Issue 20 - July 2021
Online Information Sessions on Service-Learning Subjects on Offer in Semester One of 2021/22
SLLO Annual Report 2019-20
Habitat Green in East-Africa Habitat Green in East-Africa

Habitat Green is a one-year leadership programme that focuses on global leadership and cultural sensitivities in the context of...

One World Our World in Hong Kong One World Our World

One World Our World, themed “Social Diversity and Inclusion” will be held in Hong Kong with students from PolyU and other universities around...

Generation-C SERVE in Thailand Generation-C SERVE in Thailand

Generation-C SERVE is a leadership programme that brings students from PolyU and other universities in Asia to learn and serve together. The...

FAQs on Service-Learning subjects in the time of COVID-19 pandemic


| Elderly Services | Family Services | Rehabilitation Services | Youth Services | Other Services |

Please note that the following activities are not organised by PolyU and hence will not be covered by any of the insurance policies of the University. You are strongly advised to take care of your own personal accident / medical insurance. Also, please be aware and take care of all your personal medical needs while undertaking the activities.

Service Code: Y-179
Service Name: 「閱讀樂趣多」特殊學習需要(SEN)學童伴讀支援計劃
Organisation: 基督教香港信義會新來港人士樂聚軒
Service Content: 1. 認識5-12歲特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的特徵及需要;
2. 學習與特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的相處技巧;
3. 認識繪本及學習繪本伴讀的技巧;
4. 學習策劃及帶領活動技巧;
5. 實踐義工服務精神
Role of Volunteer: 策劃及帶領活動
2020年11月-12月 (逢星期五晚上)  
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 12
Application Method: 報名方法: 填寫Google Form報名
報名網址:Google form
Enquiry: 2410 0124 (葉姑娘/思敏姑娘)
Deadline: 2020年10⽉27⽇ 中午12時正
Service Code: Y-178
Service Name: 「一網學無涯」基層小學生網上學習支援計劃- 招募義務導師
Organisation: 民社服務中心
Service Content:


Role of Volunteer:

服務日期: 2020年10月5日至2021年6月30日(每星期最少2次)
服務時間: 每次60分鐘,具體時間與家長協商
服務內容:  1.線上功課指導- 最少每星期2次
                  5.計劃結業禮(2021年6月27日) (暫定)
學歷要求: 中四至大專學歷計服務日期: 2020年10月5日至2021年6月30日(每星期最少2次)

No. of volunteers to be recruited: No Specific
Application Method: 報名方法: 填寫Google Form報名
Enquiry: WhatsApp 5624-3757 /致電至3690-2394 與周柏賢先生或陳樂恒先生聯絡 
Deadline: No Specific
Service Code: Y-177
Service Name: 「閱讀樂趣多」特殊學習需要(SEN)學童伴讀支援計劃
Organisation: 基督教香港信義會新來港人士樂聚軒
Service Content:
1. 認識5-12歲特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的特徵及需要;
2. 學習與特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的相處技巧;
3. 認識繪本及學習繪本伴讀的技巧;
4. 學習策劃及帶領活動技巧;
5. 實踐義工服務精神
Role of Volunteer:
  1. 策劃及帶領活動
  2. 與學童伴讀繪本


A) 義工訓練日及活動開會日(*務必出席其中一日)
1. 2020年7月8日(星期三) 14:30-16:30 或
2. 2020年7月8日(星期三)10:30-12:30 或
3. 2020年7月10日(星期五)14:30-16:30 或
4. 2020年7月11日(星期六)15:30-17:30
B) 繪本伴讀+主題活動 (包括briefing及debriefing時間)
2020年8月7日 至 9月11日 (逢星期五) 19:00-21:30
**(合共6次 ,出席5次或以上的義工可獲得出席證書)**
葵涌興芳路 166 至 174 號葵興政府合署 5 字樓
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 12
Application Method:
Apply via online google form ( )
Enquiry: 2410 0124 /6895 7399(whatsapps) 陳姑娘
Deadline: 29 June 2020
Service Code: Y-176
Service Name: 「閱讀樂趣多」特殊學習需要(SEN)學童伴讀支援計劃
Organisation: 基督教香港信義會社會服務部新來港人士樂聚軒
Service Content:
1. 認識5-12歲特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的特徵及需要;
2. 學習與特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的相處技巧;
3. 認識繪本及學習繪本伴讀的技巧;
4. 學習策劃及帶領活動技巧;
5. 實踐義工服務精神
Role of Volunteer:


  1. 策劃及帶領活動
  2. 與學童伴讀繪本



日期:05/02/2020 (星期三)
繪本伴讀+主題活動 (包括活動前30 分鐘briefing 及活動後30 分鐘debriefing)
日期:21/02/2019 –20/03/2019 (逢星期五, 合共5次)
葵涌興芳路 166 至 174 號葵興政府合署 5 字樓
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 12 (如報名人數超出限額,需進行簡單電話面試,報名者須待本會致電確認後方可作實。)
Application Method:
1. 填妥 網上報名表格 報名 ( ) ;
2. 負責同事將於截止報名後一星期內聯絡參加者
Enquiry: 陳姑娘(電話: 2410 0124/ WhatsApp: 6895 7399/ 傳真: 2410 0203/ 電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Deadline: 14 January 2020
Service Code: Y-175
Service Name: 閱讀樂趣多
Organisation: 基督教香港信義會社會服務部新來港人士樂聚軒
Service Content:
1. 認識特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的特徵及需要;
2. 學習與特殊學習需要 (SEN) 學童的相處技巧;
3. 認識繪本及學習繪本伴讀的技巧;
4. 學習策劃及帶領活動技巧;
5. 實踐義工服務精神
Role of Volunteer:
日期:9/10/2019 (星期三)
繪本伴讀+主題活動 (活動後有約 30 分鐘 debriefing)
日期:1/11/2019 –13/12/2019 (逢星期五, 合共7次)
葵涌興芳路 166 至 174 號葵興政府合署 5 字樓
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 18
Application Method:
1. 填妥 網上報名表格 報名 ( ) ;
2. 負責同事將於截止報名後一星期內聯絡參加者
Enquiry: 陳姑娘(電話: 2410 0124/ WhatsApp: 6895 7399/ 傳真: 2410 0203/ 電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Deadline: 18 September 2019
Service Code: Y-174
Service Name: 「有機上網」i-師友計劃 WebOrganic i-Mentorship 2019-2020
Organisation: WebOrganic
Service Content:
26th October 2019 (Sat)
i-mentorship opening ceremony
October 2019
Mentor training by center
Nov 2019 to Feb 2020
6 sessions of activities which cover the following topics:
-          STEM
-          Digital Citizenship
-          Digital Entrepreneurship
Feb 2020
Mentor and mentee prepare a proposal which construct social innovative idea to improve or promote the following issues:
-          Cyber Wellness
-          Narrowing the digital Divide
-          Environment Protection
-          Any issue related to their local community
Feb 2020
Center submitted proposal from each group Mentor completed i-mentorship (fulfilled requirement) will get $200 transportant subsidy
Mar 2020
Announce the top 3 social innovative idea awardees


Role of Volunteer:
1. Learn the learning and living challenges of underprivileged children
2. Encourage underprivileged children to broaden their horizons, and leveage I.T. solutions to improve the citizen’s and the underprivileged’s quality of life and to promote a better community
3. Attend opening ceremony and mentor training 
4. Organise 6 meetings / activities to assist mentees to finish the activities 
5. Meet mentees at least 4 times in face-to-face meetings
In order to provide timely support, WebOrganic’s Community Partners will arrange at least 2 follow-up meeting sessions, telephone call or email to understand more about the relationship of mentor and mentees, the learning progress and challenges.
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 25
Application Method: Interested students can directly contact Ms. June Lee for apply / complete the form and send back to Ms. June Lee via email ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
Application form
Enquiry: 2922 9231 Ms. June Lee
Deadline: 4 October 2019
Service Code: Y-173
Service Name: 幸福童學會 - 「友伴童行義工」計劃
Organisation: 明愛賽馬會黃大仙青少年綜合服務
Service Content:

1. 期間
必須出席4/7/2019、11/7/2019義工訓練及 19/7/2019啟動禮暨挑戰日營

2. 組合及配對

3. 目標

4. 計劃活動


Role of Volunteer: 本中心將於每季舉辦聚會,例如「啟動禮」、「挑戰日營」、「大學校園定向比賽」,另有英文拼音班、中文班及才藝班的助教工作
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 25
Application Method: 填妥報名表(google form)
電郵報名表(登記姓名、學系、年級、電話)至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,我們將盡快致電回覆確認,歡迎各位集體報名!
Enquiry: 查詢:
Deadline: 1 July 2019
Service Code: Y-172
Service Name: 全球青年服務日 – 創「義」無限Loop
Organisation: 香港青年協會
Service Content:


Role of Volunteer: 全球青年服務日是由青年自主,青年帶領的義工日,學生需要自行組織小隊,並進行相關的義工活動。參與的學校團體將獲得感謝狀,團體的響應義工故事亦會經本會整理後,透過「全球青年服務日」精華,與各國義工分享。
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 不設名額
Application Method: 填好報名表格並發送到 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enquiry: 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電3621 0925與我們聯絡。
Deadline: 30/4/2019 (二)
Service Code: Y-171
Service Name: 一對一義補導師招募 (時間地點自選)
Organisation: 陳校長免費補習天地
Service Content: 陳葒(陳校長)毅然辭去中學校長一職,放棄百萬年薪於2011年正式創立陳校長免費補習天地,補天是香港政府認可的非牟利慈善機構,專為基層弱勢學生提供完全免費的學習支援。
  • 一對一、面對面、一星期一次、一次一小時 (義師需承諾持續服務最少三個月,即12堂,約12小時)
  • 地點自選 (18區的公眾場所)
  • 日子自選 (平日放學後及星期六日)
  • 教授時間、科目、級別自選
Role of Volunteer: 義務導師(義師) 每星期一次,每次付出一小時為家貧及有需要的學生提供免費一對一補習服務。我們會根據師生選擇的補習時間、地區、科目、年級等條件的吻合程度作出一對一的配對。補習的地點主要在就近師生的大型連鎖快餐店、社福中心或其他公眾場所。
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 30
Application Method: 請即按此連結填妥資料報名:
Enquiry: 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電3621 0925與我們聯絡。
Deadline: 30/4/2019 (二)
Service Code: Y-170
Service Name:

We Do Robotics

Organisation: WebOrganic
Service Content:

在香港亞洲之友Friends of Asia Hong Kong的贊助下,我們將於今年8月至明年1月舉辦「We Do Robotics」,希望透過機械人課程及師友計劃,讓120位基層學童在升中過渡期中,提升解難能力及自信心,以迎接新環境帶來的挑戰。

Role of Volunteer: 出席友師培訓、出席4節與學員會面的活動以預備閉幕禮表演、出席閉幕禮
No. of volunteers to be recruited: Not Specific
Application Method: 報名 :
Enquiry: 網上登記報名後,「有機上網」將於一星期內電郵確認申請及跟進。有關計劃詳情,請參考附件之計劃單張及活動時間表。如有查詢,可直接致電2922 9227(Ms Kim Ma)或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與「有機上網」聯絡。
Deadline: 21 September 2018
Service Code: Y-169
Service Name:

WebOrganic i-Mentorship 2018/19 - Mentor Recruitment


Organisation: WebOrganic
Service Content:

Supported by NGOs, higher tertiary institutions, WebOrganic’s mentorship has been successfully launched for the last eight semesters, engaged over 400 mentors and 700 students from low-income families. Both mentors and mentees value this programme as a treasurable chance for enhancing their personal growth and learning ICT skill & knowledge and its relationship with the community. We are looking for big brothers and sisters as the deprived children’s role models and companions in this “i∙Mentorship Programme 2018/19”.
Sponsored by Hong Kong Broadband Network, “i∙Mentorship programme” will match up the deprived children from P.4 to S.3 with mentors for a series of “STEM”, “Digital Citizenship” & ”Digital Entrepreneurship” themed activities. Each pair of mentors and mentees will work out a social innovative idea for forming a better community and improve people’s quality of life. Join us if you are a full-time student enrolled in a local tertiary institute, being mature with positive personality, and willing to serve the children from low-income families (No prerequisite for STEM and technology knowledge). Become a mentor for deprived students and support their learning journey!

在各機構中心、大專院校的支持下,「有機上網」師友計劃已經連續第九個學期舉辦,超過四百位大專生及七百位基層家庭兒童參與其中,他們均認為計劃有助其個人成長、掌握科技和社區發展的關係! 我們正在尋找熱心服務社會及個性成熟的大專哥哥姐,作爲「有機上網」i∙師友計劃2018/19基層家庭小學生的友師,為自己和基層家庭兒童提供一個難得的成長和學習體驗!
今年計劃由香港寬頻贊助,配對基層家庭兒童與大專學生,透過「STEM」、「數碼公民」(Digital Citizenship)、「數碼企業」(Digital Entrepreneurship)的活動,與小四至中三學員共同構思一個點子,利用科技促進大眾及弱勢社群的生活質素和締造更宜居的社會。如果你是在本地就讀大學及大專院校全日制課程的學生,性格正面及個性成熟,並樂意服務社會上有需要的基層家庭學童(不需要掌握STEM和特定科技知識),請立刻報名參加「有機上網」i∙師友計劃,成爲友師,一起在基層兒童學習路上同行!

Role of Volunteer: Attending the Opening Ceremony (a Saturday in October), mentor training, 4-6 face-to-face meeting sessions with mentees.

a. Referencing Google’s digital garage– mentors can further take the on-line assessment and get the certification by themselves to enhance their CV competiveness
b. Resourceful Support - Guided by social service centres, followed with orientation guidebook and activity log book
c. Upon completion, mentors will be entitled HK$200 transportation subsidy, and could have a chance to win awards for “Social Innovative Solutions”
- 大學及大專學生可掌握Google數位課程相關資訊,並可自行考核線上認證,並可 提升履歷的競爭力
- 社會服務中心指導,備有迎新指引及活動紀錄冊,按部就班完成
- 完成計劃後,可獲HK$200交通津貼,並有機會與學員共同贏取「最具社會創新意念獎」
No. of volunteers to be recruited: Not Specific
Application Method: Apply:
Activity Timetable:
Enquiry: Confirmation will be sent to you via email within 7 days upon your enrolment submission. For programme details, please refer the attached programme schedule.If you wish to know more information, please feel free to contact WebOrganic directly via phone 2922 9227 (Ms Kim Ma) or e-mail ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
網上登記報名後,「有機上網」將於一星期內電郵確認申請及跟進。有關計劃詳情,請參考附件之計劃單張及活動時間表。如有查詢,可直接致電2922 9227(Ms Kim Ma)或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與「有機上網」聯絡。
Deadline: 21 September 2018
Service Code: Y-168
Service Name: YDC School-Company-Parent Program – JC InnoMind® 2018-19
Organisation: Young Entrepreneurs Development Council
Service Content: Youth Services
Role of Volunteer:

Provide assistance on ceremonies.
Attend student workshops to help Company Ambassadors and teachers in facilitating the smoothness of the program.
Evaluate the effect of student workshops.

[Detail Information]

No. of volunteers to be recruited: Not Specific
Application Method:

Scan QR code on our poster/ Click on the link below:

Application Form

Enquiry: Tel: 2798 3950
Fax: 2755 7596
Deadline: 21 September 2018
Service Code: Y-167
Service Name: Summer Holiday Tutorial for Primary Students 小學生暑期功課輔導班
Organisation: Joyful Square 樂滿坊
Service Content: Summer Holiday Tutorial for Primary Students
Role of Volunteer: Act as voluntary tutor to teach primary students’ homework, read books and play games with them.
1. The voluntary tutors need to attend at least six sessions
2. $40 travel allowance will be paid for every session
3. An interview will be offered for selected candidates in 4th July,2018
4. A service certificate will be provided for tutors who complete their service
No. of volunteers to be recruited: Not specified
Application Method: Fill in the application form and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enquiry: Miss Law at 2638 0105 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: 30 June 2018



| Elderly Services | Family Services | Rehabilitation Services | Youth Services | Other Services |

Please note that the following activities are not organised by PolyU and hence will not be covered by any of the insurance policies of the University. You are strongly advised to take care of your own personal accident / medical insurance. Also, please be aware and take care of all your personal medical needs while undertaking the activities.

Service Code: O-246
Service Name: Ex-situ Research Volunteer Positions at Ocean Park for Biology, Marine Science and Engineering students
Organisation: Ocean Park Corporation
Service Content: Ocean Park accepts local and international students to join its research internship and volunteer programme. The research team of Ocean Park aims to build a strong bridge between scientific advancement, animal welfare, conservation and education. Our current projects are all designed with special attention to these four pillars of ex-situ research efforts focusing on various aspects of animal behaviour, cognition and perceptions that maybe keys to the survival of the species. As a member of AZA, Ocean Park continuously thrives to provide the best possible environment and care, using scientific approach for behavioural monitoring and analysis for both marine and terrestrial species. Moreover, our cognitive experiments investigate the ability of problem solving, shape recognition, associative learning as well as on mutualistic and altruistic cooperation.
For more information:
Starting date: December 2020
Role of Volunteer: Interns and volunteers receive intensive hands on experience by participating in all aspects of the ongoing research and laboratory activities, including assistance in the daily research sessions with the dolphins, data processing and analysis, and also assisting with the projects administrative and maintenance requirements.
No. of volunteers to be recruited: On-site volunteers: 6-8 fulltime or max 10 part-time students
Behavioural data analysist: 4-6 students
Acoustic data analysist: 1-2 students
Application Method:

Qualifications and requirements

On-site volunteers (same for full time and part-time):
• Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
• Good oral/written communication skills in English
• Basic computer knowledge
• Able to work independently as well as in a team
• Must be responsible for food, accommodation and transportation
• Past experience with animals is desirable
• Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

Off-site working volunteers – Behavioural data analysist:
• Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
• Self-motivation
• Good oral/written communication skills in English
• Computer knowledge: Excel, Word, QuickTime Player 7, BORIS
• The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately
• Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

Off-site working volunteers – Acoustic data analysist:
• Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
• Self-motivation
• Good oral/written communication skills in English
• Basic programming knowledge, signal processing, filtering
• Experience with MATLAB, Audacity and GitHub
• The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately
• Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

To apply please submit the following (same for all positions):
• Statement of Interest
• Period of Availability
• Preferred Position
• Academic Records
• Letters of Reference
• Curriculum Vitae

Enquiry: Please send applications to Ms Eszter Matrai, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "Research Volunteer" in the subject line.
Deadline: 24 October 2020
Service Code: O-245
Service Name: Ex-situ Research Volunteer Positions at Ocean Park for Biology, Marine Science and Engineering students
Organisation: Ocean Park Corporation
Service Content: Ocean Park accepts local and international students to join its research internship and volunteer programme. The research team of Ocean Park aims to build a strong bridge between scientific advancement, animal welfare, conservation and education. Our current projects are all designed with special attention to these four pillars of ex-situ research efforts focusing on various aspects of animal behaviour, cognition and perceptions that maybe keys to the survival of the species. As a member of AZA, Ocean Park continuously thrives to provide the best possible environment and care, using scientific approach for behavioural monitoring and analysis for both marine and terrestrial species. Moreover, our cognitive experiments investigate the ability of problem solving, shape recognition, associative learning as well as on mutualistic and altruistic cooperation.
For more information:
Starting date: September 2020
Role of Volunteer: Interns and volunteers receive intensive hands on experience by participating in all aspects of the ongoing research and laboratory activities, including assistance in the daily research sessions with the dolphins, data processing and analysis, and also assisting with the projects administrative and maintenance requirements.
No. of volunteers to be recruited: On-site volunteers: 6-8 fulltime or max 10 part-time students
Behavioural data analysist: 4-6 students
Acoustic data analysist: 1-2 students
Application Method:

Qualifications and requirements

On-site volunteers (same for full time and part-time):
• Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
• Good oral/written communication skills in English
• Basic computer knowledge
• Able to work independently as well as in a team
• Must be responsible for food, accommodation and transportation
• Past experience with animals is desirable
• Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

Off-site working volunteers – Behavioural data analysist:
• Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
• Self-motivation
• Good oral/written communication skills in English
• Computer knowledge: Excel, Word, QuickTime Player 7, BORIS
• The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately
• Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

Off-site working volunteers – Acoustic data analysist:
• Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
• Self-motivation
• Good oral/written communication skills in English
• Basic programming knowledge, signal processing, filtering
• Experience with MATLAB, Audacity and GitHub
• The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately
• Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

To apply please submit the following (same for all positions):
• Statement of Interest
• Period of Availability
• Preferred Position
• Academic Records
• Letters of Reference
• Curriculum Vitae

Enquiry: Please send applications to Ms Eszter Matrai, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "Research Volunteer" in the subject line.
Deadline: 2nd August 2020
Service Code: O-244
Service Name: 教會關懷貧窮網絡教關大使計劃2020
Organisation: 教會關懷貧窮網絡有限公司 The Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor Company Limited
Service Content: • 活動支援
• 文字工作
• 媒體製作
• 藝術設計
• 推廣大使
• 文章撰寫
• 各區服侍等
Role of Volunteer: 支援
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 2-3
Application Method: 填寫申請表:
Enquiry: Email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Tel: 6372 0750
Deadline: 30 June 2020
Service Code: O-243
Service Name: Marketing Communications - Graphic Design & Production Assistant
Organisation: Mother’s Choice (母親的抉擇)
Service Content:

Mother’s Choice is a local charity serving the many children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong. We join hands with our community to give hope and change the life stories of vulnerable girls and babies. Our vision is to see every child in a loving family.




Role of Volunteer:

Job Responsibilities: We are looking for motivated graphic designer volunteers to provide design and production support. Here are some of our current needs in design layout and production:

1. Event materials – e.g. Invites, booklets, backdrops, nametags, gift bags, mementos, digital visuals for social media.

2. Corporate and Service collaterals – e.g. Annual reports, company handbook, brochures, leaflets.

3. Campaign materials – e.g. Print ads, outdoor ads, online visuals.


  • · Possess good design skills with knowledge in design programs (e.g. InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop etc.), preferably with experience in similar projects, and follow our brand guidelines.
    • · Bilingual – Chinese and English.
    • · Work at our office* for team briefing and collaboration purposes.
    • · Position starts any time, work days and hours are flexible:
    • o Either 2-4 days per week, Tue-Fri, @10:30am-4:30pm;
    • o Or any 2-4 mornings per week, Tue-Fri, @10am-2pm
    • o Or any 2-4 afternoons per week, Tue-Fri, @12:30pm-4:30pm or @4:30pm-6.30pm · Note: All design copyright belongs to Mother’s Choice. You must share editable source files of artwork (In AI, PS or IND formats).
    • · Must share the commitment of Mother’s Choice in upholding the safety and protection of children as paramount.
  • Commitment:
  • · Preferably a minimum of 3 months commitment.
  • · Working off-site will be considered after serving a minimum of 1 month and willing to come in for briefings.
  • Benefits:
  • · Become acquainted with other “like-minded” volunteers.
    • · Create a sense of purpose by connecting to your community and be the difference in making it a better place.
    • · Develop and expand your design portfolio.
    • · Gain work experience in a charity.
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 5
Application Method:

Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information:

1. Your brief resume

2. Your availability (e.g. dates and time that you are available for service)

3. Samples of your design work

Enquiry: Please contact Elizabeth Ng at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 3915 5744
Deadline: 31 December 2019
Service Code: O-242
Service Name: Dolphin Research Volunteer Positions at Ocean Park
Organisation: Ocean Park Corporation
Service Content:

Ocean Park accepts local and international students to join its research internship and volunteer programme. The Park’s ex-situ conservation efforts focus on various aspects of dolphin cognition and perceptions that are keys to the survival of the species. Our studies are designed to investigate the mechanism and ontogenesis of dolphin echolocation, shape perception and target localisation through sound. Our cognitive experiments focus on the dolphins’ ability of problem solving, associative learning as well as on mutualistic and altruistic cooperation. These projects include several pilot studies on the interdisciplinary filed of biology, physiology, phycology and engineering.

Applications are not restricted from the above-mentioned fields. The selection is based on both academic results and extracurricular merits, but most importantly on the candidates’ dedication and self-motivation. We have fulltime (5 days/week) and part-time (min. 1.5 days/week) On-site volunteer positions and Off-site positions for Behavioural and Acoustic data analysists. All positions are unpaid with a minimum commitment of 3-months. Successful candidates receive specific training according to the assigned positions.

Starting date: January 2020

Role of Volunteer: Interns and volunteers receive intensive hands on experience by participating in all aspects of the ongoing research and laboratory activities, including assistance in the daily research sessions with the dolphins, data processing and analysis, and also assisting with the projects administrative and maintenance requirements.
No. of volunteers to be recruited:

On-site volunteers: 6-8 fulltime or max 20 part-time students
Behavioural data analysist: 4-6 students
Acoustic data analysist: 1-2 students

Application Method:

Qualifications and requirements

On-site volunteers:

  • • Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
  • • Good oral/written communication skills in English
  • • Basic computer knowledge
  • • Able to work independently as well as in a team
  • • Must be responsible for food, accommodation and transportation
  • • Past experience with animals is desirable
  • • Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations
Off-site working volunteers – Behavioural data analysist:

  • • Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
  • • Self-motivation
  • • Good oral/written communication skills in English
  • • Computer knowledge: Excel, Word, QuickTime Player 7
  • • The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately
  • • Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations


Off-site working volunteers – Acoustic data analysist:

  • • Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
  • • Self-motivation
  • • Good oral/written communication skills in English
  • • Basic programming knowledge
  • • Experience with MATLAB and Audacity
  • • The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately

Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations
To apply please submit the following (same for all positions):

  • • Statement of Interest
  • • Period of Availability
  • • Preferred Position
  • • Academic Records
  • • Letters of Reference
  • • Curriculum Vitae
Enquiry: Please send applications to Ms Eszter Matrai, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "Dolphin Research Volunteer" in the subject line.
Deadline: 7th November 2019
Service Code: O-241
Service Name: Call for Volunteers for FLOW with AFTEC @ Shalowan
Organisation: The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC)
Service Content:
Organised by the Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC), Flow with AFTEC @ Shalowan is an arts festival on the theme of water. Following on from the great success of 2018’s festival on Flight, this year’s multi-disciplinary outdoor adventure includes installations, music, workshops, family activities and more. 
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who are friendly & eager to help for Flow with AFTEC @ Shalowan. In return we hope to provide an opportunity to try new things, meet new people, gain experiences & have fun. 
Date: 1 Nov 2019 (Fri) – Schools visit 
2 Nov 2019 (Sat) – Public 
3 Nov 2019 (Sun) – Public 
8 Nov 2019 (Fri) – Schools visit 
9 Nov 2019 (Sat) – Public 
10 Nov 2019 (Sun) – Public 
Venue: Shalowan Village, Lantau Island (10-minute ferry ride from Tung Chung) 
Shift A: 9am – 2pm 
Shift B: 1:30pm – 6:30pm 
Shift C: 9am – 6:30pm (Simple lunch will be provided)
Key Dates: 
15 Sept (Sun)                  Application Deadline
5 Oct (Sat)                      Volunteers workshop (Compulsory) 
19 Oct (Sat)                    Pre-event voluntary work (Optional)
                                        Training on-site @Shalowan (Compulsory)
1/2/3/8/9/& 10 Nov          Event days (Fri, Sat, Sun)
11 Nov 2019 (Mon)         Post-event voluntary work (Optional)
- Proficiency in spoken Cantonese & English 
- Permanent Hong Kong resident aged 16 & above 
(Non-permanent HK resident will also be considered) 
- Energetic, pleasant & team players 
- With interest in arts, cultural, science or outdoor events 
- Attend briefing & training session + complete a minimum of one shift during Flow 
- Physically fit to work outdoors (Universal access is not available)
Recognition & Appreciation : 
- FLOW volunteer T-shirt 
- Completion Certificate 
- Snacks and drinks 
- Transportation subsidy¹ (For the first 50 volunteers ONLY) 
- Volunteers who complete 2 event days or above will be given a free ticket to AFTEC’s theatre shows in late November 
- Participate in FLOW with AFTEC programme
¹ HK$100 for volunteers who complete 2-3 event days; HK$200 for volunteers who complete 4 event days or above (unavailable if corporate subsidy is provided)
Role of Volunteer: Event Stewards / Reception & Information / Facilitators
No. of volunteers to be recruited: Not Specific
Application Method: Registration link:
Enquiry: 2520 1716/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: 15 September 2019
Service Code: O-240
Service Name: Recruiting Facilitators for “Smoke-free Teens” Training Camp
Organisation: Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
Service Content: About “Smoke-free Teens” Training Camp
- COSH has been organizing Smoke-free Teens Programme annually since 2012 to nurture teenagers to become future leaders in the society and to promote smoke-free culture. The training camp, as part of the programme, aims to train a group of Smoke-free Teens (Form 1-4 or aged 14-18) to take up the role of spreading and promoting smoke-free messages in their schools and community through organizing smoke-free activities. Participants will acquire various knowledge and skills through workshops, team building and adventure-based activities in the training camp.

Date (4 camps, 2-Day-1-Night)*
- 8:30am, 18 July 2019 – 6pm, 19 July 2019
- 8:30am, 23 July 2019 – 6pm, 24 July 2019
- 8:30am, 30 July 2019 – 6pm, 31 July 2019
- 8:30am, 6 August 2019 – 6pm, 7 August 2019

*Candidates are encouraged to join all of the above sessions.
Role of Volunteer: Roles of Facilitators:
- Assist COSH staff in overseeing the activities, general camp operations;
- Lead a group of Smoke-free Teens to participate in the activities to ensure a safe and smooth camp;
- Assist in enhancing Smoke-free Teens’ knowledge on the hazards of smoking, related tobacco control issues, as well as share findings/ experiences (e.g. how to help youth smokers quit, organizing events or activities etc). Briefing will be provided;
- Facilitate group discussion and group activities; and
- Assist Smoke-free Teens in understanding their roles on promoting tobacco control.
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 16-20 per camp
Application Method: Application Form
26 April 2019 to 24 May 2019
Enquiry: Ms Tracy WONG   2185 6399   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: 24 May 2019 (Friday)
Service Code: O-239
Service Name: 敢跑慈善籌款賽義工
Organisation: 香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會
Service Content: 協助敢跑慈善籌款賽活動前期物資整理及派發
Role of Volunteer:


No. of volunteers to be recruited: 共招募24名義工
Application Method: 以電郵及電話直接報名
Enquiry: 2363 7533 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (聯絡人:梁先生)
Deadline: Feb 26, 2019
Service Code: O-238
Service Name: Para site Guided Tour at ArtBasel 2019
Organisation: Para site HK
Service Content: Volunteer
Role of Volunteer: Please see attachment for details
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 15
Application Method: CV and contact to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enquiry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: Feb 22, 2019
Selected candidate will be notified to attend an interview at early march.
Service Code: O-237
Service Name: Dolphin Research Volunteer Positions at Ocean Park
Organisation: Ocean Park Corporation
Service Content: Ocean Park accepts local and international students to join its research internship and volunteer programme. The Park’s ex-situ conservation efforts focus on various aspects of dolphin cognition and perceptions that are keys to the survival of the species. Our studies are designed to investigate the mechanism and ontogenesis of dolphin echolocation, shape perception and target localisation through sound. Our cognitive experiments focus on the dolphins’ ability of problem solving, associative learning as well as on mutualistic and altruistic cooperation. These projects include several pilot studies on the interdisciplinary filed of biology, physiology, phycology and engineering.
Applications are not restricted from the above-mentioned fields. The selection is based on both academic results and extracurricular merits, but most importantly on the candidates’ dedication and self-motivation.
We have fulltime (5 days/week) and part-time (min. 1.5 days/week) On-site volunteer positions and Off-site positions for Behavioural and Acoustic data analysists. All positions are unpaid with a minimum commitment of 3-months. Successful candidates receive specific training according to the assigned positions.
Starting date: February 2019
Role of Volunteer: Interns and volunteers receive intensive hands on experience by participating in all aspects of the ongoing research and laboratory activities, including assistance in the daily research sessions with the dolphins, data processing and analysis, and also assisting with the projects administrative and maintenance requirements.
No. of volunteers to be recruited: On-site volunteers: 4-6 fulltime or max 10 part-time students
Behavioural data analysist: 4-6 students
Behavioural data analysist: 1-2 students
Application Method: Qualifications and requirements
On-site volunteers:
  • • Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
  • • Good oral/written communication skills in English
  • • Basic computer knowledge
  • • Able to work independently as well as in a team
  • • Must be responsible for food, accommodation and transportation
  • • Past experience with animals is desirable
  • • Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

Off-site working volunteers – Behavioural data analysist:
  • • Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
  • • Self-motivation
  • • Good oral/written communication skills in English
  • • Computer knowledge: Excel, Word, QuickTime Player 7
  • • The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately
  • • Able to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

Off-site working volunteers – Acoustic data analysist:
  • • Have a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn
  • • Self-motivation
  • • Good oral/written communication skills in English
  • • Basic programming knowledge
  • • Experience with MATLAB and Audacity
  • • The ideal candidate will have strong attention to details and ability to work precisely and accurately
  • • TAble to comply with OP volunteer rules and regulations

To apply please submit the following (same for all positions):
  • • Statement of Interest
  • • Period of Availability
  • • Preferred Position
  • • Academic Records
  • • Letters of Reference
  • • Curriculum Vitae
Enquiry: Please send applications to Ms Eszter Matrai, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "Dolphin Research Volunteer" in the subject line.
Deadline: 17th January 2019
Service Code: O-236
Service Name: 九龍樂善堂企業健康推廣平台
Organisation: 九龍樂善堂
Service Content: 「樂善堂企業健康推廣平台」每年需要大量的義工協助為在職人士提供的免費戒煙/戒酒外展服務,例如煙害/酒害講座、簡單的健康檢查、不同類型的社區健康活動等,讓社會大眾更深入了解吸煙/飲酒行為對社會環境及個人的負面影響。現呼籲有志為社會大眾推廣「健康生活」出一分力的朋友加入我們的義工行列,參加今年度的義工訓練工作坊。具體內容如下:

  1. 了解煙、酒害的基本認識
  2. 提升其溝通技巧
  3. 學習使用一氧化碳呼氣測試機、血壓計及黃斑點病變快速測試,讓義工為未來投入義工服務而作準備

  1. 煙、酒害重點簡介
  2. 基本輔導技巧,學習如何跟物質濫用者打開話匣子
  3. 學習使用AUDIT test、一氧化碳呼氣測試機、血壓計及黃斑點病變快速測試(完成工作坊後,將獲頒發證書一張,並即場登記成為本計劃義工)

日期及時間*:2018年9月27-28日 (星期一至五)(4pm – 6pm)
2018年9月29-30日 (星期六及日)(2pm – 4pm)


Role of Volunteer: (1) 為社會大眾提供簡單的健康檢查(一氣化碳呼氣測試機及血壓計等)
(2) 為有需要的人士提供簡單的戒煙/戒酒輔導
(3) 協助進行不同類型的健康推廣活動
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 50-100
Application Method: 有意參加的同學請於21/9/2018或之前填妥義工報名表,然後傳真至2718 4634或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enquiry: 註冊社工黃先生(電話:2272 9863)
Deadline: 21 September 2018
Service Code: O-235
Service Name: Mentor@Home Scheme家「友」良師計劃
Organisation: Hong Kong Christian Service
Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER)
香港基督教服務處 融匯-少數族裔人士支援服務中心
Service Content: Since 2009, Mentor@Home has been providing face-to-face, one-to-one, home-based language training to ethnic minorities (EM) residents who are unable to attend formal language classes.
Our mentees are non-Chinese residents who are unable to attend Chinese/English courses conducted in classroom settings in the community. They might be persons with physical disability, housewives fully-occupied by household duties or senior residents with low mobility, etc.
Role of Volunteer: Voluntary mentors have to:
  • Attend a briefing session to learn more about the characteristics of EM and the operation of the scheme
  • Teach basic Cantonese / English (for daily conversation) to EM mentees
  • Submit a simple log sheet every month

To be eligible to enroll as a mentor, you MUST BE:
  • Aged 16 or above,
  • Secondary 5 education level or above,
  • Appreciate cultural diversity, and
  • Willing to provide at least 15-hour one-to-one and home-based language training to needed EM mentee.

