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Cancer and Supportive Care


Our research team strives for promoting the well-beings of cancer patients, including children and adults, their family members and healthcare professionals throughout the disease trajectory and survivorship in both hospital and community settings. Our research priorities are on three areas:

  1. Symptom management in cancer,
  2. Complementary and alternative medicine,
  3. Using biomarkers to elucidate the disease and intervention mechanisms, and evaluate the intervention effectiveness.


Members Position
Prof. Janelle YORKE


Chair Professor of Nursing and Head, School of Nursing
Prof. Eva HO


Associate Professor

Prof. Engle Angela CHAN

Professor & Associate Head (Undergraduate Education)

Prof. Eileen CHENG
Assistant Professor
Prof. Winsome LAM
Assistant Professor
Prof. Katherine LAM
Assistant Professor
Prof. Naomi TAKEMURA Assistant Professor 
Dr Hammoda ABU-ODAH Research Assistant Professor

Ongoing Research Students

  Position Office Contact No. Email
Jolene Ying King YUNG PhD Student A130  +852 2766 4154
Getanel Mulualem BELAY PhD Student A130 +852 2766 6418
Funa YANG PhD Student GH168 +852 3400 3800
Ting MAO PhD Student A133
Tong WANG PhD Student  A131  +852 2766 4112
Wenbo DOU PhD Student A133

Externally Funded Projects

Empowering caregivers in the digital age: A pilot randomized controlled trial on the effects of online Meaning Centered Psychotherapy (e-MCP) for caregivers of patients with advanced cancer

Investigators Name:
Co-I: Prof. YU Sau Fung Doris, Prof. LOU W.Q. Vivian, Prof. LIN Chia-Chin, Dr FONG Yee Tak Daniel, Dr Chan Wing Lok Wendy

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: NICHE Research Grant
Total Grant: HK$97,620
Commencement Date: 1-Sep-24

Refinement, pilot implementation, and testing of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool intervention (CSNAT-I) in Hong Kong palliative care settings

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Huilin CHENG

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Total Grant: HK$ 422,200
Commencement Date: 1-Nov-23

An integrated program led by nursing students as peer role models with robots to promote anti-cannabis messages in parents and their children

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Ka Wai Katherine LAM
Co-I: Dr Sau Ting Cynthia WU, Mr Tak Fai TONG, Dr Yim Wah MAK, Dr Ka Yan HO, Ms Pik Yuk Shara HO

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Beat Drugs Fund Regular Funding Scheme
Total Grant: HK$ 482,655
Commencement Date: 1-Sep-23

Learning while serving: Training secondary school students as anti-smoke ambassadors using the service-learning model

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Ka Wai Katherine LAM
Co-I: Dr Kwan Ching WONG, Dr Yim Wah MAK, Dr Yin Ping LEUNG, Dr Ka Yan HO, Dr Cynthia WU

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Total Grant: HK$ 727,400
Commencement Date: 1-Aug-23

Perception of a ‘good death’ and associating factors in the views of patients with advanced cancer and their family members in Hong Kong: a concurrent mixed method study

Investigators Name:

PI: Dr ABU-ODAH Hammoda M.M.
Co-I: Prof. WONG Kam Yuet, Dr HO Ka Yan, Dr CHENG Huilin, Dr Zhao JuanJuan, Prof. Molassiotis Alex, Ms Kwok Angela

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: NICHE Research Grant
Total Grant: HK$133,810
Commencement Date: 1-Mar-23

Listening to the patient’s cancer journey: A randomised controlled trial of digital storytelling (DST) in reducing depressive symptoms, enhancing self-esteem, and promoting quality of life among Hong Kong Chinese childhood cancer survivors

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Ka Yan HO
Co-I: Dr Ka Wai Katherine LAM, Dr Yim Wah MAK, Dr Stefanos TYROVOLAS, Ms Sau Ying Chiu, Prof. Daniel Bressington, Prof. Godfrey Chi-fung Chan, Prof. Kam Yuet WONG

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund
Total Grant: HK$1,192,520
Commencement Date: 1-Jan-23

Is nurse parental support using a proactive mobile health application more effective than usual community care in enhancing parental self-efficacy in symptom management for the children with medical complexity in communities? A randomized control trial.

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Yuk Yin LAM
Co-I: Dr Kitty CHAN, Dr Yin Ping LEUNG, Dr Kwan Ching WONG, Ms Mei Chi Jacqueline HO, Prof. Cathrine Fowler, Prof. Kam Yuet WONG

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund
Total Grant: HK$1,218,370
Commencement Date: 1-Jan-23

Psychological distress and quality of life in palliative care patients with cancer cachexia and their primary family caregivers: Does dyadic symptom appraisal matter?

