Learning & Teaching

Learning & Teaching
- FG430
- +852 2766 6883
- kitty.yy.chan@polyu.edu.hk
- GH502
- +852 3400 3805
- arkers.wong@polyu.edu.hk
- FG420
- +852 2766 6773
- kin.cheung@polyu.edu.hk
- PQ429
- +852 2766 6757
- betty.chung@polyu.edu.hk
- FG421
- +852 2766 5622
- patrick.kor@polyu.edu.hk
- PQ424
- +852 2766 7906
- timothy.lai@polyu.edu.hk
- PQ404
- +852 2766 6395
- sau.fong.leung@polyu.edu.hk
- PQ431
- +852 3400 3808
- lk.leung@polyu.edu.hk
- PQ410
- +852 3400 2572
- joyce.mw.tang@polyu.edu.hk
53070 Year-1
53081 Year-2
53455 Year-5
53455SY Year-2
53482 Year-4
Executive Officer
- Chan, K., Liu, J. Y. W., Cheung, K., Lai, T., & Kor, P. P. K. (2023). Virtual hospital: transforming health care education using immersive virtual reality. The Association of Southeast Asian Institution of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) Conference, Tokyo Japan, 10-12 June, 2023.
- Chan, K., Liu, J. Y. W., Cheung, K., & Lai, T. (2023). Enhancing situation awareness using immersive virtual reality for clinical learning in nursing education. 26the East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference, Tokyo Japan, 10-11 March, 2023.
- Cheung, K., Ma, K.Y., Tsang, H., Leung, N.H., Lui, K.Y., & Ho, S.W. (May 2023). Mixed-mode Zentangle and Pastel Nagomi Artwork for Improving Mental Well-being in University Students During Covid-19 Pandemic – A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1132923. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1132923
- Liu, J.Y.W., Yin, Y.H., Kor P.P.K., Cheung, D.S.K., Zhao, I., Wang, S.S., Su, J.J., Christensen, M., Tyrovolas, S., Leung, A.Y.M. The effects of immersive virtual reality (IVR) applications on enhancing the learning outcomes of undergraduate healthcare students: systematic review with meta-synthesis. Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Ching, S. Y., Cheung, K., Ho, S. W., Kwok, Y. Y., Ng, T. D. & Zhang, W.(2022). University Staff’s Perceptions of Community College Transfer Students’ Transition Experiences Within a “2C2” Pathway in an Asian Educational Context. Frontiers in Psychology. (13, 13 p., 808179)
- Kor, P. K., Liu, Y. W. J. & Kwan, Y. C. (2022). Exploring Nursing Students' Learning Experiences and Attitudes toward Older Persons in a Gerontological Nursing Course Using Self-regulated Online Enquiry-based Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study. Nurse Education Today. 111, 9.
- Ho, J. M. C, Wong, A. Y., Schoeb, V., Chan, A. S., Tang, P. M., & Wong, F. K. Y. (2022). Interprofessional team-based learning: a qualitative study on the experiences of nursing and physiotherapy students. Frontiers in public health, 9, 706346. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.706346
- Ho, K. Y., Lam, K. K. W., Wu, C. S. T., Leung, D. Y. P., Yeung, W. F., Hung, T. M., Ting, S., Tong, M. N., Tang, L. N., & Mak, Y. W. (2022). Utilization of the Youth Quitline as an opportunity for an undergraduate nursing students to deliver smoking cessation counseling as their clinical placement: An implementation of a service-learning model. Nurse Education Today, 112, [105330].
- Kor PPK, Yu CTK, Triastuti IA, Sigilipoe MA, Kristiyanto HD, Pratiwi JPD, Perdamaian TK, Li LM, Pang PCP, Widagdo TMM. Effects of an internationalization at home (IAH) programme on cultural awareness among medical and nursing students in Hong Kong and Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study. BMC Med Educ. 2022, 13;22(1):368.
- Chung JYS, Li WHC, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Chung JOK. Efficacy of a blended learning programme in enhancing the communication skill competence and self-efficacy of nursing students in conducting clinical handovers: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Med Educ. 2022, 13;22(1):275.
