PolyU Statistics

PolyU Statistics

Environmental Performance

Units 2017/18

Energy Consumption1 (GRI 302-1)

Electricity MWh (GJ) 92,119 (331,630)
Town gas MJ 25,053
Diesel2 L (GJ) 2,466 (89)

Water Resources Consumption (GRI 303-3)

Water consumption m3 575,103
Treated wastewater discharge3 m3 338

Emissions (GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-4)

Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)4 t CO2-e 5,403
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) t CO2-e 46,981
GHG emissions intensity5 t CO2-e per capita 1.84

Material Consumption (GRI 301-2)

Total paper consumption6 Ream (500 sheets) 77,841
A4 paper7 Ream (500 sheets) 73,147
A4 paper with 100% recycled content Ream (500 sheets) 2,985
A3 paper Ream (500 sheets) 1,709
Percentage of A4 paper with recycled inputs % 3.9

Hazardous Waste (GRI 306-2)

To Treatment Facilities
Batteries kg 400
Chemical waste liter 33,880
Clinical waste kg 2,368
Collected for Recycling
Fluorescent tubes and lamps kg 11,400
Rechargeable batteries kg 2.34
Electrical and electronic equipment8 kg 8,162
Collected for Reuse
Electrical and electronic equipment8 kg 18,034
Sent to Landfill
Electrical and electronic equipment8 kg 4,716

Non-Hazardous Waste (GRI 306-2)

Collected for Recycling
Paper kg 15,550
Plastic kg 725
Metal kg 89
Glass bottles9 kg 684
Food waste10 kg 44,575
Collected for Reuse
Clothes and used items kg 1,278
Sent to Landfill
General waste 660L-bin loads


  1. These calculations involved conversion factors as provided in the GRI G3 Guidelines Indicator Protocols and on Towngas bills.
  2. Diesel used for the emergency generator was included, while diesel used for the vehicle fleet was excluded.
  3. Treated water was discharged from PolyU’s pre-treatment facilities.
  4. CO2, CH4, N2O and HFCs were included in these calculations.
  5. Figures of 28,434 students and staff members (23,005 FTE students and 5,429 full-time staff) were used to calculate the per capita intensity.
  6. Due to enhancement of data collection mechanism, 2017/18’s paper consumption only included those consumed by PolyU Main Campus, whereas 2014/15’s paper consumption included those consumed by all PolyU entities.
  7. A4 paper with recycled content was excluded.
  8. Electrical and electronic equipment covered monitors, notebook computers, desktop computers, tablets, printers, scanners and servers.
  9. This estimate is based on a weight of 57 kg per 240 L collection bin.
  10. Collection services were suspended from 15 May 2017 to 31 January 2018.

Social Performance

As of 31 October 2017, the University had 27,088 students11 and 6,285 members of staff, of which 3,698 were permanent staff and 2,587 were temporary staff.


Number of Employees (GRI 102-8)

Total Number of Staff by
Employment Type
Male Female Total
Full-time 2,815 2,6145,429
Academic and Research staff 1,722 1,039 2,761
Administrative / Support staff 1,093 1,5752,668
Part-time 485 371856
Academic and Research staff 453 315 768
Administrative / Support staff 32 5688
Total Number of Staff by
Employment Contract
Male FemaleTotal
Permanent staff 1,796 1,9023,698
Academic and Research staff 804 4551,259
Administrative / Support staff 992 1,4472,439
Temporary staff 1,504 1,0832,587
Academic and Research staff 1,371 8992,270
Administrative / Support staff 133 184317

Total Number of Training Courses and Training Person-hours

Training Courses Provided by Number of Courses Number of Training
Human Resources Office 34 6,824
Health, Safety and Environment Office 51 1,799
Information Technology Services Office 22 5,741
Campus Sustainability Office 3 79
Total 110 14,443

New Employee Hires (Full-time)

Age Male Female Subtotal
Under 30 607 546 1,153
30-50 470 310 780
Over 50 66 31 97
Total 1,143 887 2,030

Employee Turnover (Full-time)

Age Male Female Subtotal
Under 30 503 439 942
30-50 496 348 844
Over 50 148 57 205
Total 1,147 844 1,991


  1. The figures for research postgraduate students and students from self-financed programmes (including normal programmes, the Integrated Graduate Development Scheme and Outpost Programmes) were compiled as of 30 June 2018 and 29 December 2017 respectively.