727
9 Jun 2009 Visited by Dr. Courtney H. Lyder, Dean & Professor of School of Nursing, and Prof. Adeline Nayamathi, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), U.S.A 20090609
3 Jun 2009 Visited by Dr. Courtney H. Lyder, Dean & Professor of School of Nursing, and Prof. Adeline Nayamathi, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), U.S.A A Memorandum of Understanding signing with the Wuhan Health Department for setting up an experimental ground on developing a sustainable model of community health services in Wuhan, China 20090603
1 Jun 2009 Visited by the representatives (Dr. Chen Jie, Dr. Li Xuehan, Dr. Zhang Yueheng & Mr. Sun Shikai) from the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centre, Daxing District, Beijing, P.R.C. together with the Centre Manager and Project Officer of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation 20090601
2-3 Apr 2009 Participated in the Global Alliance Nursing and Midwifery (GANM) steering committee meeting at the School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, USA 20090402
17 Feb 2009 Visited by Dr. Antonio Carlos Gerbase, Department of HIV/AIDS, WHO Headquarters, Dr. Massimo N Ghidinelli, Regional Adviser in HIV/AIDS and STI, and Ms. Gaik Gui Ong, Technical Officer, HIV/AIDS and STI from the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific 20080217


Date Events  
21-22 Oct 2008 Visited by Professor Jean Yan, Coordinator Health Professions Networks, Chief Scientist, Nursing & Midwifery, Department of Human Resources for Health, WHO 20081021
16-20 Oct 2008 Participated in the WHO Asian Pacific Emergency and Disaster Nursing Network and Health Emergency Partners meeting in Shandong, China 20081016_20
9-11 Oct 2008 Visited by Professor Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes, Secretary-General of Global Network of WHOCC Nursing Midwifery Development 20081010a
4-5 Jul 2008

A seminar and a series of workshops on "Capacity building for post-disaster care"


23-24 Jun 2008 Participated in the Global Network of WHO Nursing & Midwifery Collaborating Centres meeting in Bangkok, Thailand 20080623

Contact Us

WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services

School of Nursing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hunghom, Kowloon
Hong Kong, SAR

