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About Semester Exchange

All Semester Exchange places are offered to you via nomination by your Faculty/School/Department/GEO. The list of host institutions available to you differs for each academic year. Scroll down for options available for the current academic year. 


Am I Eligible to Apply?

You are eligible to apply if:

  1. You are a full-time undergraduate degree-seeking student (local or non-local) in a UGC-funded programme. 
  2. You have completed at least one year of study before the proposed Global Exchange 
    (For Senior Intake students, please check with your Faculty/School/Department for eligibility).
  3. You fulfill the minimum requirement(s) on CGPA, English language, if any, set by your Faculty/School/Department/GEO and/or your preferred host institution(s).

Read here for specific requirements and restrictions set by each host institution. Information on term dates and links to host institutions' exchange information/factsheet are also available. Do some research to get yourself familiar with your preferred options! 

Students who have previously enjoyed Global Exchange can also apply. Funding support might be limited on your 2nd Exchange. 


How Do I Apply?

Select from the list of host institutions applicable to your Faculty/School/Department/GEO. Watch out for the application procedure and timeline of your Faculty/School/Department/GEO. You should choose your target host institution based on your major/minor studies, subjects, credits required and budget. Make sure you fulfill the eligibility criteria and requirements (e.g. GPA, English proficiency, restrictions, etc) set by host institutions. Your CGPA should usually be at least 2.75 but some host institutions require higher GPA points. Successful candidates will receive an exchange nomination from the Faculty/School/Department/GEO.

Below are the options available for the Academic Year 2025/26. Please be reminded to check with your Faculty/School/Department/GEO for the latest available destinations for your exchange semester/academic year.

For more student exchange information about each destination, please click here.

After accepting the nomination, you need to attend the Pre-departure Briefing (November for coming Semester 2, May for coming Summer Term and next Semester 1) organised by Global Engagement Office (GEO). Details on application to your host institution, pre-departure preparations, exchange funding, as well as post-exchange follow-ups will be provided.
You will be nominated to your host institution by GEO. Upon receiving application materials from your host institution, you should make complete application by said deadlines (usually around 3 - 6 months before the start of your exchange semester). Consult your programme leader and/or departmental exchange officer on subject selection to ensure credits taken at your host institutions are recognised and transferable back to PolyU. If your host institution requests your application documents to be sent via GEO, either by email or by post, you should consult GEO and send the full set of documents in required format at least two weeks, excluding public holidays, prior to the application deadline.

If your exchange application is successful, you will receive an enrolment/admission letter from your Host institution. Be reminded to share a copy with us at!

Students taking up official/endorsed activities outside of Hong Kong are covered by PolyU Group Travel Insurance, such as Exchange programmes. The Group Travel Insurance covers 365/366 days for exchange, starting from the date you leave Hong Kong to the date you return. For insurance coverage and claim procedure, please click here.

Check carefully the insurance requirements of your host institution/country. PolyU Group Travel Insurance may not fulfil the insurance requirements set by your host institution/country/region. You may need to arrange additional coverage. Some require the purchase of designated health insurance for your exchange stay at that particular country/region/host institution.

Research well in advance if you need a VISA for your exchange study. Understand the application procedure and timeline, and prepare supporting documents as per required.
Understand accommodation options available at or recommended by your host institution. Apply as early as possible but do not pay for the accommodation until you receive the enrolment/admission letter. You are recommended to apply for on-campus accommodation whenever available, followed by private housing and/or trustworthy housing agent recommended by your host institution. It is NOT recommended to source options from web on your own without credibility.
Details will be provided during the Pre-departure Briefing and in a follow-up email from GEO. Online application for exchange funding by said deadlines is required. No late application will be entertained!
Finalise your subject selection at host institution with your programme leader and/or departmental exchange officer and receive pre-approval for credit transfer (Form AR41a). Change your status at PolyU as “off campus” and release any pre-registered subjects at PolyU.
You are required to attend orientation and complete registration procedure at your host institution. Inform your PolyU department and family of your safe arrival. You are also suggested to register with the Consulate/Embassy in your host country.
A free copy of official transcript will be sent to GEO or directly to you. Request and pay for a copy from your host institution if they do not offer transcript for free.

