March 2018
Volume 19, Issue 1
Newsletter of School of Hotel & Tourism Management
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Dai, S., Xu, H., and Pratt, S. (2017). Too Much of a Good Thing? The Economic Impact of Hotel Investment in Hainan. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(1), 26-45.

Li, M., Wu, B., and Guo, P. (2017). Holistic Tourism: A New Norm of the Industry. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(4), 388-392.

Liang, S., Schuckert, M., Law, R., and Guo, X. (2017). A Retrospective Analysis and Future Trends of E-tourism Research in China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(3), 231-256.

Lin, P.M.C., Ren, L., and Chen, C. (2017). Customers' Perception of the Authenticity of a Cantonese Restaurant. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(2), 211-230.

McKercher, B., and Zhang, R. (2017). Hong Kong as a Supranational Destination for Chinese Tourists. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(2), 178-192.

Qi, S., Law, R., and Buhalis, D. (2017). Comparative Evaluation Study of the Websites of China-based and International Luxury Hotels. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(1), 1-25.

Tang, C.M.F., King, B.E.M., and Pratt, S. (2017). Predicting Hotel Occupancies with Public Data: An Application of OECD Indices as Leading Indicators. Tourism Economics, 23(5), 1096-1113.

Tsai, H., Liu, H., and Wu, J. (2017). Performance Assessment of Hong Kong Hotels. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(2), 123-140.

Xiao, H.G., Liu, Z., and Cheng, C. (2017). Consultants as Knowledge Brokers: Issues and Implications for China Tourism Research. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(1), 103-122.

Zizhen Liu, Z., and Tung, V.W.S. (2017). The Influence of Stereotypes and Host-Tourist Interactions on Post-travel Destination Image and Evaluations of Residents. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(4), 321-337.

Athanasopoulos, G., Song, H.Y., and Sun, J.A. (2018). Bagging in Tourism Demand Modeling and Forecasting. Journal of Travel Research, 57(1), 52-68.

Choi, Y., Hickerson, B., and Kerstetter, D. (2018). Understanding the Sources of Online Travel Information. Journal of Travel Research, 57(1), 116-128.

Choi, Y., Hickerson, B., and Lee, J.S. (2018). Investigation of the Technology Effects of Online Travel Media on Virtual Travel Experience and Behavioral Intention. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(3), 320-335.

Correia, A., Kozak, M., and Kim, S.S. (2018). Luxury Shopping Orientations of Mainland Chinese Tourists in Hong Kong: Their Shopping Destination. Tourism Economics, 24(1), 92-108.

Kim, S.S., and Kim, S. (2018). Perceived Values of TV Drama, Audience Involvement, and Behavioral Intention in Film Tourism. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(3), 259-272.

Kim, S.S., and Kim, S. (2018). Segmentation of Potential Film Tourists by Film Nostalgia and Preferred Film Tourism Program. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(3), 285-305.

Kim, S.S., Choe, J.Y., and Lee, S. (2018). How are Food Value Video Clips Effective in Promoting Food Tourism? Generation Y versus Non-Generation Y. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(3), 377-393.

Li, H., Goh, C., Hung, K., and Chen, J.L. (2018). Relative Climate Index and Its Effect on Seasonal Tourism Demand. Journal of Travel Research, 57(2), 178-192.

Lu, Y.T., Chen, Z.W., and Law, R. (2018). Mapping the Progress of Social Media Research in Hospitality and Tourism Management from 2004 to 2014. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(2), 102-118.

Sun, S., Law, R., and Fong, D.K.C. (2018). Where do Tourists Stay Overnight in Macau? Tourism Recreation Research, 43(1), 15-25.

Vu, H.Q., Li, G., Law, R., and Zhang, Y. (2018). Travel Diaries Analysis by Sequential Rule Mining. Journal of Travel Research, 57(3), 399-413.
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