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Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research

Prof. Qingyan Chen
PolyU Scholars Hub

Prof. CHEN Qingyan

Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR), Chair Professor of Building Thermal Science

  • HJ201a (PAIR) / ZS855 (BEEE)
  • +852 3400 3038
  • Computer simulations and experimental measurements of built environment, Energy-efficient, healthy, and sustainable buildings
  • Personal Website


Qingyan “Yan” Chen is the Director of the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) and Chair Professor of Building Thermal Science in the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University, United States. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Building and Environment since 2008.

Chen earned his B.Eng. in 1983 from Tsinghua University and M.Eng. in 1985 and Ph.D. in 1988 from the Delft University of Technology. He worked as a Research Scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich) from 1989 to 1991, as a Project Manager for TNO in the Netherlands from 1991 to 1994, and as Assistant and Associate Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1995 to 2002. Before he joined PolyU, Chen was Professor, Vincent P. Reilly Professor, and James G. Dwyer Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University from 2002 to 2021. 

Chen has many other parallel appointments in his career, such as Honorary Professor at RMIT University in Australia, Otto Monsted Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, New Millennium Yuelu Outstanding Visiting Professor at Hunan University in China, Professorial Fellow at the Cardiff University in the UK, Research Fellow at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Visiting/Guest/Adjunct Professor at Tokyo Polytechnic University in Japan, Helsinki University of Technology in Finland, and Tianjin University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, Southeast University, Dalian University of Technology , Xi'an Jiaotong University, Soochow University, Centra South University, Hunan University and Guangzhou University in China. In addition, he has co-supervised Ph.D. students from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, University of Cagliari and University of Padua in Italy, and Queensland University of Technology in Australia.

Chen's current research topics include indoor environment, aircraft cabin environment, and energy-efficient, healthy, and sustainable building design and analysis. Chen has published three books, six papers in book chapters, and over 500 journal and conference papers, and has been invited to deliver more than 180 lectures internationally. According to Google Scholar, Chen's publications have been cited by over 24,000 times with an H-index of 80. He has been awarded more than US$39 million research funds. 

Chen received several technical paper and poster awards and Distinguished and Exceptional Service Awards from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and CAREER award from the National Science Foundation in the United States in 1996. He has also received the Willis J. Whitfield Award "for significant contributions to the field of contamination control through numerous published papers, studies, and reports" from the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology in 2007, John Rydberg Gold Medal for "outstanding contribution to the advancement of modelling and measurement of ventilation and air distribution in buildings" from the Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilating and Sanitary Engineering Associations (SCANVAC) in 2011, and Distinguished Achievement Award that is "to recognize individuals who have made substantial contributions to the field of building performance simulation over the course of their careers" from the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) in 2013. Chen was awarded as an honorable member of the Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE) in 2020 for "promoting to encourage the international academic exchange and to enhance the friendly cooperation with oversea academic societies". Chen was also recognized by the Hong Kong government as a Global STEM Professor in 2021 and was elected to be a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2022. Chen is a fellow of the ASHRAE, the International Society of Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ), and the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM). 

Chen's research results have been reported by TV stations such as CNN, Fox, ABC, BBC, Deutsche Welle, ARD, and NOS and newspapers, such as Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, etc. CCTV 4 "Chinese World" had Prof. Chen's documentary "Chen Qingyan from a Farmer to a Scientist" in two episodes. See,,,

陳清焰是香港理工大學高等研究院院長和建築環境及能源工程系建築熱科學講座教授和美國普渡大學機械系榮休教授,他從2008年起一直是《Building and Environment》國際期刊的主編。


陳清焰在他的職業生涯中擁有很多其他相關的頭銜,例如澳大利亞墨爾本皇家理工大學榮譽教授;丹麥技術大學Otto Mönsted訪問教授;湖南大學千禧年高級訪問教授和客座教授;英國卡迪夫大學教授研究員;天津大學特聘教授和長江講座教授;中國科學院創新團隊成員;哈爾濱工業大學境外博導和兼職教授;日本東京工業大學、芬蘭赫爾辛基技術大學、清華大學、西安交通大學、東南大學、大連理工大學、中南大學、湖南大學、蘇州大學和廣州大學客座或訪問教授等。除此之外,他同時在荷蘭愛因霍恩技術大學、意大利卡利亞大學和帕多瓦大學以及澳大利亞昆士蘭技術大學聯合培養博士生。

 陳清焰一直從事封閉空間環境領域熱流體的研究工作。研究內容包括紊流和熱傳遞的基礎理論以及其在采暖通風空調行業中的應用。研究課題包括飛機座艙環境,室內環境,和高效、節能、健康、可持續發展的建築設計和分析。陳清焰已發表著作三部,編輯期刊專刊9期,發表了6章書籍章節、500多篇期刊和會議論文。他應邀作國際學術報告180多次。陳清焰的期刊論文被引用2.4萬多次(Google Scholar),H因子80。他獲得科研經費3900多萬美元。

陳清焰曾被美國采暖製冷與空調工程師學會(ASHRAE)授予最佳論文獎和特別傑出服務獎,1996年美國國家自然科學基金會授予他“教授早期成就獎”(CAREER)。他於2007年“因為在污染物控制領域做出的突出貢獻”而被國際環境科學與技術研究協會授予Willis J. Whitfield 獎;於2011年 “對建築通風和氣流組織模擬和測量的傑出貢獻”獲得北歐供熱、通風和衛生工程學會的John Rydberg金質獎章;於2011年對傳染病傳播機理研究的突破而獲得普渡大學的“機械工程發現獎”;於2013年由於他“在職業生涯中對建築性能模擬過程的重大貢獻”獲得國際建築性能模擬學會的傑出成就獎;於2020年因爲“促進國際學術交流,加強與海外學術團體的友好合作”陳清焰被授予日本空氣調和衛生工程學會國際榮譽會員。2021年香港政府授予陳清焰“傑出創科學人”稱號,他于2022年当选为香港工程科学院院士。陳清焰是美國采暖製冷與空調工程師學會、國際室內空氣品質學會和國際先進材料學會的會士(Fellow)。


Education and Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Tsinghua University
  • Master of Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Delft University of Technology

Research Interests

  • Computer simulations and experimental measurements of built environment
  • Energy-efficient, healthy, and sustainable buildings

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