Tuition Fee and Registration Fee
Research Postgraduate

Tuition Fee


Please click here for information on tuition fee.


The tuition fee is normally non-refundable and subject to revision without prior notice.


Registration Fee


Upon acceptance of an admission offer to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/Master of Philosophy (MPhil) programme, you will be required to pay a registration fee of HK$5,000 before the payment deadline specified in the online Notice of Offer via eAdmission.  This registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable.


This registration fee will be credited to your tuition fee, which will be payable upon your admission to the University.  For scholarship recipients who are not required to pay a tuition fee and students eligible for the tuition waiver for local research postgraduate students offered by the Hong Kong SAR Government, the registration fee will be refunded after the commencement of study at PolyU.  Requests to waive or defer payment of the registration fee will not be considered.  The admission offer will lapse automatically if you fail to pay the registration fee by the stipulated deadline.


Tuition Waiver for Local Research Postgraduate Students


The Hong Kong SAR Government has launched a tuition waiver scheme (the Scheme) and will provide a non-means-tested tuition waiver to all eligible local students enrolled in full-time UGC-funded research postgraduate programmes with effect from the 2018/19 academic year.


Details of the Scheme can be obtained at the University Grants Committee’s website: