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Showcasing Brilliance: EID and PD Students Exhibit Outstanding Projects at ARUP

We are honoured to announce that our gifted students from the Environment and Interior Design (EID) and Product Design (PD) have received a unique invitation to display and exhibit their outstanding projects at ARUP this November. This prestigious opportunity to display their work at ARUP's premises is a testimony to the exceptional standard and potential of their projects, which were presented at our Design Show 2023.   ARUP is well-known for its dedication to cultivating emerging talent and fostering creativity in the realms of architecture and design. The invitation to showcase our students' work at their office represents a major achievement and source of inspiration, as they embark on their professional journeys.   The names of the individuals selected for this exclusive opportunity and their extraordinary projects:   EID: Phoebe Mak – IIIusio Bibliotheca Karman Li – Archaeology of Sight   PD: Calvin NG – MOI Samuel Liu – OriGround Ricky – CROAD   Discover more about their exceptional projects.

30 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Teaching and Learning School of Design

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Pioneering the Path of Service Design: illuminating insights from the Leadership Forum

This year's Leadership Forum on Service Design, held on 24th November, was a hybrid event hosted at the PolyU campus and included both online and face-to-face elements. Distinguished professionals from academia and industry converged to share their insights and perspectives.   The theme for this year's Forum was "Exploring Diverse Facets of Service Design," with an emphasis on recognising the importance of service design. Through Socio-technical Cases and Narratives, the speakers from both academia and industry provided design educators with impactful guidance and inspiration. Thank you to all the speakers and participants for attending this event. We look forward to insights that will shape the future of service design. Organisers: PolyU Design and HKDI Coorganiser: Hong Kong Design Centre   Moderator: Dr Jaden Park School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Welcome Remarks Prof. Kun Pyo Lee, Dean, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   Prof. Jeremy Alexis Vice Provost for Professional and Continuing Education and Associate Professor of Innovation, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA   Mr Itsuro Shibata Senior Operating Officer, GK Kyoto, Japan   Prof Daniela Sangiorgi Professor of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy AM Networking Session  AM Discussion Session Group photo with Speakers   Moderator: Mr Keith Tam Vice-principal of HKDI   Prof. Eric C. Yim, MH, JP Chairman, Hong Kong Design Centre     Dr Jung-Joo LEE Deputy Head (Research) and Assistant Professor, Division of Industrial Design, National University of Singapore   Prof Xiangyang XIN Founder of XXY Innovation, Mainland China PM Networking Session    Ms May May Wong Director, Service Design, Accenture, Hong Kong Mr Ryan SeungKyu LEE Co-founder & EVP, The Pinkfong Company     PM Discussion Session  The participants for attending this event.   

29 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Knowledge Transfer School of Design


PolyU Design collaborates with LightSpeed Studios of Tencent on game and entertainment tech development

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (“PolyU Design” or “the School”) announced its collaboration with leading global game developer LightSpeed Studios of Tencent at the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony held on 7 November 2023.   The MoU between the two parties intends to explore opportunities to conduct collaborative research on game and entertainment technology. The potential areas of collaboration include developing game and entertainment-related curriculum, setting up a Joint Research Centre to investigate advanced technology for creating new gaming experiences, and working with the School’s MSc in Innovative Multimedia Entertainment programme to cultivate talents for the creative industry. Moving forward, the collaboration among PolyU, LightSpeed Studios, and Tencent Institute of Games will shape the future of gaming and redefine the gaming experience through cutting-edge creative technology.   The MoU was signed by Prof. Kun-pyo Lee, Dean of PolyU Design, and Mr Brian Hsu, General Manager of Art and UX Center, LightSpeed Studios, Tencent.   PolyU Design has been an important hub of design education and research for Hong Kong since 1964. The School is consistently ranked among the top 20 in the world on the QS Art and Design Rankings. Academic programmes are offered at bachelor, master, and doctoral levels in highly diverse design expertise.   LightSpeed Studios is one of the world’s most innovative and successful game developers. It has created over 50 games across multiple platforms and genres for more than 4 billion registered users. It is made up of passionate players who advance the art & science of game development through great stories, great gameplay, and advanced technology.   The team of collaboration with PolyU Design and LightSpeed Studios: Prof. Kun-pyo Lee, Dean of PolyU Design Mr Brian Hsu, General Manager of Art and UX Center, LightSpeed Studios, Tencent Mr Higle Chen, HK Director, LightSpeed Studios, Tencent 

