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“PolyU Taster Programme 2023” successfully completed

11 May 2023

The “PolyU Taster Programme 2023”, with 25 individual programmes organised by different faculties, schools and departments has been successfully completed with around 1,100 Secondary Four and Secondary Five students participating. The Programme aimed to provide an opportunity for secondary school students to experience university life and learn about different disciplines such as business, construction, fashion and design, health science, hotel and tourism, language and STEAM (i.e. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).

Participants interacted with PolyU scholars and students through a wide variety of activities, including undergraduate programme talks, thematic talks, student sharing sessions, workshops, interactive games, guided campus tours, and visits to laboratories and teaching facilities. They gained insight into features of our undergraduate programmes, which will prepare them to make better informed university choices when planning for their further studies.

Global Engagement Office

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