- Ching SSY, Kwok WYY, Ng JTD, Zhang LW, Ho CSW, Cheung K. University Staff's Perceptions of Community College Transfer Students' Transition Experiences Within a "2+2" Pathway in an Asian Educational Context. Front Psychol. 2022, 13:808179.
- Lau YY, Tang YM, Yiu NSN, Ho CSW, Kwok WYY, Cheung K. Perceptions and Challenges of Engineering and Science Transfer Students From Community College to University in a Chinese Educational Context. Front Psychol. 2022, 12:797888.
- Chan, K., Liu, J. Y. W., Cheung, K., Lai, T. & Kwan, R. Y. C. (2022). Virtual Hospital: Thriving in the Era of Innovative Education. Teaching Learning Innovation Expo 2022: Transforming Education for Excellence, Hong Kong, 14-16 December, 2022
- Pereira Dos Santos Maximo, T., & Liu, Y. W. J. (2022, June 16-19). Using empathy as a core teaching strategy: From persona profiles to VR experiential learning [Oral presentation]. The Paris Conference on Education (PCE) 2022, Paris, France.
- Ching, S.S.Y., Tam, K.Y., Zhang, L.W.W., Ng, J., & Cheung, K. (2021). A Qualitative Exploration on the Challenges of Transfer Students in an Asian Educational Context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), 3238. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18063238
- Chan, E.S.W., Cheung, K., & Ching, S.S.Y. (2021). Improving learning experiences for community college transfer hospitality and tourism students. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15313220.2021.1905136
- Pang C.P., Wu S.T., Chung M.H., Kwok W.H. (2021). Faculty Service-Learning Students as Home-Visitors: Outcomes of a Lifestyle Modification Program for Vulnerable Families With Residents in Rural Indonesian Communities. Frontiers in Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.597851
L&T Funded Projects
Project Title |
Project Status |
v-Care Interdisciplinary Saloon (PI: Dr Kitty Chan) |
On-going |
Sustaining and Extending the Impact of UGC-funded SYA Project (PI: Dr Kin Cheung) |
Completed |
An edge AI-based AR system for hand hygiene training in undergraduates of health related disciplines (PI: Dr Lin YANG) |
On-going |
DM Master: Game-based Learning Enhancement (PI: Dr Katherine CHANG) |
On-going |
Project Title |
Project Status |
Collaborative Effort to Establish Best Practices of Programme Articulation Process and Academic Advising to Senior Year Admission Students among Eight UGC-funded Universities (PI: Dr Kin Cheung) |
On-going |
Interprofessional and patient’s family conference on brain death (PI: Dr Kitty Chan & Ms Elaine Cheung) | Completed |
Virtual Chinese medicine clinic: Interdisciplinary healthcare education with peer - learning (PI: Dr Janice Ho) |
On-going |
Project Title |
Project Status |
Exploring the effectiveness of adaptive self-regulation in e-learning among Chinese nursing students (PI: Dr E. Angela Chan) |
Completed |
Sustaining and Extending the Impact of UGC-funded SYA Project (PI: Dr Kin Cheung) | Completed |
Using video-enhanced reflective practice (VERP) to develop professional and social skills in nursing education (PI: Dr Betty Chung & Dr Martin Christensen) | Completed |
Students-led Virtual Mental Health Educational Talk: A pilot learning and assessment activity using virtual tutorials and reality-based learning (Dr Bryan Ho) | Completed |
Clinical Reasoning in Action Enhancement (Mr Timothy Lai) | Completed |
Peer-led OER Teaching and Learning in Diabetic Care (Dr Katherine Chang & Dr Kitty Chan) | Completed |
Project Title |
Project Status |
Professional Certificate Program in 'Interprofessional Stroke Care' (PI: Dr John Yuen) | Completed |
Large Equipment Fund for Teaching: Virtual Hospital (PI: Dr Kitty Chan) | Completed |
The development and implementation of virtual tutorial supported by a peer learning model for master nursing students engaged in the subject ‘Concepts of Advanced Nursing Practice’ (PI: Dr Arkers Wong) | Completed |
Virtual reality (VR)-assisted experiential learning: to see, feel, and create an age-friendly society (PI: Dr Justina Liu) | Completed |
Learning to learn reflectively: Using individual serial concept maps to enhance reflective thinking, reduce the theory-practice gap and improve learning self-efficacy, academic-related stress and academic achievement in mental health nursing students (PI: Dr Sau Fong Leung) | Completed |
Project Title |
Project Status |
Overseas Scholarship Scheme (Teaching Development): Inter-professional Clinical Education (PI: Ms Ivy Wong & Mr Timothy Lai) | Completed |