14 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Collaborates School of Design

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A warm welcome to Design Show's guests

We are pleased to welcome all the guests from Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Hong Kong Design Centre and Hong Kong Designers Association, who visited us at the Design Show last month.   We had fabulous time showing our innovative designs and creative ideas to all of you. Your presence made the experience memorable and we hope to see you again in the future.   In the photos, Dean Prof. Kun-pyo Lee and the guests:  The Design Group Members of Federation of Hong Kong Industries led by Mr Alan Cheung Directors, management team and staff of Hong Kong Design Centre Mr Kenny Li and Mr Joe Wong, Executive Committee Members of Hong Kong Designers Association, and Ms Rennie Kan, Senior Marketing Manager of PolyU Design

9 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Collaborates School of Design


Reminder: Deadlines for Applicants of BA programmes (2024/25 entry)

The undergraduate programme application (2024/25 Entry) via various admission schemes are all open now, with international qualifications & local non-JUPAS first round ending next week! Get prepared and enrol now.   Application Periods: JUPAS 5 October – 6 December 2023 Non-JUPAS (Local) / Non-local (Non-JEE) Early Round: 21 September – 16 November 2023 Main Round: 17 November 2023 - 6 February 2024 Non-local (JEE) 1 November 2023 – 13 June 2024   Useful Links: Undergraduate programmes at PolyU Design>> E-prospectus booklets>> Videos to get started with application and portfolio preparation>> Admission link>>

8 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Programmes School of Design


PolyU Design collaborates with Moleskine to promote local art, design and culture on an international stage

We are delighted to announce that PolyU Design and Moleskine have established collaboration through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 1 November 2023. The MoU intends to facilitate collaboration to support art, design and cultural development, especially local designers, artists and cultural practitioners. The potential areas of collaboration include organising public exhibitions, workshops and other events to increase international exposure of local students, designers and artists’ works on Moleskine’s products and shops internationally.   Riding on the collaboration, Moleskine is hosting an exhibition of “Rediscovering Hong Kong” that is supported by MSc in Innovative Multimedia Entertainment of PolyU Design and PolyU Research Centre for Cultural and Art Technology at K11 MUSEA to showcase artworks that express the creativity and new ways of presentation for culture, art and design. The Inaugural Exhibition Opening Ceremony announced the top three winners of PolyU Design x Moleskine notebook design competition. 12 shortlisted artworks from PolyU design students are showcased in the exhibition and will be published on custom-designed Moleskine notebook based on customer demand.   The MOU Signing Ceremony cum Exhibition Opening was successfully held at Moleskine pop-up shop, K11 MUSEA. The MoU was signed by Prof. Kun-pyo Lee, Dean of PolyU Design, and Mr. Merwann Younes, Global Head of Direct Channels of Moleskine with the witness of guest of honours Italian Consulate General, Mr Carmelo Ficarra.   Moleskine is, based in Milan, Italy, a global luxury brand and platform which celebrates talent, champions originality and cherishes long-term thinking and innovation. Their notebook is the heir and successor to the legendary notebook used by artists and thinkers such as Vincent Van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway and Bruce Chatwin over the past two centuries.

