
Primary Health Care
Externally Funded Projects
Development and evaluation of an AI-empowered voice-interactive chatbot for migraine management among Hong Kong women: a pilot randomized crossover trial
Investigators Name:
Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding:
NICHE Research Grant
Empowering homebound older adults in self-care using a mobile health-assisted, person-centred care approach: A hybrid effectiveness-implementation design
Investigators Name:
Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding:
RGC General Research Fund
探討香港年青人的中醫求助行為和網上健康資訊求助行為Investigators Name:PI: Prof. HUI Chi Ching Vivian Co-I: Prof. HO Yuen Shan, Prof. CHAN Engle Angela, Dr ABU-ODAH Hammoda M.M., Dr PUN Jack Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Chinese Medicine Development Fund - Industry Support Programme (B2) Total Grant: HK$1,007,309.2 Commencement Date: 1-Oct-24 |
中醫糖尿病個人管理教育方案建構及初步試驗Investigators Name: |
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Investigators Name:
Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding:
深港澳科技計劃項目(C類項目) |
Exploring the determinants of health-seeking behavior among South Asian residents in Hong Kong: A exploratory qualitative study
Investigators Name:
Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: NICHE Research Grant |
Promoting self-management behaviours among older adults with diabetes mellitus by integrating Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions in mobile health applications: A randomized controlled trialInvestigators Name: |
CMR++: A Software Toolkit for High-Fidelity and Fast 4D Cardiac Cine MRI Reconstruction and Quantification via Advanced Diffusion ModelsInvestigators Name: Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Innovation and Technology Fund - Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITF-ITSP) |
‘Normal birth’: Perceptions of women, partners, midwives and obstetricians in Hong KongInvestigators Name: Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund |
Effectiveness of social virtual-reality on enhancing social interaction skills in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a three-arm pilot randomized controlled trialInvestigators Name: Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) |
Investigation of electroacupuncture as paramedicine to alleviate cognitive impairment in depression: a pre-clinical studyInvestigators Name: Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) |
A feasibility study of an mHealth-based healthcare professional-lay health worker partnership program (mHLPP) among community-dwelling impoverished older adultsInvestigators Name: Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Li Ka Shing Foundation |
Migration Motivation and Transition Experiences of African Migrant Nurses Working in Europe, Americas, and Australasia: A Mixed-Method StudyInvestigators Name: Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Sigma Small Grants |
Peer support virtual reality-based intervention for AD/HD carers - stress relieving and empathy improving programme
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,975,044 Commencement Date: 15-May-23 |
Effects of a Video-based Gaming Intervention on Psychosocial Outcomes for Homebound Older Adults: A Pilot Feasibility StudyInvestigators Name: Funding Scheme/Source of Funding: NICHE Research Grant |
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$525,100 Commencement Date: 1-Feb-23 |
Jockey Club Men’s Space: Development of clinical protocol and related training, and Project Evaluation
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,000,000 Commencement Date: 1-Feb-23 |
* Institute of Medical Intelligence and XR
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$3,869,873 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-23
* Child project of ‘Institute of Medical Intelligence and XR’ (PC: Prof Pheng Ann Heng). |
Tai Chi for the prophylaxis of episodic migraine: the efficacy examination and mechanism exploration
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,227,648 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-23 |
Improving post-acute stroke follow-up care by adopting telecare consultations in a nurse-led clinic during COVID-19 and beyond: A hybrid type 2 implementation-effectiveness randomized trial.
