Latest News and Achievements of APSS (Dec 2022 issue)
Professional Appointments |
![]() Dr Bryant HUI, Assistant Professor of APSS, has been nominated to serve as a member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) under the category of “Co-opted members (with at least one member who is independent of the University/trial site).” His term of office is from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2027.
The IRB is responsible for developing, implementing and reviewing the guidelines and procedures for granting ethical clearance to research/teaching projects involving human subjects for non-clinical and clinical studies.
![]() Dr So Wa NGAI, Programme Leader of Master of Arts in Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family Therapy) and Teaching Fellow of APSS, has been newly appointed as Adviser/Conciliator of PolyU Ethics Committee for resolving allegations concerning sexual harassment and violation of the Code of Ethics.
The Advisers and Conciliators Scheme aims to enable members of the University to seek timely advice, support or assistance for resolving claims and allegations concerning sexual harassment and violation of the Code of Ethics.
Dr Xue BAI, Associate Professor of APSS and Director of Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies (formerly Institute of Active Ageing), has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director of HKMC Annuity Limited. Her appointment took effect on 28 October 2022.
Dr Rodney CHU, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS, has been nominated for the General Election of Staff Members to Senate for a 2-year term of office, beginning from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024.
Project /Grant Award/ Donation |
Project Title: Managing Stress Response and Optimizing Performance in Student Athletes with Neurofeedback Training
Dr WU Yin, Associate Professor of APSS, has been awarded a research grant by Projects of RISports. The project examines whether an eight-session EEG neurofeedback training could improve control over psychological and physiological stress among college athletes from closed-skill sports. The project also tests whether neurofeedback training enhances athletic performance with potentially better stress regulation.
Project Title: Evaluation of the Strive and Rise Programme
A five-year funding scheme led and coordinated by Prof. Eric CHUI, Head and Professor of APSS, is to assess the impact of a government initiated project with the aim of helping children from underprivileged families broaden their horizons, reinforce their self-confidence, develop a positive outlook on life, set goals for their future and strive to upward mobility.
Other Co-Principal Investigators are Dr Jacky NG, Assistant Professor of APSS and Dr Kong YAM, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS.
Please visit the website of the Strive and Rise Programme for further information:
Implementing Mindfulness in Schools APSS has received a total of HK$1.33 million in donations from the Hong Kong Buddhist Association Primary School Head Council to implement a school-based mindfulness curriculum in eight primary schools and mindfulness groups for students with special educational needs. The principal investigator Dr Herman LO, Associate Professor of APSS, attended the cheque presentation ceremony on 19 August 2022. In attendance at the event were the three project donors, including The Ling Wan Temple Foundation Ltd., The Sunny Lay Buddhists, and The Vineyard.
This project is expected to generate evidence and knowledge about how mindfulness-based programmes can be further promoted in the education sector in Hong Kong and elsewhere.
The Age-friendly Gold Star Award and Digital Connection Special Award On 16 November 2022, HKCSS presented the 2022 commendation for age-friendly measures (長者友善措施致意行動), Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies (formerly Institute of Active Ageing) received the Age-friendly Gold Star Award (長者友善金星獎) and the Digital Connection Special Award (數碼連繫特別獎). The Age-friendly Gold Star Award recognises the research centre for taking full account of the principles of age-friendliness and caring for the needs of older adults in the implementation of policies, measures, and services, as well as increasing community awareness of age-friendly communities. Additionally, the Research Centre received the Digital Connection Special Award in recognition of its accomplishments in offering services and programmes that assist older adults in understanding how to utilise digital devices and benefit from digital technology in their daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prof. Edward CHAN attended the RGC Award Presentation Ceremony 2023 The Research Grants Council (RGC) held an award presentation ceremony on 7 November 2022 to honour 87 academics from the eight University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded universities for their distinguished research achievements and significant contributions to higher education. Prof. Edward Ko-ling CHAN, Professor of APSS, was awarded the RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme for his project entitled “Family Polyvictimization and Social Policy Responses in East Asian Societies”.
Online coverage on am730 -
Three APSS colleagues received editorial grants
Total Amount of support: HK200,000 Total Amount of support: HK200,000 Dr Ben KU Journal/Book Series Title: Routledge Research on Social Work, Social Policy and Social Development Total Amount of support: HK75,000
Teaching Development Grant 2022-25 The Department is pleased to announce that the following teams of APSS colleagues have succeeded in securing the funding from the “Teaching Development Grant 2022-25”:
Category B: Small-to-medium scale projects Project Title: Evaluating the impacts of the “Together we Grow – A Fieldwork Supervisors’ Training Course and Peer Support Group” program on Students’ Learning Outcomes and Professional Development
Category C: Sustaining and extending the impact of past projects Project Title: Working for the New Normal: Co-creating of Curricula for future era via the use of ESE Approach and Immersive Technologies
Congratulations to Crystal and Rodney and their Teams!