      • A gift coupon valued $300 will be offered to each mentor after completion of the 15 mentorship hours and submitting all necessary documents
      • A service certificate can be provided upon request
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 12
Application Method: Complete the Mentor Enrollment Form and send to CHEER by:
  • WhatsApp (5634 4585) or
  • Fax (3106 0454) or
  • E-mail ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or
  • Post (Unit 3, 6/F, Futura Plaza, 111-113 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon)
Enquiry: Ms Fiona Hui at 5634 4585 (WhatsApp message), or 3106 3104 (phone call), or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: Open until filled
Service Code: O-234
Service Name: “Smoke-free Teens” Training Camp Facilitator
Organisation: Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
Service Content: The Smoke-free Teens Programme has been organised annually since 2012 by Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) to equip participants with knowledge on tobacco control and smoking hazards, and different skills through training camp and organisation of various activities to promote smoke-free culture.
COSH is recruiting voluntary camp facilitators who are studying in university and can speak fluent Cantonese to lead the Smoke-free Teens to participate in camp activities, assist them in understanding their roles on promoting tabacco control, and help ensure a smooth and safe camp. An honorarium (HK$300/camp) per camp with meals and accommodation will be provided to each facilitator.
Camp dates and time (4 camps, 2-Day-1-Night)*
  • • 8:30am, 18 July 2018 – 6pm, 19 July 2018
  • • 8:30am, 24 July 2018 – 6pm, 25 July 2018
  • • 8:30am, 30 July 2018 – 6pm, 31 July 2018
  • • 8:30am, 6 August 2018 – 6pm, 7 August 2018
  • *Candidates are encouraged to join all of the above sessions.
Role of Volunteer:
  • • Assist COSH staff in overseeing the activities, general camp operations;
  • • Lead a group of Smoke-free Teens to participate in the activities to ensure a safe and smooth camp;
  • • Assist in enhancing Smoke-free Teens’ knowledge on the hazards of smoking, related tobacco control issues, as well as share findings/ experiences (e.g. how to help youth smokers quit, organizing events or activities etc). Briefing will be provided;
  • • Facilitate group discussion and group activities; and
  • • Assist Smoke-free Teens in understanding their roles on promoting tobacco control.
Click HERE for more information about the role of facilitators.
Programme website
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 16-20 per camp
Application Method: Complete the volunteer registration form and send to Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health by post (Unit 4402-03, 44/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong) or email ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
Enquiry: Ms Tracy Wong or Ms Eunice Fung at 2185 6399 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: 10 July 2018


| Elderly Services | Family Services | Rehabilitation Services | Youth Services | Other Services |

Please note that the following activities are not organised by PolyU and hence will not be covered by any of the insurance policies of the University. You are strongly advised to take care of your own personal accident / medical insurance. Also, please be aware and take care of all your personal medical needs while undertaking the activities.

No Current Recruitment.


| Elderly Services | Family Services | Rehabilitation Services | Youth Services | Other Services |

Please note that the following activities are not organised by PolyU and hence will not be covered by any of the insurance policies of the University. You are strongly advised to take care of your own personal accident / medical insurance. Also, please be aware and take care of all your personal medical needs while undertaking the activities.

Service Code: R-87
Service Name: 暑期班導師及義工
Organisation: 自閉症人士福利促進會
Service Content: Download
Role of Volunteer: 協助自閉症人士上課及活動
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 25
Application Method: 填妥暑期班義工登記表
Enquiry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: 15 June 2019

| Elderly Services | Family Services | Rehabilitation Services | Youth Services | Other Services |

Please note that the following activities are not organised by PolyU and hence will not be covered by any of the insurance policies of the University. You are strongly advised to take care of your own personal accident / medical insurance. Also, please be aware and take care of all your personal medical needs while undertaking the activities.

Service Code: E-61
Service Name: 九龍城及油尖旺區「跨界同心˙關懷社區」協作平台 油尖旺區「讓愛同行」活動計劃 義工招募
Organisation: 社會福利署
Service Content: 為推動油尖旺區建立關愛共融社區及發動區內各持份者合作推行關愛行動,九龍城及油尖旺區「跨界同心˙關懷社區」協作平台油尖旺區工作小組,將於本年12月29日舉辦「讓愛同行」探訪活動,以支援居於油尖旺區的弱勢社群,包括隱蔽長者、隱蔽/老齡化殘疾人士,以及他們的照顧者。為加強義工對外展探訪的溝通技巧 、安全意識及社區資源的認識,工作小組於本年12月15日將提供「探訪服務義工訓練」予所有參與探訪活動的義工。
Role of Volunteer: 油尖區各機構/團體義工
日期 內容 時間 地點
15/12/2018(六) 探訪服務義工訓練 下午2:30-4:00 浸信會愛群社會服務處陳德生
29/12/2018(六) 計劃啟動禮 下午1:30-2:30 旺角街坊會陳慶社會服務中心
29/12/2018(六) 探訪服務 下午3:00-4:30 油尖旺區家庭
No. of volunteers to be recruited: 200
Application Method:
Enquiry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline: 3 December 2018



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Kowloon, Hong Kong


+ 852 2766 4376


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