Issue 20 - July 2021
Online Information Sessions on Service-Learning Subjects on Offer in Semester One of 2021/22
SLLO Annual Report 2019-20
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FAQs on Service-Learning subjects in the time of COVID-19 pandemic



On Subject Registration

In general, you may refer to AR’s guide on subject registration.
Do I need to take a service-learning subject?

Yes. In general, all PolyU undergraduate students have to complete the service-learning requirement. You should double-check with your home department for more information, including when you are recommended to take your SL subject.
Can all PolyU students register in a service-learning subject in any semester?

Yes, though your department may have some recommendations as to when it would be best for you to take your SL subject. In general, you may register in a SL subject whenever you want, with the exception that Year 1 students on Bachelor's Degree (4-year duration) are not eligible to take service-learning in their first semester.
Do I need to enrol in a service-learning subject by myself?

Some departments may require their students to complete a DSR service-learning subject within their own department, e.g. SO and RS. Other than that, all students have to enrol in a service-learning subject by themselves.
How can I know more about the SL subjects? Where can I find the subject information?

The Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO) will send emails on subject registration for service-learning subjects before the subject registration period for each semester. You should check your emails frequently and ensure you can receive emails from SLLO.

In addition, SLLO also holds information sessions before subject registration periods. These information sessions are also announced via emails.

Some basic subject information can be found on SLLO’s website here. For more details on subject arrangements and requirements, please get in touch with the subject teachers or departments directly.
When is the subject registration for SL subjects?

Service-learning subjects which DO NOT require pre-selection of students (that is, they are first-come-first-served) are open for registration during the subject registration, adjustment before semester commencement and add/drop periods, just like other subjects. You should take note of AR’s announcements.

Some service-learning subjects require that students go through a selection process rather than first-come-first served. These subjects will be open for application during the indication period for service-learning subjects which require pre-selection of students. The email on the indication of interest for service-learning subjects requiring pre-selection of students is always sent before the indication period. You should check your emails frequently and ensure you can receive emails from SLLO.
I cannot register in a SL subject on the system. What should I do?

Usually this happens for four reasons: (1) you have a timetable clash with other subjects that you are already registered in; (2) you have already exceeded your maximum credit load; (3) the subject is already full and does not have any vacancies; (4) the subject is restricted to students from specific faculties/departments/programmes.

For technical issues related to the subject registration system, get in touch with the Academic Registry for help at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The SL subjects that I wish to register in do not have vacancy anymore. What should I do?

You can waitlist the subject and the system will register the class for you via the auto-top up process when vacancies are available. For more details of the waitlisting function, please refer to the AR website.
I am not sure about when I should take a service-learning subject. What should I do?

You should discuss your study plan, workloads, etc., with your academic advisor or your programme leader at your own department, or the academic advising officers at SAO.
I am graduating in this academic year / semester, but I have not fulfilled the SL requirement. What should I do?

Graduating students are assigned an early subject registration start time by AR, meaning that they will get to choose their SL subject before the other students do. Pay attention to the subject registration timeline provided by AR. Use this early subject registration start time to register for a SL subject as early as possible. If you need more advice, please speak with your academic advisor or the programme leader at your own department, and/or the academic advising officers of SAO.
I am planning to go on to exchange and/or arranging for my internship, etc., but I have not fulfilled the SL requirement. What should I do?

You should discuss your study plan with your academic advisor or your programme leader at your own department. You can also contact the academic advising officers of SAO for advice and assistance.
Can I apply for credit transfer for SL subjects?

Students can apply for credit transfer for service-learning subjects, like other academic subjects. The information about credit transfer can be found HERE.

On the Indication of Interest for Service-Learning Subjects Requiring Pre-selection of Students

In general, you may refer to AR’s guide HERE.
Can all PolyU students indicate their interest for service-learning subjects requiring pre-selection of students during the indication period?

All PolyU undergraduate students can indicate their interest. Some subjects however may be restricted to certain faculties or departments (check the subject information here). Also, first-year students on Bachelor's Degree (4-year duration) are not eligible to take service-learning in their first semester.
How can I know what subjects require pre-selection? Where can I find the subject information?