Media Interview |
Launch Ceremony of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) The launch ceremony, held on 24 November 2022, officially set in motion PReCIT’s endeavour to spearhead interdisciplinary, multisectoral collaboration that answers to the research and policymaking challenges in three areas: Carbon-neutral Cities, Greater Bay Area I&T development, and One Belt and Road Development (with a focus on Southeast Asia). Prof. Eric CHUI, Head and Professor of APSS and Co-Director of PReCIT, concluded the event with closing remarks. He reiterated the importance of a concerted effort from all sectors of the community to establish and sustain a conducive environment that attracts high-calibre I&T talents to Hong Kong.
For more information about PReCIT’s events, please visit
![]() Photo captured from Cable TV Service-Learning promoted on TV Prof. Daniel SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme), Chair Professor of APSS, and Li and Fung Endowed Professor in Service Leadership Education, Dr Grace NGAI, Head of Service-learning and Leadership Office and two PolyU students were interviewed in Cable TV’s programme “Wish” regarding Service-Learning and the Capacity Building Scheme in Service-Learning for Secondary School Teachers. The Scheme aims to nurture secondary school teachers’ knowledge and skills in service-learning, with teachers and students from La Salle College being the pilot group. Online coverage: Cable TV -
Dr Lu YU featured in China Macro Economy of South China Morning Post Dr Lu YU, Associate Head and Associate Professor of APSS, was featured in the article “China’s youth say no thanks to work as ‘soulless robots’, even amid bleak job prospects” in South China Morning Post, discussing how the economy and working environment brings out the “lying flat” mentality among Chinese youths.
Click here for the article
Internet photo, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks The Head of APSS joined VP (RI) to make suggestions on optimising the I&T ecosystem Prof. Eric CHUI, Co-Director of PReCIT and Head of APSS, joined Prof. Christopher CHAO, Director of PReCIT and Vice President (RI) of PolyU, in writing an op-ed in Ming Pao Daily News, making suggestions on how to optimise the I&T ecosystem and boost the co-development of the upstream and midstream R&D and downstream application ahead of the Policy Address.
They proposed that the Government should make good use of the city’s strategic strengths and encourage the education and business sectors to join efforts to take forward the application of scientific research. (Ming Pao Daily News B08)
Online coverage: Ming Pao Daily News -
Photo captured from the Commercial Radio website Dr Angel LAI, Assistant Professor of APSS, and her team of secondary five students under the Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme (JRMP) were interviewed in the Commercial Radio programme “Beautiful Sunday” regarding their research on students’ mental wellness amid the pandemic. They discovered that over half of the interviewed senior secondary school students were unhappy with their campus life.
Online coverage: Commercial Radio - Oriental Daily News - Sky Post -
Photo captured from the Hong Kong Commercial Daily website
PReCIT submitted recommendations to The Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address PolyU’s Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) formally submitted recommendations for the 2022 Policy Address during the public consultation period, covering key topics such as Hong Kong’s innovation and technology (I&T) development, progress towards being a carbon-neutral city, the Belt and Road Initiative, and how the higher education system can support Hong Kong’s I&T integration into the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Nation’s development.
Online coverage: Capital Magazine - HKCD - Master Insight - Pulse@PolyU - |
Assessing the Impact of the Strive and Rise Programme launched by the HKSAR Government Mr Eric CHAN Kwok-ki, the Chief Secretary for Administration, revealed on his Facebook page that Prof. Eric CHUI, Head and Professor of APSS, and his team would take on the role of assessing the results of the Strive and Rise Programme launched by the Government.
Prof. CHUI also introduced how the assessment would be performed in a TVB programme, “Strive and Rise, Touch the Sky”, broadcast on 29 September 2022. Prof. CHUI’s team will assess how the participants have changed after the Programme by interviewing the participants, their parents and mentors on eight indicators, including self-confidence and resilience.
Online coverage: TVB - Wen Wei Po -
Leadership and Service Learning programmes led by Prof. Daniel SHEK
For more details, please visit JUPAS Ming Pao: 教資會傑出教學獎 表彰卓越典範 推廣優質教學
Talks and Events |
Roundtable on Social Work Education in Asia A roundtable for Social Work Education was held by the China and Global Development Network on 9 September 2022, with speakers from Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Vietnam sharing their perspectives.
Prof. Angelina YUEN-TSANG, former Vice-President (Student and Global Affairs) of PolyU and Honorary Professor of APSS and Dr Ben KU, Director of China and Global Development Network and Associate Professor of APSS, talked about the history and development of social work education in China and beyond.
Info Session for Master of Social Policy Dual Degree with Brown School
APSS collaborated with Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis, to give an information session to our taught postgraduates on the Master of Social Policy Dual Degree Programme on 28 September 2022. Dr Karita KAN, Programme Leader of the Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development of APSS, moderated the session, and Dr Dan FERRIS, Assistant Dean for Policy Initiatives of Brown School, and his colleagues introduced the details of the Dual Degree Programme and life in Brown School.
Continued Contribution and Encouragement from Alumni APSS successfully held the Alumni and CEO Forum on 3 October 2022. In the Forum, our alumni, who are CEOs and hold senior management positions in various NGOs, shared many great conversations with one another and bonded with several APSS colleagues.
The Forum began with an opening remark delivered by Prof. David SHUM, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. Prof. Angelina YUEN-TSANG, Honorary Professor of APSS, shared her views on how APSS has helped connect social work practitioners and educators across the world as part of the departmental internationalization and social responsibility strategies. Prof. Yuk Chung CHAN, an Honorary Guest of APSS, discussed how practice research could bring practitioners and researchers together in order to co-develop professional knowledge and wisdom. Apart from introducing various APSS undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to our alumni, Prof. Eric CHUI, Head and Professor of APSS, concluded, “A significant part of our success story is the continued contribution and encouragement from alumni. Your support is a driving force that we - as a department - sincerely cherish.”
APSS looks forward to collaborating and joining hands with more NGOs that share our vision and mission of providing enriching learning opportunities for students.
Watch the highlighted video now: link
Undergraduate Info Day 2022 – FULL HOUSE! PolyU Undergraduate Info Day was successfully held on 8 October 2022. Our staff were very grateful for the overwhelming interest in our BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences (JS3250). APSS Information Seminars were well received by prospective students and their parents. They were keen on learning how our majors, including Social Work and Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship, would equip students with the essential knowledge, values and skills needed for social work and human services professionals.
Luncheon Discussion with Student Ambassadors and Administrative Colleagues APSS held a luncheon discussion with student ambassadors and administrative colleagues who had wholeheartedly supported the PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022.
Prof. Eric CHUI, Head and Professor of APSS; Dr Kong YAM and Dr Raymond TAM, Co-Programme Leaders of BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences; and Dr Rita CHEUNG, Assistant Programme Leader of BA (Hons) in Social Work, attended the luncheon on behalf of the Department. They received various positive comments and constructive suggestions from the groups for improving the Info Day next year. Among them was having a lecture theatre with a larger seating capacity, larger signages for easier campus navigation, and a consultation room in the live-streams.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of the student ambassadors and administrative colleagues for their contribution and continued support of APSS events!
Introducing APSS Research Centres to RPg and DSW Mainland Students To promote the current engagements of APSS research centres to our Research Postgraduate (RPg) and Doctor of Social Work (DSW) students, the Department successfully organised two workshops on 28 September and 28 October 2022.
Both workshops were a big success, and they were attended enthusiastically by at least 60 students and staff members.
APSS on the Move: Incubation of L&T Strategies Before, During and Beyond the Pandemic Era
The Educational Development Centre (EDC) held the “Technology Enhanced Learning Showcase 1” on 13 October 2022, in which Prof. Eric CHUI, Head and Professor of APSS, and Dr Rodney CHU, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS and Chair of APSS Learning and Teaching Committee, showcased how APSS collaborated with alumni, students and student helpers to co-create ed-tech platforms and projects that introduce immersive learning in the curriculum.
Master of Social Work Information Seminar 2022
Dr Jessica LI, Associate Professor and Programme Leader of MSW, Ms Rebecca CHAN and Ms Ella CHOW, Instructor and Assistant Programme Leader of MSW, introduced the MSW programme to our prospective applicants on 22 October 2022. A group of our current MSW students also shared their learning experiences with the participants. Please check out the information seminar video here now.
