Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing
Our vision of RIAM is to be a hub for world-class manufacturing research and knowledge transfer to contribute to economic growth in a global context.
Five themes of advanced manufacturing are addressed:
- Advanced processing and materials technologies
- Carbon neutral manufacturing
- Digital manufacturing
- Manufacturing systems and instrumentation
- Manufacturing operations and logistics

Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things
Our research themes are organised in the research framework:
- AIoT infrastructure
- AIoT system platform
- AIoT analytics
- AIoT applications
- Cross-layer issues

Research Institute for Future Food
RiFood has three main Research Directions namely Food Sustainability, Smart Technology & Functional Food Development and Nutrition & Human Health.
These three Research Directions are originated from the interactions among “Environment”, “Food” and “Human”, forming an interdisciplinary & coherent Research Programme.

Research Institute of Intelligent Wearable Systems
Interdisciplinary research teams of IWEAR have addressed major societal needs and developed new technologies for numerous applications in healthcare, the Internet of Things, robotics, sports, fashion and entertainment. Some examples are:
- Real-time monitoring and intervention wearable system for improving mobility of patients with Parkinson’s disease
- Intelligent assessment and monitoring system for radiation dermatitis using a rapid approximation and decision making deep fuzzy model
- Automated assessment of construction equipment operators' mental fatigue based on facial expressions
- Fast and ultra-sensitive organic electrochemical transistor sensors and devices for COVID-19 antibody
- Permeable and integrated textile sensors used in real-time sweat analysis
- The world finest electronic yarns and full colored fabric displays
Image: Intelligent wearable system EasypacerTM for improving mobility of patients with Parkinson’s disease

Research Institute for Land and Space
Two Decades of Settlement of Hong Kong International Airport Studied
The Hong Kong International Airport was built largely on reclaimed land. It has therefore experienced various magnitudes of settlement since its operation in 1998. The research team has applied a satellite remote sensing technique developed by the research team to study the settlement rate of the Airport over the past two decades and its relationship with different types of filling materials (Wu et al.).
Wu, S.W., Yang Z.F., Ding X.L., Zhang B.C., Zhang L., Lu Z. Two decades of settlement of Hong Kong International Airport measured with multi-temporal InSAR, Remote Sensing of Environment 248 (2020) 111976

Photonics Research Institute
The RI collaborates extensively with industry leading to technology commercialisation and spin-off companies. In terms of research outputs, photonics has been a major driver of high-impact publications. Among all the publications in Science, Nature and their branch journals by PolyU in 2020, over 1/3 of them is from photonics.
The RI currently has one of the best research facilities in Asia, including silica and polymer fibre draw towers, fibre Bragg grating fabrication facilities, high capacity optical communication system testbed, optical fibre sensor research facilities and photonic material research facilities.

Research Institute for Quantum Technology
The Research Institute for Quantum Technology aims to drive advancements in quantum technology through innovative research and interdisciplinary collaboration. With the synergistic efforts from experts across quantum physics, computer science, materials science, microelectronics, machine learning, data security etc., the institute seeks to propel technological progress and foster strong connections with academic and industrial partners globally. The institute will focus on addressing key challenges in
- Quantum computing
- Quantum communication
- Quantum metrology and sensing
- Quantum machine learning
- Quantum algorithms
developing cutting-edge solutions in quantum science and contributing to the broader field of scientific and technological innovation.

Research Institute for Smart Ageing
The RISA has been associated with several well-established bases for ageing-related research and development, including Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub (JCSAH), Institute of Active Ageing (IAA), Centre for Gerontological Nursing, Jockey Club Design Institution of Social Innovation (DISI), Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Center (JCREC), etc, hosted by different PolyU departments. PolyU has also gained its reputation in global smart ageing technology, including its leading role for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Chapter of the International Society of Gerontechnology (ISG), WHO Collaborating Center for Community Heath Service with focus on ageing-related services. In addition, ageing research and care in the community is becoming increasingly important, and PolyU has unique strengths in community-based research, development, and service.

Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Smart Cities Research Institute
SCRI aims at being a global centre of excellence in urban informatics and a living laboratory of smart city development for Hong Kong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Echoing the new trend in smart-city development, the SCRI team has developed a universally applicable, objective, comprehensive, and human-centric Smart City Index fully based on publicly available datasets. The index has ranked 50 representative cities worldwide, exploring the development status and developing trends in different economies. We hope that this can call for more national and regional attention to data transparency. Also, the team hopes this index will help cities review their development status and explore ways to become smarter cities for everyone.

Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Research Institute of Smart Energy
RISE is established, as a cross-disciplinary research platform in PolyU, for developing innovative and sustainable energy technologies and solutions. It involves five major focus areas:
- District energy systems and smart grid
- Smart buildings and smart energy systems
- Advanced energy storage technologies
- Advanced and renewable energy conversion technologies
- Advanced energy materials

Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology
The RISports will be an advanced research platform, aiming to integrate PolyU experts and to collaborate with world leaders to provide scientific and novel engineering solutions for sports. The major goals of RISports are:
- to conduct cutting-edge research in the thematic areas of sports science and technology;
- to transfer scientific and engineering knowledge and applications to sports industry and sports institutes through collaboration with companies and organisations; and
- to nurture future leaders in sports science and technology.

Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development
RISUD includes 36 research groups under five divisions: Division of Urban Systems, Division of Urban Infrastructure, Division of Urban Environment, Division of Green Buildings and Division of Smart Cities.
The 36 research groups of RISUD are each led by a senior researcher who is an internationally recognised scholar in the area. The research groups, as the nodes of a dynamic interactive network, organise themselves by common interest to form strong teams for major multi-disciplinary research projects to advance the frontiers of knowledge and technologies.

Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation
RCMI aims to conduct high impact research to provide scientific evidence to the traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory for better understanding by the research community, medical community and the general public. With the interdisciplinary expertise in this centre, we will make the best use of the modern tools like metabolomics, chemical biology, functional MRI, etc. To understand and illustrate the TCM theory and its action mechanism, we will focus on the use TCM formula and TCM practices like Tai Chi, Qi Gong to address the needs of the community with the following research themes:
- Women’s health
- Metabolic syndrome and liver diseases
- Integrative solution for physical wellness
Our goal is to promote the integrated use of Chinese Medicine in primary care settings.

Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations
A dual-track approach of science and technology will be adopted to facilitate international research collaboration whilst retaining our strength in space robotics technology.
- Scientific Track
• Planetary surface construction and geotechnical mechanics
• Planetary resource and microbis
• Planetary remote sensing and mapping for landing site selection
• Space Environment and Payload Research
- Technology Track
Continue current research relating to the development of innovative concepts in support of proposals for future missions.

Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism
RCDTT aims to digitally transform the tourism industry by developing AI-driven decision and monitoring systems, and innovative experience solutions to reshape tourism and hospitality operations, destination governance, and international collaboration to promote sustainable travel experiences and business practices.
Two Themes of Research Directions are addressed:
- Digital Monitoring System for Tourism and Hospitality
- AI-Driven Business and Experience Innovations

Mental Health Research Centre
MHRC focuses on investigating and analysing mental health problems, their underlying mechanisms, clinical practices and policy issues via basic and neuroscience investigation, intervention models, cultural impact, and mental health policy study in Hong Kong and globally.

Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality
RCRE aspires to establish PolyU as a forefront global research centre in solid waste recycling issues to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions for achieving carbon neutrality.
The research direction can be summarised as:
- Policy and society
- Environmental and economic impact assessment
- Waste valorization technology
- Recycling and sustainable construction

Research Centre for SHARP Vision
Vision health is at the heart of healthy living. Therefore, research into healthy vision is pertinent to mankind of all walks of life. Strategically, the Research Centre for SHARP Vision (RCSV) strives:
- To unravel the basic mechanisms of healthy visual system development from the eye to the brain.
- To research into the maintenance of healthy life-long sharp vision.
- To develop capabilities for optimizing, restoring and regenerating vision.

Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion
RCTFF fosters synergies and collaborations among researchers in different fields, aimed at creative solutions for high performance textiles and fashion products as well as efficient and sustainable fashion and textile life cycle. RCTFF’s research includes:
- Multifunctional and sustainable textiles
- Advanced fashion & textile enabling technologies
- Apparel product design and innovation
- Fashion and textile life cycle management