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,500,000 Commencement Date: 1-Oct-22 |
基于增强现实的智能精准颧种植手术计划及术中引导关键技术研究Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,198,200 Commencement Date: 1-Sep-22 |
面向臨床應用的AI驅動嬰兒先心病診斷系統 Clinically Applicable AI-empowered System for Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease in Infants
Development and Evaluation of an Online Multidimensional Musculoskeletal Health Promotion Program for Low-skilled Workers in the Low-Income Community in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation: A Feasibility StudyInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$40,000 Commencement Date: 1-May-22 |
Health and social needs of persons living in subdivided units: A mixed-method studyInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$120,000 Commencement Date: 1-Feb-22 |
The effect of a father-involvement breastfeeding telephone support intervention on exclusive and sustained breastfeeding: A randomized controlled trial
Adopting a health-social partnership program to promote health and self-care management among older adults in the community: an effectiveness-implementation hybrid designInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,499,960 Commencement Date: 2-Jan-22 |
Outcomes of a Risk Assessment and Management Program using telecare consultation among patients with diabetes mellitus in general out-patient clinic: A hybrid effectiveness-implementation studyInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,496,704 Commencement Date: 2-Jan-22 |
Virtual/Augmented Reality Based Planning and Intraoperative Guidance for Precise Laparoscopic Cystectomy via Advanced Human-in-the-loop Image Segmentation, Visualization, and Registration Techniques
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$2,048,600 Commencement Date: 1-Dec-21 |
樂齡NET 叻 GO
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$300,000 Commencement Date: 8-Nov-21 |
An Automated Urine Cytopathology Reporting System via Advanced Deep Learning Models Driven by Both Data and Human Knowledge
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$2,475,760 Commencement Date: 1-Nov-21 |
* AID (Assistance, Improvement, Development; 互助互進,齊心抗疫)): A community-based participatory research approach promoting the early detection of, and vaccination against, COVID-19 and enhancing the adoption of self-protective measures in HK
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$6,260,600 Commencement Date: 1-Nov-21 * Child project of 'A community-based participatory research approach to reduce the COVID-19 risk in Hong Kong: developing and testing social and behavioural interventions' (PI: Prof. Yee Man Angela LEUNG). |
* An artificial intelligence based digital contact tracing platform for COVID-19 outbreaks
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$4,000,600 Commencement Date: 1-Oct-21
Cardiac-Flow: A Precise yet Super-Efficient Diagnosis System for Coronary Artery Disease Based on Deep Learning and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Effects of a Nurse-led transitional burns rehabilitation programme (4Cs-TBuRP) for adult burn survivors: A randomised controlled trialInvestigators Name: |
Effects of mHealth on promoting self-care health management among older adults in the community: A 3-arm randomized controlled trialInvestigators Name: |
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$890,300 Commencement Date: 1-Dec-20 |
Establishment of testing laboratory and investigation of the trends of quality of filtering facemask during and after the COVID-19
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Disinfection and Reuse of Face Masks in Community Setting during COVID-19 Epidemic: An Experimental Study Design
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Patient-specific Planning and Intraoperative Guidance System for Precise Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion via Weakly-supervised Deep Learning, Perception-aware Visualization, and Context-driven Touchless Interaction
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Effects of a Video-based mHealth Program for the Homebound Older Adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
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Understanding Needs of Paediatric Patients with Life-Limiting Diseases: Towards a Model of Paediatric Palliative Care
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A couple-based interpersonal psychotherapy on postnatal depression and family sense of coherence: a randomized controlled trial
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A longitudinal investigation of migraine features and cardiovascular risk profile: initiatives for establishing a cohort of general Hong Kong Chinese women
Effectiveness of a Novel Self-disinfecting Coating for Inactivation of Healthcare-associated Pathogens and Environmental Decontamination in the Healthcare Setting
SurViTK: Development of a Software Toolkit for Automated Surgical Video Analysis via Advanced Recurrent Neural Networks
Investigating the Effects of Electroacupuncture on Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction: A Preclinical Study
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,198,000 Commencement Date: 2-May-18 |
Economic Evaluation on an Enhanced Post-discharge Home-based Care Program (EHP) to Improve the Quality of Life for Stroke Survivors in Harbin China
An Enhanced Post-discharge Home-based Care Program (EHP) to Improve the Quality of Life for Stroke Survivors in Harbin China: a Randomized Controlled Trial
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Computer-Assisted Precise Partial Nephrectomy Using Advanced Deep Learning, Visualization, and Physically-Based Modeling Techniques
Development of an Interactive Planning and Prediction System for Patient-Specific Precise Shock Wave Lithotripsy via Advanced Deep Learning and Physically-based Modeling Techniques
High-fidelity and Real-time 3D/4D Ultrasound Visualization System via Advanced Image Denoising and Volume Rendering
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Effects of Indoor Environmental Factors on Influenza Like Illness in the Older Population of Hong Kong
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Effects of an Aging-in-Place Health-Social Partnership Program Among Community-Dwelling Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Individual, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in smoking cessation for people with schizophrenia: A randomized control trial
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Impact of Increased Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccine Coverage on the Burden of Influenza in the Elderly: A Comparison between Hong Kong and Brisbane
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Evaluation of a Multidimensional Programme for Reducing Work-related Muscuskeletal Disorders among Nursing Assistants in Nursing Homes: A Cluster Randomized Control Trial
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The Effect of A Father Inclusive Psychoeducation Program On Postnatal Depression: A Randomized Controlled trial
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Nurse's Participation on Smoking Cessation: A National Survey
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The Experience and Coping of Co-occurrence of Schizophrenia and/or Depression with Smoking: a Qualitative Study
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Effects of a Transitional Palliative Care Model on Patients with End-stage Heart Failure
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