The email informing students about service-learning subjects requiring pre-selection of students is always sent before the indication period. You should check your emails frequently and ensure you can receive emails from SLLO.

Information sessions are also held before/during the indication period. Notification emails are sent beforehand as well.

Some basic subject information can be found on SLLO’s website here. For more detailed subject arrangements and requirements, please get in touch with the subject teachers directly.
How about subjects that DO NOT require pre-selection of students?

Service-Learning subjects that do not require pre-selection of students will be open for registration during the subject registration, adjustment before semester commencement and add/drop periods, just like all other academic subjects.

Some basic subject information can be found on SLLO’s website here. For more details on the subject arrangements and requirements, please get in touch with the subject teachers directly.
What is “subject group” selection on the indication system?

Some subjects may have more than one service project and/or have different teachers and class arrangements. For easier management, these subjects sometimes create separate subject groups. If you are interested in two subject groups, indicate your interest for both groups separately via the subject group selection. They are counted as two indications.
Why can’t I find the service-learning subjects I want which require pre-selection of students on the indication system?

Some subjects arrange for their student recruitment directly via their academic departments without using the AR’s indication system. Please watch out for emails from SLLO and/or the academic department(s) concerned.
I have indicated my interest in service-learning; however when I check my subject registration history, I found that there is no history of my service-learning registration.

Indicating that you are interested in taking a subject that requires pre-selection of students does not automatically enrol you into the subject. The subject offering department will get in touch with you regarding the selection process. For example, they may ask you to submit a video, or attend an interview.
I have submitted my choices of service-learning subjects requiring pre-selection of students. How can I re-prioritize my choices after the indication period?

You should send your request to the subject offering departments as soon as possible.
I missed the indication of interest for service-learning subjects. What should I do?

The list of students who indicated interest for the subjects are sent to the teachers immediately after the deadline and the indication cannot be reopened. The reason is that there is usually very little time between the deadline and when the teachers have to make their final decisions as to which students they will accept. There are many SL subjects offered which do not need pre-selection. You may wish to consider these subjects.
If I am selected for a service-learning subject that requires pre-selection, and then I change my mind, can I drop it ?

You can always drop a service-learning subject like other subjects. HOWEVER, if the subject arrangements do not fit your needs, we highly recommend that you do not enrol in these subjects in the first place, as SL subjects that require pre-selection of students will not be open for other students’ online registration. This means that a class quota will be wasted and another student who wants to take the subject may not get a chance. Also, since SL subjects serve the needy people in the community, reduction in the number of students providing the service may also adversely affect the service quality and arrangements.
I am not sure about when I should take a service-learning subject. What should I do?

We strongly suggest that you speak with your department academic advisor, your programme leader, and/or the academic advising officers at SAO to work out your study plan.

On Service Projects

How can I check the service schedule of the service-learning subjects?

You can find the brief subject information at SLLO website under “Subjects on Offer”. There are brief information about the service schedule and contact information of the subject teachers. SLLO regularly organizes information sessions for students. Email notifications will be sent from SLLO.
Can my service hours in other voluntary activities (not assigned or arranged by the subject teacher) be counted as or be used to fulfil the 40 service hours as required by the subject?

No. Only the service activities assigned and arranged by the subject teacher are eligible to be counted into the 40 service hours as required by the subject.

On Funding Opportunities

Any funding sources to support students’ participation in Service-Learning (SL)?

Yes, there are funding to [1] support student-initiated SL projects, [2] subsidize students to join offshore projects, and [3] support students in SL overseas exchange or internship.

On eLearning Module on Service-Learning

Can I use my personal email address to register a KEEP account in e-Learning Module?

Please use your PolyU email address to register a KEEP account, otherwise, we cannot search your records from the database.
How to complete the e-Learning module?

(1) Study all learning materials in Units 1 to 4
(2) Complete all learning activities
(3) Complete all End-of-Unit Tests and obtain a combined total of 50% or more from the tests
(4) Complete the Course Evaluation Survey
What if I fail to obtain a combined total of 50% or more from the tests at the end of each unit by using all attempts?

Please consult your subject teacher.
Do I need to do the e-Learning Module on Service-Learning once again if this is not the first time I am taking a SL subject at PolyU?

Please contact SLLO by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (852) 2766-4376 during office hours.



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