Large Equipment Fund for Teaching: High Fidelity Patient Simulators in Simulated Wards (PI: Dr E. Angela Chan) | On-going |
Enhance Nursing Students' Learning Experience through the Interactive Pedagogies and Digitised Enquiry-based Learning (PI: Dr Patrick Kor) | Completed |
Project Title |
Project Status |
Developing MOOC course on Exploring Contemporary Health Care Issues from Diverse Perspectives (PI: Dr Kitty Chan) | Completed |
Managing frailty in daily living through collaborative approach (PI: Dr Rick Kwan) | Completed |
Project Title | Project Status |
Develop an innovative learning module for interprofessional simulated clinical learning (PI: Ms Ivy Wong) [Abstract] Effective communication among healthcare professionals in the care of patients is fundamental for quality care and patient safety. Interprofessional education (IPE) not only fosters respect among the health professionals, but also eliminates harmful stereotypes, and induces a patient-centered ethic in practice. Interprofessional simulation learning experiences are increasingly more common with a focus on enhancing communication and collaboration. The learning modules of interprofessional education will be developed based on the pilot result on 2016. Colleagues and students from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the University of Hong Kong were invited to participate in this project. The details are as follow:
[Impact Highlights] If the learning module of IPE is developed, the concept of the IPE will become an essentail part in our cross-disciplinary simulated clinical learning, it will then be launched as an integrative clinical subject for FHSS students with clinical placement in the real clinical setting as the next phase. |
Completed |
The development and implementation of a virtual patient based, interactive computerized decision support platform for practising clinical reasoning and decision making skills (PI: Dr YW Mak) | Completed |
Developing marking rubrics via a student-centred approach and the involvement of academic staff (PI: Dr Zenobia Chan) [Abstract] This proposed project will develop a marking rubric that is in keeping with international trends, involve students and academic staff in the process, and ensure the maintenance of the academic standards of the University. The aims are aligned with the strategic plans of the University and School:
Completed |
Enriching Senior Year Places Students’ Learning Experience through Curricular and Co-curricular Activities in Hong Kong’s Universities (PI: Dr Kin Cheung) [Abstract] Please click here. |
Completed |
Project Title | Project Status |
Internationalising the Student Learning Experience: Overseas visit programmes to San Jose State University, USA for BSN & BSMHN students (PI: Dr Sau Fong Leung) [Abstract] Internationalisation has become increasingly important in nursing curriculum with the growing need for nurses to be internationally oriented and culturally competent healthcare professionals in workplaces around the world. With the funding support from a Teaching and Learning Grant, a 4-week programme was designed for 4 baccalaureate nursing students consisting of exchange activities with in-bound US students (n=14) from San José State University and an overseas visit to US universities and mental health settings. Post-trip reflection and consolidation show that the programme has enhanced students’ cross-cultural and professional learning, their appreciation of different nursing practices in United States and their understanding of the American mental health care system. The programme has laid the foundation for a continuous collaboration with San José State University in terms of student exchange and teaching. [Deliverables]
[Impact Highlights] The project has positive impact on students' approach of learning, personal growth and professional competence. Four students completed the overseas visit to US have achieved the intended objectives in understanding global nursing, participation in cross-cultural and professional learning, appreciation of different nursing practices in United States and development of cultural competence of care. Moreover, an online learning module was created from the learning resources collected and produced in the overseas visit, and it was incorporated into a mental health subject SN2704 which was well received by a majority of 111 students in semester 1 of 2017-2018 academic year. The online learning module has enriched students' learning experience from local to global mental health context and enhanced their cross-cultural and professional competence. The project has created a potential to enhance the internationalization of a mental health subject in the nursing curriculum and more collaboration with overseas institutions in student exchange and teaching. |