Complete AR41c Form for your PolyU departmental endorsement on credit transfer as soon as possible. Successful credit transfer back to PolyU is a MUST, or the GEO exchange funding paid to you shall be clawed back.

As a PolyU Global Exchange student, you are obliged to:

  1. Be a PolyU Ambassador and help to promote exchange opportunities at PolyU to fellow students at your host institution.
  2. Submit Post-Exchange report by said deadline.
  3. Be a peer advisor at least twice after your return from exchange study to provide advice and sharing your experience to future outbound students at PolyU.

If a student does not fulfill the above obligations, PolyU reserves the right to claw back paid exchange funding.

Credit Transfer Information

Successful credit transfer applications in the past 5 years are presented on the Credit Transfer Information (Outbound Activities) page here. It serves as a good reference point for your offshore learning planning. Please approach your programme offering departments directly to seek pre-approval and final endorsement upon the completion of your offshore learning activities.


You are paying PolyU tuition fee ONLY during your Global Exchange. Keep the following costs in mind when budgeting for an exchange:

  • Round trip ticket from Hong Kong/home country to host country
  • Accommodation
  • VISA application fees
  • Insurance
  • Daily expenses (food, laundry, etc.)
  • Textbooks and stationery

The costs of the above may vary from country to country, so make sure you check the host institutions’ website for more information.


Below is an estimated summary of living expenses per month.

 Destination Accommodation Meals Insurance Daily Expenses Flight VISA
Per month (HKD) Per month (HKD) Per semester (HKD) Per month (HKD) (HKD) (HKD)
Continental Europe 4,000 - 8,000 2,000 - 5,000 1,500 - 4,000 1,000 - 3,000 6,000 - 9,000 600 - 5,000
Eastern Europe 2,000 - 4,000 1,500 - 5,000 1,000 - 2,500 1,000 - 2,000 5,500 - 9,000 400 - 1,000
Nordic 2,000 - 7,000 3,000 - 5,000 2,000 - 3,000 500 - 1,500 6,000 - 8,000 1,000 - 5,000
Southeast Asia 2,000 - 4,500 1,500 - 5,000 500 - 3,000 500 - 1,000 2,000 - 7,000 200 - 1,500
East Asia 1,000 - 4,000 1,500 - 3,500 1,000 - 4,000 1,000 - 2,000 2,000 - 7,000 400 - 600
Oceania 3,500 - 10,000 1,500 - 5,500 1,000 - 4,000 1,000 - 1,500 5,000 - 9,000

2,000 - 5,000

North America 6,000 - 8,000 4,000 - 5,000 2,000 - 6,000 3,500 - 4,500 11,000 - 15,000 800 - 2,000
Mainland China  200 - 700  600 - 2,000  1,100  100 - 500  1,000 - 4,000  0 - 400
Taiwan  500 - 1,500  700 - 2,500  1,100  60 - 250  1,800 - 3,000  0 - 150


  • The above estimates are for reference only.
  • The actual amount required will vary depending on individuals' lifestyles and preferences.

Financial Support

Global Exchange participations are supported by a range of financial assistance. Eligibility and exact amount vary across destinations and durations.

Your Faculty/School/Department may offer additional sponsorships and/or scholarships aim at covering expenses such as flights, accommodation or living costs. Check with your Faculty/School/Department and/or Student Affairs Office for further details.

The Scholarship/Funding provides financial assistance to students participating in Global Exchange at PolyU’s student exchange partner institutions with tuition fee waivers and earn credit(s) upon completion of such Exchange. The exchange period is 1 or 2 Semesters, or at least 4 weeks in the case of clinical placement exchange.

You are eligible for the Scholarship/Funding:

  • This is the first GEO outbound exchange activity involving physical travel during your entire undergraduate study; and
  • If you are a full-time UGC-funded degree-seeking undergraduate student (local or non-local) participating in Global Exchange programmes; and
  • If you have attended all briefing sessions as required by GEO before departure.
  • In cases where candidates have equal merits on other selection criteria, preference would be given to students with financial needs.
  • When a student withdraws from the exchange programme after accepting the offer from Faculty/School/Department/GEO, the student may no longer be eligible for the GEO Scholarship/ Funding for Student Exchange for any future student exchange activities.
  • GEO Scholarship for Student Exchange:
  • Full-time UGC-funded degree-seeking undergraduate students have attained a minimum cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.0 at the below mentioned time frame
  • The disciplinary record(s) of the student with PolyU will be taken into consideration
  • GEO Funding for Student Exchange:
         -    Full-time UGC-funded degree-seeking undergraduate students have attained below a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.0 at the below                  mentioned time frame

Exchange Period

CGPA by Semester

Semester 1

Semester 2 of the previous Academic Year

Semester 2

Semester 1 of the current Academic Year

Summer Term

Semester 1 of the current Academic Year

Note: application details will be announced in the Pre-departure Briefing.

You are eligible to the funding:

  • Once only during your entire undergraduate study; and
  • You are participating in Global Exchange for a period of at least one regular semester; and
  • You fulfil all the requirements for applying for GEO Scholarship for Student Exchange / GEO Funding for Student Exchange; and
  • You are a local student with a Hong Kong Identity Card; and
  • You are a recipient of grant under the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes by Student Finance Office.

Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government offers Means-tested and Non-means-tested Schemes in support of Global Exchange. Read below for eligibility:


Means-tested Schemes

  • You are a local student with a Hong Kong Identity Card and enrolled in full-time undergraduate programme.
  • You are a recipient of grant under the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes by Student Finance Office (SFO); OR your family member is a recipient of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA).

i. Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange (SSE)

  • You participate in a Global Exchange for 4 weeks or more in Semester 1 and / or 2.
  • You are eligible for SSE once only throughout your undergraduate studies.


ii. Scheme for Means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to "Belt and Road" Regions (Means-tested SSEBR)

  • You participate in a Global Exchange for 4 weeks or more in Semester 1 and / or 2.
  • You are eligible for Means-tested SSEBR twice at most at two different "Belt and Road" regions (except Mainland China, Taiwan and Macao) subject to maximum amount of subsidy to be received, i.e. HKD60,000, discounted by your level of student finance approved by SFO.


Non-means-tested Scheme

i. Non-means-tested Subsidies on Global Exchange to "Belt and Road" regions (Non-means-tested SSEBR)

  • You are a local student with a Hong Kong Identity Card and enrolled in full-time undergraduate programme.
  • You participate in a Global Exchange in any "Belt and Road" regions except Mainland China, Taiwan and Macao.
  • You are eligible for Non-means-tested SSEBR once only throughout your undergraduate studies.


ii. Non-means-tested Subsidies on Global Exchange to Mainland China (Non-means-tested MES)

  • You are a local or non-local student and enrolled in full-time undergraduate programme.
  • You participate in a Global Exchange in Mainland China. 
  • You are eligible for Non-means-tested MES once only throughout your undergraduate studies.


