| Elderly Services | Family Services | Rehabilitation Services | Youth Services | Other Services |
Please note that the following activities are not organised by PolyU and hence will not be covered by any of the insurance policies of the University. You are strongly advised to take care of your own personal accident / medical insurance. Also, please be aware and take care of all your personal medical needs while undertaking the activities.
Service Code: | E-61 | ||||||||||||||||
Service Name: | 九龍城及油尖旺區「跨界同心˙關懷社區」協作平台 油尖旺區「讓愛同行」活動計劃 義工招募 | ||||||||||||||||
Organisation: | 社會福利署 | ||||||||||||||||
Service Content: | 為推動油尖旺區建立關愛共融社區及發動區內各持份者合作推行關愛行動,九龍城及油尖旺區「跨界同心˙關懷社區」協作平台油尖旺區工作小組,將於本年12月29日舉辦「讓愛同行」探訪活動,以支援居於油尖旺區的弱勢社群,包括隱蔽長者、隱蔽/老齡化殘疾人士,以及他們的照顧者。為加強義工對外展探訪的溝通技巧 、安全意識及社區資源的認識,工作小組於本年12月15日將提供「探訪服務義工訓練」予所有參與探訪活動的義工。 | ||||||||||||||||
Role of Volunteer: |
No. of volunteers to be recruited: | 200 | ||||||||||||||||
Application Method: | https://polyu.hk/TfUbn | ||||||||||||||||
Enquiry: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | ||||||||||||||||
Deadline: | 3 December 2018 | ||||||||||||||||