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Service-Learning Symposium for Secondary Schools [Online]
28 November 2020 (Saturday) / 9:00 – 13:00

2020年11月28日/ 早上9時至下午1時

The Service-Learning Symposium for Secondary Schools, organized by the Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, will be held virtually on 28 November 2020, Saturday, from 9 am to 1 pm. We invite secondary school principals and teachers who are interested in service-learning to the symposium.

Programme 程序

08:50 – 09:00 Opening 開幕禮
  Welcome Remarks  Password was sent via a separated email.
- Dr. Grace NGAI

- Head of Service-Learning and Leadership Office
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Opening Remarks Password was sent via a separated email.
- Prof. Daniel T.L. SHEK
- Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme)
- Chair Professor of Applied Social Sciences
- Li & Fung Professor in Service Leadership Education
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 倪恩恩博士

- 服務學習與領導才能發展處處長
- 香港理工大學

- 石丹理教授

- 協理副校長(本科生課程)
- 應用社會科學系講座教授
- 利豐服務領導教育教授
- 香港理工大學
09:30 – 10:30 Keynote Speech 主題演講
  Service-Learning in Secondary Education: Value, Implementation Models, and Challenges Password was sent via a separated email.
- Ms. Susan Ward Roncalli

- Social Emotional Learning Facilitator for the Division of Instruction with the Los Angeles Unified School District
- National Board-Certified Teacher with over 30 years of classroom experience
- Susan Ward Roncalli女士

- 洛杉磯聯合學區教學部社會情緒能力學習倡導人
- 擁有30多年課堂經驗的美國國家教育委員會認證教師

10:30 – 10:45 Break 小休
10:45 – 11:45 Breakout Session 分組討論
  - STEM concept
- Language
- Liberal study
- Mathematics
- many more…
- STEM概念
- 語文
- 通識教育
- 數學
- 其他範疇…
11:45 – 12:15 Report Back Password was sent via a separated email 滙報
12:15 – 12:30 Closing Remarks 結束語

Keynote Speech 主題演講

Service-Learning in Secondary Education: Value, Implementation Models, and Challenges
This workshop will introduce participants to service-learning, which is a pedagogy that combines experiential learning with service to the community.  In service-learning, students learn educational standards through tackling real-life problems in their community. The speaker will share research that supports the use of this pedagogy to improve student academic gains and life skills such as problem solving and collaboration. The workshop will also explore what factors contribute to a high-quality service-learning project. Additionally, participants will practice by designing a service-learning project that aligns with their course’s content objectives.


Keynote Speaker 主題演講者

Susan Ward Roncalli
Susan Ward Roncalli is a veteran teacher with over 30 years of experience as a secondary English Language Arts instructor. She is currently working on her PhD at Claremont Graduate University. She was an International Baccalaureate Middle-Years Program and service-learning coordinator. She was a National Board-Certified Teacher. She has presented at conferences on service-learning and social emotional learning nationally and internationally. Susan was a Service-Learning Model Practitioner for the California Department of Education and is a member of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE).
Here is a list of organizations of which she has been a member, and conferences at which she has presented:
- Workshop Facilitator at Title VII Conference, “Using Service Learning to Teach a Second Language”, Los Angeles, 2000
- Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Graduation Requirement (Service-Learning) Task Force Member, 1998-2004
- Occidental College Community-Based Learning Committee Co-Chair, 2000-2002
- California Department of Education: Service-Learning Model Practitioner, 2001-2004
- Presenter at International Service-Learning in Teacher Education Conference
      - Brussels (2007), “How to Inspire Reluctant Teachers to Try Service-Learning”
      - Galway (2009), “Service-Learning and College Awareness”
      - Indiana (2011), “Shifting Teacher Practice using Service-Learning”
      - Galway (2017), “Service-Learning and Self-Efficacy”
- Presenter at California Service-Learning Leadership Conference (2008, 2009, 2010)
- California Department of Education Certified Trainer: Service-Learning, 2009-2010
- Co-Presenter at American Evaluation Association with Dr. Rob Shumer on “Youth Led Evaluation”, Anaheim, 2011

Susan Ward Roncalli是位資深教師,具30多年在美國擔任中學英語語文講師的經驗,現正在美國Claremont Graduate University攻讀博士學位。她的資歷包括國際中學課程(簡稱IB 中學課程)項目和服務學習統籌教師,以及美國國家教育委員會認證教師,曾在國內外有關服務學習和社會情緒能力學習的學術會議上多次演講。她曾獲美國加州教育部頒發服務學習模範教師獎,並且是服務學習及社區參與國際研究協會(International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement [ARSLCE])的成員。
Susan Ward Roncalli曾參加過的組織及擔任講者的學術會議包括:
- 洛杉磯Title VII會議 (2000)「運用服務學習來教授第二語言」工作坊主持人
- 洛杉磯聯合學區(Los Angeles Unified School District [LAUSD])畢業條件(服務學習)工作小組成員,1998-2004
- Occidental College社區學習委員會聯席主席,2000-2002
- 美國加州教育部服務學習模範教師獎,2001-2004
- 師資培訓學術會議中就國際服務學習主題的演講:
      - 布魯塞爾(2007)「激勵不願參與的教師一試服務學習」
      - 愛爾蘭高威市(2009)「服務學習和大學意識」
      - 印第安納州(2011)「利用服務學習改變教師的教學」
      - 愛爾蘭高威市(2017)「服務學習和自我效能感」
- 美國加州服務學習領導能力會議(2008-2010)的主持人
- 美國加州教育部認證導師(服務學習),2009-2010
- 美國加州阿納海姆市(2011)美國評估協會(American Evaluation Association [AEA] )與Dr. Rob Shumer聯合主講「青年領導評估」

Registration 報名

Enquiry 查詢 

梁葳女士Ms. Renee Leung: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / (852) 2766 6802)
張麗萍女士 Ms. Eugene Leung: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /(852) 3400 3298



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