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Prize of the State of Geneva Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury was received at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

29 Apr 2023


Project “Novel High Efficacy Nano Multi-ring Defocus Incorporated Spectacle Lens for Myopia Control” has won the Prize of the State of Geneva Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (Geneva Inventions Expo), widely regarded as among the most important annual global events devoted exclusively to inventions. It was a collaboration project led by a team of Prof. Benny CHEUNG Chi-fai (Chair Professor of Ultra-precision Machining and Metrology, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Director of State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology), Prof. TO Chi-ho (Visiting Chair Professor of Experimental Optometry, School of Optometry) and Mr. Jackson LEUNG Tze-man (Co-founder, Vision Science & Technology Co Ltd).

The novel Nano Multi-ring Defocus Incorporated Spectacle (NMDIS) lens combines the cutting-edge Defocus Incorporated Soft Contact (DISC) lens and Ultra-precision Nano Multi-ring Machining Technology (UPNMMT) to slow myopic progression in children. It features annular spaced correction zones and defocus zones. The former correct vision at the central retina and the latter focus light slightly before the retina to achieve myopia defocus, slowing myopic progression by inhibiting eyeball elongation. UPNMMT enables the precision moulding of NMDIS lenses, reasonably distributes optical power to generate a smooth and seamless lens surface, and effectively balances clear vision, comfort and myopia control.

The Geneva Inventions Expo this year attracted about 1,000 inventions from about 40 countries and regions. To learn more about PolyU’s impactful innovations showcased in the Expo, please refer to the website of the Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office at here.

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