Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code 44089
Stream Code
SFM for MSc (Full-time)
SFP for PgD (Full-time)
GPM for MSc (Part-time)
SPP for PgD (Part-time)
Mode of Study Mixed Mode
Normal Duration
1.5 years (Full-time)
2.5 years (Part-time)
Credits Required for Graduation
31 for MSc,
19 for PgD
Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025 * Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-19; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30
Non-Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025 * Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-19; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30
Programme Leaders
Programme Director
Prof. SONG Miao
Exit Award
Students admitted to the MSc programme may apply for early exit with a Postgraduate Diploma if they have met the specified credit requirements.
Mode of Study
Students may take on either a full-time study load (9 credits or more in a semester) or a part-time study load (fewer than 9 credits in a semester). In general, one evening/daytime class per week will be scheduled for each subject over a regular 13-week semester and two evening classes per week over a 7-week optional Summer Term.
Note to Applicants
Please complete all of the relevant fields and enclose all necessary documents. Incomplete applications cannot be processed promptly.
Aims and Characteristics
- Broad knowledge and skills in global supply chain management
- A thorough grounding in subjects that lead to the knowledge and intellectual capability required for the understanding and critical analysis of supply chain management problems
- Awareness of the global supply chain management environment and management issues
- An array of purchasing related subjects
Programme Aims
This programme equips executives with the capacity to create and sustain competitiveness in the supply chain by balancing cost, quality and efficiency.
The programme embodies both sound academic theory and professional practice. The combination of Compulsory Subjects and a wide range of Electives, including purchasing related subjects, reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the business that students in the programme can pursue.
Professional Recognition
- Graduates of the MSc in Global Supply Chain Management are granted full exemption from the Qualifying Examination of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong.
- Graduates of the PgD in Global Supply Chain Management are granted partial exemption from the Qualifying Examination of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong.
- Graduates of the MSc in Global Supply Chain Management having fulfilled certain subject requirements are granted accreditation by The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) and may apply for full membership. (Subject to review each year).
- Graduates of the MSc in Global Supply Chain Management with 2-years working experience in Purchasing/ Supply Chain/ Logistics or related field are qualified to register as member of The Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong (IPSHK).
- Students who complete one or more relevant subjects in MSc in Global Supply Chain Management are eligible to apply for the following qualifications provided by the Six Sigma Institute (SSI):
- Registered Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (RLSSGB)
- Registered Six Sigma Green Belt (RSSGB) and Registered Lean Leader (RLL)
- Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate
Note: Recognition is subject to assessment