

Student Ambassador: Hannah Liu

Major: BBA (Hons) in Management

Transferred from: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Something about me:

Hello everyone! I am Hannah, a year-three student majoring in Management. Welcome to PolyU!

It could be challenging for freshmen, especially senior-year entry students, to adapt to the new environment and build up their social circle. However, it is the reason we are here and support you guys! Campus life is one of the most memorable and exciting journeys for all of us. It is good to have more exposure in university to broaden your horizons and learn more skill sets. For myself, I have been part of many exciting opportunities including joining different societies, overseas exchange programs, summer school, AIESEC, and being an SYA ambassador.
I hope you will enjoy and get the most out of the years of university life at PolyU! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact or meet us!

