Statistical Advisory Unit

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Our staff possess the experience and expertise to provide assistance and guidance on statistical matters, including:
- Econometric modelling
- Experimental design
- Financial time series analysis
- Forecasting by neural network
- Meta-analysis
- Medical statistics
- Model fitting and data analysis
- Mortality analysis
- Non-parametric inference
- Opinion poll
- Questionnaire design
- Stochastic scheduling
- Simulation
- Survey methods and sample design
- Survival analysis
- Time series with changing conditional variance (ARCH and GARCH)

- Coverage analysis of satellite broadcasting via Direct-To-Home (DTH) System
- Energy efficiency factorization
- Energy consumption forecast modelling
- FEHD Public Toilet customer satisfaction survey
- Household energy end use consumption estimation
- Housing recurrent survey
- Public transport services and facilities study at boundary control points
- Survey on propensity to use private cars to cross the Boundary
- Thematic Household Survey
- Transport energy consumption study
Dr He Daihai
- TU804, Core T, PolyU
- 2766 7864
Dr Wong Kin Yau, Alex
- TU701, Core T, PolyU
- 3400 8983