Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Degree in Electrical Engineering (XAE)
Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code 46408-XAE
Mode of Study Full-time
Fund Type Government-Funded
Credits Required for Graduation at least 132 credits (including credit requirements for Secondary Major)
Programme Leader(s)
Aims and Characteristics
Programme Aims
The BEng (Hons) Scheme in Electrical Engineering consists of the following degree. It aims to give students the flexibility to decide on their final degree during their study.
A modern electrical engineer should possess a broad-based education and the specialist knowledge needed to undertake high-level work in design, planning, supervision, and manufacturing. The programme thus emphasises the need for mastery of both fundamental principles and the application of latest engineering technology. Of equal importance is training in leadership, entrepreneurship, and communication skills.
We encourage lifelong learning so that graduates can keep abreast of new developments in engineering and technology.
Programme Characteristics
BEng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering is one of the premier electrical engineering degree programmes in Hong Kong and provides unique and up-to-date education in electrical power and energy. The curriculum is designed to give a balanced treatment of university core requirements, electrical engineering fundamentals, advanced and specialist topics, and non-technical subjects such as management.