8 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Collaborates School of Design

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Workshop on Understanding Dementia: Exhibition of Innovative Elderly Care Equipment

Our Master of Design graduate Miss Kelly Tang and her supervisor Dr Newman Lau conducted a workshop with the theme of “Understanding Dementia” to exhibit various equipment, such as accompany robots, for supporting the elders suffered from dementia. During the workshop, Kelly’s design “Carebase”, an owl shaped intelligent companion robot was shown.   The robot and other of its kind being exhibited offer patients improved care, emotional support and communication. We are thrilled to see more innovative ways to support the different needs of patients in their daily lives.   To learn more about Carebase   

8 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Collaborates School of Design

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Boosting Brands in Hong Kong: PolyU Design partners with HKCTC on 'Hong Kong Tested, Hong Kong Certified' Strategic Branding Programme

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) on the 'Hong Kong Tested, Hong Kong Certified' Strategic Branding Programme. The programme was designed to raise the standard of branding in Hong Kong. A launch meeting was convened with attendees from HKCTC and PolyU Design, comprising the Chairman of HKCTC and Deputy President and provost of PolyU, Prof. WONG Wing-tak, Mr LAU Wai-ming, Assistant Commissioner (Quality Services) of Innovation and Technology Commission, and Dean of the school of design Prof. Kun-pyo LEE. The SD+ managed partnership project highlights an exciting partnership to promote brand excellence in Hong Kong.   The 'Hong Kong Tested, Hong Kong Certified' project team: Prof. Wong Wing-tak, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) Deputy President & Provost of PolyU;  Mr LAU Wai-ming, Assistant Commissioner (Quality Services) of the Innovation and Technology Commission;  Prof. Kun-pyo LEE, Dean of the School of design;  Mr Benny LEONG, Mr Scott CHIN, Mr Roberto VILCHIS ECHEVERRI, Mr CHAN Kam-fai, and Mr Dominic LEUNG

7 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Collaborates School of Design

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The 29th Congregation Dean’s Welcoming Address and Valedictory Speeches