Innovative Infusion of Active Ageing Education
Dr Xue BAI, Associate Professor of APSS and Director of Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies (formerly Institute of Active Ageing), was invited to join the Social Innovation Regional Forum 2022 as a speaker on 25 November 2022. She demonstrated how an innovative pedagogy of infusion active ageing education could contribute to the growth of active ageing and age-friendly practices by enriching university curricula with the use of a participatory intergenerational co-learning approach.
APSS Celebrates the 85th Anniversary of PolyU with our Alumni!
APSS successfully held the Alumni Reunion Luncheon as a celebration of PolyU's 85th Anniversary on 22 November 2022 at Hotel ICON. In the Luncheon, our APSS alumni and students, former and current colleagues, shared many great conversations and old memories with one another.
We are grateful to have our former colleagues connected to deliver their congratulations on stage and on-line: Prof. Angelina YUEN-TSANG, Honorary Professor of APSS, and Dr Samuel LEUNG, former colleague of APSS, via Zoom while Mr Alexander KWAN, who is also one of our esteemed former colleagues, greeted our alumni and guests on stage. Chinese lunch later began with a fascinating magic show brought by our alumni performer, Mr Ivan CHONG, who is also the first class honor who graduated from BA (Hons) SPA in 2022 and built his start-up company (Magia Entertraining Ltd) afterwards. The Luncheon ended with smiling faces and cheers to PolyU, the alma mater of many of us.
Watch the highlighted video now: link
The Fifth International Scholar Talk
APSS held an annual seminar on 9 December 2022 at The PolyU Jockey Club Innovation Tower, to share the research findings with officiating guests from CIIF.
As a note of appreciation, a certificate was presented to Prof. CHUI in the opening session of the CIIF 20th Anniversary Forum by Mr KWAN Chuk-fai, MH, JP, Chairman of CIIF Committee on 14 December 2022. A certificate was presented to Prof. CHUI in the opening session of the Forum by Mr KWAN Chuk-fai, MH, JP, Chairman of CIIF Committee as a note of appreciation.
APSS will continue to support the community through collaborations with the government and NGOs, and strive to educate students who provide compassionate human services to the society.
Departmental Christmas Lunch Gathering
A Christmas lunch gathering was held to celebrate the holiday season and welcome new colleagues on 15 December 2022. 65 academic and administrative colleagues joined the lunch gathering. Interesting conversations and joyous moments were shared during the gathering.
Student Corner |
APSS Scholarship Awardees: Gaining Lifelong Experiences and Knowledge for a Better Society Fifteen students received the APSS Scholarship for Outstanding Students – Taught Postgraduate Programme (the Scholarship) in recognition of their stellar academic performance and solid commitment to the betterment of society.
The scholarship offers HK$5,000 to selected current and final year self-financed taught postgraduate students who have completed half of the required credits of their programmes and attained a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above at the end of the academic year.
Congratulations to the awardees for their achievement! Click here to hear what they said from the bottom of their hearts: APSS Scholarship Awardees: Gaining Lifelong Experiences and Knowledge for a Better Society
Research Student Representative (2023) Mr Alex CHAN Siu Wing, a full-time PhD student of APSS, has been elected as the student member on the Faculty Research Committee (FHSS) for a term of one year from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
The Outstanding Students Award Scheme 2022 Ms Wing Kiu LAU (BA (Hons) in Social Work) is selected as the most outstanding student. This award is a testament not only to her outstanding academic accomplishments during her studies in APSS but also to her strong leadership ability, active involvement in extra-curricular activities, substantial community service and exemplary personal merit. Wing Kiu has aptly demonstrated numerous qualities that make this award well-deserved.
On her achievement, Wing Kiu said, “I am truly honoured to receive the Outstanding Student Award of the Department of Applied Social Sciences this year. Studying social work has been a fruitful journey of exploration and transformation. It has enabled me to gain a reflective understanding of various social issues and extensive theoretical knowledge. Coupled with numerous local and overseas learning opportunities (such as Mitacs Globalink Research Internship), I have widened my global exposure and become a well-rounded person. This Award is a great recognition of my efforts. I am so grateful to receive sincere guidance from the teaching staff. I would also like to thank my family and friends for their great support!”
Congratulations to Wing Kiu on her award!
Farewell to APSS Inbound Exchange Students in 2022/23 Semester One
With Semester One of 2022/23 coming to an end, APSS organised a Chinese dim sum ‘Farewell’ lunch gathering for inbound exchange students who are going to return to their home universities soon.
The students enjoyed the local cuisine and traditional dim sum delicacies. Many interesting conversations we had over the lunch, with topics including culture, travelling and university life.
We are grateful for their presence and involvement in APSS, and we wish them every success in their studies!