Part I. Before Applying
- First UGC-funded nursing degree in Hong Kong
- Offering overseas placements with subsidies and scholarships
- Providing overseas subject learning experience
- Training in Chinese medicine nursing
- First university to establish a nurse-led clinic
- More further educational opportunities leading to postgraduate awards
- Curricular design based on the World Health Organization's (WHO) global standards for the initial education of professional nurses and midwives

Submit your application online via Study@PolyU . A non-refundable fee will be charged for each application. For details about payment terms, please visit the same website.
If you have any questions about using the Online Admission System, please call the Admissions Hotline at 2333 0600 or email as below:
Undergraduate Programmes
- ar.ug@polyu.edu.hk (for local applicants)
- ar.jee@polyu.edu.hk (for non-local applicants applying on the basis of current year Chinese Mainland Joint Entrance Examination results 内地应届高考生)
- ar.intl@polyu.edu.hk (for other non-local applicants)
Postgraduate Programme
- ar.tpg@polyu.edu.hk (for taught postgraduate programmes)
- ar.rpg@polyu.edu.hk (for research postgraduate programmes)

Nursing is a caring, client-focused and evidence-based profession. Nurses should be compassionate, innovative and have the competency to deliver quality care, carry out health-related scientific research, and make a significant contribution to the development of nursing professionalism and the well-being of mankind.

A significant contextual understanding of changes in the nursing of Hong Kong also dated back in the 1990s with the health care reform, which had redefined the line of responsibilities for nursing under the direction of Hospital Authority, an independent statutory body managing all public hospitals in Hong Kong. Since then, the professional nurse was expected to possess a higher and broader level of competencies. The first full-time Bachelor of Science (honours) programme in Nursing was launched in 1990 at our university. The World Health Organization Global Advisory Group has recommended for countries, when appropriate, to move basic nursing education to university standards. As nursing continues to pursue its professionalization, the recognition of a formal position of nurse specialists during the health care reform in 1990’s has also lent itself to the current nursing role of the Advanced practice nurse in Hong Kong.
Our programmes have been accredited by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Graduates of the BSc (Hons) Nursing are eligible for registration with the Council as Registered Nurse (General) upon completion of the programme requirement. On the other hand, graduates of the BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing are eligible for registration with the Council as Registered Nurse (Psychiatric).
Hence, there will be different professional recognitions given the career progression for nurses from a practice nurse as an entry registered nurse with a higher diploma or bachelor degree preparation to a specialty nurse with clinical experience, becoming an advanced practice nurse with master degree educational preparations. A new direction in addressing history of nursing is from a more inclusive point of view, an international perspective in recognizing our commonalities beyond the foci of our particular place, assuming an internationalized perspective to better understand the future of nursing. Nurses have endeavored to build a common knowledge base and culture, while there is great diversity in the theory and praxis of nursing. As the world around nursing has changed so too has the profession been challenged to grow and evolve. Common beliefs have raised new perspectives and new conceptions of nursing education and practice. This legacy of knowledge development in nursing will challenge future generations of scholars to continue to extend our body of knowledge in the care of persons and their families, communities, and the environment.

- Generally our graduates are 100% employed. The majority work in the health sector, either under the Hospital Authority or under private organizations, e.g. private hospitals/old age homes.
- Some students undertake research work.
- Some students pursue further studies.
- Some students work overseas after obtaining the proper licence from a foreign country.
- Graduates from the programme will have employment opportunities in different mental health settings, such as major psychiatric hospitals in Hong Kong, psychiatric units of general hospitals, and various rehabilitation sectors run by non-government organizations.
- Students may undertake research work.
- Students may pursue further studies.
- Students may work overseas.
The Master of Nursing (53081) is a pre-registration nursing programme that prepares Master entry-level Registered Nurses (RNs). The admitted students are Bachelor's degree holders in any discipline. The programme prepares students for registration as RNs with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong, and to acquire the attributes to become future leaders in the profession.
For HKDSE Applicants

- The programme structures are different. The BSN programme focuses on general nursing, while the BSMHN programme focuses on psychiatric/mental health nursing.
- The credit requirements for graduation are different. Students are required to fulfil the 151- and 163-credit graduation requirements for the BSN and BSMHN respectively.
- Graduates of the BSN programme are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Nurses (General) with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong, while graduates of the BSMHN are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Nurses (Psychiatric).
For details about the calculation of admission score, please visit here . For more details about the University General Entrance Requirements, please visit PolyU website
- Chinese
- English
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Combined Science with Biology
For Applicants to the Master of Nursing (53081)
Alternatives will be accepted for screening applicants’ public examination attainments. Please visit Guidelines on Non-local Qualifications for reference.
Applicants are required to submit the high school results or Provincial High School Diploma for considerations AND satisfy the English Language Requirement.
Please visit Study@PolyU for details.
For Non-local Applicants
Please refer to Guidelines on Non-local Qualifications for details.

You are also eligible to apply for a full-time Master of Nursing programme (53081). For programme details, please refer to Study@PolyU

Part II. After Applying
You are not allowed to submit further documents after submitting your application, except in the case of documents that are not yet available at the time you submit your application. You should scan the documents and log into your eAdmission account to upload them.
Uploaded documents should:
- be black and white
- be A4 size
- not exceed 1 MB per file nor 3 MB in total
- only include files with pdf, doc, xls, jpg, bmp, tif, gif, or png extensions
- be low quality high compression files
If there is no news by early September (for September entry) or mid-January (for January entry), you can assume that your application has been unsuccessful.