Air Pollution Laboratory
Research Theme: Environmental Treatment and Impacts
Location: ZN1109
Host Department: CEE
Space: 100 m2
The Air Pollution Laboratory is a well-established laboratory in providing air pollution study at institutional level and serving to general public in Hong Kong since 1982. It has equipped with many cutting-edge air sampling equipment and analyzers for supporting innovative research projects and general laboratory-teaching experiment.
The Laboratory performs experiment in 3 main areas, namely criteria air pollutant measurements, volatile organic compounds and organic aerosol measurements and indoor air quality (IAQ) study.

Atmospheric Research Laboratory
Research Theme: Environmental Treatment and Impacts
Location: ZS1108
Host Department: CEE
Space: 60 m2
The Atmospheric Research Laboratory helps understand the sources of emission, chemical transformation and meteorological transport affecting trace gases and particulate matter in the atmosphere. It provides scientific support to the development of control strategies for photochemical, haze, and acid rain pollution.
It houses advanced equipment including:
- Chemical ionization mass spectrometers (Tof-CIMS, OH-CIMS, and Q-CIMS)
- URG 9000B Aerosol Ion Monitor (AIM)
- Long Path Absorption Photometer (LOPAP)
- Trace gas analyzers (NOx, O3, SO2, NOy)
- Filter radiometer (jNO2)
- Flow tube devices to study gas-particle interactions

Coastal and Marine Ecology Laboratory
Location: Y710
Host Department: ABCT
Space: 20 m2
The Coastal and Marine Ecology Laboratory carries out ecological surveys for coastal and marine organisms, such as horseshoe crabs and Chinese white dolphins. It also assess the ecological impacts of human activities and pollution on these organisms.

Geomatics Computing Laboratory
Location: ZN604
Host Department: LSGI
Space: 60 m2
The Geomatics Computing Laboratory is equipped with 71 sets of ThinkCenter M93p workstations for general teaching and learning in the department. Currently, the workstations are installed with Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise operating systems and a diversified surveying and geomatics application software, such as ESRI ArcGIS Pro, Revit, PhotoModeler, Matlab, Leica Cyclone, Starnet, and ERDAS IMAGINE.

Hydraulic Laboratory
Research Theme: Innovative Land and Space Solutions
Location: PQ004
Host department: CEE
Space: 330 m2
The Hydraulic Laboratory mainly focuses on the research
areas of hydraulic and ocean engineering, including numerical and physical modeling of tidal circulation, wave propagation, storm surge, conduit flow, multi-phase flow, solute and sediment transport.
It houses advanced equipment including:
- Open Channel Tilting Flume
- Wave Channel and Control System
- Pressurized Water Pipeline System
- Wind Tunnel and Measurement System
- Nortek Vectrino Plus Side/down-looking ADV
- Laser PIV System
- Nortek Vector Current Meter
- OBS-3A Turbidity Meter
- Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyzer (SUNA)
- Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
- 3D Printer

Laboratory for Deformation and Geohazards Studies
Location : ZB214
Host Department: LSGI
Space: 60 m2
The Laboratory for Deformation and Geohazards Studies facilitates research in developing new technologies, such as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) and in-situ sensor-based technologies, and in studying geohazards, such as landslides, earthquakes, land subsidence and structural health.
The laboratory is equipped with advanced hardware and software, including a ground-based radar (GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer II), an inertial navigation system (INS), GNSS equipment (including multi-GNSS and multi-antenna receivers), navigation and deformation measurement sensors, and UAV systems.

Remote Sensing Laboratory
Location: ZB213
Host Department: LSGI
Space: 35 m2
Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL) is a laboratory focuses on the environmental applications of the state-of-the-art remote sensing systems, as well as the development of techniques to enhance the usefulness of these systems.
The research projects undertaken by the laboratory are in response to environmental problems within Hong Kong and the wider region, often in conjunction with government departments and private companies, but with potential for wider applications. Activities are supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, The charities trust, government departments and bureaus, remote sensing and space organisations and consultancy projects.

Road Research Laboratory
Research Theme: Environmental Treatment and Impacts
Location: Fu Cheung Centre, Fo Tan & Ma Liu Shui, Shatin
Host Department: CEE
Space: 35 m2
The off-campus Road Research Laboratory is composed of an indoor laboratory (Fu Cheung Centre, Fo Tan) and an outdoor test site (Ma Liu Shui, Shatin). It has served various CEE’s research and teaching activities on road and pavement materials.
Main equipment includes Bitumen Dynamic Viscometer, Asphalt Tenacity Tester, Bitumen Ductility Machine, Pressure Aging Vessel, Rolling Thin Film Oven, Centrifuge Extractor, Dynamic Shear Rheometer, Hamburg (Immersion) Wheel Tracker, Triaxial Testing System, Marshall Testing System, Superpave Gyratory Compactor, close proximity tyre/road noise measuring vehicle, etc.
These multi-scale testing devices are implemented to characterize and understand performance of the bituminous binder and mixtures. The corresponding knowledge is transferred to the governmental departments and the industries.

Soil Mechanics Laboratory
Location: ZB227
Host department: CEE
Space: 250 m2
The Soil Mechanics Laboratory is equipped with advanced devices for investigations on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, including stress-path controlled saturated and unsaturated triaxial system, double-cell triaxial apparatus with small strain measurement, novel multi-purpose apparatus for unsaturated soils, dynamic hollow cylinder apparatus, PolyU-patented truly triaxial apparatus, optical testing system, large-scale physical model testing chamber, temperature-controlled interface shear apparatus with multi-loading conditions, etc.

Structural Engineering Research Laboratory
Location: Y001
Host department: CEE
Space: 200 m2
Structural Engineering Research Laboratory has been installed with the state-of-art equipment to facilitate advanced research in the structural engineering field.
The laboratory can perform tests for various construction materials and structural components under different modes of loading.

Transport and Highway Engineering Laboratory
Research Theme: Environmental Treatment and Impacts
Location: ZS1108 & ZS1109
Host Department: CEE
Space: 120 m2 & 16 m2
The Transport and Highway Engineering Laboratory caters teaching-related experiments and research activities in highway engineering, traffic engineering and transport planning. The equipment is available for various types of bituminous material and pavement testing and transport related measurement.
The laboratory equips advanced equipment and software including:
- ELE Penetrometer
- James Cox & Sons Rolling Thin Film Oven
- Anton Paar MCR702 TwinDrive Rheometer
- Control Multi-speed Automatic Compression Testing Machine
- Matest Marshall Compactor
- ELE Marshall Testing Machine
- CoreLok Vacuum Testing Device
- Pavetest DTS-30 Servo-hydralic Dynamic Testing System
- Stanley London Portable Skid-Resistance Tester
- EMME 4 (software)
- Vissim 10 (software)
- Junction 8 (software)
- Saturn_11 & level H (software)

Water and Waste Laboratory
Research Theme: Environmental Treatment and Impacts
Location: ZS1101 & ZS1112
Host Department: CEE
Space: 180 m2 & 75 m2
The Water and Waste Laboratories were established in 1976 with an important commitment to facilitate the application of research in environmental engineering and sciences to meet the needs of the industries. The present group of laboratories, comprising a teaching laboratory, a research laboratory, a microbiology laboratory, a chemical store, a sample storage cold room and an instrument laboratory, are extensively equipped with advanced measuring and analytical instruments for complete physical, chemical and biological sample characterization.
The Water Analysis Laboratory was also named as a State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution under PolyU and IUE-CAS Joint Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health.