Land Reclamation
The key objective of the research theme is to develop cutting edge concepts and technologies for land reclamation. The main research topics include innovative methods for fast land reclamation, new materials and structures for land reclamation, use of construction wastes in land reclamation, cost and economic returns of land reclamation, hydrological challenges, e.g., coastal circulations, environmental impacts and mitigation, water quality modification in coastal areas due to land reclamation, and management of reclaimed land, e.g., land settlement.

Research Focus 1
Innovative Land and Space Solutions
The key objective of the research theme is to develop innovative concepts and technologies for land and space development. The main research topics include innovative design and construction of floating structures, development of high performance materials and innovative structural systems for floating structures, wave-structure-soil interaction analysis, innovative methods for creation and use of rock caverns, underground space and multi-layered urban space, utilization of brownfield sites, and ocean modelling and sediment transport analysis.

Research Focus 2
Environmental Treatment and Impacts
The key objective of the research theme is to study the broad topics of environmental changes and pollution associated with land and space developments, including the types and sources of pollution and ecological changes, impacts of environmental changes on human life and ecosystems, treatments of pollution and contamination, and optimization of land and space developments with positive environmental impacts.

Research Focus 3
Land Economics and Planning
The key objective of the research theme is to study the costs and economic returns, and societal impacts of land and space development in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and beyond. The main research topics will include economic and societal impacts of land shortage, and land and space development; forecast of future land demand; costs associated with different land and space development options; and optimization of land and space development based on land economics.

Research Focus 4
Land Analytics and Management
The key objective of the research theme is to develop innovative new technologies for land analytics and management. The main research topics include developing techniques for collecting highly detailed land use, land cover, and land legal information; methods for detecting changes in the information; study of land settlement and landslides; safety of rock caverns and underground space; and analyzing land and space development options based on multivariate optimization.

Research Focus 5