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Huilin CHENG
Co-I: Dr Yin Ping LEUNG, Dr Raymond, See-Kit Lo, Dr Sheung Ching Jeffrey NG, Prof. Alexandros MOLASIOTIS

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund
Total Grant: HK$975,734
Commencement Date: 1-Jan-23

An Integrated Smoking Cessation and Alcohol Intervention Among Hong Kong Chinese Young People: A Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial

Investigators Name:

PI: Dr Ka Yan HO
Co-I: Dr Ka Wai Katherine LAM, Dr Yin Ping LEUNGDr Yim Wah MAK 

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)

Total Grant: HK$100,000

Commencement Date: 1-Jul-22

The use of a positive psychology intervention (PPI) to promote the psychological well-being of children living in poverty: a feasibility randomised controlled trial

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Ka Yan HO
Co-I: Dr Daniel Thomas BRESSINGTON, Dr Ka Wai Katherine LAM, Dr Jingxia LIN, Dr William Ho Cheung LI, Dr Yim Wah MAK

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Total Grant: HK$100,000
Commencement Date: 8-Nov-21

The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Hypnosis in Reducing Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) among Hong Kong Chinese Children with Cancer: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Ka Yan HO

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: RGC Direct Allocation Grant - Funding Support to Small Projects
Total Grant: HK$200,000
Commencement Date: 2-Jul-21

Effects of a structured, family-supported, and patient-centred advance care planning on end-of-life decision making among palliative patients and their family members: A randomized controlled trial

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Yin Ping LEUNG
Co-I: Dr Siu Yin CHING, Dr Raymond, S.K. LO, Prof. Helen Yue-lai CHAN

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund

Total Grant: HK$911,220

Commencement Date: 1-Jun-21

Effectiveness of the professional-led support programme using a mobile application versus phone advice on patients at risk of coronary heart disease – A randomized controlled trial (Phase 2)

Investigators Name:
Rep.Co-PI: Dr Yin Ping LEUNG
Co-PI: Dr Mi Ling Eliza WONG
Co-I: Dr Shuk Yee KO, Dr Ching LAM, Dr Lap Yip Larry LEE, Prof. Yee Man Angela LEUNG

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Nam Kee Noodle Foundation Ltd

Total Grant: HK$270,000

Commencement Date: 3-May-21

* Effective Ventilation Strategies for Mitigating Infection Risks in Hospitals (SN)

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Wai Man YUEN
Co-I: Ir Prof. Kwok Wai MUI

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: RGC Collaborative Research Fund COVID-19 and NID Research Exercise
Total Grant: HK$296,100
Commencement Date: 1-May-21

* Child project of 'Effective Ventilation Strategies for Mitigating Infection Risks in Hospitals' (Rep. Co-PI / PC: Ir Prof. Kwok Wai MUI)

Exploring the feasibility of simulation-based education on undergraduate students’ palliative care communication: Innovating a practice-based theory approach

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Engle Angela CHAN
Co-I: Dr Ka Pik Katherine CHANG, Dr Pui Man CHUNG, Dr Eleni Siouta, Dr Yuen Man SIU, Ms Ping Kit Kitty WONG, Prof. Ann Marie RAFFERTY, Prof. Diana Slade 

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund

Total Grant: HK$631,984

Commencement Date: 1-Jan-21

Reach out the drug abusers- establishing a community-based network through training Anti-Drug Ambassadors

Investigators Name:
Rep. Co-PI / PC: Dr Ka Yan HO
Co-PI: Dr Ka Wai Katherine LAM
Co-I: Mr Tak Fai TONG, Ms Shara HO

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Beat Drugs Fund Regular Funding Scheme
Total Grant: HK$498,137
Commencement Date: 1-Nov-20

Effectiveness of the Nurse-led Support Programme Using a Mobile Application Versus Telephone Advice on Patients at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease - A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Yin Ping LEUNG
Co-I: Dr Shuk Yee Ko, Dr Ching LAM, Dr Lap Yip Larry LEE, Dr Mi Ling Eliza Wong, Prof. Yee Man Angela LEUNG

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Nam Kee Noodle Foundation Ltd
Total Grant: HK$270,000
Commencement Date: 1-Mar-20

Validation and Acceptability of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool: A Holistic Needs Screening Scale for Routine use in Hong Kong Palliative Care Settings

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Huilin CHENG
Co-I: Dr Ching LAM, Dr Yin Ping LEUNG, Dr Andrew Luk LEUNG, Ms Ko Po SHAN