PRC Ministry of Education offers Ten Thousand Student Interflow Scheme (萬人計劃) to the selected host institutions in Mainland China in funding local students taking up learning opportunities in the region. The funding is offered, administered and arranged by the institutions in Mainland China and your host institution has the final decision on funding award and disbursement.
GEO Scholarship for Student Exchange / GEO Funding for Student Exchange

GEO Scholarship for Student Exchange (GSSE)

(Attained a minimum CGPA of 3.0)

GEO Funding for Student Exchange (GFSE)

(Attained a CGPA below 3.0)  

4 weeks or above AND

less than *1 semester

Semester-long Year-long

4 weeks or above AND

less than *1 semester

Semester-long Year-long

Africa, Americas, Australasia,

Europe, Middle East

11,000 19,000 28,500   7,700 13,300   20,000
Japan, Korea, Singapore 10,000 18,000  27,000  7,000 12,600   19,000

Mainland China

(Guangdong Province)

4,100 8,300 12,500 2,900 5,800 8,700

Mainland China

(Outside Guangdong Province)

5,800 10,500 15,800 4,100 7,300 11,000
Taiwan 6,000 11,000  16,500 4,200  7,700 11,500
Other parts of Asia 8,000 15,000 22,500  5,600 10,500 16,000
*Semester refers to the study period in the host institution. 
GEO Exchange Grant

A fixed amount of HKD15,000 applied to all destinations for eligible students.

HKSAR Government Subsidy

Means-tested Schemes

i. Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange (SSE)

ii. Scheme for Means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to "Belt and Road" regions (Means-tested SSEBR)

The amount of Government Subsidy is calculated by applying the approved level of student finance to the maximum level of subsidy based on the latest available application result from Student Finance Office (SFO).


** Formula: (Destination + Duration) x %

Destination (HKD)


Duration (HKD)


**Proportion of Grant (%) approved

as advised by the Student Finance

Office (SFO)

Asia (Inc Middle East) 3,000

Africa                          7,000

Oceania & Europe     8,000

North America            9,000

Central & South America & Caribbean 15,000

14-28 days    6,000

29-90 days    10,000

91-180 days   25,000

Over 180 days 45,000

** The amount of financial level will be adjusted upward to 50% if the level of student finance approved by SFO is lower than 50%


Non-means-tested Scheme

** Formula: (Destination + Duration)

Destination (HKD)


Duration (HKD)

Asia (Inc Middle East) 900

Africa                           2,100

Oceania & Europe       2,400

Central & South America & Caribbean 4,500

14-28 days    1,800

29-90 days    3,000

91-180 days   7,500

Over 180 days  13,500


Funding from PRC Ministry of Education

Approximately RMB6,000, subject to the announcement and arrangement by your host institution in Mainland China.



  • You must declare to GEO if you receive sponsorship(s) and/or scholarship(s) from other source(s). You are required to provide relevant document(s) of such funding you receive.
  • PolyU reserves the right to withhold the payment of GEO Scholarship/Funding for Student Exchange/Exchange Grant/Government Subsidy if you do not declare other funding received (whether it is received before or after the approval of your application).

You are required to fulfill the obligations as per stated in the “How do I apply?” section. If a student does not fulfill any of the obligations, PolyU reserves the right to claw back funding paid.

Financial Support from Faculty/School/Department

In addition to the funding support managed by GEO, your Faculty/School/Department may also provide additional funding to support your exchange journey. The information below is subject to change without notice and is not exhaustive. Please contact your Faculty/School/Department directly for funding availability.


Faculty of Business
Faculty of Construction and Environment:
Faculty of Engineering:
Faculty of Humanities:  Sin Wai Kin Chinese Humanities Exchange Scholarship (For students of the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies and the Department of Chinese History and Culture only, by nomination. Please contact the Faculty of Humanities for details.)
School of Design:
School of Hotel and Tourism Management:
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering:
School of Optometry:



If you have a question that isn't answered above, talk to a student mobility advisor. Please state clearly your name, PolyU student ID number, exchange period and destination in your enquiry, whether it is by email or on telephone; or you can even book-in for a private session, email us the date and time at least 2 working days in advance. 


Tel: 2766 5116

Walk-in enquiry hours: Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays): 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Address: Global Engagement Office, ST305, 3/F, Ng Wing Hong Building, PolyU



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