Welcoming Address by Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean of School of Design and Swire Chair Professor of Design, Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Professor in Product Design Engineering   Congregation Speaker, Mr Tino Kwan, Founder of Tino Kwan Lighting Consultants Valedictory Speech by Miss Tong Man Man Manday - AM Session    Valedictory Speech By Miss Yang Shu-fan Abby – PM Session    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcoming Address by Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean of School of Design and Swire Chair Professor of Design, Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Professor in Product Design Engineering Good Morning / Afternoon, esteemed parents, distinguished teachers, and graduates of the School of Design. It is with immense joy that I stand before you today to celebrate your remarkable achievements and extend a heartfelt welcome to this congregation.   First and foremost, let me offer my warmest congratulations. Today, we gather not only to commemorate your graduation but to honour the dedication, hard work, and passion that have brought you to this defining moment in your academic journey. Your resilience and unwavering commitment have guided you through countless hours of creativity, innovation, and exploration. Today, we proudly recognize and commend you for your outstanding accomplishments.   On this joyous occasion, we must also acknowledge the immense support and guidance provided by the parents and teachers who have nurtured your growth. Their unwavering commitment to your education has played an instrumental role in shaping you into the exceptional individuals you are today. Let us take a moment to express our profound gratitude for their tireless efforts and unwavering support.   Graduation, undoubtedly, marks the end of one chapter, but it also serves as the beginning of another. As you step into the next phase of your lives, it is imperative to remember that the knowledge and skills you have acquired should not be confined to the boundaries of our institution. Instead, embrace the opportunity to expand your horizons, exploring new domains and challenging yourselves to go beyond the familiar. Let curiosity be your guiding light.   At the core of your journey lies the question of why—the essence of creativity itself. It is through constant questioning and exploration that new avenues open up, unravelling innovative solutions. As aspiring designers, you possess a unique vantage point, one that enables you to see the world through a different lens. Embrace this perspective and apply your design skills to tackle the grand challenges that lie ahead—creating a better world, fostering sustainable environments, and addressing complex societal issues.   However, graduation does not mark the end of your education. It is crucial to emphasize that learning should be a lifelong endeavour. Even after years of experience, never forget the importance of returning to the classroom, whether formal or informal, to expand your knowledge and skill set. We encourage you to embrace continuous learning as a means of personal and professional growth.   In addition to your personal pursuits, I urge you to never forget the powerful community you leave behind. Our alumni network, comprising esteemed individuals who have walked similar paths, serves as a vital resource for your future endeavours. These extraordinary alumni possess a wealth of experiences, insights, and connections that can offer guidance, support, and inspiration. Engage with your alumni network, share your accomplishments, seek mentorship, and foster lifelong connections. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and that the wisdom and collective experiences of those who came before you can serve as a guiding light in your own path.   To conclude, graduates of the School of Design, I extend my sincerest congratulations once again. Your achievements not only bring pride to our institution but also inspire those who will follow in your footsteps. As you traverse the next phase of your journey, armed with the power of creativity and a commitment to lifelong learning, I have no doubt that you will shape a future that is remarkable, transformative, and filled with immense possibilities.   Thank you, and hearty congratulations to each and every one of you!   _______________________________________________________________________ Valedictory Speech by Miss Tong Man Man Manday - AM Session Distinguished guests, esteemed faculty members, proud parents, fellow graduates, and ladies and gentlemen, a warm welcome to the School of Design Congregation. It’s a great honor to be standing here today, as the representative of the graduating class of 2023. My name is Mandy, a graduate of Interactive Media Design.   First of all, graduates, please give yourself a big applause for the effort you have put in these years. This wasn’t easy but you made it. You graduated. Congratulations! As we gather here to celebrate our accomplishments, I want to share with you the profound emotions that fill this moment. Graduating from the School of Design is not just an achievement, it's a transformation. I am excited but also reluctant. Excited because I am embarking on a journey towards my dream of becoming a designer, but reluctant because leaving the comfort of our second home, the School of Design, is not an easy step.   During my time here, I've learned valuable lessons. I've learned the power of collaboration, how people with diverse talents and perspectives can come together to create something extraordinary. Together, we have tackled challenges, proving that unity is the key to success. I have learned the art of confident presentation. In the world of design, communicating our ideas effectively is as important as creating them. The skills I have acquired here have enabled me to express my thoughts and concepts with clarity and conviction. It helps me to step into the professional world.   Most importantly, I’ve learned how to be a designer. It's not just about mastering design tools or techniques, it's about cultivating a mindset of creativity, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The School of Design has instilled in us the passion and drive to constantly push the boundaries of what's possible.   But it's not just about the lessons and skills, it's also about the people. Throughout my journey, I've been blessed to meet a lot of remarkable people. The professors, tutors and students at School of Design are a supportive community. Special thanks to Huaxin, Kenny, Jeffrey and all the IM professors and tutors. They have been my mentors, my friends, and my inspiration. They've shown that the bonds we have formed here are not limited to these walls but will continue to shape our lives and careers in the future. I must also extend my heartfelt gratitude to my classmates. We were indeed fortunate to have the opportunity for in-person classes throughout our school years. I will always remember those days and nights we spent in the studio together. We didn’t just study there, we made it our own space. We decorated it, stayed overnight working on projects, made delicious meals, and even turned it into our karaoke room. These moments have left us with countless unforgettable memories.   