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The FH MOOC – “Humanities in Focus” Is Now Open for Registration

15 Dec 2022


FH Launched a New MOOC – Humanities in Focus

The online course “Humanities in Focus", created by top scholars within the Faculty of Humanities, offers an in-depth exploration of various subjects within the humanities and how they can help answer the big questions we face in our world today. Learners will engage in ongoing conversations about social issues in film, challenges and opportunities in art, experience and consciousness in history, and the power of language. This type of humanistic inquiry will allow learners to uncover the many insights that draw from the topics in this course, and more importantly to reflect on the fundamental question: Why does humanities matter? Registration is now open at

Dr PAN Lu and Dr Kathy MAK from the Department of Chinese Culture are two of the instructors of this online course.

About this course

Skip About this course

Humanities in Focus guides learners to explore and answer three fundamental questions

1. What is Humanities?

2. Why Humanities Matter?

3. Why Humanities matters to Me?

In each learning sequence, learners will first explore the topic through interactive discovery activities. Then our instructors will guide learners to question, humanise and connect problems and issues in those topics, and will share why they believe humanities matters. After watching each lecture video, learners will then reflect on their understanding through discussing selected issues with humanities in focus.

To help learners personalise the course content, presenters specialising in different majors and professional fields will share how a humanities perspective helped them solve problems and issues they faced in their fields. Learners will then reflect on how a humanities perspective can make a difference in their own field of expertise.


Duration: 24 Apr 2023 - 5 Jun 2023


Registration details :


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