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PReCIT Core Member Sheds Light on the Development of Northern Metropolis

Prof. Ling Kar Kan, Director of Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation JCDISI and PReCIT core member of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, shared his insights into the development of the Northern Metropolis at a forum about the development and planning of the GBA held earlier this month. Online Coverage:


Bangladesh baneer

PReCIT presents the Third Consul General Talk

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosted the third talk in the “Consul General Talk Series” with the topic “Promote Partnership between Bangladesh and Hong Kong in ICT for a Knowledge-based Economy” on 21 November 2023. Ms Israt ARA, Consul General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong, captivated the audience with her comprehensive insights into the intertwined relationship between ICT and transformation in the socio-economic life of people. A PolyU student from Bangladesh also shared his experience and life in Hong Kong. Through the Hong Kong-based diplomats sharing their perspectives, PReCIT’s “Consul General Talk Series” aims to serve as a platform for the PolyU community and the general public to gain inspiring insights and knowledge about the development of innovation and technology, policies, as well as the opportunities and prospects in the Belt and Road countries. Photo album: Click here Press release: English - Click here; Chinese - Click here


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Hong Kong Should Go All Out On Digital Twin Technology

Prof. Haitian Lu, Dr. Sirui Han and the team of PReCIT made suggestions for Hong Kong to develop digital twin technology, referencing the European Commission’s strategies, in response to the smart city vision in the letter to the editor of SCMP. Please refer to below for the full article.



PolyU Senior Management Exchanges View with Hefei Government Officials

Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director, Prof. Dong Cheng, Associate Vice President (Mainland Research Advancement) and other members of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University exchanged views with the Hefei Government officials at a conference about cooperation between the University and Hefei. Online Coverage:



PReCIT co-organises a LEI Workshop with Hong Kong PKIF

PReCIT co-organises a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Workshop with Hong Kong Public Key Infrastructure Forum (Hong Kong PKIF) with the theme of "PKI Reimagined: Driving Trust in the Digital Age". Mr Stephan Wolf, chief executive officer of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF); Mr William Gee and his colleagues online from the Asia PKI Consortium; Ms Eva Chan, Chairman of the Hong Kong PKIF; Mr Dominic Lam, chief operations officer of the CMA Testing, and Prof. Christopher Chao, Prof. Eric Chui, Prof. Haitian Lu and Dr Chili Wu representing PolyU as distinguished guests and experts have attended the workshop, to explore how the digital age, driven by transformative technologies, offers opportunities and challenges for digital identification, especially within the framework of Public Key Infrastructure, and to discuss how to leverage Hong Kong's advantages and collaborate together to promote the development of LEI applications.


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PReCIT Core Members Update Research Progress funded by Seed Funding Scheme

Seven PReCIT Core Members and respective teams of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University presented their research progress at the seed funding scheme workshop. Industry influencers Mr Hugh CHOW, Executive Director at The ESG Consortium and a Partner at Radiant Tech Ventures, and Mr Ronald CHAN, Founder and Chairman of the GBA Education Integrative Development Think Tank were invited to exchange insights with scholars and explore inter-disciplinary collaboration. Research project topics are: 1.  Identification and Development of the Auditing Tool of Scope3 Emissions from Buildings towards Carbon Neutrality – Principal Investigator: Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director 2.  Child protection and welfare: A scoping review of social policies and systems of accountability in Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Hong Kong, China - Principal Investigator: Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences and PReCIT Co-Director 3.  Toward Energy-Resilient Residential Environment – an Environment-User Interaction Modelling Approach for Low-Carbon and Sustainable City Development - Principal Investigator: Prof. Horace MUI, Associate Head (Research) of Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering 4.  Understanding the Challenges and Incentive Policy Requirements to Facilitate Zero-emission transport for Carbon Neutral Cities - Principal Investigator: Dr Siqi BU, Associate Head & Associate Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering 5.  Design for successful start-ups: The approach to the effective role of design in Hong Kong tech start-ups - Principal Investigator: Dr Xihui LIU, Assistant Dean (Academic Programmes) and Associate Professor of School of Design 6.  Enhancing Hong Kong’s Leadership in the Greater Bay Area’s Innovation Eco-system: A Public Policy Investigation - Principal Investigator: Dr Xueyong ZHAN, Associate Professor of Department of Management and Marketing 7.  Greater Bay Area I&T Development: Collaborative Infrastructure and Policy Challenges - Principal Investigator: Prof. LU Haitian, Director of Mainland Office and Hong Kong Sustaintech Foundation Professor in Accounting and Finance Research teams are granted 24 months to conduct studies and outcomes are expected by 2024.   



KK. LING: San Tin Technopole Will Attract I&T Talents and Industry

The HKSAR Government will outline development projects and timetables in an action plan for the Northern Metropolis today. Prof. Ling Kar Kan, Director of the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation and PReCIT Core Member of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, shared his insights into the development of the Northern Metropolis at a forum yesterday. He believed that the San Tin Technopole would attract I&T talents and industry. Online Coverage: Master Insight - Ta Kung Pao - Wen Wei Po - Bauhinia - Hong Kong China News Agency - China Review News - -



PolyU Establishes Technology and Innovation Research Institute in Hefei

PolyU has penned an agreement with Luyang District, Hefei for the establishment of a technology and innovation research institute. Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University said the collaboration is expected to give play to the pair’s strengths to advance the development of scientific research. Online Coverage: Laoyaoba - Sina - Sohu - Toutiao -



President Teng and Prof. Chan Ching-chuen Address GBA Talent Forum

President Prof. Jin-Guang Teng and Ir Prof. Chan Ching-chuen, Distinguished Chair Professor of Electric Vehicles and Smart Energy, gave speeches at the 2023深圳院士專家高峰會暨粵港澳大灣區人才發展論壇. Online Coverage: Ta Kung Pao - Wen Wei Po - Dot Dot News - - NetEase -



PReCIT Makes Recommendations on Northern Metropolis to GBAAA

PReCIT is commissioned by The Greater Bay Area Association of Academicians (GBAAA) on a study related to the Northern Metropolis. The report has been completed and submitted to GBAAA for making policy recommendations for the Northern Metropolis to the HKSAR Government, including initiating the early planning process for the university town and optimising resource allocation for sustainable development. Online Coverage: Bauhinia -