In this nurturing environment, there's no shortage of support. Whenever we stumbled, there was always a helping hand extended to lift us up. This culture of support is something that we should carry with us as we venture into the world. As we are going to open a new chapter in our lives, let us embrace the lessons we have learned. It is always an honor to be a SD graduate and let us carry the spirit in the years to come.   In closing, I want to express my deepest gratitude to our families and friends, who have supported us every step of the way. Without your unwavering belief in us, this moment would not have been possible.   Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023. Our journey here has been transformative. And now, as we move forward, let's embrace the adventure that awaits us with open hearts and creative minds. May our futures be filled with happiness and endless possibilities.   Thank you. _____________________________________________________ Valedictory Speech by Graduate Representative: Miss Yang Shu-fan Abby – PM Session   Dear guests, teachers, faculty staff, fellow graduates, parents, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I’m Abby, and on behalf of the School of Design class of 2023, it is my great honour to thank you for participating in this remarkable milestone with us.   First, I would like to invite everyone to give a round of applause to the class of 2023. Today is the “final_final_final” day we export ourselves from the School of Design to the industry and society. Our four-year university life is by no means a usual and ideal one. From the struggle of society in 2019 since we entered the school, to the outbreak and almost three-year-long disruption of COVID-19, till the gradual recovery in late 2022, we stumbled into online classes, and all of a sudden, we have been forward to 2023.   Nevertheless, we all made it through, and now we are all gathering here to witness our perseverance and accomplishment. However, we couldn’t have been so far without the love and support of the amazing people over the past four years.   We are blessed to have lovely and parent-like tutors, who fueled us with knowledge and spiritual support on the academic journey of design. Our dearest parents, who are behind us from a distance with unconditional love, you let us know there is always a place called home we can turn to when we feel tired. And the stars of today, our lovely and uniquely talented colleagues and friends who side with us throughout this journey. There is no place on Earth like studios where we are so closely bonded and bloomed together to who we are standing here now. The studios are like our second home, where we always know we can reach out for peer support. Maybe the only thing missing in the studios was some laundry machines for us to do the laundry when we were trapped by the workloads and needed to live in the studio and got to watch the sunset and sunrise for weeks. The days in studios where we had meals and fun, shared our worries and aspirations, and encouraged each other with any form of support are the most treasured jewellery I would never trade out.   Here, I express my genuine gratitude and greatest appreciation to all of you and the unmentioned. Connected back to the title of “Design Bachelor” in the diploma we took four years to accomplish.   So, what is “Design” that we learned from PolyU School of Design? From my takeaways, I would say design is about engagement with society and the community we are situated in. As Eliel Saarinen said, "Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context- a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan.” The School of Design encourages and challenges us to do more than a designer. We not only learned to be a designer but also participants in our community. We learned to put words into action through our design and think further about how our works can become practices that connect with our everyday lives and surroundings. And with the design proficiency we equipped in the department or even beyond, how we can, as a designer, collaborate with multidisciplines and integrate them as a whole.   After stepping outside of the academic environment into the industry, there will be times and moments when we feel overwhelmed, doubt our role as a designer and even feel discomfort about design itself in the future. However, it is okay for us to hold with a little discomfort in the practice and journey of design. The discomfort we struggle with is what makes us good designers, which derives from our criticality and care for the situation we are in. This discomfort will nurture us into better selves who won’t be limited by the title the society gives us and reshape the boundaries of reality.   Most importantly, whenever and wherever we feel lost, we have a family bond with our peers and tutors in the School of Design that we can always depend on and share our support. So, keep in touch. To signal our next phase of life, I’d like to quote the Latin phrase, “Per Aspera, ad astra”. Through adversity to stars.   Congratulations to the fantastic class of 2023. Cheers, and bon voyage.   Thank you.

3 Nov, 2023

PolyU Design Heritage School of Design


More PolyU Design Freshmen Awarded Entry Scholarships and Recognitions

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Entry Scholarship Award shines light on the accomplishments of outstanding local and non-local students admitted to PolyU full-time undergraduate programmes, supporting them with scholarships of various levels of financial incentives offered by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the HKSAR Government. This year, the School of Design has a total of 10 freshmen awarded on the basis of academic merit, multi-faceted excellence (e.g. prizes/ awards received in internationally recognised competitions) and interview performance. A cozy presentation was held on 17 October 2023, graced by Prof. Kun Pyo Lee, Dean of School of Design; Dr Sylvia Liu, Foundation Year Leader; Mr Manto Yiu, Deputy Foundation Year Leader as well as teachers from the alma mater of the awardees to celebrate the joy together.   Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship 2023 LAM Cheuk Wing ZHANG Yi Hong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Entry Scholarship (Academic) CHAN Shue LAW Yat Ho Kyle MAN Cheuk Hei Jack HUANG Jennifer Johanna HO Ching Yi LAM On I TANG Shun Yi HOU Yuen Ting Congratulations to all recipients and keep up the good work!

26 Oct, 2023

PolyU Design Programmes School of Design

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