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education (NICHE)
Total Grant: HK$101,464
Commencement Date: 1-Jul-19

A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of a Lifestyle Intervention Programme Using Mobile Application Vs Booklet for Adults with Metabolic Syndrome

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Yin Ping LEUNG
Co-I: Dr Mi Ling WONG, Dr Mi Ling Eliza WONG, Prof. Yee Man Angela LEUNG

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Total Grant: HK$1,127,808
Commencement Date: 1-Jul-19

Could Graduating Nurses of the Undergraduate Programme Embrace Caring Communication in Palliative Care? A Mixed-methods Study

Investigators Name:
PI: Prof. Engle Angela CHAN
Co-I: Dr Ka Pik Katherine CHANG, Dr Pui Man CHUNG, Ms Ping Kit Kitty Wong, Ms Ko Po SHAN

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education (NICHE)
Total Grant: HK$120,000
Commencement Date: 1-May-19

Effects of A Video-Supported Nurse-Led Advance Care Planning on End-Of-Life Decision Making Among Frail Geriatric Patients: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Yin Ping LEUNG
Co-I: Dr Helen Yue-lai Chan, Dr Patrick Ka-chun Chiu, Dr Shiu Kwong Joseph Kwan, Dr Raymond See-kit Lo, Dr Fiona Wing-ki Tang

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund
Total Grant: HK$821,848
Commencement Date: 1-Dec-17

A Language Analysis of Speak-up Strategies in an Intensive Care Unit Using Existing Data of Audio-recorded Clinician-to-clinician Interactions

Investigators Name:
PI: Prof. Engle Angela CHAN
Co-I: Dr. Kang Yiu Lai, Dr. Wing Yiu George Ng, Dr. Hang Kwong Eric So

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Hospital Authority
Total Grant: HK$160,000
Commencement Date: 14-Nov-16

A Longitudinal Cohort Study On Physical And Mental Health Of Hidden Youths And Adults Living With Hikikomori (Hermetic) Lifestyle

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Wai Man YUEN
Co-I: Dr Kar Yan Alice WONG, Dr. Wai San Wilson TAM, Ms Ka Wing SO, Prof. Cheong Wing Victor WONG, Prof. Wai Tong CHIEN

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Total Grant: HK$950,834
Commencement Date: 15-Aug-16

Uncovering the Meanings of Psychosocial Care Experience of Cancer Patients and/or their Informal Care-givers at Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre

Investigators Name:
PI: Prof. Engle Angela CHAN
Co-I: Dr Siu Yin CHING, Helen Lui, Jacobi Shing

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust via Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre
Total Grant: HK$388,088
Commencement Date: 3-May-16

Speaking Up for Patient Safety in ICU - A Pilot Study

Investigators Name:
PI: Prof. Engle Angela CHAN
Co-I: Dr Man Kit Marvin LAM, Christina Ka Wai Chan, Dr Lap Yin Ho, Dr Wing Yiu Ng, Dr Hang Kwong Eric So, Prof. Diana Slade, Prof. Martin Christian Matthias I MATTHIESSEN

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Hospital Authority
Total Grant: HK$95,400
Commencement Date: 1-Feb-16

A Contextualized Understanding of Nurse-Patient Communication and its Impact on Nurses' Learning and Patient Satisfaction

Investigators Name:
PI: Prof. Engle Angela CHAN
Co-I: Dr Siu Yin CHING, Dr Yuk Yin LAM, Dr. Wah Kun Tong, Dr. Fiona Yan Yan Wong, Prof. Diana Slade, Prof. Martin Christian Matthias I MATTHIESSEN

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund
Total Grant: HK$646,008
Commencement Date: 1-Jan-16

Improving Continuity of Care for Patient Safety through Effective Nursing Handover Communication

Investigators Name:
PI: Prof. Engle Angela CHAN
Co-I: Dr Man Kit Marvin LAM, Diana Slade, Manbo Man

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital Nurses Alumni Association (Donation)
Total Grant: HK$20,000
Commencement Date: 1-Dec-15

Using orthotopic MB49/C57 mice model to delineate the prophylactic activity of Ganoderma lucidum in bladder transitional cell carcinoma

Investigators Name:
PI: Dr Wai Man YUEN
Co-I: Dr Ka Wai Helen LAW, Dr Eddie Shu Yin CHAN, Prof. Mayur Danny Indulal GOHEL, Prof. NG Chi-fai Anthony

Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: General Research Fund
Total Grant: HK$769,642
Commencement Date: 22-Dec-14


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