

Student Ambassador: Joyce

Major: BA (Hons) in Product Design

Transferred from: School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.


Something about me:

Hi everyone! This is Joyce from SD Product Design. I transferred from Commercial Design of HKBU SCE. As a senior year intake student, I felt quite confused and worried about my study pattern and my university life. Thanks to the SYA ambassadors, they held an online orientation and shared their year 3 university life. I got a lot of useful information from them, for example, how to choose the subjects to fulfil our study pattern and where can we see our reference checklist. Because of the SYA program, I got some opportunities to join different activities and made friends with other senior entry students. It made me feel more comfortable to be in the university. So, if you have any questions about your new school life, feel free to contact me! Hope all of you can enjoy your university life!