Completed |
Internationalising the Student Learning Experience: Overseas visit programmes to Coventry University, UK for BSN & BSMHN students (PI: Dr YW Mak) | Completed |
Large Equipment Fund for Teaching: CAE Healthcare HPS-010 Human Patient Simulator [Abstract] The Large equipment fund attained for this project was for the purchase of the CAE Healthcare HPS 465 Human Patient Simulator (HPS) to replace the old model that has been used for over 10 years. Additional funding was received from the school of Nursing to renovate the laboratory with the new equipment installed. The laboratory was under renovation from May and over the summer and has recently been reopened in 2017-2018 academic year. This intensive care patient simulator care model is the only physiological based with pre-configured simulated clinical experiences to be used by students at the School of Nursing. [Deliverables] Twenty clinical track staff and lecturers of nursing subjects from the school attended the training on the use of this simulator. Faculty member from Rehabilitation Sciences were also invited to join the training sessions. Both local and overseas training were completed in this year and the HPS was in full operation during the semester. All undergraduate students have the opportunity to use the HPS as part of their simulated clinical experiences. Inter-professional education was piloted with great success and received a Teaching and Learning Grant for the development of a new teaching module for students of allied health and nursing professions. [Impact Highlights] The simulated clinical experiences have enriched the students’ learning and were considered as one of the major learning and teaching strategies in the preparation of professional nurses. Students’ learning experiences are continued being facilitated with the adoption of the new HPS and case simulation. |
Completed |
Large Equipment Fund for Teaching: Stereoscopic Anatomy Visualizer (PI: Dr John Yuen) | On-going |
eLearning and Blended Learning Development Project: An online mode of Pain & Symptoms Management (SN5112) leading to internationalised and interdisciplinary learning (PI: Dr Mimi Tse) [Abstract] 10 video clips were developed to demonstrate multidisciplinary efforts in managing pain, these online video clips were well-received by students in HK and in US; [Deliverables] Conference presentaion, Tse, M. Y. M., Cheing, G. L. Y., Cheung, C., & Wu, W. Y. (2017). An online mode of pain and symptoms management leading to internationalized and interdisciplinary learning. In eLearning forum Asia 2017, organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 15th June 2017. Hong Kong. China. |
Completed |
Learning and Teaching Development Funding: Examining students' experience of intercultural learning through an inclusion of online pre-exchange preparation prior to their engagement in international summer programme or overseas/mainland clinical exchange (PI: Dr E. Angela Chan) [Deliverables]
[Impact Highlights] Findings have been incorporated into the international exchange web-site, materials were used to train the student ambassors for exchange programme and the subsequent format of the running of the regular annual international summer programmes. |
Completed |
Project Title | Project Status |
Overseas Scholarship Scheme (Teaching Development) Implementation Fund: Learning and sharing in mental health nursing education and research (PI: Prof. Wai Tong Chien) [Deliverables] Bressington, D.T., Wong, W.-K., Lam, K.K.C., & Chien, W.T. (2018). Concept mapping to promote meaningful learning, help relate theory to practice and improve learning self-efficacy in Asian mental health nursing students: A mixed-methods pilot study. Nurse Education Today, 60, 47-55. DOI:10.1016/j.nedt.2017.09.019 |
Completed |
