Shape the Future
Composer: On仔@C AllStar (Alumnus of School of Nursing)
Lyricist: Oscar (Alumnus of Department of English)
Arranger: Siu Tung (Alumna of Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies)
Singer: C AllStar
靠創意去覓我資格 撰寫新故事
靠智慧去突破想法 奏出新句子
You can shape the future You can find your way
You can seize your moment lighten up your days
我要以我學養一戰 再抓緊信念
要這世界由我改變 創出新發展
You can shape the future You can find your way
You can seize your moment lighten up your days
靠著遠大眼光 每碰到困阻 心開放
仍舊向前看 憑藉我實幹 成長裏我展開翅膀
我願繼續發光 靈魂寫出堅與壯 道更光 路更光
You can shape the future You can find your way
Open up your mind and change the world(仍舊記著為何)
You can seize your moment lighten up your days
Open up your mind and change the world
You can find your way Open up your mind
You can change the world
You can find your way Open up your mind
You can change the world
百千次 再多次 也只差一次
試 百千次 再多次 能領略意義
我確信理大裡找到 我的新發展