Supervisory Arrangement

For students of regular RPg programmes

Each RPg student registered for PolyU’s RPg programme shall follow an approved programme of research and coursework under a Chief Supervisor and Co-supervisor, if appropriate.

For Collaborative PhD and Dual PhD students

A student registered for the Collaborative PhD Training programme or the Dual PhD Degree programme shall follow an approved programme of research and coursework under a Chief Supervisor from PolyU, a Chief Supervisor from the partner institution and, if appropriate, Co-supervisors.

With a view to providing both departments and newly-admitted RPg students with opportunities to identify the most appropriate supervisors, the D/SRCs shall follow one of the following supervisory arrangements:

  1. For an RPg student admitted with a detailed research proposal and a proposed Chief Supervisor, the D/SRC shall (i) assign a Chief Supervisor and (ii) assign Co-supervisors as appropriate when considering the application and approving the admission.
  2. For an RPg student admitted without being assigned a Chief Supervisor and without an approved research project at the point of admission, i.e., on the first day of his/her affiliation with the Department/School, the Department/School is obliged to assign the most suitable staff member(s) as supervisor(s) within four months of admission, and the RPg student and his/her supervisor(s) are required to formulate a research proposal for the D/SRC’s approval within four months of admission.

    Usually, three months after admitting the RPg student, the Department/School will invite him/her to submit the information on the supervisor(s) and research proposal using Form GSB/49 and Form GSB/1A.  A Collaborative PhD or Dual PhD student will be required to submit an updated study plan using Form GSB/J4

    Upon receipt of the required documents, the Department/School will confirm the supervisory arrangement and the programme of study with the student concerned in writing.