e-Student Academic Advising Booklet (PI: Dr Zenobia Chan) [Abstract] A booklet of student experiences will be published to collect all student experiences in School of Nursing (SN), PolyU. Students from all programmes and all levels in SN are invited to submit their experiences in the format of stories, photos, drawings, poems or others. Selected inputs will be edited and published in a booklet that will be distributed to local secondary schools and international collaborating partners, as well as showcased in PolyU. [Deliverables] Please click here. [Impact Highlights] This booklet has been used for staff and students to learn more about our School advising scheme |
Completed |
Interprofessional team-based learning for health professional students (HKU-PolyU collaborative project: Prof. Frances Wong) |
On-going |
Project Title | Project Status |
A flipped classroom of Human Anatomy (HSS2011) leading to the development of Massive Open Online Course (PI: Dr John Yuen) [Abstract] Please click here. |
Completed |
School of Nursing Student Ambassador (SNSA) Scheme 2014 (PI: Dr Mak YW) | Completed |
Video production on Student Academic Advising (PI: Dr Zenobia Chan) [Abstract] In this Student Academic Advising Video, a team of energetic and creative students videotaped their stories to share how our Student Academic Advisors assisted them in adjusting to the university life. [Deliverables] Please click here. [Impact Highlights] This video has been introduced to freshmen during orientation or their first year in PolyU. |
Completed |
Awards & Honor (Staff)
- University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award in the Collaborative Teams category for 2023: Prof. E Angela Chan, Interim Head; Dr Arkers Wong, Assistant Professor; Mr Timothy Lai, Associate Professor of Practice; Dr Betty Chung, Assistant Professor of Practice; and Dr Doris Leung, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- The President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching, Team Award: Dr Kitty Chan, Associate Professor of Practice; Dr Justina Liu, Associate Professor; Mr Timothy Lai, Associate Professor of Practice; Dr Kin Cheung, Associate Professor; Dr Patrick Kor, Assistant Professor
- Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching, Team Award: Dr Kitty Chan, Associate Professor of Practice; Dr Justina Liu, Associate Professor; Mr Timothy Lai, Associate Professor of Practice; Dr Kin Cheung, Associate Professor; Dr Patrick Kor, Assistant Professor
- 5th Hong Kong Innovation Day: Social Innovation Award Winner: Dr Liu Yat-wa Justina, Assoc. Prof., SN; Dr Kin CHEUNG, Assoc. Prof., SN; Dr Patrick Kor, Asst. Prof., SN; Mr Timothy Lai, Assoc. Prof. of Practice, SN; Dr Kitty Chan, Senior Teaching Fellow, SN
- Asia Gold Award for Reimagine Education Regional Award 2022, Wharton- Quacquarelli Symonds: Dr Liu Yat-wa Justina, Assoc. Prof., SN; Dr Kin CHEUNG, Assoc. Prof., SN; Dr Patrick Kor, Asst. Prof., SN; Mr Timothy Lai, Assoc. Prof. of Practice, SN; Dr Kitty Chan, Senior Teaching Fellow, SN
- Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching, Team Award: Dr E. Angela Chan, Assoc. Prof., SN; Dr Arkers Wong, Asst. Prof., SN; Dr Betty Chung, Teaching Fellow, SN; Mr Timothy Lai, Clinical Associate, SN
- Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing, National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence: Dr Patrick Kor, Asst. Prof, SN
- Faculty Awards for Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Teaching, Team Award: Dr John Yuen, Assoc. Prof., SN; Dr Liu Yat-wa Justina, Assoc. Prof., SN; Dr Rick Kwan, Asst. Prof., SN; Dr Kitty Chan, Senior Teaching Fellow, SN
- Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing, National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence: Dr Daphne Cheung, Asst. Prof, SN
- Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing, National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence: Dr Justina Liu, Assoc. Prof, SN, Dr Rick Kwan, Asst. Prof, SN
- Award on Learning in Alliance: Inter Professional Health Education and Practice at Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education: Prof Frances Wong, SN
- Faculty Team Award for Outstanding Performance/Achievement: Prof Frances Wong, SN, Dr Arkers Wong, Asst. Prof, SN, Chan, K., Ho, M. C. J., Chan, W. S. (Teaching Team for the Interprofessional Team-based Learning (IPTBL))
- Faculty Awards in Teaching: Dr John Yuen, Assoc. Prof, SN
- Faculty Teaching Prize for Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Teaching: Dr E. Angela Chan, Assoc. Prof, SN