Volunteering and community service not only offer practical aid and goodwill to underprivileged groups but also give the volunteers a sense of satisfaction. Retirees may also feel a need to reconnect socially with the community. Volunteering also encourages interaction between generations and people from diverse backgrounds; this interaction improves mutual understanding and respect. The RCGFS provides various opportunities for older adults to volunteer or participate in community service, offering them the opportunity to collaborate with other people and nongovernmental organisations, thereby increasing the scope of their options and their quality of life.

1. Volunteer Reward Scheme

 1) Agency for Volunteer Service Award Ceremony

RCGFS will submit the number of volunteer service hours to the Agency for Volunteer Service, so that the volunteers who provided volunteer services more than 50 hours could participate in the Annual Volunteer Award Ceremony. They will receive “Personal Volunteer Certificate” issued by the Agency for Volunteer Service∆.

  The “Personal Volunteer Certificate” are classified as follow:

Bronze Award

Provided volunteer service for 50 to 99 hours annually

Silver Award

Provided volunteer service for 100 to 199 hours annually

Gold Award

Provided volunteer service for 200 to 499 hours annually

Excellence Gold Award

Provided volunteer service for over 500 hours annually

2)「“Give a Day. Get a Disney Day” – Volunteer Reward Scheme」(Suspended)

RCGFS participates in「“Give a Day. Get a Disney Day” – Volunteer Reward Scheme」which is organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service every year. The volunteers are only required to complete at least 10 hours of services between 1st April to 31st March. They should have never obtained tickets from other social service units, in order to redeem free tickets from RCGFS.

For details and rules of the event, please visit the website www.giveaday.hk of the Agency for Volunteer Service 「“Give a Day. Get a Disney Day” – Volunteer Reward Scheme」for reference.


2.  Volunteer Leadership Training (Suspended)

Seated Tai Chi Instructor Training Course


The course trains the instructor to assist the elderly who are infirm or in a wheelchair to practice seated Tai Chi, helping them improve their sitting balance and visual-motor coordination. The attendees can also enjoy the fun of practicing Tai Chi.

Training content:

  • 6-hour seated Tai Chi class
  • 3-hour seated Tai Chi instructor training class and 3-hour seated Tai Chi instructor physical assessment training class (students need to complete the 6-hour seated Tai Chi class to register for the instructor training class)
  • Training classes will be held from time to time. For more details, please check the bi-monthly newsletter of RCGFS or contact the staff (Amy Wong 34008970)

After completing the training class, the seated Tai Chi instructor can assist in leading the seated Tai Chi class in the district elderly community center or Care and Attention Homes for the Elderly, and it is recommended to serve for at least 4 hours as a practicum for the training class.

Collaborating Organizations:

  • 伸手助人協會畢尚華神父護老頤養院
  • 保良局深水埗長者日間護老中心
  • 兆善護老中心
  • 嗇色園主辦 – 可善護理安老院
  • 嗇色園主辦 – 可誠護理安老院
  • 基督教女青年會鄭傍卿護理安老院
  • 基督教家庭服務中心真光苑長者地區中心
  • 基督教服務處長發安老院
  • 救世軍南泰長者之家
  • 救世軍大埔綜合家居照顧服務暨長者日間護理中心
  • 救世軍華富長者中心
  • 救世軍隆亨長者之家
  • 明愛麗閣苑
  • 曉光 (大角咀) 護老中心
  • 東華三院莫黃鳳儀安老院
  • 東華三院馬興秋安老院
  • 香海正覺蓮社佛教寶靜護理安老院
  • 香港聖公會黃大仙長者綜合服務中心
  • 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心  林植宣博士老人綜合服務中心
  • 香港房屋協會 (家維邨、乙明邨、真善美村、寶石大廈、樂民新邨、滿樂大廈、祈德尊新邨、駿發花園)
  • 東華三院陳婉珍第三齡義工中心
  • 鄰舍輔導會深水埗康齡社區服務中心